First the bad news: As a new mom you likely won’t be able to hang out in front of the mirror for a half hour and obsess over how you look (seriously, you’ll barely have time to change out of your PJs). The good news? With a few simple beauty routine tweaks, you can look like a hot mama — and not like you only got 2½ hours of sleep. Here’s how to get your pretty back, stat.

Photo courtesy of Butter Believer

Dull complexion?
The Trick: Use your brightest pink lipstick as a cream blush to fake the pretty pregnancy glow that, by now, may be long gone. Dab a little onto the apples of your cheeks and then blend it in until it’s sheer. If you don’t have a lipstick, massage a few fresh or frozen raspberries into your cheeks for a look that’s sheer and unbelievably natural.

Photo courtesy of Caring Tree Children’s Dentistry

Puffy peepers?
The Trick: Borrow a couple of your baby’s teething rings! Just pop them in the freezer until they’re ice cold, lie down and place the rings over your eyes. The chill from the teethers reduces puffiness instantly and gives your peepers an invigorating boost that will — hopefully — get you through the next sleepless stretch.

Photo courtesy of The Style PA via Flickr

Nails look slightly wicked witch-ish?
The Trick: If you can eek out the time to get a gel manicure (it’s polish that goes over your natural nail for a shinier, more polished look and it lasts two weeks longer than a traditional mani), do it! If time is of the essence, score a quick fix by applying baby oil to your nails and cuticles every night. Nails will stay shiny and hydrated 24-7.

Photo courtesy of Vivian Does Makeup

Everyone telling you how exhausted you look (like you don’t already know)?
The Trick: Curl your lashes. It’s the quickest way to look awake, even if you haven’t slept in, oh, 16 hours. To boost your lashes without looking in a mirror (because who has time for that?), skip the curler. Instead, start by applying a few quick coats of mascara. Then, rub your fingertips together until they feel warm and use them to push your lashes up towards your brows. A minute or two later your lashes will be sky high.

Photo courtesy of Nsmbl

Feel like a walking zombie?
The Trick: Two words: Face mist. Spritz it on throughout the day for an instant skin (and spirit) pick-me-up. You can make your own face mist by steeping a couple of bags of white tea with the zest from one lemon in boiling hot water. Let it sit at room temperature before transferring it to a spray bottle and letting it chill in the fridge. Spray your face whenever you’re feeling the baby blues. Make a new batch after a week.

Photo courtesy of Emi Yanez via Flickr

No time to shower?
The Trick: Forget about soaking in a bubble bath; showers are the true luxury, but sometimes we can’t even squeeze one of those into our hectic schedules. When you’re ripe and on-the-run, swing by the fruit bowl. Slice a lemon in half and rub it generously under your arms. The citrus neutralizes foul odors on contact, without any icky chemicals.

Photo courtesy of Aurelia Gustafson

Bed head (but only have 30 seconds to do your hair)?
The Trick: If you can squeeze in a quick shower at night, wet your hair and twist it into a tight bun to dry overnight. Take it down the next day for wavy strands that look pro-styled. Shorter hair? Do a few braids on damp strands, securing the ends with a rubber band. You’ll wake up with shiny and frizz-free texture.

 Photo courtesy of MookieLuv via Flickr

Dark circles for days?
The Trick: Put a small amount of fresh cottage cheese (it’s an anti-inflammatory) on two cotton pads and leave them hang out over closed eyes for 10-15 minutes before going to “sleep.” The results are pretty fantastic, with dark circles nearly vanishing. Bonus: Maybe the close contact with cottage cheese will remind new mamas to eat breakfast!

Do you have any super-simple beauty moves designed for tired mamas? Dish in the comments section below.

— Ayren Jackson-Cannady