If your family has a tradition of checking out the neighborhood lights, no need to drive around aimlessly. Nextdoor has teamed up with the Home Depot to make it easy to find the most spirited houses in your area. The Cheer Map maps the best and brightest decorations, whether you’re searching for Christmas inflatables or menorah displays.

To find the map or add your home, head to the Nextdoor app and click the “More” tab. There’s even a handy how-to guide on hanging holiday lights, if you’re on the fence. The map will help you plan the perfect sightseeing route and find some new, cool spots in your own neighborhood.

According to a recent poll on the app, the overwhelming majority (90%) of respondents plan to decorate for the holidays and 70% put up decorations in November. So if you’re ready to get out on a drive, now is the time. Don’t forget the hot chocolate!

—Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of James Wheeler, Unsplash



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