Summer screams curbside lemonade stand. But, if you’re out of the sweetly sour stuff and still want to widen your young entrepreneurs’ selling scope with fun summer jobs, we scoped out eight great alternatives that will get your little people selling out fast. Keep reading to see them all.
1. Watermelon Stand
Ice cold watermelon is a hot weather staple. And, not only does it give you a boost of energy, this is a pretty affordable product to sell. Simply slice it up, store in an ice chest and watch your kids sell a slice of summer.
2. Otter Pop Stand
On a hot day, anything cold is sure to be a hit. So let your kids break open the freezer and get out the Otter Pops (also called Freezer Pops or Fun Pops) to sell to those who need something cold to quench their thirst. Hint: You can also pair the pops with water or juice to make for double-hydration.
3. Popcorn Stand
You can make a ton of this movie-night favorite right on your stove in a large pot. Or, if you have one of those classic movie theater poppers, it’ll add major curbside appeal. Order a few packages of nostalgic popcorn containers and you’re all set.
4. Advice Stand
It worked for Charlie Brown and Lucy! Let your kids put on their doctor hats (and costumes, if they have them!) and dispense psychological help to anyone willing to pay a few pennies for a little kid-branded honesty. Kids say the darndest things, after all; your little doctors may just do some good.
5. Bake Sale
Bake sales are par for the course at school fundraisers; why not bake some yummy treats for a private streetside sale? This project gives your littles two activities to do: One, in helping you bake the goods; two, for bringing in the bucks when they sell them. Any leftovers can be frozen and stashed for a special occasion. Like tomorrow.
6. Tattoo Stand
Order a few dozen of your kids’ favorite temporary tattoos, add water and a washcloth, and you’ve got yourself the makings of a very fun roadside pit stop.
7. Greeting Card Sale
Let your kids pen good wishes and illustrations onto their own homemade greeting cards. Since these creations take a bit of work on behalf of your aspiring Hallmarkers, your kids can charge a little more for each product ($1 a card isn’t unreasonable). They’ll be aspiring greeting card writers by day’s end.
8. A Hose-Down Stand
With temps rocketing well over 100 in much of the U.S., a nice misting of cool water might be worth a few pennies. Have your little water hosers hunker down by the street, ready to spray anyone who wants to pay a nickel or two for the instant cool-down. Don’t be surprised if your tots are soaking wet by the end of this little business venture.
This 9-Year-Old’s Lemonade Stand Made Over $5,000 for the Best Reason Ever
10 Modern Twists on the Traditional Lemonade
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