Having a baby in the house means lots of baby wipes and a whole lot of empty boxes. Instead of tossing them, turn your trash into treasure with this upcycle idea. From clever storage to sensory toys, you’ll find lots of ingenious ways to repurpose those baby wipes containers.

Piggy Bank & Money Counting Activity

Sunny Day Family

This piggy bank requires minimal crafting supplies and can be used in multiple ways. Older kids can store their money in it, and younger kids can work on counting and fine motor skills. Use plastic coins or plastic bottle caps as money and show your little one how to place each coin in the opening. Get more details on how to create this clever piggy at Sunny Day Family.

Yarn Container

DIY Inspired

Crafty folks will love to keep knitting products neat and tidy in these containers. Whether you decide to go glam by repainting and decorating it, or just use as is, when you thread the raw end through the top hole, your yarn slides out with no snags. See the easy way to pull this off at DIY Inspired.

First Aid Kit

Create a first aid kit for the car or to bring on vacation! It's the perfect size to hold adhesive bandages, antiseptics, pain reducers, and more.


Nail Polish Storage

Keep those nail polish bottles organized and upright by storing in a baby wipe box. The hard-shelled container makes it easy to tote your beauty products and will prevent a mess should one of the bottles break or open.


Make a Sensory Game

I Can Teach My Child

Save up plastic bottle caps and mark each with a letter of the alphabet. Then feed the "alphabet monster." You can also sort by color or use different objects and sort by shape. Get the tutorial from I Can Teach My Child.



Organize Medication

Kelli's Kitchen

Whether you're organizing daily meds or just want to get that medicine cabinet cleaned up, a wipes container gets the job done. Kelli's Kitchen beautified her container by priming and painting, and then adding ribbon for extra pizazz. The result? A cute box that keeps your medication neat and out of kids' sight. Check out Kelli's Kitchen for more creative ways to use wipes containers.

Grab Bags

The Thriftiness Miss

If you have plastic bags cluttering up your cupboards, try this tip from the Thriftiness Mess. Pop those bags in a wipes container with one coming out the top like in a tissue box. It'll be easy to grab one when you need it for wet clothes, spare snacks or stinky diapers.

Go Loco for LEGOs


If baby has an older sibling, you know that LEGOs end up in every nook and cranny you could possibly imagine (or not even imagine). Help keep these little blocks contained, and out of the reach of your baby, with this storage box that doubles as a creation station. We love this for long car rides. Blogger kv.barn shows you how to make it.

Build Baby’s First Laptop

She Wears Flowers

This faux laptop is easy to make and won’t expose your tiny tots to any actual screen time but will still allow them to type away just like Mom and Dad. Get the scoop on how to build it at She Wears Flowers.

Play Peek-a-Boo

I Can Teach My Child

Two things that excite babies: pictures of themselves and opening and closing things. This wipe box turned toy accomplishes both. The I Can Teach My Child Blog has turned the box top into a mini house with functional windows and doors that reveal pictures of baby and family members.

Organize Art Supplies

Sweet Shoppe Designs

As your baby grows, so does the amount of stuff you have lying around the playroom. To keep those art supplies organized, create these cute craft boxes. They're the perfect size for storing pencils, crayons and markers. Find the tutorial from Sweet Shoppe Designs, (scroll down a bit).

Introduce Math Skills

Mrs. Karen's Preschool Ideas

This fun way to teach numbers is great for older siblings. Turn the tops of wipes boxes into game show-esque revealing windows and you have yourself a way to introduce the concept of counting. For smaller tots, pictures of animals or items of different textures would also work well. Mrs. Karen’s Preschool Ideas shows you how.

—Karly Wood, Samantha Lande & Christal Yuen


21 Kid-Friendly Crafts to Celebrate Earth Day

9 Simple Ways to Turn a Plastic Bottle Into a Baby Toy

13 Surprising Ways to Repurpose Old Toys

18 Creative Upcycled Crafts for Kids


When your beautiful baby arrived, chances are so did a deluge of supplies. There is a baby version for almost anything a full-size human could need or want. But sometimes those infant-friendly items are superior to our adult-size ones. Scroll on for 7 baby products you’re going to want to steal from your sweet newborn.

