In a recent Instagram poll, I asked this question: “Are you feeling stressed and anxious—now, more than ever”? 97% of teen respondents said, “YES”!

Am I surprised? No way. Am I curious what a teen girl’s world is like now that everything has changed? You bet.

I decided to ask more specific questions. To start, I queried about their body signs of stress.

They told me they are experiencing more headaches, stomachaches, tears, insomnia, and lethargy. I then asked about how they are coping. Most told me they are turning to their screens and some said they were trying to get outside more and be more active. Finally, I asked about what was causing the most stress. Girls told me their top three stressors: friendships (as in, not getting enough time to hang out and have fun), school (as in, how difficult it is to teach herself and stay engaged on Zoom or teams calls), and the future (as in, when will life get “back to normal” and what is summer and life going to be like).

At Bold New Girls, I have noticed a radical shift this year in girls’ energy (they are constantly fatigued), their enthusiasm (they really isn’t any), their moods (they are often sensitive at best, cantankerous at worst), and their mindsets (they are unable to hold a positive attitude about what’s working for them or going well).

Teen girls get my utmost empathy and compassion. Life is just tough right now. And, so are they! Your daughter is similarly struggling like these pollsters and she can become resilient by going through the tough stuff. Here are four ways you can help her with her mental health right now:

1. Look at her context. See her story and what’s been happening for her—at school, with her friends, and online. You may want to try asking more creative questions like, “I’d love to hear about your day today or how you are connecting online and in-person.” This helps you understand the “whole girl.”

2. Let her talk. Give her your undivided attention (putting down your phone and to-do list), the safe emotional space (assuring her this is her time to share, not yours), and the time to tell you what’s really on her mind (where neither of you watches the clock). This helps her unburden her concerns.

3. Listen. Don’t interrupt, interject, add on, problem solve, or minimize anything she says. Your job is to really hear her—both her words and the feelings behind her words—and “get” her in perhaps a new way. This helps her feel accepted.

4. Start as many sentences as you can with “Let’s try…”  Suggest what you can do together to cultivate her healthy and positive mindset. You could try a relaxing activity together such as stretching, yoga, or meditation. You could also plan a new activity or a little adventure that could offer you both a change of routine and scenery. This helps her feel she is not alone—you are right there with her—and you are on her side.

In the next Instagram poll, I am going to ask this question: “Are you getting the support you need and feeling more balanced!” I can’t wait to see improved results.

For more help raising teenage girls, check out Growing Strong Girls: Practical Tools to Cultivate Connection in the Preteen Years and Rooted, Resilient, and Ready.

RELATED: When Your Teen Is Drowning in Their Mental Health Problems

I am a girl advocate and girls champion; the founder of Bold New Girls and Brave New Boys teaching and coaching for girls, boys, and their parents. As well, I am the author Growing Strong Girls and Rooted, Resilient, and Ready (available on Amazon and Audible). I am an international speaker and an instructor with Udemy. 

When you have a baby or toddler at home, the thought of adding a pet to the mix might seem overwhelming. After all, owning a pet means having another living creature to feed and clean up after. But, trust us on this one, the responsibilities associated with having a pet will dim in comparison to the joy of watching your little one grow up alongside a furry best friend. Read on for a list of light-hearted benefits you can expect from welcoming a pet into your home. 

Every pet parent has a long list of questions about their furball, including how to keep them happy and healthy! Hill’s provides science-backed nutrition to help your best friend be their best self. See how Hill’s science-backed nutrition can give your best friend their best life.

1. Pets Are Good Snugglers

As a parent, you know that having your little one give you a hug, cling tight to your leg, or sit on your lap can be the sweetest feeling in the world…but it can also lead to feeling touched out. You know, that cringe-y feeling you get when you’ve been cuddled with, laid on, stepped on or whacked by your toddler 389,752 times in the last 60 seconds. Well, good news! If you’re suffering from touched-too-much syndrome, there is an antidote. The right family pet—a particularly affable dog or unflappable cat or guinea pig—will not only take over a fair share of cuddles from your little one, they will love every minute of it. And, bonus: Your brain will get a blast of feel-good dopamine from watching the two cutest creatures in your house snuggle together.

