We all know how important it is for parents to stay connected online (now more than ever!). Working from home, social distancing and homeschooling can be isolating and overwhelming, so we’ve found a bunch of Facebook groups you can join to reach out and connect with other parents in the Dallas community. Read on to find that support, shared knowledge and camaraderie are just a few clicks away in a local online group for parents in the DFW.
Dallas Moms This massive group of almost 10,000 member moms was created in December 2014. It is a community made up of moms who work outside the home as well as some who have a side gig, work from home, are budding entrepreneurs, do volunteer work, etc. They share talents, do good deeds, share great ideas, help each other with mom questions, inspire each other, help each other find humor and be supportive overall.
Dallas Moms Community Group for Working Moms This is an online neighborhood group, sponsored by Dallas Moms (formally Dallas Moms Blog). Working moms chat about kids and the balance (or lack thereof) between work and parenting.
Black Metro Moms of Dallas Black Metro Moms of Dallas is a community of moms living and working in the Dallas metroplex. Whether you are a new mom or you are about to have an empty nest, this group wants you to have a place where you can socialize, have fun, meet other moms, have meet ups with moms and their kids, support each other, get advice, give advice, share information and inspire each other.
Transplant Parents of Dallas This group started as a Meetup group in 2013 and have evolved into a Facebook only group of parents who have transplanted to Texas from other states or countries. This purpose of this group is to connect to other transplants and provide resources to each other as we all navigate Dallas together.
Black Moms of Suburbia - North Of Dallas Black Moms of Suburbia's mission is to partner with organizations to create opportunities where Black mothers can authentically be heard and enlighten communities by allowing them to share their experiences. They strive to dismantle racism, discrimination and inequality by hosting curated events that support diversity and inclusion.
Dallas Jewish Parents This group is a great resource for our community focused on providing valuable information on events, activities, opinions and various service providers. It's a place for us to support each other and give a voice to our community.
Special Needs Parents of North Texas This group was created for special needs parents to seek advice, referrals and support. This is an open discussion page for those in North Texas. Because you're never alone in the struggles you face. And once you find your people, your allies, your village . . all the challenges and struggles will seem just a little bit easier.
Dallas Dads Group The Dallas Dads Group is a diverse community of fathers taking an active role in their children’s lives. They meet several times a month; with our kids at parks, playgrounds, museums, parent-and-me classes, and living rooms across the DFW area. They’ll also organize parenting workshops and “Dad’s Night Out” events to give our members an opportunity to socialize, learn and support each other as we navigate parenthood.
Autism Mamas DFW This group is a place where parents of Autistic kiddos can share their experiences, get support and know they are not alone.
Dallas Moms of Multiples This group was created to share ideas, ask questions, and vent about the joys of having multiples.
Fort Worth Moms Group It really does take a village so this group meets regularly to support each other, cry together and laugh until we pee! The group enjoys play dates and Moms Night Out
Do you have a parenting group that you’d like added to this list? Send an email to kate@tinybeans.go-vip.net.