For most parents, protecting kids is their natural instinct. However, you must learn to loosen the reigns every now and then if you want your children to grow into confident, independent adults. Moreover, presenting them with challenges will provide opportunities to try new things. In turn, they’ll face their fears, discover new passions, and learn important lessons in perseverance. Here are a few ways to show a little tough love and get your kids out of their comfort zone.

1. Let Them Decide What Challenge They Want to Tackle: If you have a toddler, you’re familiar with the “me do it” stage. At this point, your little one will want to decide what to wear, where to go, and which toys to play with. They’ll also want to choose their own trials, so give your toddler two choices—each one challenging in its own way. If they’re the ones making the decisions, they’ll be more likely to step outside their comfort zone.

2. Prepare for the Challenge: Once your child has chosen his or her own challenge, ease them into tackling it. For example, if your kid has decided to join the soccer team but fears actually attending practice, let them meet the coach first. You might also have them talk to someone on the team or watch a game before having them take those first courageous steps onto the field.

3. Set Small, Achievable Goals: Keep kids motivated and give them the confidence to try new things more often with small, achievable goals. For example, if your child wants to learn how to ride a bike, your first goal might be learning how to put on safety gear. The second may include cycling with training wheels. With these smaller goals serving as stepping stones, eventually, your little one will accomplish their end goal.

4. Foster a Positive Attitude: When you present your child with a challenge, they may say they can’t do it or simply don’t like it. This negative language can effectively convince them to give up before even trying. Foster a positive attitude and get them to try by encouraging optimistic language and a confident posture. Even sitting up straight can be enough to make a task seem less intimidating.

5. Consider After-School Activities: After school activities like sports, music lessons, theater, and chess clubs, can help kids step out of their comfort zones. These ventures allow your little ones the opportunity to meet new people, learn a new skill, and even gain the confidence to perform in front of others.

6. Try New Foods: Nix the mac and cheese and let your kids try out new foods like tamales or gyros. Of course, introducing new foods can be a challenge. Make the experience more exciting by discussing the culture or history of the food and letting them help you in the kitchen.

7. Send Them to Camp: Summer camp is the perfect place for kids to learn team-building and problem-solving skills. They’ll try new tactics and collaborate with their peers to find solutions and accomplish goals. Ultimately, this teaches them the importance of perseverance and thinking outside the box.

8. Keep It Fun: Remember, if your kids do step outside their comfort zone and absolutely hate the experience, they’ll be less likely to try again. Thus, it’s important to keep things light-hearted and fun. Look for ways to make the challenge enjoyable and rewarding and tailor it to fit your little one and their passions.

9. Step Aside: Sometimes, all someone needs to take a leap of confidence is some space. Your little one might not be willing to take on a challenge if they know you’re watching because they either don’t want to disappoint you or know you’ll coddle them if they don’t try. Therefore, it’s important to step back and encourage your kids to face challenges in your absence.

10. Offer Encouragement: Praising your child may encourage them to step outside their comfort zone for the sole purpose of pleasing you. However, through encouragement, you can teach them to motivate themselves and accomplish goals. Use statements like, “you worked really hard” or “look at your tall tower” to encourage in a non-judgemental manner.

11. Make Failure Ok: Sometimes, kids—and even adults—are hesitant to try something new because they’re afraid of failure. Teach your child that making mistakes is acceptable and even beneficial and remind them regularly that failure is simply a natural part of growth.

12. Celebrate Success: Once your little one accomplishes their goal, make a point to celebrate it. Reward them with a sweet treat, a sticker, or even a simple high-five and smiles. Doing so will reinforce their decision to take a risk, be confident, and try new things.

13. Share Your Story: Of course, the best way to get your kids out of their comfort zone is to share your own experiences of doing the same thing. Share stories of accomplishing goals and facing challenges with confidence. Don’t be afraid to admit your failures, too. Doing so can help your son or daughter find the confidence to take a leap of faith—just like you.

While you’re encouraging your kids to try new things and embrace challenges, you want to be careful not to push them too far. Avoid forcing them to do things they’re not ready for by considering their personality. Know your kids by playing to their strengths and interests. How do they respond to difficulty and stress?