Upgrade Your Office Space

Crate and Barrel

That sound machine with its womb-like noise helps soothe your little one into slumber. But when they're not using it, try plopping it outside your home office or craft space so you can zero in on your work and cancel out all of the distracting noises in your home. We like the Yogasleep Hushh Baby Sound Machine (shown above, $29.95 at crateandbarrel.com). Check out our other favorite baby sound machines and sleep aids.


Protect Delicate Skin

Haley Phelps via Unsplash

That perfectly formulated, chemical-free high-SPF infant sunscreen is a safe bet for anyone looking for a sensitive, non-toxic approach to sun protection. If you have fair skin or easily break out from harsh skincare sproducts, dab on some of your baby's SPF when you're poolside for a gentle shield against the sun's harmful rays. Check out our favorite sunscreens for babies and toddlers.

Bake with Pouches

Life is Fantastic via Unsplash

Food pouches make it easy for little ones to eat nutritious snacks on the go. But did you know those baby food packets also double as the secret ingredient in extra-moist cakes, like this one from Crafty Cooking Mama? And don't limit baby food to just cooking and baking. Mix some pureed peaches into a brunch cocktail; Bon Appétit explains how in this article.

Travel in Style

Haba USA

That oversized, cumbersome diaper bag you can't wait to ditch? It actually doubles as the perfect travel accessory. Hitting the road for a work trip? Or just getting some much-needed R&R on a girlfriend getaway? Grab your diaper bag. All those pockets make finding things on a plane or a train a cinch. Bonus: They're big enough to hold your laptop too. Check out our smart mom's guide to diaper bags and the latest and greatest diaper bags.

Keep Wrinkles at Bay

The Honest Company via Unsplash

Are you still using a rough terry towel on your face? All of that friction makes aging skin sag. Stock up on more of those teeny, tiny perfectly soft little baby wash cloths. They've made tub time easier for years--long after the infant tub has been outgrown. And we won't blame you if you want to snag some to keep your face feeling, well, baby soft! 

Measure and Pour

Jens Johnssson via Unsplash

Don't toss those bottles after your baby graduates to glasses. In a pinch, you can use them to measure liquids for baking (spray with a non-stick oil when measuring sticky substances like syrup). Looking to shake up some cocktails for the witching hour? Baby bottles work well for at-home bartenders too! Check out these innovative baby bottles.

Wipe It All Away

The Honest Company via Unsplash

Wipes weren't just made for warmers (are we still doing that?). Tuck them into your purse to fend off gooey fingers; keep them in your car to wipe down sticky seats; and make sure to stock a few in your bathroom. WaterWipes and baby wipes are made for an infant's delicate skin, so they're a perfect stand-in for make-up wipes! 

—Meghan Yudes Meyers


Newborn Must-Haves You’ll Need in the First Weeks

15 Things to Skip on Your Baby Registry

8 Innovative Safety Products That Are Actually Stylish

It’s no secret that babies—and all of their stuff—can cost a bundle. Repurposing those used baby items once your little one has outgrown them is a smart way to stretch the money you’ve already invested. Plus, giving your baby items a new use beyond their original purpose will keep perfectly usable items out of the landfill. For frugal-minded moms, it’s a win-win! Here are our 10 favorite ways to give old baby items a new lease on life.

photo: Elizabeth weislak via Flickr

1. Board books for early learning and development. Before you send those “baby” board books to donations, keep in mind that it won’t be long before your little one will be reading books (rather than chewing on them). With colorful illustrations, durable construction, and easy-to-identify pictures and words, board books makes the perfect first books for early readers. Plus, they’re the the perfect size for little hands.

