Video: Retro Report via YouTube

How much time do you spend with your child? This is a question that guilts many working parents. The idea is if you are a working mom or dad, you are failing your kid. Well, according to The Mommy Wars by Retro Report, this is a complete myth.

In the video linked above, the reporters uncovered that rather than spending less time with their kids, research shows that, on average, working parents are spending more total time interacting with their kids now than they ever have.

Say what!?

The new research revealed that when you look just at time spent interacting with their kids (singing, reading, feeding, comforting, etc.) you find that by the year 2000, working mothers spent as much time as stay-at-home moms did back in 1975.

They also note that focusing relentlessly on total time spent parenting misses the point– it’s all about time spent interacting. They saw that the mothers who work full time will never spend as much total time in the presence of their children as mothers who stay at home, though the time spent directly interacting with them often ends up about the same.

The study concludes that more time with your children isn’t necessarily better, it’s how well you use that precious time with your kids that make the difference.

What are your thoughts? Tell us in the comments below!

H/T: Quartz
Featured Photo: TownePost Network via Flickr
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