2. Pets Provide Entertainment

It’s no secret we all love watching cute animals. There’s a reason why cat videos rule the internet! But while observing animals online is fun for a while, getting a dose of the warm and fuzzies from the real thing is even better—especially for babies and toddlers, who are supposed to avoid screens until after age 2, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. If not yet mobile, your little one will enjoy watching the movements of your pet from the safety of a bouncy seat or exersaucer. Once crawling and walking, your mini-me will squeal at the fun of chasing (and catching!) their four-legged family member. Plus, with all of the adorable entertainment in real life, you’ll be less likely to get sucked into an endless loop of Internet cat videos the next time you log on to "check email really quick."

3. Pets Teach Responsibility

While your child may not be old enough to solely manage pet care, even the youngest toddlers can contribute. Young children love to deliver treats to thankful pets, brush their fur (also develops fine motor skills!), and toss a toy or ball for a game of fetch. Bonus: They don’t even seem to mind the slobbery ball, probably a result of recently having been prone to drool themselves.

4. Pets Are Good for Your Health

If you need another reason to welcome an animal into the fam, consider this: Household pets can have a real, measurable impact on your child’s health. Studies show that playing with a dog releases oxytocin, which lowers cortisol, the stress hormone. As a result, children who live with a dog are less likely to suffer from anxiety. In addition, children who are exposed to a dog in the first year of life have reduced rates of asthma and allergies.

5. Pets Make Great BFFs

We've all heard the story of the little boy who, when asked by his parents whether he wanted a baby brother or a baby sister, responds with, “I want a puppy.” Well, it looks like he was on to something, after all. A University of Cambridge study found that children reported having higher levels of satisfaction and lower levels of conflict in their relationships with their pets than with their siblings. They may say “a dog is a man’s best friend,” but as it turns out, a pet really is a child’s best friend.

—Suzanna Palmer



Signs Your Kid Is Ready for a Pet (According to Experts)

Here’s the Science Behind Why Kids Totally Need a Pet

The Best Pets for Kids If You Don’t Want a Dog or Cat

After almost a year of virtual learning and homeschooling, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us face apprehension about our kids returning to school. Many questions are surrounding our kids going back into the classroom after being gone for so long. You might wonder if it’s safe, or if your kids will be able to pick up where they left off, or you might have fears that you didn’t keep up with the whole virtual learning thing as well as you thought, and your kids are now behind. 

While all of these are valid concerns, it’s essential to remember that you’re not alone, mama. Although we all faced different challenges and unique situations throughout the last year, we also shared similar fears and uncertainties. As many have noted, we might not have all been in the same boat, but we were adrift in the same storm, doing our best to navigate turbulent waters and make our way safely to shore. Perhaps it’s fate that many of our kids are heading back to school this month. After all, National Kindergarten Day is April 21st, and kindergarten is when many children begin their school careers. Many parents experience nervousness when their kids stand on the threshold of attending school for the very first time. 

Therefore, to help overcome your uncertainties about your kids returning to school post-pandemic, consider some of these tips that often help parents and children when they start kindergarten.

1. Talk about It
Your kids are likely feeling a bit unsure about what the future holds when it comes to returning to the classroom. They could be nervous; some may have likely gotten used to being home and don’t want to go back, while others could be raring to go and excited. No matter which of these describes your kids, there’s no denying that there’s a big transition coming. Talk with your kids about how they feel, share your feelings with them, and get a clear understanding of the situation. 

2. Expect Anxiousness
When you enter into a new situation, expecting certain things to happen better prepares you for when those things occur. Therefore, expect some nerves and anxieties to surface, whether it’s just your own or your children’s as well. Practice breathing exercises and coping skills with your kids ahead of time, so you’re prepared when these moments of anxiousness strike.

3. Stay Flexible
Even though things are inching back to pre-pandemic ways, things are still a bit uncertain. Therefore, flexibility is key. Stay adaptable, expect changes, and help your kids adjust when things have to shift a bit. 

4. Be Patient
Don’t expect everything to become normal, wonderful, and carefree overnight (although, is anything ever really normal?). Be patient and help your kids learn how to take things as they come. Don’t spend too much time worrying about what-ifs and what could happen; just stay focused on the moment at hand. 

5. Hold Regular Family Meetings
It’s always essential to stay up-to-date and aware of what’s going on in your kid’s life, but it’s even more critical now. Have regular meetings or check-ins, whether it’s over dinner or a family game night, to ask your kids how they’re feeling. If you sense any changes in your child’s behavior, like irritability, acting more quiet than usual, overly tired, not enjoying activities anymore, etc., don’t dismiss it as “a phase.” Talk to your kids and talk to a doctor or therapist if you sense something is going on. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

These tips will help ease your apprehension about your kids returning to school, as well as guide you in the right direction to help relieve your children’s stress and worry. However, if you’re one of many parents who have decided to continue homeschooling, check out the MamaZen app’s Mindpower Session called ‘Patience with Homeschooling’, along with other resources available in the app, to find the support you need. 


