Tantalize your family’s taste buds with this one-pot culinary delight. Cheese, chicken, and pasta make this dish hearty and satisfying, while the spices, tomatoes, and mushrooms balance out the dish’s nutritional needs. Ceri Marsh from Sweet Potato Chronicles gives the details on recreating this simple meal.

Ingredients for One Pot Tomato Chicken:

1 Tbsp olive oil
4 skin­less, bone­less chicken breasts, cubed
2 cloves gar­lic, minced
2 cups mush­rooms, sliced
1 Tbsp fresh Thyme
1/2 cup white wine
1/2 cup chicken stock (or 1 cup of stock if you don’t have or feel like using wine)
1 x 28 oz can of whole toma­toes
1 cup water
225 grams of dried pasta
salt and pep­per to taste
1/2 cup mozzarella


1. Warm up your olive oil in a large, deep skil­let over medium heat. Brown the chicken, you may need to work in batches. If you over­crowd the pan you’re going to boil the meat and that’s not what you want! Once all the meat is nicely browned (but don’t worry about it being cooked through), add the gar­lic and give it all a stir.

2. Now add the thyme and mush­rooms and let them soften up and kick off their juices. Now add the wine and/or stock, water, and toma­toes. Break the toma­toes up with the back of a wooden spoon.

3. Bring the sauce to a bub­bly sim­mer and add your pasta. As the pasta soft­ens up in the heat, push it under the liq­uid. Depending on which pasta you’re using it will take about 15 to 20 minutes—it will be longer than if you were just straight up boil­ing the pasta in water. Give it a taste now so you know how much salt and pep­per to add. Remove from the heat.

4. Top with a big hand­ful of moz­zarella and allow that to melt as you bring your yummy din­ner to the table. After din­ner, get some­one else to wash that one pot!

Sweet Potato Chronicles focuses on children’s health and nutrition and is co-founded by fashion editors Laura Keogh and Ceri Marsh. Their site cuts through the clutter and provides parents with the most important information on cooking for kids. For more healthy eats and family fare, head on over and follow Sweet Potato Chronicles


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