2. Baby wipes for cleaning messes on the go and more. If you’ve moved beyond the diaper phase and still have boxes of baby wipes stacked in your closet, you’re in luck. The tiny, disposable workhorses are good for much more than diaper duty. Great for potty-training toddlers, cleaning kids’ grimy hands on the go, removing stubborn makeup (from faces and clothes!), and wiping down pretty much anything, from your leather jacket to your kids’ dry-erase chalkboards to the dashboard of your car, it’s no wonder why wipes are a household staple in even baby-free homes.

3. Bottle brushes for new cleaning tasks. You may have tossed the bottles, but give those cleaning brushes a new lease on life by putting them to work on other household items. They’re perfect for reaching into hard-to-clean nooks of toddlers’ sippy cups and slim-necked items, like reusable water bottles, thermoses or vases. Their gentle bristles also make them ideal for cleaning delicate glassware like crystal. Sanitize by running through a regular dishwashing cycle periodically.

photo: Keababies

4. Diaper caddy for closet organizers. A diaper caddy is a lifesaver when it comes to storing all the necessities for a quick change. We love the Original Diaper Caddy Bag from Keababies. Once your child is out of diapers, store toys, swim gear, winter mittens and hats, anything you want to keep organized and easily accessible on a shelf in your child’s closet. Thanks to all the handy dividers and pockets, it could also hold knitting supplies, car snacks, your haircare tools and countless other household items.

5. Baby powder for deodorizing and more. Buying the 15-ounce economy-size baby powder seemed like a good idea, until you got two years into motherhood and realized you’d barely made a dent in the bottle. Fortunately, there are plenty of clever uses for the cornstarch mixture, from deodorizing gym shoes to freshening up your carpet before vacuuming. Some thrifty mamas swear by it as a dry shampoo alternative, while others bring along a bottle to the beach to make quick work of removing stubborn sand from hands and feet. 

6. Sippy cups for occasional use. While we’re not suggesting you allow your five year old to drink from a sippy cup on a regular basis (the AAP Pediatric Nutrition Manual suggests most children are developmentally ready to trade a sippy cup for a straw cup beginning around age 2), it’s smart to keep a few sippy cups handy for occasions where you need to cut down on the chance of spills. Some possible uses: during long car trips, on a bedside table for late-night thirst or to give fluids during an illness while your child is laying down in bed. 

photo: Hazel Olayres via Unsplash

7. Baby shampoo for gentle cleaning. No need to spend money on fancy cleaners for the delicate items around your house when you have a leftover bottle of baby shampoo. Suitable for baby’s skin, it makes sense that the gentle cleansers are safe but effective on everything from makeup brushes to lingerie. 

8. Burp cloths for mess control. When your swaddling days are over, there are still plenty of ways to put your burp cloths to good use. Ultra absorbent and soft, they’re ideal for dusting, wiping up spills, and cleaning or polishing surfaces from the kitchen to the bathroom. They’re also the perfect accompaniment to mealtime when used as a placemat to catch the overflow of messy little eaters or as a bib to keep an outfit clean.

9. Lanolin for more than cracked nipples. Once your breastfeeding days are behind you, that tube of lanolin may become your skin’s new best friend. Perfect for most anything that ails your skin, some of our favorite uses include soothing chapped lips and scraped knees, moisturizing ragged cuticles, and calming razor nicks.

photo: NGi via Pixabay

10. Baby food for added nutrition. We know what you’re thinking, and we’re with you. As much as we love to save money, eating baby food straight from the jar is taking things too far. Fortunately, there’s a better use for leftover containers of puree. Add the contents of a fruit- or spinach-flavored jar into a smoothie or swap some of the puree in place of the oil in a quick bread. Jars of purred vegetables and blends can be added to thicken soups and stews or stirred into spaghetti sauce for a nutritional boost you won’t even notice.

