What makes an LA parent Instagram-tastic? Pics that perfectly capture a relatable slice of So Cal life; Vogue-worthy shots of hipster moms hugging hipster kids hugging hipster dogs; a sense of humor about raising little ones in the craziness of LaLaLand. Whatever it is, these folks have it. And many of them have devoted followings to prove it. We’ve filtered through to find ten Angeleno parents you should discover on Instagram stat.

                                                                        photo credit: Oh Joy via Instagram

Joy Cho
If you’re not already following this delightful mama mogul on Instagram, you will be soon. When Cho’s not busy running the Oh Joy juggernaut which includes an incredibly popular blog filled with colorful fashion, design and lifestyle videos, she’s launching her own whimsical product lines at Target and Land of Nod, authoring books and still finding time to post Instagram photos of the fun-filled adventures she shares with her two adorable daughters, Ruby and Coco. We’re exhausted just thinking about it, but thankful she finds the energy to do it all and share it with the masses.

Follow @ohjoy

                                                                                                     photo credit: Oh Joy via Instagram

Charlie Capen
As one of the founders of the hilarious and beloved fatherhood blog, How to Be a Dad, Charlie Capen uses Instagram to keep an extremely touching journal for his two young sons, Finn and Arden. Next to beautiful pictures of his brood, Capen dispenses heartfelt fatherly advice and logs memories of important family moments (both big and small), creating an intimate diary of their time together. Parents will love the relatability of Capen’s posts and may even be inspired to do something just as special for their own rugrats.

Follow @charliecapen

                                                                                        photo credit: Charlie Capen via Instagram

Rebecca Woolf
Writer and LA mom of four, Rebecca Woolf, started her crazy popular blog, Girls Gone Child, in 2005 after giving birth to her first baby, little Archer. Woolf’s hilarious wit and unmistakable candor about the highs and lows of parenting have garnered her a loyal following. That goes the same for her Instagram account. Filled with endless beauty shots of fleeting mommy moments, Woolf’s humor and heart shine through in every post – whether it’s a pic of her kiddos aiding in a last-minute primp for a night out or her daughter unexpectedly “fishing for gold” during a family portrait.

Follow @girlsgonechild

                                                                                    photo credit: Girls Gone Child via Instagram

Monica Rose
There’s a reason Monica Rose is one of the most sought after celebrity stylists working in Hollywood today – everything she does is glam to nth degree. Having styled everyone from the Kardashian klan to Giuliana Rancic and Mindy Kaling, Rose holds a PhD in what looks gorgeous and her Instagram is no exception. From editorial shots that ooze LA cool to incredible snaps of her kiddos, Alaia and Salvador—the two most trendsetting tots on this or any other planet (seriously), Rose makes us want to up our family’s fashion game pronto.

Follow @monicarosestyle

                                                                                          photo credit: Monica Rose via Instagram

Trevor Mulligan
OneS@HD blogger and co-organizer of the LA City Dads Group, Trevor Mulligan, perfectly captures the spirit of raising two energetic and fun-loving boys in the City of Angels—all from the perspective of being a stay-at-home dad. Mulligan’s Instagram features charming photos and videos of their daily explorations (and sometime tribulations) around town: from his son, Miles, learning to surf in Venice to his youngest, Mason, hilariously struggling to stay awake after refusing naptime.

Follow @onesahd

                                                                                     photo credit: Trevor Mulligan via Instagram

Emily Henderson
If you love ah-mah-zing interior design, adorable tots and witty play-by-play, Emily Henderson’s Instagram is a must-see. As a highly sought after designer, Target spokesperson, blogger and mom to little Charlie and one on the way, Henderson’s eye candy pics are the perfect way to while a way a few minutes of your day. Her humor and sunny personality shine through in every post and feel more like reading a good girlfriend’s Instagram than rifling through a stranger’s daily grind.

Follow @em_henderson

                                                                                  photo credit: Emily Henderson via Instagram

Morgan Shanahan
With her trademark cotton candy colored locks, you instantly know you’re in for tons of fun following Morgan Shanahan’s Instagram. This Buzzfeed Editor, popular blogger, screenwriter and San Fernando Valley mom (hence “The 818” title of her blog) delivers adorable posts of her babes, both furry and human, and daily LA living with unapologetic honesty and sass. This is one mom you know you can always count on for a great time.