This post originally appeared on

Jake Y. Rubin, M.A, is a Board Certified Hypnotherapist, a former university professor of psychology, and a recognized expert in hypnosis and hypnotherapy with degrees in Psychology from UCLA and the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University. He is the founder of the MamaZen app.


We’ve heard a lot about how resilient our children are and have been throughout this pandemic, and it’s true. But we also must remember that children, and adults, are not born resilient. Resiliency is a learned skill that requires constant practice.

When children experience a traumatic event, like this year-long pandemic, where they can’t see their friends, can’t hug grandparents, can’t celebrate birthdays and holidays, you may notice they get angry or act out, and that is because they need help regaining control and establishing a more positive mindset. Other behaviors you may see that indicate this need for control are hitting/biting, tantrums, becoming overly emotional, trying to escape or hiding.

If you start to notice your child exhibiting one or more of these behaviors, there are areas you, as a parent, can focus on to help them bounce back, maintain a positive attitude and cope with stress. Validating feelings, promoting quality relationships and interactions, and creating safe, secure environments, are all ways you can help your child flex their resiliency muscle.

The most important way to promote resiliency is by following a pathway of validating feelings and expressing understanding for what children are going through. It is important for them to know that we understand and care about how they’re feeling. Quality interactions and strong family relationships can help children identify their feelings. Even the youngest of children, who might not know the emotion they are feeling or be able to give it a name, can share how they feel through visuals or by reading a book about the feeling. It’s imperative to let children know that not only are they going to be safe and secure, but that these feelings are real and valid. The ability to identify those feelings is what leads to resiliency.

Additionally, creating a safe, secure environment for your children also helps build resiliency. During the pandemic, children have largely spent most of their time at home or at school/childcare, so focus on safety and security in both of those environments.

Here is a list of specific things you and your children can do at home and at school to help build resiliency:

1. Create a routine so they know what’s going to happen every day
2. Build visual schedules that show their routine via pictures so they see the events of their day.
3. Provide continuity of care for children
4. Make sure interactions with teachers, other children and at home are positive
5. Build and focus on those “how are you feeling” type questions
6. Validate your child’s feelings by helping them name the feelings and give them techniques for moving through those feelings
7. Establish cozy corners – a quiet place children can go when they’re having “big emotions”
8. Make a sensory bin of things they can touch, squeeze, look at etc.
9. Look in the mirror with your child so they can see their emotions
10. Set up “mindful minutes” to practice breathing exercises, empathy exercises, discuss book recommendations and other activities found at our Facebook page
11. Seek help if you are a parent or caregiver who demonstrates loss of control of your emotions and actions in response to stress – children pick up on how people around them react

Resilience is the foundation of a child’s mental health, confidence, self-regulation, stress management and response to difficult events. We all want our children to feel and be resilient so that they can go grow stronger, even through an event like the pandemic!

Joy has over 20 years of experience in early childhood education. As Vice President of Education at Kiddie Academy Educational Child Care, she oversees all things curriculum, assessment, training and more. Joy earned a B.S. in Education from Salisbury University.

My son Stalen is almost 6 years old and on the autism spectrum. His safety is my priority, always. 

He has no sense of safety or danger. He elopes. He is a runner. He is an opportunist. As soon as he sees an opportunity he bolts. 

When these incidents occur, his strength and speed are superhuman. He has crossed beyond the tree line into the woods on me a couple of times. He has unlocked the door once and gone outside—luckily into our fenced-in backyard. He has bolted across our front lawn with his toes touching the edge of the street just before I could catch him. He has even taken off inside a facility. 

As he gets older, as he gets stronger, as more opportunities surface, the risk increases. 

I’ve been thinking about safety so much lately as Stalen will be going off to school in a few short months. I’m not worried about him performing academically in school, I’m worried about his safety. 

Have you ever lost track of your child, even for a second? You thought they were in one place but they weren’t. You yell their name and there is no answer. You begin searching frantically. You can feel the anxiousness in your every breath and the tight sickening feeling deep in the pit of your stomach. You’re about to erupt in complete utter hysteria. Panic. 

You beg God desperately, pleading, ”Please let my baby be okay. I will do anything.”

There are no words to describe that feeling. 

Just writing this makes me feel sick and my heart beats faster. 

