If you want to have a successful grown-up date night in this town, you need a plan—and it better be a good one. Since it’s not always easy to strike that perfect balance between “pre-game” drink, food and a show (sans the kids), our partners in crime at 7×7 bring you the Date Night series — a block-by-block guide to weekend itineraries that only require one parking space. For this weekend’s crawl, be sure to book the babysitter because a grown-up only night of fun awaits in North Beach

See: Annual comedy barrage SF Sketchfest takes venues all over the city this weekend. One of our favorites, Cobbs Comedy Club still has tickets to “Pretty Good Friends” on Saturday and Sunday nights. The comedy show features mostly New York-based comics like Eugene Mirman and Bobcat Goldthwait (a.k.a. “Zed” from the Police Academy  and Egg Stork from One Crazy Summer, yeah, this guy), bringing their Brooklyn-born act straight into the belly of North Beach.

For plan the rest of your much needed date night accordingly, be sure to read 7×7’s full article by clicking here.

This is our weekly guest post from our friends at 7×7, a site that keeps you up on the best of SF. We’ve teamed up for an exciting partnership to bring you a fantastic Date Night idea each week. Be sure to check out their blog for hourly doses of the best of SF.

photo courtesy of India Curry House