Knowing the answers to these questions will help you determine which challenges are best for your kiddo and how best to present new obstacles so he or she is more likely to try and try again.

Jennifer Landis is a mom, wife, freelance writer, and blogger. She enjoys long naps on the couch, sneaking spoonfuls of peanut butter when her kid's not looking, and binge watching Doctor Who while her kid's asleep.  She really does like her kid, though, she promises. Find her on Twitter @JenniferELandis.

Since distance learning began two months ago, many outlets started rolling out educational initiatives meant to educate and entertain families stuck at home. The Story Pirates, known for teaching creative writing to kids, began ramping up production of their digital content by adding new and exciting activities and podcasts. Today’s episode features a special guest, Kristen Bell. 

Story Pirates - Kristen Bell

In the episode, Bell plays “Robin”, a hologram of a motivational speaker who visits the Story Pirates ship to offer extreme encouragement. The episode is part of the Story Pirates live program series, which will also feature actors Bowen Yang (SNL) and Matt Rogers (Gayme Show) on Story Pirates’ Friday night improv show, The Story Creation Zone, this week. The special episode, titled “Rosie the Rose/The Soup (feat. Kristen Bell)” is available today via Gimlet, a Spotify company.  

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: The Story Pirates


Visit These Famous Museums From Your Couch

Stuck at Home? The Story Pirates Have Ideas to Keep Your Kids Entertained

Sing These Songs While Washing Your Hands

Life has become overwhelmingly complicated, scary, and exhausting all at once. There are many ways to deal with the stress and anxiety brought on by the quarantine but one of my favorite things to teach my meditation students and my five children is to use an affirmation to pivot into a state of positivity. An affirmation is a simple statement of encouragement and support that can be said to oneself in a declarative way.

When we state something positive to ourselves, the idea is that it will take root within our very being such that we will start to believe it. Once we start to think of this affirmation as truth, we will then begin to call it into our lives. This is the premise behind the law of attraction—our energy and our thoughts are what we will attract.

Every night, I ask my children to give me at least one of their gratitudes and affirmations for the day. Both the affirmation and the gratitude shift my kids’ minds into a state of positivity at the end of the day. The affirmation has the added benefit of boosting their confidence.

During the COVID19 quarantine, affirmations have come in very handy not only for the students in my live stream meditation classes but also for myself and my older children in this time of uncertainty. We have used the following affirmations to boost our positivity and temper our anxiety. These affirmations can be used within a meditation and they can also be said to oneself whenever you need some support to get through a bump in the day.

1. I am safe.

With all of the news and social media coverage on the Coronavirus everywhere you turn these days, our stress levels are constantly being triggered. If the lack of control in this situation is making you feel vulnerable and scared, repeating the mantra of “I am safe” will help reassure your mind that everything will be okay. If you are abiding by the rules of the quarantine set by your local and state officials, then you are safe at this moment.

2. I am healthy.

Anxiety can show up in our bodies in various ways that we may not even realize. Chest tightness, headaches, fatigue are some symptoms brought on by stress and anxiety. Remind yourself that you are healthy and feel it deep within so that you can stave off the tremendous effects of anxiety.

3. I am strong.

Every day that you survive this quarantine is a reminder that you are a strong person. You are strong for handling uncertainty and persevering. You will get through this temporary obstacle in life.

4. I am calm.

When we allow a negative thought into our minds, it can set off a chain of other bad thoughts to come in and take over our being. When you start to feel like the chaos of the world around you is seeping into your mind, stop the cycle in its tracks by tapping into the calm that you have within yourself.

5. I am love.

When it comes down to it, it is not about the things that we have that bring us joy and gives us meaning in our lives. It is the love that we have for others and that we share with others through our relationships, our work, and our passions that fulfills us. Remember that at your very core lies love, an immensely powerful state of being that can overcome anything.

​Try out these simple statements on your own and with your kids to help you stay rooted in the present moment and in a state of positivity.


