Got twins? Two under two? A toddler with a baby on the way? We’ve got a solution for every double stroller situation. From tandems to a ride along board, this is how we roll when we’ve gotta get siblings from here to there. Get ready to gear up by flipping through our finds.

Talk About Options

Phil & Ted's Verve stroller boasts 23 options for pushing one or two children from newborn to toddler age. Twin babies can ride in car seats thanks to adaptors, or one baby can roll in a carrycot, or with the seat folded flat. You can also configure the stroller for one toddler. Or pair a doubles seat with an infant car seat, carrycot or a second seat to tote siblings. This stroller is unique as the design sets up siblings one on top of the other instead of side by side.

Available at, $599.99 + doubles kit, $149.99.

How do you transport your kids? Tell us about your favorite double stroller in a Comment.

–Julie Seguss

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