It’s been the greatest challenge of my life to keep my son safe these past six years. There is one rule that I live by: He doesn’t leave the house without me. I am always on. I’m always calculating his next move. This is the life I’ve adapted to, it’s immediate and natural for me to identify the safety risks and exits before I even realize the presence of others in a space. 

My son also wears a Project Lifesaver radio-frequency tracking device, an alert me band that indicates he has non-verbal autism and has two emergency phone numbers. Every year I update and renew his information in the police vulnerable person registry where we live. I also notify our Project Lifesaver team each time we travel, and they issue a travel advisory to authorities in the area that we travel to. 

We avoid large crowds. When we go out I dress him in bright colors so my eyes can find him quickly. 

When we moved to our neighborhood two years ago, at every interaction with neighbors I remind them, “If you see my son outside without me, there’s something wrong—please help.” 

I know we are doing all the right things. But, the problem with safety issues is that something can happen so quickly. 

Despite all the precautions, in one second, in the blink of an eye, my greatest fear could come true. 

I could look down, get distracted, accidentally let go of his hand. He could wriggle away from me. Someone could stop me for directions. My phone could ring. Someone may be in distress and ask me for help. He could get a door open when I go to pee. So many possibilities.

One second. In the blink of an eye.

I’m reminded of the risks and heartache almost every day when a photo shows up on my newsfeed or on my tv. When I look at the face of the autistic person that has eloped and is missing, I think of my son. I think of the close calls and near misses. I think that it easily could be him. I think of the family searching for their baby. I feel their heartache every single time. I think of that one second, blink of an eye, that may have changed their lives forever. 

Like so many others, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to keep my son safe. I just hope and pray that what I am doing is enough.

This post originally appeared on Stalen’s Way Facebook.

I am a proud wife, ASD Mom, Step-Mom. At 21 months, my son was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. He is 5 years old and non-verbal. I have become a full-time stay-at-home mom. I am 1000% focused on raising autism awareness and helping my son live a full and fun life. 

“Just give the kids to their Dad. Why are you making things harder than they need to be?”

Sometimes I overthink things. I’m not alone in this, and I agree there are simple solutions to the ‘kids only want me’ issue. Namely, give the kids to their dad and walk away. Boom. Done. In practice, however, it’s not always that easy. Or it doesn’t seem that easy even if the action is a simple one. Why do moms limit themselves or over think actions that, on the surface, take two seconds?

I’ll take “Mommy Guilt” for $3000.

It’s the category that houses most of the issues in the ‘Why we make things harder for ourselves?’ Jeopardy game is the ever-present existence of Mommy Guilt. If you’re a mom, you know what I’m talking about. If you’re a dad, there may be a similar thing, but it’s likely a different beast and the subject of another article. It’s possible to ignore Mommy Guilt, and some are perhaps successful in doing so. (I’ve never met those people.) Everyone feels this guilt at some level. The guilt and expectations of motherhood and womanhood are all-encompassing and exhausting.

To get a taste of mommy guilt (if you haven’t already), imagine you’re trying your best to do everything right, yet you have this haunting feeling that you should be doing more, better, or something entirely different every moment of the day. Comedian Jim Gaffigan’s joke about having four kids comes to mind: Pretend that you’re drowning, then someone tosses you a baby! If you work outside the home, you feel like you should’ve stayed home. If you stay home with the kids, you feel like you should be working. The kids’ lunches should be healthier, more creative, and each needs a personalized note. Your kids should be better dressed and smarter and well-behaved enough to succeed, but not so much that they follow others blindly. And you should have a rockin’ bod like the moms on Instagram, even though you feel guilty when you go to the gym because you should be with your family. No article could ever outline all the facets of Mommy Guilt, but I’d like to try. (At the risk of outing myself as a chronically anxious person!)

The Separation Anxiety.

In the early days, there’s the separation anxiety. When you manage to go somewhere alone, separation anxiety makes you feel like you shouldn’t have left your children. This is a normal process and can last a long time if you don’t practice trusting others. I remember my jaunts to TJMaxx (in the early days that’s where I ended up most of the time, if not at the grocery store), where after about 35 minutes, I got this super panicky feeling in my chest. Not quite a full blown panic attack, but definitely a looming sense of “Call them, text them, see if they’re ok’. I actively resisted that feeling, because I knew when I got home everyone would be fine. All the lights would be on and the place would be a mess, but everyone would be happy and alive. Plus, I wanted my husband to know that I trusted him.