My passion is helping others overcome adversity to find joy via meditation training and my podcast “Responding to Life.” I draw upon my unique fertility journey of pregnancy loss, IVF, international adoption and surrogacy, ultimately becoming a mother of five, to show others the power of perseverance, calm and courage.

Brickworld regularly hosts LEGO conventions throughout the midwest. Back in April they debuted their first virtual expedition due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now, Brickworld has announced four more virtual expos in 2020 for fans throughout the US and the world. 

Brickworld Virtual Con Spring on Saturday, May 16, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT

Brickworld Virtual Con Fireworks on Saturday, Jun. 27, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT

Brickworld Virtual Con Halloween on Saturday, Oct. 31, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT

Brickworld Virtual Con Holiday on Saturday, Dec. 12, 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. CT

Lego figure keyboard

Tickets are $9 per show, and $1 from each ticket will be donated to Brickworld’s longtime charity partner Make-A-Wish, along with Riley Children’s Hospital, Creations for Charity, and FIRST LEGO League. A four-show season pass is $27. Currently, only 2,000 tickets will be offered per show, so early registration is encouraged at Brickworld.

Using Zoom rooms, the Brickworld Virtual LEGO Expo on Saturday, May 16, 2020, from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. CT, will allow participants to show their own creations to others as well as experts, including many “LEGO Masters” TV contestants, such as Boone and Mark, Jessica and Sam, Richard and Flynn, Germaine and Mel, Travis and Corey, Jessie and Kara, Aaron, Manny, and – spoiler! – winner Tyler and Amy.  

Viewers can also participate in discussions with LEGO Community Manager Jan Beyer, Bricks in the Middle’s Kevin Hinkle, watch other tutorials and presentations, visit vendors to browse and purchase a variety of products, and join different display rooms, including the Great Ball Contraption, a Star Wars room, Guilds of Historica (one room with four different castle realms), a Smurf village and other fantasy settings.

“Following the amazing, sold-out success of our first virtual exposition in April, Brickworld is pleased to announce four more online LEGO expos for our loyal Midwest fans as well as our larger LEGO family around the US and, yes, the entire Brick-world,” says producer Mark Larson. “Our first foray online brought us eager participants from Canada, Germany, Sweden, Israel, Australia, Spain, Bulgaria, and from the mothership, Denmark. We are excited to welcome more kids, families and adult fans and their creations to our internet convention to receive feedback and encouragement, including over Halloween weekend, which will substitute for our annual weeklong Chicago convention.”

Brickworld is also posting ongoing how-to demonstration videos so LEGO builders can improve their skills at home. Current postings include Building Round Part One and Building a Truss Bridge. Fans are encouraged to subscribe to the Brickworld YouTube channel to see the latest in alternative builds and other skills.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Ken Suarez on Unsplash


Celebrities Give Back to Support Those Affected by the Coronavirus

Check Out These Learning Resources Amid Coronavirus School Closures

Disney to Donate Excess Food After Coronavirus Closures

If you are having to fight to have a place at the table…

If you are having to beg for an invitation…

If you are feeling like a third wheel, as you search for a sense of belonging…

If someone is making you feel less than, unworthy, underappreciated, or unwelcome…

Dear friend, don’t you spend one more minute clinging to those people and their approval or lack of it!

Sure, you may not have a seat at the “cool kid’s” table, but odds are if they ever allowed you in their circle, they would do nothing but make you feel inferior.

You deserve to belong.

You are worthy of having an open invitation from people who desire your company, who truly see you and value the gifts you have to offer.

The table that is meant for you, will have an open chair.

You won’t have to fight for your right to be there.

There won’t be someone else in your seat, because no one else can be you.

That is your superpower.

The people who are meant to be in your corner will stay.

The friendships that offer unconditional love, as you grow, will stand the test of time.

Your circle might decrease in size, but watch it increase in joy, peace, acceptance, and encouragement.

If you couldn’t find a seat in the place that you expected to, it doesn’t mean you don’t have any place, friend.

Don’t kill yourself wondering why they don’t like you…You are loved.

Don’t try to earn their approval…You’re already enough.

