What do you want to be when you grow up? We love asking this question to our kids because of the hilarious and always honest responses it elicits (not to mention their different answers every week). From a ninja to zoo keeper to a monkey, we’ve heard it all and can’t help but love their ambition. So tell us — what do your kids say when you ask them: What do you want to be when you grow up? Share their responses in the comment section below and we’ll add them to our story.
Thomas, 2.5: An “oooh ahhh oooh ahhh” aka a monkey in Thomas-talk.
Sophie, 5: A mommy who cooks, like you!
Jamie, 7: A Ninja Chef when I grow up. A chef M-F, a Ninja on Saturday and Sundays I would have off. [Editor’s Note: See Jamie’s drawing above about his future career as a Ninja Chef]
Pete (aka Zach) – soccer player
Re-Pete (aka Aiden) – soccer player
Blake, 4.5: When I grow up I want to be a ninja so I can fight the bad guys!
Jack, 6.5: When I grow up I want to be a police officer because they’re awesome!
Noah, 4: a garbage truck driver.
Brody, 2: a fireman.
Pierre, 5: an artist.
Felix, 5 (and Pierre’s twin brother): a singer.
Elisabeth, 8: a marine biologist.
Violet, 5: a ninja.
Nina, 5: a doctor who teaches preschoolers how to be a doctor and then she will quit and become a preschool teacher!
Eli, 2 1/2: a construction worker on a tractor digging up dirt!
Dylan, 3: she wants to be “a big girl.”
We’d love to hear from your kids! Share their responses in the comment section below and we’ll add them to our story.