The Work/Home Decision.

If you work outside the home, you feel guilty if you don’t want to spend time with your kids when you’re home. You’re a bad mother because you haven’t seen them all day, yet you’re now wanting to give them to your husband for some quiet time or space or workout. How selfish of you! Or at least that’s what we think to ourselves, and hear from well-meaning people who ask why we’re not with our kids. These are the people to avoid if possible. Also, if your husband works as well, you are encroaching on his relaxation time. So you feel guilty about that too. (Keep in mind, however, studies consistently show that moms do more work at home even when they work full time AND have supportive, involved husbands.)

If you don’t work outside the home, you might internalize that what you’re doing—even though it’s extremely valuable for your family, your spouse, and society at large—is not valuable. After all, there’s no monetary value associated with raising humans. You feel your husband needs his time to relax because he’s been working all day. As a stay at home mom myself, I felt I chose the “mom” job. If I sought time away from my job, then I wasn’t doing a very good job! The problem with this, of course, is that the mom job never ends. It’s 24/7, all the time, for the rest of your life. If you don’t learn to create some space for yourself and pursue your passions outside the family, then your life is going to feel like you actually aren’t in it anymore. And nobody wants that, least of all you. You’re lovely when you’re rested and fun and sparkling with the bits of life that light you up. But it’s a feeling that I know many stay at home moms have: that they should be doing it all because it’s now their J.O.B. Taking a break feels like they’re not doing enough, not holding up their end of the deal.

What was it I needed?

Sometimes moms forget what it is they need or want because they’ve been focused on other people’s needs for just long enough to forget their own. This makes it even harder to speak up because they’re not sure what to say. It feels silly to advocate for something when you can’t pinpoint what it is you’re advocating for. It sounds odd to say, “I need to reconnect with my inner sense of self” because what does that even mean? Cue the additional guilt associated with allowing your sense of self to disappear without even realizing what was happening.

The Guilt about Guilt

You might identify with these head games, or think it’s overanalyzed hogwash. Either way, it’s real for those who experience it. It can be embarrassing to admit your brain is overrun with guilt, especially when you’re normally a strong, smart, confident person. You feel guilty about feeling guilty, which leads to shame and a sense that you don’t want anyone to know you’re feeling this way. You suffer in silence. (I realize there are worse things in the world that people endure, which as luck would have it, also contributes to the guilt about feeling guilty! How can you complain about your situation when all these horrible things happen to others?) Your partner likely has no idea what’s going on in your head, so you need to talk about what’s going on for you. (As does he, of course. Ideally, this would be an ongoing conversation about how to keep everyone happy and healthy.) Everyone benefits when you take time for yourself.

Add Extra Challenging Kids.

Having challenging children creates another layer of Mom Guilt. Since you may intuitively understand your kids and their needs—or at least you’re committed to figuring them out—you feel you’re the best at soothing, understanding, managing, or doing an infinite number of tasks. You might get your kids better, be able to calm them, or do things just so. You may have done the research about what works for kids like yours, and so you feel you know best. And that might all be true.

You still need space and time to yourself. So this element of parenting must be another element of the conversation. Not that you can tell your spouse how to parent, but communication is essential. If you’re the only holder of this miraculous knowledge of things that work, you’re creating a bottleneck for yourself in addition to setting yourself up for more guilt AND setting your partner up for a less than stellar experience. They are his children too, and he needs to know what’s going on and at least have the information about what works best.

Once you’ve agreed on your overall parenting approach, embrace your individual parenting styles. When you have children with special needs, parenting methods need to be an ongoing conversation about what works, what doesn’t, and how to tackle things as they constantly change. This eliminates the need to teach your husband because you’re in it together, but it also requires that you let go of what things are supposed to look like.

The Burden Rests with Mom.

Sometimes doing things yourself is easier than 1) teaching others or 2) letting go of the “right” way. It takes work to push past this path of least resistance, but it’s better for everyone in the long run. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the change starts with you. Your partner may not know or realize what’s going on in your head or the pressure you’re feeling from every direction. Communication is necessary. Even if they do realize what’s up, if you don’t communicate how you’re feeling, they’re likely going to assume all is well. That’s why it’s so important to talk about Mommy Guilt in whatever form you’re experiencing it. Your guilt may not match what I’ve discussed here, but there are a million versions of Mommy Guilt. Further, when we don’t share our worries and fears, they get bigger. They become easier to believe. 

