Hot, humid and sunny – the dog days of summer are here, and even if you love warm weather, you might be wondering what you can do to keep your baby busy and cool. Besides staying within close proximity to your air conditioning vents, we’ve pulled together some of our favorite ways to beat the heat with Baby. Try a few or all of them when temperatures are too hot to bear any longer.

Photo: Jason Trommetter on Flickr creative commons

1. Cool off with delicious frozen treats that both Baby and parents will enjoy. Need some healthy inspiration? Check out our 7 favorite frozen treats and get to freezing.

2. Get the lowdown on how to keep Baby safe in the sun, if you are headed outside. If you need some reliable information and tips, our 10 sun safety tips are the perfect place to start.

Photo: via M Sundstrom on Flickr creative commons

3. Hit the pool. Little ones love the pool, and exposing them to water at a young age can help them grow confidence in the water. Check out your local zero-depth entry pool, or buy a small inflatable pool for your backyard. Add water, a cute swimsuit, parental supervision, and you’ve got a sensory experience that your water babe will love.

4. Check out a splash pad. Chances are, you have a local splash pad or play fountain near you. Bring Baby along to enjoy some water exploration and cool off at the same time. While you don’t need to bring anything but a towel and suit, adding a few small buckets or cups to your bag will add in the excitement.

5. Toddlers love water tables, and once your baby can pull up to stand, you can bet he’ll spend lots of time playing there. Add a few plastic figurines, some small plastic cups, measuring spoons, and even a strainer to increase the play value. Your little one is learning about cause and effect, as well as working on fine motor skills, all while staying cool.

Photo: via Stevie Lee on Flickr creative commons

6. Hit the beach. If you’re lucky enough to live near one and brave the sand, head to the nearby ocean or lake. If you aren’t sure what gear is best to take with you, we’ve got you covered.

7. Introduce your baby to water play, safely in your backyard. Our 10 favorite tips include everything from scooping to freezing, and are guaranteed to keep you both cool.

8. Start up a toy car wash with some a bucket full of water, cups, and sponges. Your little one will love washing up their toy cars, pouring the water, and squeezing the sponges. You’ll love that it keeps everyone cool and is an activity that works on fine motor skills and sensory perception.

Photo: Dirt & Boogers

9. Splash inside. Not all water play needs to be done outside. Stay in the air conditioning and comfort of your own home and have some sensory fun in your bathtub or living room. We love this idea for supervised tummy time that incorporates water discovery.

10. Walk it off. Don’t feel like dealing with a wet baby? If you want to stay cool without swim diapers and sunblock, try changing scenery by taking Baby for an indoor walk. Try your local mall or even Target. It is good for both you and your mini to get out of the house and explore while keeping cool.

11. Watch the clock. To beat the heat, but still enjoy some of your favorite outdoor places, try going at a new time of day. Hit your local zoo in the morning, as soon as it opens, and be home in time for lunch before the heat index becomes unbearable. Or, try hitting your Baby’s favorite park after dinner, when the sun and temperature are lower. Baby can enjoy the swings and be home in time for bath and bed, all without breaking a sweat.

Photo: via Mr. Encyclopedia on Flickr creative commons

12. Head to your local library. Whether you bring your tot to a story time event or just to play and read, the library is always guaranteed entertainment for at least a few hours. Most libraries have more than just books and boast games and sensory activities that your baby will love exploring.

13. Burn some energy by hitting an indoor play space. In many cases, parents don’t pay for admission and your baby can roam free depending on the age. You’ll love giving your little one a time and place for working on gross motor development like crawling and climbing, and you can be he’ll love the adventure.

14. Browse your local pet store for a new adventure. Keep walkers out of the stroller and let them lead the way to the fish tanks and puppies. Younger babies would do great in a carrier so that they can see, and hear, more of the animals and sounds.

Photo: via Gordon on Flickr creative commons

15. Kick it old school with a little hose and sprinkler play. Baby will love squirting Mama’s feet with the hose and trying out bravery with the sprinkler. While the sprinkler works best with walking kids, you can always carry Baby to the sprinkler and let her touch the water with her toes or hands without getting a face full of water.

