Being a stay-at-home mom is anything but easy! Heck, being a mom in general is tough—but I have come to learn a lot since becoming a mother.
I am a stay-at-home mom to my fifteen-month-old son. I have grown to love staying at home with him but believe me, there were days that I wanted to go back to work and have my mother or a nanny take care of my son while I worked.
I know I don’t have a lot of experience yet as a mother but from the experience I do have, I have come up with some tips on how to stay sane and actually enjoy being a stay-at-home mom. Learning from mistakes I made in the past, I’ve developed new habits and made some changes that have helped me become a more patient, loving and attentive parent.
1. Staying Organized
Motherhood is already messy and it can become messier when we don’t have structure and organization in our daily lives. I remember waking up next to my son after his morning nap looking at the time and feeling like I wasted the morning sleeping or just scrolling through my feed on Instagram. I was tired of the cycle of feeling like I was wasting time and not getting much done.
2. Wake Up Early
I know this one may be a tough task to accomplish especially if your little one still wakes up at night, but making an effort to wake up a little earlier than your spouse and baby gives you time to yourself to catch up on reading, drink your coffee (while its still hot), workout or whatever you want to do.
3. Exercise
Did you know that when you exercise your body releases endorphins that make you feel good? Yep. I experience that every time I workout. Since the beginning of 2018, I have made it a goal to exercise at least four times a week. Not only am I getting back in shape but I feel more energized and happy because I know that I did something good for myself.
4. Take a Break
You are not weak if you ask the grandparents or a babysitter to watch the kids for a few hours while you go get a pedicure, run some errands or do some shopping. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. We all need help sometimes!
5. Keep a Journal
Writing has always been something I have loved to do! I have many journals filled with thoughts, dreams, prayers and revelations The Lord has given me. What I can’t express verbally, I do it in writing and I find that it brings me some relief writing my thoughts down. If you had a tough day, write it down. Years later you can look back on those hard times and be thankful that they were only for a season. I like writing letters to God because He alone gives us the strength we need to live each day. Journal what’s important to you.
6. Find a Hobby
I took it upon myself to start learning how to play the guitar this year. My husband plays, I sing and I have always wanted to raise a family where we are musically inclined and talented. While my toddler is busy playing or is entertained, I practice at least thirty to forty minutes a day.
7. Spend Time With Other Moms
Spending time with other moms is another way to relieve some stress the day may bring. Go grab some coffee with a friend and just chat and catch up. When mothers unite, we can encourage each other when we face certain challenges.
8. Get Out of the House
It can get tiring for mom and baby to always be at home. There will always be things to do around the house: there will always be dishes to wash, laundry to do, trash to take out, crumbs to sweep off the floor, etc.
9. Get Ready
I have always struggled to get ready even when my son was a few months old. I was either too lazy or the moment I attempted to get ready, my baby would cry for my attention. Some days I lived in my pajamas but I also felt extremely unproductive when I didn’t make an effort to get ready.
Yes, I understand that it is hard and I even found myself applying mascara while holding my baby at times (whatever works for you). Now that he is a toddler, I let him cry for a bit because sometimes there is just no way around it.
10. Count Your Blessings
Sometimes, we can fall prey to whining and complain when our children are fussy or when they throw a temper tantrum or make a huge mess. Sometimes our emotions will match our child’s emotions but it shouldn’t be that way.
You do not have to worry about what your kids are learning and picking up if other people take care of them. You have the opportunity to mold your child and watch all of their milestones when you stay at home with them. Remember to try and have a grateful heart.