Follow @the818

                                                                                photo credit: Morgan Shanahan via Instagram

Rupert Samuel and Sarah Sherman Samuel
This super adorable LA power couple are Instagram all-stars, each in their own right. As Executive Director of Global Content for ad agency powerhouse, Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Rupert’s posts are filled with madman musings, husbandly sweetness and awwww-worthy snuggle shots of his newborn son, Archer. His beautiful wife, Sarah Sherman Samuel, is a creative director, designer and blogger for Smitten Studio where she shares stories about incorporating the joy of design into daily living. Sarah’s Instagram showcases stunning images of her family and gorgeous interiors that can’t help but inspire the designer in all of us.

Follow @rupertsamuel and @sarahshermansamuel

                                     photo credit: Katherine Rose via Sarah Sherman Samuel via Instagram

Laura Tremaine
Under the moniker “Hollywood Housewife,” Tremaine blogs about her daily life as just that: an accomplished housewife in Hollywood married to a filmmaker, working hard to raise two kiddos in the craziness of this kooky town. Tremaine’s Instagram reads like a love letter to LA, with breathtaking shots of sunny days splashing with her kids in the pool, checking out her fave haunts around the city, and a unique glimpse at life when your family works in the entertainment industry.

Follow @hollywoodhwife

                                                                          photo credit: Hollywood Housewife via Instagram

What standout LA parents do you follow on Instagram? Should we be following YOU?  Tell us your handle in the comment section!

–Jennifer O’Brien

Making memories with the big guy at home is one of the things we love best about his special day. In a big shout-out to all the dads out there, we’ve asked Dad Group leaders all over the country to share their favorite Father’s Day memories. Scroll down to read about goofy secret names, touching last moments and how even a simple walk can be a top-pop idea, and then tell us in the Comments all about your most memorable Father’s Day.

Photo: Lance Somerfeld

Lance Somerfeld, Co-founder City Dads Group, New York, Ny
Personally, for me, Father’s Day happens year round.  As an at-home dad, Fatherhood is a 24/7 role that I relish in each and every day with my entire being.  So, I don’t necessarily feel extra special on one particular day each June just because the calendar says that it’s Father’s Day. With that said, Father’s Day is the perfect opportunity to get the entire family together and so that’s become my annual ritual since becoming a dad seven years ago.

Last year, we loaded up into the car with beach chairs, blankets, sun umbrellas, sports balls and a kite. Then, headed out to our favorite spot in Long Beach on Long Island to meet up with my father for a day of laughter, relaxation, swimming, and good ol’ family bonding. Our day was topped off with a simple barbecue of hamburgers, hot dogs, and corn-on-the-cob.  It was perfect and hope we can replicate it again in 2015!

Learn more about City Dads Group here.

Photo: David Kepley

David Kepley, Co-founder of  Dallas Dads Group – Dallas, Tx
I love a good walk. There’s a certain expectation in taking a peaceful solo stroll that usually includes taking a trip down memory lane. I tried to take one of these mythical aforementioned walks last Father’s Day, but my boys’ someone-is-headed-for-the-glorious-outdoors radar went off before I slipped away.

Having been caught, we walked and I told them about the houses in our neighborhood that did not exist until after they were born. My oldest marveled at the thought of things that came before him and my youngest made it rain with grass clippings. While I could have enjoyed my walk alone, having the boys along made me realize five years has never moved so fast and I can only imagine the blur getting quicker and better all the time.

Learn more about Dallas Dads Group here.

 Photo: Chris Bernholdt

Chris Bernholdt, Co-founder of Philly Dads Group – Philadelphia, Pa
I grew up in a family of four boys. As a child we were all involved with a program called Indian Guides—designed to bring kids and their fathers closer together through shared experiences. We belonged to tribes, had powwows, and chose our Native American names. I couldn’t wait to be old enough to join, having watched my older brothers blaze a brave trail.

Years later, my dad shared with me what happened on those campouts. After lights out, the guys would play poker, drink beer and have all around “dude time” so I can only imagine what my selection (and his name-vest-wearing!) did for him on those nights around the campfire.

Right around the selection time I was doing a book report on mammals for first grade. I was fixated on a specific animal after doing extensive research and believed it was my spirit animal. My dad asked me what I wanted my name to be and I said without hesitation “Little Beaver” By default, my dad became “Big Beaver”. But, the motto in Guides was “Pals Forever” so he wore that vest proudly for years until I graduated from Guides. When my younger brother joined, he picked Little Eagle, much to my dad’s relief. To this day we are still Pals Forever. Thanks Big Beaver!

