Love is in the air, and it doesn’t always have to be about fancy flowers and tasty treats. We’ve found 18 unique DIY Valentine’s Day gifts that kids can make (they’re no joke!) and that you (or whoever the lucky person is) will want to keep. Get ready to create something unique that comes straight from the heart. Don’t forget to check out our favorite homemade Valentine’s Day cards too!
While these might look tricky, they’re surprisingly easy to make. The hardest part will be pressing the flower or leaf into the clay without smudging it. If that seems like too much, skip that part entirely and just paint each heart!
Black glue might not be top of mind when you think about homemade Valentine’s gifts, but this project is stunning and good for all crafting levels. Get the details and the printable template from Red Ted Art.
Pencil this idea in, and you have a pretty gift for your Valentine. We love The Best Idea for Kids use of pipe cleaners and Valentine pencils to put together this clever craft that becomes a heartfelt gift.
What better way to say "I love you" than with a pretty coffee filter heart? Simple Fun for Kids shows the how-to for this craft that makes a perfect gift. You’ll need coffee filters, markers, and an eyedropper (or something similar) then let your little artist go to it.
This DIY Valentine’s gift soars above the rest. Mom Leslie over at Pink Stripey Socks gives the step-by-step on how to make these adorable paper airplane Valentines. Not only are they fun to make, but also they make a cool gift.
If you’re down to the last minute and need a quick (and cute!) gift, then these heart-shaped paper clips do the trick. Click through to How About Orange for the how-to. Even more, add a sweet note or a new book, and you're done.
What’s more fun than stamping your heart out? We love Clumsy Crafter’s cute and elegant DIY heart tea towels. Grab those potatoes, carve, stamp, and follow the directions. You’ll have tons of fun!
Your budding Picasso can make a Valentine’s Day gift with this easy-to-do shake painting. Head over to No Time for Flashcards to find out how to do this fun craft. Pick your colors, throw in hearts, and shake. It's the perfect present.
For a gift that will stick around past February, these heart magnets from Idlewife are awesome. They’re pretty easy to make, but leave yourself enough time to let them harden after you’ve sculpted them.
How cute are these little love monsters from Eighteen 25? Using yarn, pipe cleaners, and googly eyes, they’re super fun to make, and we love that each one is unique.
If you’ve got a fisherman in your life (or a candy lover), she or he will get a kick out of this clever gift from Close to Home. Fill up the tackle box with Swedish fish and gummy worms, then attach a little tag.
Who’s number one in your book? With just a few creases and folds you can make this origami bookmark heart. Make a few and give them to friends who love to read. Go to How About Orange for the simple tutorial.
While not for the faint of heart (see what we did there?), we adore this DIY Valentine's Day gift from Fireflies and Mud Pies. Your kids can make one using paint, an antiquing medium, a wood heart, and twine.
Hearts will be full when the kids hand off a brightly colored heart sun catcher this Valentine's Day. Give your kids a salad spinner, coffee filter, paint, and paper, then watch them create from the heart. Mom Kristina gives us the know-how over at Toddler Approved.
These heart-shaped bracelets will help your kid let her BFFs know that life would knot be the same without them. Head over to The Nerd’s Wife for an easy tutorial that requires a paracord and scissors.
Go buggy with this cute craft from A Little Pinch of Perfect. You can help your kids make one with a tin can, craft paper, googly eyes, and a pipe cleaner.
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