When we communicate, we usually learn our assumptions aren’t the truth. Mommy Guilt is a snowball of social constructs that all converge in our heads to make us feel like we shouldn’t be allowed to have space or time to ourselves. Again, maybe men have an equivalent, maybe they don’t. But opening up the conversation helps get rid of Mommy Guilt and it gives your husband a window into why certain things can feel harder than they need to be. (You may even learn that he’s got his own version that you didn’t know about!)

Communication is Key.

Dealing with Mommy Guilt is part of the process of being a mom in today’s world, and it’s best to ditch most of it. You’re not a bad mother if you feel guilty or if you don’t. You’re not a bad mother if you take time for yourself or if you don’t. Your kids will be fine no matter what you do (assuming that you’re actively parenting in some fashion), though I’ll argue every day that they thrive more when you thrive too. It’s an opportunity to make sure that you are fine and fabulous as you weather this parenting journey, so you help eradicate the Mommy Guilt for yourself and others! Lots of moms have given themselves to their families only to have kids move away and their relationship fizzle. Then you’re finding yourself again after years of doing for others. Don’t listen to the guilt; stay connected with your self apart from your role as wife or mother.

You need space and time to be you without any other humans attached. Have hobbies, go for walks, do yoga, simply breathe air somewhere where no one needs anything from you. In order to be your best, you need this time. It benefits everyone when you feel recharged and excited about your family. You are their world, and you want them to know that you love them more than anything! And to do that well you need to also love yourself more than anything. There’s more love to go around when you love yourself, so that’s a bonus. Make yourself a priority and everything shifts.


Cara Maclean, Wellness Coach & Writer, works with moms to undo what keeps them exhausted. We cultivate the calm, joyful energy needed to handle any challenge with humor and grace. Author of Just the Way It Is: A Look at Gifted/2e Families, Spring 2022, GHF Press. Learn more at

KIDZ BOP is the number one music brand for kids and its about to turn 20! In celebration of two decades of kid-centric cover songs, the brand is dropping a brand new album.

“KIDZ BOP All-Time Greatest Hits” is a collection of its most popular hits from the past 20 years, with a few new re-recorded versions of classic tracks. Did we mention its available today?

photo: Kidz Bop

So what tracks can your kiddos tune in to? The top 20 includes:

  1. All Star
  2. Get The Party Started
  3. Sk8er Boi
  4. Hey Ya!
  5. Since U Been Gone
  6. Beverly Hills
  7. Umbrella
  8. Party Like A Rockstar
  9. I Gotta Feeling
  10. Party In The USA
  11. Firework
  12. Call Me Maybe
  13. Thrift Shop
  14. Happy
  15. Shake It Off
  16. Uptown Funk
  17. Can’t Stop The Feeling
  18. Havana
  19. Sucker
  20. Old Town Road

Head to Kidz Bop to find all the places to stream, purchase and watch the newest album!

––Karly Wood



Disney+ Announces Release Dates for “Cruella” & “Black Widow”––Finally

Sesame Workshop Wants to Introduce Your Kiddo to the ABC’s of Racial Literacy

LEGO Is Launching a New Space Shuttle Set That’s Out of This World

Before my daughter was born, my husband and I wrote her a song called “Wise Teacher.” We knew she would teach us a lot by coming into our lives. It’s hard to remember her wisdom sometimes when she is picking her nose and handing it to me or when she is throwing an epic tantrum because I ran out of bananas and offered an apple instead.

But, there is no doubt that becoming the mother to this little being has totally transformed me. Here are some of the unexpected things I learned from her.

1. I have to prioritize caring for myself in order to care for her.

This girl is a high energy, high maintenance little force of nature. As sweet as she can be, caring for her every day gets exhausting. If I don’t deeply care for my physical, mental and emotional parts, I will burn out. I have to meditate. I have to get in nature. I have to journal and go to therapy. I have to eat well. I have to prioritize sleep. I have to take baths, feel my feelings and get out to have some fun on my own.

I have to do all that and more in order to be well-resourced and rested enough to be the best mom possible for her.

2. Meltdowns are not just for toddlers.

Even with all my self-care routines, sometimes it just gets to be too much for me. Running a business and raising a child is an epic juggling challenge. Sometimes I drop a ball or two and that can lead to an emotional meltdown for me. But, just like with toddlers, it’s not actually a big deal.

My emotional tantrums are a natural part of life, a release valve when the pressure gets too high. And, just like I love her through her big emotions, I too am lovable and worthy of support in my meltdowns. They don’t mean I am bad, wrong or crazy. They are a show of my vulnerable humanness and it’s ok.

