You’d better put your coffee down before you read this. No, really. Put it down. We’ve gathered up the funniest Seattle bloggers, who are moms and dads, for a must-read list that will have you laughing so hard that your kids are likely to run in the room, wondering if you’re watching cat videos on YouTube again.

Mrs. Flinger

Let's take a moment to talk about Mrs. Flinger. Holding down the Seattle blogging scene since before everyone and their, um, mother?, had a mommy blog, Mrs. Flinger shows us all how it should be done. Beyond the hilarious posts, we keep coming back because we also love reading about the plight of a working mom, and one who travels internationally for work, at that.

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Are any of these funny ladies (or gent) your favorite too? Have a suggestion for another Seattle mom blogger who makes you snort coffee out your nose? Share with us in the comments section below! 

— Katie Kavulla

Catch more Seattle bloggers we love, including Seattle-Area Travel Blogs and Creative Mom Blogs.

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