Learn more about Philly Dads Group here

Photo: Paul Gilbride

Paul Gilbride, At Home Dad St. Louis Chapter – St. Louis, Mi
Twelve years ago my wife and I were enjoying a rare dinner date and after a round or two of our favorite martinis, the expected “this is your life” talk came up. We took a good look at ours—the meals on the go, the housekeeper, the corporate career ladder, two young kids and decided we weren’t were we wanted to be. A month later,  I set aside my financial consulting career and CPA license and my new business card read, Stay At Home Dad. I went from an American career climber into being the CEO of our family of four.

We had a nine month deadline to  judge my success as an at home dad, with the deciding factor being whether the kids were still alive, or not!  Nine months came and went, and everyone was alive and well. I tried to negotiate a bonus for the fact that not only were they alive but all original body parts were still in tact!

I’m still a stay at home dad and there have been hard times, for me and my family, but being the primary caregiver has given me the connections that in the past were more common for mothers to have with their children—the kind of connections fathers today are making as more men choose to stay at home.

Learn more about At Home Dad here

Photo: Jason Kriedman 

Jason Kreidman, Dudes to Dads – San Diego, Ca
Shortly after I graduated college, my Dad and I spent a weekend alone to celebrate Father’s Day at a high end spa resort. Nights there are pretty laid-back—everyone is tired from hiking, working out, and all of the activities during the day, so a lot of people play board games, cards, etc., which you can check out at the front desk.

I went to the front desk to checkout a game and the lady said “Oh, is this game for you and your ………”  She paused, and I finished her sentence with “MY FATHER”.  Apparently she thought we were a couple! I had to laugh because there must not be a lot of fathers and sons that go to this resort together! We had a great weekend.

Find out more about Dudes to Dads here.

Photo: Beau Coffron

Beau Coffron, Co-founder SF Dads Group – San Francisco, Ca
One of my favorite memories of Father’s Day is also a bittersweet one. It was three years ago and my dad had been suffering from pancreatic cancer. My entire family gathered together at my dad’s house to celebrate and be together. It was one of the last times all of my brothers and sisters, and most of the grandkids, were together in the same place.

We laughed, we ate meals, we loved on my dad, and we took many pictures. My father was physically wasting away, and didn’t have much energy, but everyone was able to celebrate him one more time. He ended up passing away ten days later, but we were all blessed to gather for one weekend in June to show our dad how much he meant to us.

Learn more about SF Dads Group here.

What’s your favorite Father’s Day memory? Tell us about it in a Comment!

—Gabby Cullen

Newsflash: Moms don’t have a monopoly on cyberspace. There are actually dads who blog (right here in Atlanta!)—and these fathers are funny. We polled these pops to get the inside scoop on where they take their tots in town and what they really want for Dad’s Day.

The Muskrat
After seeing Meet the Fockers, this blogger’s wife starting saying, “Muskrat!” when he would say something inappropriate in front of the wee ones. We love him for keeping it irreverent with posts like “Why I’m Hung Like A Ken Doll,” and “A Princess Needs A Prince Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle.” This prolific parent also just started dadcation.com have a site he wouldn’t mind the children actually reading one day.

What rocks about being an Atlanta dad? As a dad, Atlanta’s a great launch pad to go to lakes, the beach, skiing, hiking, or fly somewhere farther away for an adventure.  It has lots of parks, museums, activities a family can enjoy, and cost of living is low for a major metropolitan area.

Hot spots you like to hit? For several years, we lived in the Grant Park neighborhood, so we loved walking to the zoo.  Now, we’re in Sandy Springs, so we go to Morgan Falls park on nice days, or we spend rainy days at the Georgia Aquarium or Fernbank Museum of Natural History (or, as the kids call it, the “dinosaur museum”).

What do you really want for Father’s Day? For Father’s Day, I’d love to do what I did yesterday for an early birthday event:  throw a big party in my back yard, smoke a bunch of ribs, invite a bunch of friends over to eat, drink beer, listen to music, and watch our children run around the yard playing together. No one ever throws father’s day parties, but I’d love to try it sometime.