3. It’s okay to need people.

Obviously my tiny daughter needs us. We dress her, feed her, comfort her, play with her, make sure she doesn’t die, etc. And obviously I needed my parents that much too. But somewhere along the way I decided it wasn’t ok or a good idea to need people. I tried to be so independent, to not care if I didn’t have someone there for me, to not rely on anyone.

Eventually that all backfired and I realized I am actually stronger with the support and connection of others. But, that realization is still landing fully in my body and life. Seeing my daughter receive our care and love and experiencing her needing us so fully helps me deeply remember and accept that I need people to help and care for me, too. And that’s okay. It’s actually great and really natural.

4. When I follow my passions, everyone wins.

When I first started this motherhood thing, I felt like I had to give up things I really loved doing and creating in order to be a good mom. But what I learned from raising my daughter, is that when I leave her in the care of someone else so I can do something I love, like write or give a healing session or create music, it is great for all.

My daughter gets a chance to be loved by and bond with another family or community member, the caregiver gets blessed with a really fun and nurturing time with my awesome kid and I get filled up inside with the glow of creative vitality that only comes from pursing my true passions and doing my creative work in the world.

Then, my relationship with my husband is better because my vitality is flowing, my daughter benefits because I am able to be more present and attentive to her when I am done and I get the absolute joy of feeling like I really can have it all without guilt, which also benefits my health and stress levels.

5. Running around naked is the best feeling ever.

Ok, bare with me on this one. Before or after bath time, if we let her, my daughter will streak up and down the halls of our house naked, laughing and shrieking with joy. She absolutely, unabashedly loves it. Yes, I like being naked too, but where I’m going with this is more metaphorical.

By baring my soul, by sharing my raw truth, by being nakedly vulnerable with my emotions and insides, life becomes a lot more thrilling and fun. Being transparent and authentic is the best feeling ever. Instead of hiding parts of myself or pretending to be something I’m not, I’ve gotten incredibly honest in my motherhood journey. I tell the truth, I share the hard parts and the real details of my journey. I let it all hang out.

And, just like my little naked daughter, people love me even more for it. I inspire others to get more naked in their truth and life is way more interesting, connective and fulfilling.

So, those are a few of the unexpected things I’ve learned from raising my daughter. I know this girl and this journey of motherhood will continue to teach and inspire me in ways I don’t even know yet. She’s only a toddler, after all.

We have a lot of growing and learning to do together in this life. But, through all the ages and stages, I commit to learning from her as much or more than I teach, to stay humble as a student of life and to receive all the wisdom I can from my little wise teacher.

Flow is an Author and Memoir Writing Coach for Womxn. Feeling the call to write your true life story into a book that inspires? Sign up to join a Free Memoir Writing Breakthrough Workshop through her website, and get the clarity and momentum you need to make it happen.



If you are worried and lay awake, in the wee hours of the night…I feel you.

If you are feeling a bit isolated and miss seeing a friend…I feel you.

If your home is missing the sweet spot of laughter from family and friends…I feel you.

If you miss eating at your favorite restaurant for date night…I feel you.

If you are scared a loved one can’t find a location for a vaccine…I feel you.

If you are lonely…I feel you.

If you love this time alone and your introverted self is smiling…I feel you.

If you miss the hustle and bustle on the streets, whether you live in a big city or a small town…I feel you.

If you are holding in your family’s emotions day after day and keeping it all in check, but about to lose it at any minute…I feel you.

If you are out of ideas for dinner and have lost your desire to cook…I feel you.

If you are hoping each day your children’s activities can begin so they have an outlet…I feel you.

If you are surviving on insurmountable amounts of coffee to get you through the day…I feel you.

If algebraic expressions have caused you to break out again like a teenager…I feel you.

If you hear the word Zoom one more time and want to scream or wipe it out of your vocabulary…I feel you.

If you are yearning for your kiddos to use paper and a pencil again, for fear they have forgotten how to write…I feel you.

If you worry about your kid’s happiness…I feel you.

If joy isn’t entering your soul as often as it once did…I feel you.

If the silver linings allow joy to seep in at every moment possible…I feel you.

If you miss the days of meeting a friend at the local coffee shop and talking for hours at the tiny table in the corner…I feel you.

If you are happy but feel a piece of you is missing…I feel you.

If you see a new independence within your child, as they navigate online learning and see life lessons emerging…I feel you.