Stop defining your worth by other’s rejection…You know who you are.

Please know your value and adjust your circle accordingly.

This post originally appeared on Love What Matters.

The Redeemed Mama is a writer who had had articles published by The Today Show, Love What Matters, The Mighty, Faithit, For Every Mom, The Creative Child Magazine and more. She has 3 beautiful kids and resides in Southern Arizona and loves writing about parenting, life and growth!

Sometimes it’s hard to find age appropriate songs that your kids enjoy listening to. It helps if it has a catchy tune that delivers a positive message. Raffi’s label, Troubadour Music, announces the release of I Am Kind by new artist, Lindsay Munroe.

Lindsay Munroe

The 16 songs on the album are filled with messages of joy and encouragement. Raffi’s voice adds to the charm of this all-ages inclusive album, which will be released on digital platforms on April 24th via Craft Recordings in the US. Today, fans may also pre-order the CD version of I Am Kind, to be released on Jun. 12.

This is the first Troubadour album featuring an artist other than Raffi in decades. Munroe, a longtime fan of Raffi’s music was thrilled when he said he was a fan of her “Sing Along with Lindsay” videos on YouTube. Over time, Raffi enjoyed hearing Lindsay’s original children’s songs, inspired by her own kids, and he suggested that she record an album.  She agreed and was thrilled when Raffi offered to produce it.

Munroe is a passionate advocate of diversity and inclusion. She is a self-taught musician and mother of three children with Autism. She offers both inspiration and practical tools for all children, including those who are neurodiverse.

“Kindness Counts” is this year’s theme for Autism Awareness Month, and at a time when warm-heartedness is needed more than ever, I Am Kind strikes just the right notes. “I am happy to contribute something to the world during these trying times,” says Munroe. “I hope that all families, especially those with neurodiverse kids, can feel inspired and uplifted by these songs.”

Starting on Sat., Apr. 25, Munroe will publish activity guides to go along with each song. You can also visit Raffi’s website for album news and the latest Raffi updates.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Lindsay Munroe


My Name Is Inigo Montoya; Prepare to Buy This Book!

Little Feminist Releases 3 New Inclusive Board Books for Toddlers

Jonathan Van Ness Wrote a Children’s Book about a Nonbinary Guinea Pig & Your Kiddo Needs This

What’s better than snuggling with your baby in a cozy carrier? Snuggling with your sweet babe and then restoring the carrier for a new family who needs it!

What Is Everlove?

Parent-trusted brand ​Ergobaby​ has recently launched an amazing buyback, restore, and resell program. It’s called ​Everlove and it’s the first of its kind, offering families the opportunity to either send in their no-longer-needed carrier for a gift card, or buy a pre-loved one at a discount. The result is a win-win for families everywhere, and major points for the environment as the Everlove program is estimated to save up to 96% of energy use, 95% of water use, and 84% of CO2 emissions for each carrier. And it’s no surprise that this kind of innovative thinking is coming from the first and only to company to introduce a lifetime warranty — the ErgoPromise Guarantee.

How Does It Work?

Families can simply send in an Ergobaby carrier and then choose from a $50 gift card to, a $20 gift card to a retailer of their choice, or a $30 donation made on their behalf to Baby2Baby. Anyone who purchases one of these premium, pre-owned pieces of baby gear can rest assured that the carrier has passed a 30-point inspection for maximum quality and durability, plus a sustainable and baby-safe deep cleaning process. The result is an Ergobaby that’s as good as new.

What if My Carrier Is Dirty?

Don’t fret if your Ergobaby has been on the receiving end of some serious baby bodily fluids. Carriers in need of a little extra oomph are pre-treated with a citrus-based detergent that leaves behind no residual moisture or scents. They’ll be sure that a new family receives a safe, snug and long-lasting carrier that boosts baby-caregiver bonding.


It’s not just the carrier you can pass along. Each family that sells their Ergobaby carrier through Everlove is asked to leave a story, words of encouragement, a small note or a memory for the new owners. The new family just looks up the unique ID number stamped on their Ergobaby to read it.

