Emily Williams, Owner Fit4Mom West Seattle
Emily Williams hit the snuggly-boy trifecta with Vance (5), Finn (4) and baby Nash (18 months). It was after Finn was born that she started looking for a new direction. She knew she wanted to be home with her kids, but she wasn’t willing to abandon work for good. So when the opportunity to purchase the Fit4Mom West Seattle franchise popped up three years ago, she jumped (and probably did a few burps too!). Ever since, she’s been helping moms fit into their skinny jeans with four fabu fitness programs. Clearly Emily’s found her passion. Last year, she won a Top Three Finalist Franchisee of the Year award out of 300 national programs. And she continually finds herself surrounded by a fantastic tribe of women who support her and make up her great team.
At home, Emily loves having living room dance parties with her kids. She cranks the music and everyone shakes their tail feathers till they can’t shake no more. In order to run her business from home, Emily has found wisdom in “carving out kiddo-free windows” where she just focuses on work. But when the window closes, her mommy hat goes back on, and the dance parties begin again. This little secret, coupled with grace, helps her find that ever-elusive work/life balance.
Power Mom Pearl: When “navigating the waters of mommyhood,” Emily encourages new moms to, “figure out what works for you and then just hold onto it for dear life!”
photo: Jake Williams