Daddy Mojo
Trey Burley is a stay at home dad to two boys, aged 4 and 2.  While he wee ones sleep, he works on Daddy Mojo, a parenting site about life, parenting and poop culture. Burley recently launched Atlanta Dads Group to help other Atlanta-area dads connect.

What rocks about being an Atlanta dad? You’re 20 minutes away from anything.  Granted, that depends on traffic, but because I stay home with the kids if we want to do anything in the daytime it’s 20 minutes.  The morning rush has gone away and we can scoot out to the park, museum or playdate almost anywhere.

Hot spots you like to hit?  Our favorite places in-town are the Children’s Museum, Georgia Aquarium or Fernbank. Our oldest calls Fernbank the ‘Zooseum’, because it’s such a combination of animals and museum, in an interactive presentation.

What do you really want for Father’s Day? For Father’s Day I want to go for an early bike ride, go out for a bagel with the family and spend the rest of the day at the pool with them.

Daddy’s Hangout
As the man behind the blog, Travis Williams dishes on everything that other dads talk about when they hang out from music, sports, life and everything in between. The dedicated dad has three children.

What rocks about being an Atlanta dad? I love the city and everywhere surrounding it. So many activities to do while here so you never have an excuse of being bored.

Hot spots you like to hit? We love going to the Atlanta Hawks or Dream games. Also love going to the Aquarium, Coca-Cola, King Center, Malibu Grand Prix and several other places.

What do you really want for Father’s Day? I’m kind of like my mom as I love home made cards from the kids. It’s something that’s from the heart and my wife will tell you that I never want anything besides happiness. She always on me to find something for her to get me but if I had to choose it’ll be clothes I guess.

Want more? Check out Makes Me Wanna Holler‘s award-winning blog about fatherhood and relationships that offers a hilarious take on topics like threesomes (involving your toddler not the neighbor, silly). We also love Birthed Into Fatherhood‘s perspective-shifting posts like Real Men Use Pinterest, and Single Dad Laughing, author of The Real Dad Rules Dan Pearce’s heartfelt and humorous blog.

Did we miss one? Tell us if there is an Atlanta-area daddy blogger you love in the comments section below!

—Phebe Wahl

Photos courtesy of Graham King and Daquella Manera on Creative Commons via Flickr

Where do the cool San Francisco dads go to meet like-minded men folk? Just ask the San Francisco Dads Group, an active community full of amazing Stay-At-Home, Part-time at home, work from home, freelance, working, and all other types of involved fathers in and around the SF Bay Area. This awesome Dads Group is a pioneer in our area, providing resources, social outlets, support groups, and meet-ups for dads in San Francisco. In short, they are the go-to guys in the city!

Mike Heenan, one of the organizers of the San Francisco Dads Group, recently took the time to chat with us about what makes fatherhood in the Bay Area awesome, his advice for dads in the community, and more. Read on:

Red Tricycle: What is your dream Dad’s Night Out?

Mike Heenan, SF Dads: In our short time as a group we’ve done everything from a local watering hole to a movie night to the majestic SF Craft Beer Festival at Fort Mason. We’ve partnered with Whole Foods Market in Fremont for a holiday foods tasting event for Dad’s Night Out as well as some more discreet household gatherings. I’d have to say that our ideal Dad’s Night Out is any evening’s respite from the rigors of active parenting. Any time we get just the dads out to an ever-important Dad’s Night Out for a roundtable chat or a fun physical activity or some low-key shenanigans we have successfully bonded, decompressed and by all accounts had a blast. That’s ideal, to us.

RT: What neighborhood do you live in?

MH: Our members, events and resources are spread out all over the Bay Area with our three co-organizers residing in San Francisco, San Mateo and Fremont.

RT: What is your favorite “escape hatch” – a way to put in some “me” time to recharge?

MH: Dad’s Night Out.

RT: What is your “cannot live without” neighborhood activity?

MH: As you well know, we are very fortunate to live in an area with a mild climate and absolute focus on communal activity in general. It is an amazing place for dads to get out there with their kids and explore, play, socialize and grow. We are huge fans of events like Sunday Streets and Tricycle Music Festival. Of course, the plethora of parks and playgrounds is a staple.

RT: What’s your favorite part of city life as a parent?

MH: The proximity to everything. It’s a convenient, take-it-or-leave-it proposition living in the Bay Area. No need to over-schedule your family life to death, for fear of missing out. Every waking moment there’s an event, a gathering, an open space, just outside your door. Some days are better spent relaxing on the homefront but when you have the urge to tap in to the pulse of the city you are more than welcome to.

