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Food Blogger Confidential: Best Seasonal Recipes

Your enthusiasm at the farmers market got the best of you and you’ve returned home with heaps of peaches, tomatoes and zucchini that were just too good to pass up. Easily transform your seasonal haul to kid-friendly eats with these ideas from some of our favorite food bloggers. They dished to us about their choice farmers market finds and seasonal recipe picks. Flip through the photo gallery and get cooking.

Liz Weiss and Janice Newell Bissex – Meal Makeover Moms

Produce Pick: Kale

Dynamic dietician duo Liz and Janice are on a mission to help families eat healthier. On their recent visits to their local farmers market they've enjoyed the abundance of kale. The 2013 Red Tricycle Totally Awesome Awards Finalists explain, "Right now, farmers' markets across the country are brimming with just-picked kale. As dietitians, we love kale because it's packed with nutrients like immune-boosting vitamin A and bone-building vitamin K. It's a versatile veggie, and our kids always say, 'more please,' when we turn it into kale chips or chop it up and mix into crisp summer salads or savory burritos."  A hit with both of their families this summer is this recipe for kale and black bean burritos.

Get the recipe by clicking here and then be sure to visit for more healthy recipe ideas.

What’s your favorite farmers market find? And, do you have a great recipe that goes along with your seasonal produce pick?

– Erin Lem

all photos courtesy of each blogger