11. Diapers for soothing ouchies and hiding valuables. If you have an outgrown box of diapers languishing in a closet, you might want to pull out a few and set them aside before donating the rest. Extras can be used to make a homemade ice pack for ouchies or to keep foods cold on the go. (Simply pour a cup of alcohol into the diaper, saturate with water, slip into a zippered baggie, and freeze.) Other ideas: Use extras to wrap fragile items before storing, hide valuables safely at the park, or absorb a spill on carpet or upholstery by placing the diaper upside down on the area to be treated with a weight for a few minutes until the liquid is absorbed.

—Suzanna Palmer


12 Genius DIY Babyproofing Hacks

10 Products & Services All New Parents Should Know About

5 Genius Products for Outings with Your Baby

Dear Confessional,

I’m sorry, but life is not “like a box of chocolates,” because if it were, then each bite would be sweet and probably not last more than 10 minutes in my hands (especially if they were filled with caramel). Life, perhaps, is more accurately depicted as that Jelly Belly BeanBoozledⓇ game where you have to spin the dial and manage through your pick—barf, juicy pear, spoiled milk, lime, rotten egg, coconut, etc. Not every experience in life is “strawberry” and “peach.” Some days are just plain “spoiled milk” and “moldy cheese.”

Yes, every day is truly a gift, on both the good days and the ones that feel like a “booger” pick. Whether you spin the dial and life lends you a sweet or foul hand, each moment is a small part of your vast journey in experiencing, feeling, learning, growing, and then back again. Reflecting back on my likely relatable lessons learned in each stage of life, I have received both the tasty and foul jelly beans, too. That is why I feel the need to share this account of my personal rainbow of flavors that I have tasted in each stage of life.

“Coconut” childhood Always trust your instincts and speak up when you need to, right away. Don’t ever feel less than anyone. You are important, smart, and worthy. When you start writing and publishing your first works of poetry, let nothing stop you. You are boundless with possibility if you truly want it. When school work starts to get you down, find a different way to study and learn. Your will to succeed and effort are far more important than the score. Do your best always, and that will be good enough.

“Barf” note to self: When you don’t like your dinner, don’t think you can fool your parents by hiding your bites in a napkin or pushing the food into really small but very tall piles. They always know!

“Tutti-Frutti” teenage years Even when your body doesn’t change as quickly as your friends’, it will happen. Stop rushing it and give it time. Let your full personality bloom to others. Don’t measure yourself so much by school scores and exam results. True success comes from your determination and passion to succeed in what you love—not from a number.

“Stinky Socks” note to self: Please stop picking any zits. Your skin is beautiful and will self-heal—so hands-off—and take out any stress through your writing, not on yourself. When you look back at this time later, you will really appreciate your flawless skin.

“Chocolate Pudding” college life Love yourself more and criticize less. Stop wearing makeup, you don’t need to hide behind a layer of foundation. Wear that bikini with pride—no stretch marks, cellulite, stretched-out skin, or wrinkles yet—and stop worrying about that thigh gap! Your financial struggle will bring out the greatest work ethic and inner strength that you will carry always. You will find a way to pay for school, a car, living expenses, and manage to save a bundle, all while taking a full load of classes and two internships. This work ethic is more valuable than the schooling itself, so stop worrying about the scores and keep pushing on.

“Rotten Egg” note to self: After you discover $5 pizzas, freshman year, and your dream guy asks you on a date, DO NOT squeeze into those black corduroy pants! You will regret bending down. Buttons will pop and tearing sounds will haunt you. He’ll still marry you, though, shameless appetite and all.

“Caramel Corn” career Follow your dreams and don’t settle. Even if you don’t get the job you were hoping right away, don’t stop until you do what you love. The money will come when you don’t give up—work hard and plan your dream into reality. You are worthy, so don’t ever let any manager speak down to you, ever!

“Dead Fish” note to self: You don’t make a good first impression by going cross-eyed and bobble-head sleeping during your first Board of Directors meeting. Your boss WILL take a picture. Get more sleep!