RT: What does the perfect Bay Area Sunday morning look like?

MH: It is cool in the shade, warm in the sunlight, which is plentiful, beneath a cerulean blue sky. Just outside the Exelsior Branch Library the Alphabet Rockers, Allison Faith Levy and Lucky Diaz and The Family Jam Band are checking mics and preparing to wow the crowd of families at Sunday Streets. Both sides of the block are lined with craft booths and food trucks and the air is ripe with childrens’ laughter, song and grill smoke.

RT: What is your latest obsession?

MH: Kindie music. The Bay Area is becoming a hub for real bands making real music for real kids.

RT: What is your favorite local “gem” in the Bay Area?

MH: CuriOdyssey, in San Mateo, is a personal favorite and has hosted us and our kids a bunch of times. The hands-on science experiments and interactive animal sanctuary are incredibly rewarding for our dads and kids.

RT: What does “family night” mean to you?

MH: As well as being an organization in which dads are finding comfort, camaraderie, fellowship and fun, we also pride ourselves on being hosts of periodic full-family events. We have invited all members of our families to tour Levi’s Stadium, attend shows and concerts and are looking forward to starting an annual SF Dads Group Family BBQ, this year, at Crissy Field or another iconic location.  We are also looking into putting on a Kindie Music Festival for the whole family, somewhere like Children’s Fairyland or other comparable venue.

RT: Why do Bay Area moms rock?

MH: We’ve found that moms in our area are, by and large, incredibly supportive of our aims. Moms groups are helping us spread the word about our resources, workshops, birth seminars, playgroups and meetups. We are all part of that village that it takes to raise a child and for the most part, unlike stories I’ve heard from ostracized dads in other areas, Bay Area moms recognize and often champion the role of active, involved and enthusiastic dads in our community.

Intrigued by the San Francisco Dads ˚Group? Follow these totally awesome dads on FacebookTwitter, and Meetup.

Photographer Missbrooooke from reddit has titled this adorable picture as “Fatherhood,” but after seeing mom’s instinctive reaction to her babe’s slight mishap, isn’t it also the perfect picture of parenthood? We can’t count how many times we thought we were set to enjoy a special family moment only to be interrupted by the spontaneity that is having kids.

photo: Missbrooooke via reddit

What are your moments that made you go, “Ah, this is parenting!” Share them with us in the Comments below! 

— Christal Yuen

He kisses boo-boos magically. He wrestles playfully. He changes diapers … reluctantly. Joking aside, whatever Dad does, he does it like a champ. And now is time to celebrate him. For a first Father’s Day, go beyond the expected and do something with meaning. From photo traditions to Go-Kart adventures, we have ideas for making the celebration memorable.

Make Daddy’s First Scrapbook
Collage photos to commemorate Dad’s first hug, kiss and words with baby. He’ll love reliving each and every moment, from the first time holding your little bundle to playing peek-a-boo. It’s a keeper that will bring everyone down memory lane for years to come.

Photo credit: Mama’s Sew Nifty Sewing World

Create “Day Off” Coupons
Dads need time off too! Any papa is going to love receiving coupons for time off from changing baby’s diaper. Make your own, or buy this delightful token tin from Eighteen25 that even looks great sitting on the shelf.

Photo courtesy of Eighteen25

Decorate the House with Quotes
Nothing sets the mood better than a house full of uplifting and motivational quotes about fathers and fatherhood. Put them up after Dad has gone to bed so that he can wake up to a morning of joy. Check out these awesome quotes from Huffington Post for inspiration.

Do Room Service
Make your husband king for the weekend with a pre-planned, stress-free day. We spotted an amazing dad breakfast in bed on the blog Simply My Kitchen. He got gifts to share with his tot and then a breezy, relaxing picnic outdoors. We especially loved the breakfast menu that turned the day into a fancy experience.

 Photo credit: Simply My Kitchen

Start a Picture Tradition
Grab some letters (or make your own) and start what can become a lifelong tradition. Create a photo series of your little babe holding up the words D-A-D and re-create the scene each year.