16. For a cool sensory craft, freeze ice cubes with popsicle sticks and food coloring to use for your baby to “paint” on paper. Be sure to supervise the artist (who may try to eat the ice cubes!) at work, and if you don’t want to paint, you can simply let Baby explore the colors on a baking sheet or paper towel.

17. Paint with water. Speaking of painting, clear off a space of your cement patio or sidewalk and fill a bucket with water. Add a few sponges and large paint brushes and help your toddler “paint” the sidewalk with water. Make designs, watch them disappear as the sun dries up the water, and paint some more.

18. Hit the road. Remember, even errands can entertain a baby. Run through a Sonic Happy Hour to grab a drink for yourself, and hit your local drive through car wash. There’s quite a bit of excitement and new experience for Baby, and you can talk to them about the process. Older babies will love it, younger babies might fall asleep. Either way, it’s a win and everyone stays cool.

How are you staying cool with your baby this summer? Tell us in a Comment.

–Haley Burress

It’s Friday night (er, afternoon) and it’s just you and the bambino. Instead of vegging out at home—with pizza and strained peas—try out one of these ideas for a fun mini-date with one of your greatest loves.

Photo: Miriam Zemel via Flickr

Pack a Picnic for the “Park”
There’s a reason picnics are a favorite activity for spending time with someone special, and nothing is more special than your little bundle. Pack your favorite finger foods (sushi rolls, mini quiches, tea sandwiches?) along with some of baby’s favorites too (milk, applesauce, strainedsweet potatoes?). Grab the most comfortable blanket you can find and park baby and yourself somewhere grassy and beautiful (if it’s too cold outside, spread the entire set up out in your living room). Tell her about the sky and the clouds, the trees and the flowers. Watch the colors change as the sun goes down. These are moments you’ll cherish when she’s all grown up.

Get Snap Happy
You’ve likely snapped 154,872 candids of your baby, but when was the last time you were both in the same photo? Grab a tripod or the ever-popular selfie stick, or set your smartphone camera’s timer, and take a bunch of pics for memories that last a lifetime. Up the ante (and feel like a total pro) with outfit changes and DIY sheet backdrops.

Photo: craigfinlay via Flickr

Read Books at Your Local Bookstore
These days, most bookstores and libraries have special sections devoted entirely to the littlest loves in your life. Spend the better part of an afternoon or evening reading stories, poems and nursery rhymes to your precious babe. When she drifts off to sleep, you can mosey over to the in-store café and spend time sipping your favorite specialty coffee while getting lost in a good romance or crime novel. It’s the perfect date!

Go Out for Ice Cream
Is baby too young for an ice cream? Too bad, because you’re not! Whether you fancy a single scoop vanilla cone, or a double decker chocolate dipped cone with sprinkles, or a banana split with whipped cream and a cherry, you deserve whatever it is (you’ve been busy growing and caring for a tiny human for goodness sakes). Enjoy a special treat with your baby. And if you slip her a sweet, sugary bite or two, she will surely love you for it!

Photo: BenSpark via Flickr

Get Crafty
Those tiny baby feet can melt your heart in a glance. But they get a little bigger everyday until they’re no longer the cutest-little-things-you’ve-ever-seen. Spend an afternoon capturing the cuteness while you can. Find the nearest pottery studio where you can slap some paint on those piggies and make baby foot prints for wall hangings, mugs, tiles, and more. Don’t forget to make something for Grandma!

Peruse Your Local Pet Store
Slip baby in a sling and stroll through the nearest pet store. Babies have a way of connecting with other cute and lively little things. Who doesn’t enjoy watching kitties, bunnies, birds, and puppies, even if they’re locked (temporarily) in cages? Spend extra time near the aquariums. Baby will love the gurgle of the water tanks and the quick, colorful fish. Do those neon yellow ones really glow in the dark? Yes!

Do you have any great ideas for spending quality time with your baby? Tell us in the Comments section below. 