Pass It On

There’s a lot of reasons to participate in the Everlove program, but we think the best part is knowing that a new family will get lots of love and use out of you and your sweet babe’s carrier. And that Ergobaby can go on a new set of adventures.

Everlove by Ergobaby is building its inventory and getting ready to spread the love. The online shop will launch in late Spring 2020. So get a jumpstart on spring cleaning and send yours in to find a new family!

To learn more about the program, visit

Ergobaby will match the first 100 carriers sent in with a baby carrier donation to Baby2Baby! BABY2BABY provides children living in poverty, ages 0-12 years, with diapers, clothing and all the basic necessities that every child deserves.

—Whitney C. Harris

Most of us don’t need any encouragement to dream of bright, sunny days spent outdoors with family and friends. So when the dust settles and it’s time to head to the pool, be sure you’re taking this new float with you!

Urban Outfitters Friends Door Pool Float is a must for die hard fans. The purple door is straight out of Monica’s apartment, with faux frame included!

The plastic float measures approximately five a half feet long and two and a half feet wide. Meant for only one person at a time, it definitely has us calling “dibs!”

You can find this float for $35 at Urban Outfitters for the summer season.

––Karly Wood

All photos: Courtesy of Urban Outfitters



Zappos and PBS KIDS Team Up to Release Arthur Adaptive Collection

Disney’s 2020 Year of the Mouse Collection Has Arrived on Amazon

The New Harry Potter x Boden Kids Collection Has Us Believing in Magic


We’re all facing it right now—the unknown. With this new territory comes fear. As new parents, this fear is more present than ever before. Is this a bad thing? No, in fact, it’s a gateway.

Fear is a healthy emotion.

“Fear is a universal experience. Even the smallest insect feels it. We wade in the tidal pools and put our finger near the soft open bodies of sea anemones and they close up. It’s part of being alive. Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.” —Pema Chödrön

As I’ve blazed my own trail through life and business in the jungle, I’ve become acquainted with confronting fear in a variety of forms: wilderness, cultural, personal, and professional. Most recently, in the last 6 months of my life, I’ve faced several terrifyingly major events: I gave birth to my son, launched a book, did my first public speaking and am now living through a pandemic. Each was very scary but in very different ways.

Perhaps there are two different flavors of fear:

1. Fear + excitement
2. Fear + anxiety

Like me, you may be getting regular tastes of both kinds right now. Fear of leaving the house and exposing my family to COVID-19? Anxiety. Fear of change and new possibilities? Excitement. Though this is a brutally challenging time for so many, there are also silver linings and new beginnings that may ultimately make us stronger as parents, as families.

With this in mind, can we use fear as an inner compass? I propose:

Fear + anxiety = warning, slow down, proceed with caution.

Fear + excitement = we’re pointed towards our next challenge; our growth.

I’ve made a decision and I hope you will join me.

When we encounter fear, let’s meet it head-on. Let’s deconstruct the fear—tap into its wisdom, channel it, use fear to our advantage. Let’s let go of the mentality of fear. Though fear may slow “progress,” it also prompts a clear evaluation of a situation, a valuable opportunity to analyze and choose our path.

May fear + excitement be a gateway and an inspiration to fill our heads (and our kids’ heads too!) with positive self-talk and surround ourselves with encouragement and support—people who believe in us—friends, family, or coach (there are lots of virtual options available for this too.) Let’s find the people who pick us up, dust us off, give us courage to confront fear and keep us on track and we may also learn from those who haven’t confronted their fears and have regrets.

What fears are you facing right now? In what direction is your inner compass pointing you and your family?

Stay healthy, keep tuning into your fear barometer, and take a step closer to your truth.


This post originally appeared on Wildpeneurs.

Known as “The Jungle Mama”, Tamara Jacobi is the author of Wildpreneurs:A Guide for Turning Passion into Business (HarperCollins Leadership, Feb. 2020) and founder of the Tailwind Jungle Lodge on the Mexican Pacific. Tamara is loving the adventure of motherhood! Her son Zephyr was born on Oct, 2019.