Get little warriors moving (and tire them out) with these 10 clever obstacle courses for kids. Participants will break a sweat and the best part? Each one of these DIY obstacle courses can be easily set up inside or in the backyard. From an all-star athlete adventure to easy sidewalk chalk, it’ll be hard to pick just one. On your mark, get set, go!

1. Learning Letters DIY Obstacle Course
Easy as A-B-C! From teaching the alphabet to math problems, kids can learn on the move with this studious obstacle course designed for kids from Hands on as We Grow.
2. All-Star Obstacle Course
Whether your little sports star loves to dribble the ball or take free throw shots, this DIY obstacle course deserves a trophy. Find a big bucket and beach balls (easy on furniture!), and you're good to go. Get the details for this sporty idea over at My Big Happy Life.

3. Circus Obstacle Course
Get ready for the big top! This one is good for a backyard obstacle course; with plenty of room, you can have a circus-themed DIY obstacle course. From jumping through hula hoops to feats on the balance beam, we’ve found plenty of ideas over at Be a Fun Mum.
4. Hot Lava Obstacle Course
Look out for the lava! Whether it’s walking over cushions, a balance beam, or traversing a bench, your little explorers need to avoid the hot lava that’s oozing down from the giant volcano. Cruise over to Crumb Bums for directions on making this indoor obstacle course perfect for your adventurous crew.

5. Bike Obstacle Course
You'll need sports cones and sidewalk chalk to set up this simple tricycle obstacle course for your tiny tike. Create turnarounds and crazy eight loops and then draw chalk arrows (and other helpful suggestions) to keep your tot on track. Once you’ve mapped out the basics, it’s time to get creative. Put in ramps, a cardboard box tunnel or two, and maybe even a sprinkler. Run it as a relay between siblings if you’ve got multiple kids to entertain. Here are even more tricycle race ideas.
6. Sidewalk Chalk Obstacle Course
Grab a piece of colorful sidewalk chalk and give directions to jump, count, turn around, or do whatever your kid loves to do. Then simply draw a start and finish line and you're ready to go! This is perfect for the sidewalk out front or on a patio in the backyard.

7. Don’t Disturb the Obstacles Course
You'll need to dig out those winter holiday decorations because they’re the centerpiece of this inventive obstacle course dreamed up by the creative minds at Childhood 101. As they make their way over, under, and around your tricky design, your normally noisy kiddos can’t make any sound here.
8. Tape Obstacle Course
We’re crushing on this simple obstacle course for your crew, and not just because you can set it up as easily inside as you can outside. All you need is a roll of blue painter’s tape—create balance beams, squares to be jumped in or over, squiggly rivers that need crossing… the list is endless. Then it’s up to the competitors to travel safely around, over, between, and through all the imaginatively large obstacles you’ve laid out for them.

9. Glow-in-the-Dark Obstacle Course
If you buy glow sticks in bulk, you're in luck. Once the sun has set, lay out your sticks, creating glowing patches that require jumping, paths that need careful crossing, and even sticks that need to be collected. Then send your crew off and running. A few porch lights or flashlights can help them navigate things safely.
10. Boot Camp Course
You don’t need to dig out fatigues for your kids to complete this army-inspired obstacle course. But you do need to think like a drill sergeant when you set it up. We’re talking tire ladders (or hula hoops) made for running, string suspended a couple of feet off the ground for crawling under, and boards made for balancing. Add in a few push-ups, jumping jacks, and “sir, yes, sir” along the way and you’ve got a challenging course for your sidekick to soldier through.
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