—Jamy Bond

If your kiddos are begging for a furry new friend, there’s no better place to visit than LA’s largest humane pet adoption and retail center. Adopt & Shop, the newly opened store in Culver City, is ready to help, whether you’re looking to adopt, restock your treat and toy supply, or just starting to research which kind of animal is the perfect fit for your family.

Adopting a Forever Friend
When you see your kids playing with a sweet puppy, all you want to do is take that ball of fur home to keep the smile on their face.  But if it’s the first adoption for your family, you might need a little guidance.  Adopt & Shop offers an unprecedented level of care and support to families before they adopt, and keeps helping the whole family (including the newest member) after they’ve brought their new dog or cat home. Their trained staff helps every family find the best match, especially those with young tots. Their adoption counselors take time to learn about each family’s lifestyle, then matches the right pet to the right home. This helps to ensure that the pet’s transition is as smooth as possible and families know exactly what to expect.

Manny – About 10 years old; Black Poodle Mix

Adoption fees start at $100 and every animal is current on their vaccinations, microchipped, and spayed or neutered. After the adoption, the Adopt & Shop staff makes regular follow-up calls to families to provide support or answer any questions they may have. Also, families are welcome to pop by the store any time to get more information about caring for their new pet.
Ashley – 1 year old; Domestic Short Hair

Other Fab In-Store Services for Pets
In addition to offering knowledgeable guidance and advice during the adoption process, Adopt & Shop is the only nonprofit pet store in California that also offers retail products and a full suite of services including daycare at Adopt & Shop Playtime, grooming at Adopt & Shop Untangled and dog training classes through Adopt & Shop Academy.  It’s one stop shopping (and learning and care) for busy families, and for that, we give them a three bark salute.

Sebastian – 3 years old; Chihuahua / Beagle Mix

Doing Good Does More Good
You’re not just saving the pet you adopt.  Proceeds from retail sales are donated to programs that improve the well-being of animals everywhere. For instance, Adopt & Shop’s Kitten Foster Project rescues hundreds of kittens each year from shelters, and then places them in foster homes until they’re ready for adoption. (They’re expecting to save the lives of 1,000 kittens this year alone.) Every dog groomed at Adopt & Shop helps to support a grooming session for an adoptable animal as well. Every retail product purchased supports the care and feeding of another adoptable dog or cat.

Even if you’ve already got a house full of critters with tails, simply shopping at Adopt & Shop will help other animals in need find the home they’ve been dreaming of.  Plus, mingling with a minx of a manx will put a smile on your little ones face while you’re picking up your weekly kittly litter!

Hillary – 7 months; Domestic Short Hair

Adopt & Shop
4235 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City
Phone: 310-93-FOUND
Hours: Monday – Friday, 10 a.m.– 9 p.m. and Saturday – Sunday, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

Pets featured in this article were available for adoption through Adopt & Shop at the time of this writing. Please contact Adopt & Shop directly for their most current availability or to inquire about adopting any of their other incredible animals.

Had a great adoption experience? We’d love to hear!

– Jennifer O’Brien

Photo Credit: Adopt & Shop

I’m a good parent. And I lie to my kids.

The lying isn’t what makes me a good parent, but it doesn’t automatically mean I’m a bad one, either. Because you lie to your kids, too. I know you do. And if you say you don’t, you’re a dirty goddamned liar.

We lie to our children for a multitude of reasons. Because we want to protect them. Because we don’t always know the right answer. And yes, because sometimes we’re lazy.

There’s a difference between lying to kids specifically to hurt them, and telling little white lies. The latter is the result of taking care of tiny humans who inevitably drive you to your breaking point and threaten to send you careening over the edge.

So, with that mind, here are 19 common lies parents tell their kids.


19. “It’s time for bed.”
Technically, bedtime is in an hour. But since I’ve had a long day, you can’t tell time, and the end of daylight saving time has brought on the sweet merciful darkness, the night-night train is boarding early.