Photo credit: GPG Photography

Play Dress-Up
Every kid wants to be just like daddy, even if they can’t vocalize it just yet. Make a photo card of your baby dressed up in papa’s clothes for laughs and giggles. Watch as dad’s chest swells with pride at the sight of their own kid already looking like him. Psst … this trend is also known as #babysuiting.

Photo credit: @BERRY198 via Instagram

Send Him on a Thrill Ride
Do going down steep hills and highways excite Dad when he’s taking the SUV for a ride? Maybe he’s just itching with a need for speed. Treat him to a day on the race course! Whether it’s Go-karts or motor bike lessons, the main man could definitely use some fan support from you and his baby on the side. Dress the little one in a cute onesie or matching helmets with dad.

Photo credit: John Nuttall via Flickr creative commons

Translate a Message to Dad
Your babbler sure has a lot to say about how much they love Dad. Film your little chatterbox and then upload your video into iMovie or Windows Movie Maker. Add captions “translating” all that baby talk to make dad smile. Check out an example where Ellen Degeneres translated a pair of twins talking about April Fool’s Day here.

Photo credit: Mark Evans via Flickr creative commons

Make an Envelope Surprise
Oh Happy Day put together an awesome calendar using bright envelopes that promise surprises and treats. If you’ve got to stay in because of the baby or because dad prefers it, this is a great way to keep everyone entertained. Let Dad open one at the hour, and inspire him with words or make him laugh with a joke. Set him up for a sweet treat of lemonade in the afternoon, and of course, save the best for the last envelope.

Re-Enact Dad’s Childhood Photos
For creative and photo-happy dads, take a trip down memory lane. This dad re-created his childhood pictures and his father’s childhood picture with stellar, heart-racing results. These photos will also make great greeting cards to Gramps.

Box the Memories
Create a shadow box that Pops can admire at work. You can use an old drawer or a tiny dresser from a thrift store, or a picture frame to capture the highlights of the journey of being a dad. Pull out important tickets, pamphlets, newspaper clippings, photos and more. This amazing shadow box by Minna KS is for one lucky dad of the year.

Throw a Super-Dad Party
Do all your friends have tots and dads around the same age? Invite them over to kick back on the couch with a beer in hand as they watch the game and the kids entertain themselves. We love this Super Dad luncheon by Workman Family. Dads will love working the grill while sipping kid-friendly (root) beer.

Got any great ideas to share? Let us know what great first Father’s Day surprise you are planning — we won’t tell! 

— Christal Yuen

Isn’t it great to read about other Mom’s adventures, joys, struggles, and wisdom from around the world? A big thanks to all the Mom bloggers out there who share their journey through with such humor and honesty. Whether looking for a leisurely read, or for a bit of help in the Mommy area, Red Tricycle put together a list of San Diego’s top Mom (and Dad) Blogs!

1. La Jolla Mom: You might remember Katie from some of her local TV apperances, or most likely you know her just because you are addicted to her blog. Former So-Cal, new La Jolla Mom Katie writes a little bit about everything including local topics, food, home-keeping, travel, wine, helpful hints, and of course parenting.

2. The Little Hen House: So-Cal Mommy Morgan writes about motherhood, parenting, baby products, lifestyle,  and urban chicken farming (yes, you heard it right, urban farming blog- Ruling the Roost). She is also the Senior Editor at The Baby Gizmo Company, writes reviews for Rated by Mom, a lifestyle column for Coronado Patch, and is a regular contributor to the Home and Garden section of Tree.com.

3. San Diego Momma: In this fun blog Deb Anderson is sharing everything from her writing adventures to local deal-finds for San Dieagan Moms! We love this blog because it is so genuine and fun. Deb also writes for tree.com and The Smartly.

4. Mommy Loves Coffee: From her adventures of being the only female in a house full of males, to product reviews and insiders tips, to kid-friendly happenings in San Diego, Christina, tells us her motherhood stories on her delightful blog.

5. My Life As TAZ: Wondering what TAZ is? We’ll let Theresa tells you that story in her lovely blog where she shares her journey as a mom, wife, friend and professional. Theresa also writes reviews for Rock On Mommies.

6. Ooph: We love Ooph because it is just hilarious and so sincere! Stephanie writes about her life with her three boys! Some of our favorite stories include: “A letter to my future daughters-in-law” and “the silence… the beautiful wonderful silence.”

7. San Diego Bargain Mama: The name says it all! One of the best online spots to find hot local San Diego deals. Stacey started SDBM as an e-newsletter to share the local finds and deals with friends but, it quickly grew to several hundreds of local moms!