“Strawberry Banana Smoothie” marriage Don’t worry about everything being perfect on your wedding day because the unexpected will undoubtedly happen. Enjoy every second of your special day, soak it all in, and wear flats instead of those fancy high heels. Marriage is incredible and also takes work. Be honest and respectful always. Never go to bed angry. Stop being so stubborn, and admit when you’re a pain and apologize. Don’t forget to keep it hot—less flannel pyjamas and more slinky things, even on “fat” days. He always thinks your sexy, so stop worrying about that post-broccoli bloatation.

“Baby Wipes” note to self: When tensions rise, feed him or let him nap immediately! The hungry and tired combo is lethal.

Peach” pregnancy Being pregnant is awkward, uncomfortable, tiring, nauseating, and also such an incredible and miraculous blessing. Enjoy every second, because when you’re truly done having kids, you’ll know it—and then you’ll feel old. After each baby, don’t self-shame over your awkward figure for a while. Your body will need time to heal and your emotions time to settle before you get the proper portion and over-carbing issue in check. Give yourself a full year to get back into your pre-preggo body. When it’s time to have each baby, don’t be stubborn—listen to your body and your instincts. Sometimes, your intuition is far greater than a nurse’s or doctor’s assumption.

“Toothpaste” note to self: You don’t need to eat the entire cake, the scale doesn’t lie.

“Berry Blue” mom Being a first time mom is hard. You will be so tired. You will have a hard time asking for help. Sleep more and recharge. You are NOT a machine. Don’t over-sanitize everything—pass around the baby more. Stop micro-managing and let others find their own way. Opinions are just that, opinions—take them or leave them. Don’t use pantry-prowling and shovelling food in your face as an excuse for a break. Remember that when your child melts down, don’t crumble with her. Be the calm in her storm. Be the confident and compassionate one until the dark clouds clear. It is the only way. When the kids argue, let them. Don’t always try and fix everything, it is not your battle. Give them the tools to repair, heal, and step away. Learn from them, as they have so much to teach you.

“Skunk Spray” note to self: Enjoy bringing your baby to the supermarket because when they’re all in school, you won’t have anyone to blame when you pass gas. 

“Lime” back to ME time Having a free moment once all kids are in school will feel strange and will take some time before you stop looking over your shoulder or automatically opening all of the car doors every time you get in or out of the minivan. Take the time to find yourself again. Pursue your true dreams in the few hours you have—you will be surprised by how fast it happens. Wear your body like a badge of honor—you did create four miracles with it. You are not perfect and don’t need to pretend to be. Be real. Be honest. Be selfless and kind, and teach your children the same. They are always watching. Don’t live with guilt or regret. Do what you love and show others how much you appreciate and love them. “You are your own perfect imperfection.”

“Booger” note to self: Really try and get more sleep because your wide-gapped mouth will appear both frightening and morbid when you fall asleep in the passenger seat or airplane. Even though it’s the law of gravity, people WILL stare, take pictures, point, and laugh.

Enjoy the journey and keep learning. Even in the moments that may taste like “canned dog food” or “lawn clippings,” you never know what you’re going to get.

Take every moment with patience, open-mindedness, and willingness to understand—and always remember to laugh, hug, and find thankfulness in any situation.

Remember, it’s not about the flavor of the bean that your dealt with, but rather the experience, the laughter, and the company that makes it all worth while during the game.

With Love,


Photo: Ruthi Davis Photography

Ruthi Davis is a the Founder of Ruth Davis Consulting LLC with over two decades of success in advertising/marketing, media/publicity, business development, client relations, and organizational optimization for a variety of clients. Ruthi is a proud mom and influencer in the parenting and family market as founder of the Superfly Supermom brand.

There are certain moments as a parent when it literally feels like the entire universe has it in for you. No matter how bad your worst mom days are, however, it could always be worse as one mom’s hilarious viral Facebook post about poop on a slide illustrates.