18. “Oh honey, this tastes delicious.”
No it doesn’t. I don’t care that it’s called “Dada’s Surprise,” because I know the surprise is you took a little bit of everything in the house and mixed it together to create this abomination currently accosting my taste buds. I can’t prove you did it on purpose because you know I’m parentally obligated to imbibe it, but we both know you’re old enough to realize milk and orange juice don’t go together.

17. “That drawing is FANTASTIC!”
Look, I’m your dad. I’m never going to tell you something you worked hard on sucks. But why do you insist on playing this game where you make me guess what you drew? If I’m being honest, it looks like a sphincter with three arms — not Batman. In the future, just tell me what you drew so we don’t set ourselves up for mutual disappointment.

16. “No, I don’t know where your art project went.”
Yes I do. I threw it away. Not to be mean, but because I have to. Seriously, buddy, you bring home five art projects a day from school. Our kitchen wall is filled with your creations. If I don’t make at least a little room, we’ll be on Hoarders in a hot second.

15. “My phone is dead.”
Can I play with your phone? Can I play with your phone? Can I play with your phone? Sometimes I give in and placate you, but dammit IT’S MY PHONE AND I WANT TO PLAY WITH IT! So I lie to you and tell you it’s dead in the hopes you’ll get distracted by something shiny and allow me to tweet about how annoying it is when young kids are completely hooked on technology.

14. “Your mom and I are going to bed, too.”
After a certain point, The Bedtime Wars drag on so much that anything is fair game. Which means I will lie to you and say whatever is necessary to put you down. So yes, of course we’re all going to bed. Don’t mind the sound of the TV downstairs, I’m just leaving it on for the dog.

13. “No, I don’t think you’re getting a shot at the doctor’s today.”
Actually, you’re getting four shots. Which means I really didn’t lie.

12. “We can’t have a cat because you’re allergic to them.”
We’ve never had you tested, so technically this might not be a lie either. But I will tell 1,000 lies if it keeps those godforsaken felines out of my domicile.

11. “The dog ate your candy.”
Unlike cats, dogs are fantastic animals and man’s best friend. They are also a great tool for parents to shift blame. Because the truth is, I ate your candy. I’m not even sure how a box of Thin Mints became yours. I paid for the damn things. I should just be able to tell you I ate them because I was hungry and dammit this is my house! But then you hit me with those sad eyes and I have no choice but to do the right thing — blame an innocent and much beloved household pet.

10. “Babies are made when two people really love each other.”
Or when two people have too much wine. Or the condom breaks. Or mommy forgets to take her special pill. Or the vasectomy doesn’t take.

9. “Santa/The Easter Bunny/The Tooth Fairy doesn’t come if you don’t poop in the potty.”
Yeah, we actually told Will this when he was potty training. MJ and I got a six-pack of beer, blocked him in the bathroom, and waited him out. Then, at the end of our ropes, she told him the Easter Bunny would skip his house if he didn’t poop in the toilet. Thirty seconds later, he dropped a few chocolate nuggets in the porcelain basket, and potty training was finished. See? Lying is just good parenting.

8. “I think your favorite stuffed animal is on vacation.”
If by “vacation” you really mean somewhere in the 50-mile stretch between the grocery store, pet store, and toy store, then yes — he’s on vacation. A permanent one. Ultimately, this will end in disaster and tears and crying and refusal to sleep without your old friend, which is exactly why I’m going to lie to you for as long as you’ll buy it. Sometimes parenting is strictly about survival.

7. “The toy store/candy store/Disney World is closed.”
I’ve told you no. Repeatedly. I’ve explained to you with perfect logic and reason why we can’t go to any of the ridiculous places you’re begging me to go. But you don’t care. It’s not your job to care. I get that. But it’s my job to be on time (or at least not ridiculously late), which means it’s a million times easier to lie to you and tell you the place you want to go is closed. Some day you’ll be able to tell time and this ruse won’t work, but today is not that day.

6. “We’re all out of ice cream.”
Until you go up to bed. Then it’s ice cream city up in here.

5. “It’s a tie.”
Bullsh*t! I won. Not only that, I mopped the floor with you. It wasn’t even close. I’m not sure why I have to spare your feelings, since it’ll only be a few years until you’re older, I’m weaker, and you dance on my withered bones once you’re able to defeat me in just about everything.

