Is there anything more exciting than planning a summer vacation? When school is out and the trip is booked, the anticipation of sun, sand, and swimming is so much fun. For moms, however, one not-so-fun task gets in the way every time: packing. So much stuff needs to be organized before vacation mode begins, and TODAY meteorologist Dylan Dreyer hilariously showed us just how different that typically looks for moms versus dads.

Dreyer, who has three boys, shared a trio of pictures of what her routine looks like ahead of a family vacation. In the first shot, there are stacks of kids’ shirts, shorts, pajamas, and underwear all over the floor just waiting to be packed. You can tell it probably took hours—from finding and washing and folding everything, to deciding what stays and what goes.

In the next shot, those piles of clothing are neatly stacked (sideways, naturally, to save space) inside a suitcase, ready to hit the road for family fun.

The third shot, however, might be the one that feels most familiar to moms. Dreyer snapped a pic of her husband’s packing situation, which looks like he simply threw some stuff in a duffel bag and tossed some shirts still on hangers on top of it. It probably took five minutes, give or take a few, and he’s ready to go. “Packing 3 kids for @acchampionship in Tahoe takes a lot of organizing. Packing 1 man apparently does not,” Dreyer captioned the funny photo.

The juxtaposition is comical, but no judgment if it works for them. While some dads might be able to handle packing for themselves and their kiddos, I suspect a good number of them would forget the kids’ swimsuits for the beach vacation or only pack sandals for the family ski trip. Moms, on the other hand, know there’s no quicker way to ruin a getaway than by rushing the packing process.

This isn’t the first time Dreyer has been #relatable on Instagram.

She shared a cute pic with all three of her boys back in President’s Day back in February, a day off for much of the workforce—but never for a mom.

Let’s hope that with a vacation on the horizon, Dreyer finally gets some time to rest and recharge. Because when she gets home, someone’s going to need to unpack—which might be the most exhausting part of all.

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