Mom, Brittany Nichole Berry, took to Facebook to share her epic mom fail and let’s just say after reading this you’ll never leave the house without a full stock of baby wipes ever again. Berry’s post begins with an ominous warning, “I’ve debated on sharing this, just because it’s so embarrassing and I failed as a mother on so many different levels. But….. I think it needs to be said, if only to serve as birth control for the younger generation. Fair warning…. TMI AND POOP!”

As Berry explains she and her daughters were on an impromptu visit to the park when disaster struck. “At one point Sadie goes down the slide and then walks in front of me and I see ‘wet’ shorts. I think, ‘okay she’s peed out of her diaper, no big deal,'”Berry writes. “Then I start to change her and I realize it’s a poop-trophe.”

Every parent has experienced a “poop-trophe” moment at some point, what really set this one apart is what happened after she discovered she only had four wipes. “I start cleaning her up and there’s only FOUR wipes. This isn’t a four wipe kind of poop it’s pressure washer or open fire hydrant kind of poop. So I start looking for more wipes in the van. At this point, Sadie’s just standing there naked in an empty (thank God) the parking lot, with poop up her back in her hair, down her legs to her knees, even on her shoes, because taking her clothes off did not go as smoothly as one would hope,” she writes.

And then things really kick into fourth gear. “I turn my back, frantically searching for more wipes. Nothing. I had just cleaned out the van yesterday. I got out any and all extraneous wipes, clothes, everything. I KNOW there’s no other wipes in there, but I search anyway. Then I hear it…. that painful SQQQUUUEEEAAAKKKKK of skin getting stuck to a plastic slide on the way down. I look up and yes, of course, it’s Sadie. She’s going down the slide, butt naked, COVERED in poop, leaving a long skid mark of poop allllllll the way down on her way.”

The only saving grace is that the park has remained empty this entire time. Berry decides the only thing she can do is wrap her daughter in a blanket, buckle her and head home, but she doesn’t feel good about leaving behind a poop-streaked slide so she rushes the five-minute drive home to grab some Clorox wipes. She returns and parks the car with the kids inside and AC running and is thankful that the park is still empty.

“I get the brilliant idea to go down the slide and wipe as I go. Instead of risking a head injury I decide to go down feet first, on my stomach, holding on to the side to slow myself down with one hand and wiping with the other. This was not easy. I did not look elegant or attractive, I’m sure. I’m 254lbs of sweaty fat flopping around this children’s slide like a fish out of water,” she writes. “When I get to the bottom, I’m finally satisfied with my cleaning job. I turn and see a car parked, a family, all of them with glaring at me…. I dunno how long they were there. I never heard them pull up. They never got out of the car. I genuinely think that we’re afraid of me, after all, I was an overweight seemingly childless adult, on children’s playground equipment.”

Finally she looks down only to discover that her shirt is covered in poop. “Of course, I went down feet first. My clothes got the bulk of the poop. ” She continues, “I am NOT getting that on my seat belt. I am not getting a ticket or dying from not wearing a seat belt, no matter how short the drive. So,….. I do the only thing I can think to do….. I drive home in my bra. That family is scarred for life I’m sure…”

And that is by far the funniest poop-trophe story of all time.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Courtesy of Brittany Nichole Berry



Mom’s “There’s No Trophy” Post Goes Viral & It’s Spot On

This Mom’s Viral “Squeaky Oven Dance” Is a Must-See

This Mom’s Hilarious Viral Video about Sibling Fights Is on Point

It’s finally here––Amazon Prime Day has arrived! We’ve scouted the best deals the online retailer is selling for this year’s mega sale. Keep scrolling to get all the details on baby and kids gear in addition to clothing, electronics and more.