4. “Caillou isn’t on TV anymore.”
Not on OUR TV, anyway. That bald-headed whiny little sh*t.

3. “Yes, your fish has been very sleepy lately.”
Someday, when you’re older and I’m mentally prepared, I’ll tell you that Nemo now sleeps with the fishes. But in the meantime, your sleepy fish will be totally reinvigorated as soon as the pet store opens.

2. “We won’t let anything happen to you.”
For my money, this is the best (and most necessary) lie on the list. And make no mistake — it is a lie. We can strive to protect our kids all we want, but we’ll never have complete control. If gunmen walk into the school, a driver crosses the double yellow line, or armed robbers break into our house, then parents are hard-pressed to be able to keep this promise. But you can bet your ass I’ll keep promising my boys this until the day I die. Because it’s the right thing to do to make your kids feel safe.

1. “Your mom and I were just… wrestling.”
Mom is on top of me because she’s trying to pin me. No, you can’t play too. Yes, we need a lock on the bedroom door.

So, how about it, parents? What other lies do you tell your kids?

To read more, visit Huffington Post Parents by clicking here.

What it really feels like to raise kids today — from pregnancy to high school graduation and beyond. Read personal stories written by moms and dads, celebrate hilarious moments in parenting, get advice from experts and join our conversations.

Known to some locals as Maternal Heights for its extreme family-friendliness, Bernal Heights rises around it’s namesake hill, which is visible from just about anywhere in the eastern half of the city. Lying just south of the Mission District, Bernal boasts proximity to countless restaurants and shops, plus it’s banded on the east and south by a pair of highways, making getting out of town a snap. It’s this magic mix of geographic convenience, quiet residential streets and lovely parks that earned Bernal Heights the title “Hottest Neighborhood of 2014”. Here, we help you find out what the fuss is all about.

Photo: Tiffany Ingram at 


Bernal Heights Park
Little legs love to climb this
just-right” hill and furry friends are welcome here; enjoy an afternoon on the hill and take advantage of its off-leash dog policies. The 360-degree view at the top can’t be beat.

Bernal Heights Blvd.
San Francisco, Ca

The Winfield Slides
On the west side of Bernal Hill lies a little-known hidden SF gem: a pair of metal slides at Esmerelda and Winfield Streets. Bring waxed paper or wear synthetic fabrics for the fastest ride!

Esmerelda and Winfield Sts.,
San Francisco, Ca

Holly Park
Recently renovated Holly Park entices kids to roll down the hill and climb, slide or run around the playground. There’s even tennis and basketball courts at this circular green spot, one of the oldest public parks in SF, and a popular birthday party venue.

Holly Park Circle
San Francisco, Ca

Precita Park
This kiddie haven offers a gated playground for toddlers, a butterfly garden, and benches for parents to take a breather. It’s located at the northern base of Bernal Hill, and also allows dogs.

3200 Folsom St.
San Francisco, Ca

St. Mary’s Recreation Center
The original home of Moraga’s St. Mary’s College, St. Mary’s Park is a planned community shaped like a church bell, with rows of tidy lawns and homes, many owned by children and grandchildren of the original owners. Sitting on the south side of the hill, it’s a sunny, friendly micro-hood within Bernal Heights. It boasts a newly remodeled playground and community center with basketball and tennis courts, a baseball diamond, a dog run, and more.

Murray and Justin Sts.
San Francisco, Ca

Photo: stu_spivack via Flickr


Alemany Farmers’ Market
Any weekend trip to Bernal should kick off in the far southeast corner of this ‘hood, at the “people’s market.” With a down-home approach to farm-to-table, the market sells local produce and food (including fresh oysters!) from dawn to dusk every Saturday.

100 Alemany Blvd.
San Francisco, Ca

Chloe’s Closet
Don’t pass up the opportunity to tour Cortland Avenue’s shops; drop by Chloe’s Closet for deals on gently used designer kids’ clothing and new and used toys.

