The internet can’t stop judging a single mom who woke up to find that her 4-year-old made a mess with a can of paint
Anyone who has ever parented a preschooler (or child of any age, for that matter) knows that they have a mind of their own. That’s why the judgy side of the internet needs to lay off this poor mom who woke up to a huge paint mess in her house, courtesy of her four-year-old. The only people who can talk are the ones whose kids have never made a mess before. Oh, right, that’s no one.
The mom of three, who goes by Peyote on TikTok, posted a video of what she discovered when she woke up in the morning. You can hear the absolute exhaustion in her voice as she pans the camera around and walks through her house to show puddles and streaks of bright blue paint everywhere—on the floors, the front door, the kitchen counters, the coffee table, and the fridge.
With her voice shaking, she says, “It’s really, really fun,” as her son can be heard in the background saying, “Mommy, I love you,” by way of an apology.
“I love you, too,” Peyote replies. “This is my life. I’m exhausted. It’s everywhere.”
None of us should be surprised that the mom-shamers came out in full force over the incident.
“I feel like I should be feeling remorse, BUT how does this happen? Like how long was your child unsupervised for while you were sleeping?” one commenter asked. Another very helpful commenter asked, “Why was the paint out where kids can get into it?”
For all the judgy jerks on the internet, Peyote posted some follow-ups where she further explained the situation. A single mom of three kids, she worked until 2:30 a.m., then was only able to get 90 minutes of sleep before she had to get up and get her daughters ready for school. Seeing that the 4-year-old was still asleep once the older kids were out the door, she did what any mom would do in that situation: she went back to bed.
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When he woke up, instead of getting Mom up like he usually does, her son decided to get into the paint—which the former owners of the home had left in the bottom of a bathroom closet, and which her kids had never touched before (until an older daughter decided to paint part of a room and failed to close the lid properly), Peyote explained. Listen, kids do just be like that sometimes. They’re humans with their own thoughts and feelings, and their actions aren’t always predictable.
As Peyote put it, “I’m a single mom raising three kids, doing the best I can. I work late at night, so sometimes sh–- happens. I hope nothing this bad ever happens again.”
We hope so, too, and we hope all the mom shamers on this video continue to enjoy perfectly restful nights and well-behaved kids—as long as they learn some empathy while they’re at it.