Electronics, Digital Media & Personal Care

Fire 7 Kids Edition Tablet ($60, 40% off), Fire 8 Kids Edition Tablet ($80, 38% off), Fire 10 Kids Edition Tablet ($150, 25% off)

Echo Dot ($22, 56% off or buy three for $60)

All-new Kindle ($60, 33% off)

Audible + Echo Dot ($30 off 1 year of Audible plus an Echo Dot for $.99)

Toshiba Fire Edition TV ($190, 42% off)

Nespresso VertuoPlus Deluxe Coffee and Espresso Maker ($99, 45% off)

InstantPot DUO Plus 60 6 Quart ($55, 57% off) & InstantPot Smart Wi-Fi 6 Quart Multi-Cooker ($90, 55% off)

23andME DNA Test ($99, 50% off)

BaBylissPRO Nano Titanium Dryer ($55, 36% off)

Apple Watches & iPads (up to 30% off)

iRobot Roomba 690 Robot Vacuum ($230, 30% off)

Solgaard Boombox Portable Solar Speaker/Power Bank and Phone Charger ($75, save $35 when you apply coupon on listing)

Dyson Vacuums and Purifiers (save up to $250)

Car Seats & Strollers

Maxi-Cosi Magellan 5-in-1 Convertible Car Seat ($249, $100 off)

Safety 1st Grow and Go 3-in-1 Convertible Car Seat ($99, $80 off)

Graco 4Ever 4-in-1 Convertible Car Seat ($192, 20% off)

Graco SlimFit 3-in-1 Convertible Car Seat ($190, 20% off plus an additional 20% off at checkout)

The Clutch Stroller ($120, 20% off)

Baby Jogger Vue Stroller ($100, 22% off)

Wonder buggy Umbrella Stroller ($58, 20% off)

Cynebaby Vista City Select Stroller ($180, 25% off)

Baby Gear

Safety 1st Magnetic Locking System ($20, $10 off)

Owlet Cam Baby Video Monitor ($116, 22% off)

Nanit Plus Smart Baby Monitor ($239, 20% off) and Nanit Plus Smart Baby Monitor with Floor Stand ($303, 20% off)

Amazing Baby (Use code 50Welcome for 50% off one Amazing Baby item)

Skip Hop Made for Me Potty Training Toilet ($30, 15% off and exclusively launching on Prime Day)

Ready, Set, Food! allergy introduction program (20% off)

Regalo Baby Safety Gates (Wide span, double door super wide, home decor super wide, home accents super tall and top of stair styles), and My Cot Deluxe (20% off)

LÍLLÉbaby CarryON Airflow (40% off), Ring Sling (35% off) and Embossed (35% off) Carriers

Copper Pearl (15% off entire line)

Delta Furniture: Shark, Puppy, Panda & Kitten Chair, Minnie & Mickey Figural Chair, MySize Bench Desks & Character Bench Desks (20% off)

Seventh Generation Diapers ($14, save 40% off at check out PLUS 50% off your first subscribe and save order!)and Baby Wipes with Dispenser ($20, save 30% at checkout)

Enfagrow Premium Next Step Toddler Natural Milk Flavor Powder ($138, 25% off)

Once Upon a Farm Variety Packs (30 % off select blends)

Toys & Games

Little Tikes Rocky Mountain River Race Inflatable Slide Bouncer ($350, 30% off) ** Top pick by Bailey from Everyday with Bay

Click N' Play 18Piece Beach Sand Toy Set ($17, 15% off) **Top pick by Stacey from Posh in Progress

Kinetic Sand ($7, 50% off) Top pick by Kristen from Balancing Pieces

Poolcandy 48-inch Animal Floats ($20)

Stomp Rocket (10% off, prices vary)

TeeTurtle Games: Unstable Unicorns, Scram & Llamas Unleashed (30% off)

Codi ($80, 20% off)

Little Tikes Princess Horse & Carriage ($100, Prime Day launch exclusive)

Kids Gear

Stearns Puddle Jumper Kids Life Jacket ($12, 53% off) ** Top pick by Nadia from Fun with Mama.