451 Cortland Ave.
San Francisco, Ca

Browse through the aptly-named Heartfelt for ‘fun frugal finds’; this shop boasts a wide assortment of sparklies, trinkets and toys your kids are sure to love. They even have a pop-up location for holiday shopping at 301 Cortland.

436 Cortland Ave.
San Francisco, Ca

Bernal Heights Library
In the mood for something quieter? Check out the story hours (or Lego Night!) at the Bernal Hill Library. If your kids have the wiggles, the play structure out back is the closest playground to Cortland Street.

500 Cortland St.
San Francisco, Ca

Bernal Beast
Want to do something nice for the furry members of the family? Check out Bernal Beast, a full-service pet store featuring pet salons and nummy pet treats. Too bad they don’t bathe muddy toddlers.

509 Cortland Ave.
San Francisco, Ca

Photo: Pizza Hacker by Erin Feher


Bernal Star
Longtime neighborhood standard the Liberty Cafe closed its doors earlier this year, but thankfully the spot has now transformed into Bernal Star, a casual cafe in the same vein as Liberty. The signature chicken pot pie is no more, but there’s an emphasis on grass-fed burgers, and Bernal Star offers a tempting kid’s menu for brunch and dinner. A huge draw for shaking up family fun night: outdoor movies on their patio!

410 Cortland Ave.
San Francisco, Ca

Pizza Hacker
When Jeff Krupman moved his streetside pizza operation into a brick-and-mortar restaurant at the western base of Bernal Hill, locals rejoiced. The Neopolitan-style pizzas are some of the city’s most-lauded, and the littles will love watching the cooks toss the dough in their open kitchen or making pizza-inspired art on the giant chalkboard wall.

3299 Mission St.
San Francisco, Ca

Little Nepal
Kids with an adventurous palate may go for the mouthwatering tandoori and curries at this longtime neighborhood staple. At the very least, the Himalayan momos (dumplings) and are sure to be a hit. Remind them to say “Namaste” to the restaurant staff on their way out!

925 Cortland Ave.
San Francisco, Ca

Al’s Cafe
If your kids are more of the pancake and hamburger variety, there’s down-home diner food to be had at Al’s. You can test your movie knowledge (and show your kids how OLD you are) by pointing out the classic Hollywood memorabilia on the walls.

3286 Mission St.
San Francisco,  Ca

Progressive Grounds
Visit Progressive Grounds to feel like a local—this cafe serves a wide variety of delicious treats (including Mitchell’s ice cream by the scoop), but its warm, welcoming atmosphere draws customers from miles around. Make sure to visit the back patio; cozy cushioned seats and a small fireplace give way to an outdoor terrace that has to be seen to be believed.

400 Cortland Ave.
San Francisco, Ca

Photo: Tiffany Ingram at 


Little Bee Baking
A relative newcomer, but already wildly popular is Stacie Pierce’s (of Chez Panisse) Little Bee Baking. Goodies like locally-sourced rosemary cornmeal cookies, flourless brownies, and ginger loaves are among the freshly made daily delights for the sweet tooth.

521 Cortland Ave.
San Francisco, Ca

331 Cortland Market/Suite Foods
One of the most innovative additions to the neighborhood is a quad of food vendors who all have booths within the same storefront. You can grab a bowl of Thai food, a piroshki, and a jar of artisanal pickles all in one spot—but we recommend the Liege-style chocolate waffle from Suite Foods.

331 Cortland St.
San Francisco, Ca
Suite Foods
Anda Piroshki 415-821-9905
Mae Krua  415-574-7334
Paulie’s Pickling  415-285-0800

Sadly, Maggie Mudd’s is no more, but if your youngster has to have a cold, sweet treat, Mitchell’s Ice Cream lies just on the outer edge of Bernal Heights. The line can be intimidating on hot days, but if you hit it when it’s uncrowded, the staff is happy to give lots of samples. Try the ube, halo halo, and coconut.

688 San Jose Ave.
San Francisco, Ca

—Sarah Mueller Bossenbroek

What did we miss from this family-friendly hood? Tell us in the comments below.