If you see your child depending on you each day, to hold their hand to get through the day of online learning…I feel you.

If each day is a struggle with online learning taking over, emotions running high, and arguments flying all over…I feel you.

If you are feeling a bit depleted and lost…I feel you.

Friends, it’s hard… I feel you. I see you. I am with you.

Let’s all lean in on each other. Through each other’s strength and support, we will be lifted and rise above.

There is a light.

I see the flicker and I am following the glimmer, with a heart full of hope.

This post originally appeared on Hang in there mama.



Ali Flynn Is excited to share with you the joys and hardships of motherhood with an open heart, laughter and some tears. Ali is a monthly guest contributor for Westchester County Mom  and has been seen on Filter Free Parents, Grown and Flown, Today Parents and Her View From Home.

“I’m bored!” The complaint echoes through the house as your child finds themselves in-between activities. What do you do? Do you find them an activity and try to distract them? Or do you let them wait? What happens when we wait? What might they find to play with, what might they start to do? What could boredom transform into if we let it be? When children are given the space to make their own choices, they gain valuable problem-solving skills. Being bored can also lead to enhanced creativity and increased imaginative play.  Maybe they are “bored” with their old toys. But what new uses for those objects can they find if given the space? Maybe they want to do something interesting, what could be more interesting than finding something that sparks their own curiosity?

We can get into patterns as parents by trying to offer plenty of “stimulating activities” for our children, wanting to make sure they don’t miss out on developmental opportunities or social events. Research shows that when children are “overscheduled” they miss out on valuable time to engage in imaginative play and creative play, or sometimes free play altogether. There are many amazing activities we can engage our children in, but we don’t want to miss out on the most basic, and often the most important…free time. In sum: It’s okay to let your child be bored.

To give kids some credit, boredom often feels really uncomfortable to children. Do you remember that feeling? Some of us might remember that discomfort, and attempt to “save” our kids from it. Try to also remember what good things came out of that bored feeling. We can gain tolerance of distress when experiencing these tough emotions, and we can also learn to rely on our own internal world and imagination, and creativity when we have the time to think.

Here’s another thing to remember about boredom; it comes in different forms. There’s the “lonely” kind, the “I’ve watched too much TV” kind, or the “I just ended something fun and now I’m looking for something new to do” kind.  All of these are just different variations of emotions that children can begin to seek their own answers to. Helping a child tune-in to what exactly their brains and bodies are seeking can help them learn to meet their own needs. This is a vital and empowering lesson kids can learn at this early age.

So what can we do in these moments, when our children complain they are bored? Simple answer: Nothing. Allow your child to experience that feeling, and see how they choose to solve it. Schedule in “free time” if you have to.  Make sure your child has plenty of time to play on their own throughout the week without adult leadership. If your child is in a moment of really begging you to solve their boredom dilemma: Here’s an example script of how to “allow” boredom and encourage your child to solve it on their own:

Child: I’m bored (in distressed voice)

Caregiver: Hmm, that can be a hard feeling

Child: yeah- what should I do?

Caregiver: Ah, you’re hoping I have some ideas for you. That’s for you to decide right now.

Child: Noooo, I don’t want to! You tell me.

Caregiver: It feels hard to decide what you want to do right now. I wonder what your body is telling you? What kind of mood are you in?

Child: I don’t know.

Caregiver: It can be hard to know sometimes. Hmm. (modeling, thinking, and checking in)

Child: I still don’t know what I want to do

Caregiver: Hmm…How will you figure out what feels right to you?

Child: Maybe I could color…

Caregiver: Sure, that’s worth a try. Maybe try some things out and see how they feel…I believe you can figure it out.

Some can benefit from convos like these, and others don’t need this much support. Just try not to take the bait and try to solve their boredom for them. This can get you caught in a cycle of your kids always coming to you to solve this problem. The Slumberkins Narwhal can help little ones develop growth mindset by teaching them how to make a difference in the world around them through problem-solving and recognizing when to ask for help. Allowing your child to be bored and figure things out themselves is so important for their ability to self-regulate, learn to trust their bodies and cues, and find creative ways to learn and grow. Kids are amazing—we can trust them to figure these things out.

This post originally appeared on
Kelly Oriard & Callie Christensen
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Kelly Oriard and Callie Christensen are co-founders of Slumberkins, a children's brand supporting social-emotional learning for children. Kelly has a dual master's degree in family therapy and school counseling, and Callie has a master's degree in teaching. Both are passionate about teaching children social-emotional skills to thrive in our modern world.