8.  Sugar Jones Blog: From travel to lifestyle, food and family, San Diego Mommy Sugar Jones shares her tips and favorites here! Whether you are looking for getting the local scoop, or just want to see things from a different point of view, you will enjoy spending time on Sugar’s blog.

9. Mama Mary Show: “Little bit sarcastic and little bit sentimental,”  says Mary about her blog. Articles and videos from pop culture to motherhood, and how to cook- we had lots of fun while following the Mama Mary Show!

10. Mama Eve: If you are into natural parenting or want to learn more about it, this is the blog for you to visit. Suchada writes about everything natural parenting related— from healthy pregnancies to gentle discipline and everything in between.

11. San Diego Steals and Deals: Another great deal-icious blog just for San Diego Moms! Kate shares her favorite Internet freebies, giveaways, store sales, free or discounted admissions for local museums- Legoland, San Diego Zoo, and so many other fun and unique San Diego attractions.

12. Moms Going Green: For the eco-concious San Diesgo Moms; this is where you will find practical, everyday tips on how to live a greener lifestyle. Noël Ehlers also shares her opinions on a variety of topics with a special focus on San Diego’s green community.

13. Muffin Tin Mom: We love Michelle’s Muffin Tin Mom blog because it offers so many fun ideas and tips on just a little bit of everything. Whether you are looking for a quick snack idea, or a fun indoor arts and crafts project with your little ones, this is the spot to go!

14. Laural Out Loud: If you are into organic and green living, you must follow, bookmark this delightful blog, written by our lovely friend Laura! She has great tips on how to eat organically for less, organic gardening and much more!

15. DadCentric: Last but not least, one of the top blogs in the San Diego Parenting scene is DadCentric ! A handful of smart, edgy, and talented dad-writers share their fatherhood journeys with other modern dads.

Did we miss your favorite blogger? Tell us in the comment box below!

In honor of Father’s Day, Red Tricycle chatted with two rock star dads, Chris Ballew and Drew Holloway, about fatherhood, PEPSapalooza, and making kid-friendly music that doesn’t make parents want to pull their hair out.

Chris Ballew (bottom photo), more widely-known as vocalist and bass-guitarist of The Presidents of the United States of America, is releasing his fourth kindie-rock album under the name Casper Babypants. Sing Along is due out September 20th.

Our other dad, Drew Holloway, when not blowing pint-sized minds with rock, is an elementary school teacher. Along with two other teachers-turned-part-time rockers, Jack Forman and Daron Henry, Recess Monkey (top photo) has produced a whopping six albums together, and are releasing their seventh, Flying, on June 21st.

You can see both bands perform at PEPSapalooza on Saturday, August 13th, 2011. PEPSapalooza is a family-oriented music festival supporting PEPS, Program for Early Parent Support. PEPS strives to provide a community network for parents of infants and young children that will enable them to seek parenting advice and support.

RT: Why Do Dads Rocks?

Chris: “Dads rock the same as MOMS! Being a Dad means the same as being a mom…to help your child learn to know themselves so that they are equipped to make sound decisions on their own someday.”

Drew: Dads rock because they turn their weber grills to eleven! I know my dad would be proud of my flank steak and asparagus :)

RT: What’s your best parenting advice?

Chris: Learn to be empathetic and let your children know that you hear them when they talk to you.

Drew: My best advice is to listen more than you talk, alot more. Oh, and always have lots of snacks on hand, snacks are good.

RT: What’s your children’s favorite song you sing to them?

Chris: A new one from the new Caspar album SING ALONG! called My Flea Has Dogs. They laugh every time!

Drew: Our favorite song to sing is usually the one we’re making up together.

RT: What’s your favorite thing about doing PEPSapalooza?

Chris: The sea of happy baby faces in the sun and the ice-cold beer after the set!

Drew: My favorite thing about doing PEPSapalooza is the hose! If the hose is on that means it’s hot and sunny!

RT: What makes PEPSapalooza a great event?

Chris: The opportunity to support an organization that is so closely aligned with my goal to reduce stress for new parents.

Drew: PEPSapalooza is a great event because its’ raising money and spirits- All in the name of family. The only thing better than seeing kids sing and dance- Is seeing them do it along side their parents!

Happy Father’s Day Chris and Drew!