Wanderwild Backpacks (*10% Off all Wanderwild products and 30% Off The Wanderer Backpack in Raspberry Stripe ONLY)

OmieBox (20% off, click coupon on listing to receive discount)

KidKraft Art Table with Drying Rack and Storage ($67, 54% off)

Clothing & Accessories

SOJOS Fashion Polarized Sunglasses for Women ($10, 25% off) **Top pick by Brianne from Stroller in the City

JstBU Tween Intimates (20% off)

Select Adidas Styles (save up to 30%)

––Karly Wood

All photos courtesy of Amazon/Feature photo: Mein Deal via Unsplash



Amazon Prime Day 2019 Is Coming Soon (Here’s What We Know)

Amazon Might Launch a New Chain of Grocery Stores That’s NOT Whole Foods

Worried About Privacy From Amazon’s Alexa? These Easy Settings Will Ease Your Mind




Life is hectic and if your summer is anything like mine so far, it’s flying by fast! Here are 13 great ways to make those classic childhood memories while the sun is shining (and even if it’s not!).

  1. Go to a baseball game. Whether it is a little league game in town or a big league game in the city, get some peanuts or cracker jacks, chew some bubblegum and bring your glove to catch those foul balls.

  2. Visit a local landmark (for my mom it was Plymouth Rock every summer). Celebrate summer vacation and learn about a local historical place at the same time. Many are free and allow strolling and picnicking.

  3. Amusement park. These can be pricey and rides are size-dependant so choose a park based on what your kids will enjoy.

  4. Water slides, water park or splash pad. Summer means warm weather and warm weather means water, so why not a water park? If you can’t afford a regular water park, try to find a splash pad near you.

  5. Simple lawn games. Challenge your kids to a game of horseshoes or corn hole or chukka ball. My kids made up lawn Olympics one year with those and some of their own, like clothing-change-relay races, obstacle courses and more.

  6. Summer fairs. Kids are usually free admission to these fun fairs, but be prepared to spend a few bucks on games or midway food. We love to join some of the contests too, like pie and cookie baking or flower arranging.

  7. Sleep at grandma’s house. Some of my best childhood memories are at my grandparents’ farm, surrounded by family and activity. Grandma’s or grandpa’s are the best!

  8. Visit the ocean. This only works if you live within an hour or two of the ocean, like me. My kids are very good swimmers, but we still need to take care and beware of the undertow and the powerful waves. If you can’t get to the beach, go to a local swimming hole or a friend’s pool.

  9. Camping, even if it’s the backyard. Set up a tent or just sleep under the stars. My husband and I even slept out with the kids last week. I recommend an air mattress.

  10. Campfire with s’ mores, even if they’re in the microwave. We love to make s’ mores, and your kids will too. Yes, they are messy, but so what? Bring a washcloth or some baby wipes, or just jump in the pool to cool and clean off. Microwave s’ mores aren’t as awesome and be sure not to explode the marshmallow; that stuff is hard to clean off the microwave and is HOT!

  11. Local zoo, children’s museum or aquarium (or all three). Check to see if they have a free day or evening, or check with your local library to get a pass to one of these kid-friendly locations. Kids love to touch stuff and not get yelled at for doing it and kids’ museums are the place!

  12. Go for a train ride. Whether it is a real ride on a big-boy train or a little one at a park, zoo or other place, train rides are fun! If you can’t squeeze in a train ride this summer, it is a ride with a view when the leaves turn in the fall.

  13. Have a barbeque or cook-out. Invite friends and family and make it a pot-luck. All you need is good weather and a yard. Throw in a few yard games and a maybe a water balloon fight and your summer is made! If you don’t have a great yard, find a public park near you and bring chairs, blankets, and games there.

Pick and choose from the list or do the ones you can afford. Maybe you have a teenager or college student who could tag along and help out with the kiddos. Whatever you do, get together with friends and family and have fun! No matter where you live, you still have at least six to ten good weeks left until the dreaded “S” word!

Go Au Pair representative, cultural childcare advocate, Mom to six great kids, I earned my BS at RI College and MEd at Providence College. My hats: educator, tutor and writer of local blog for Go Au Pair families and Au Pairs. Baking, gardening, reading and relaxing on the porch are hobbies.

Popular e-commerce site Jet.com is expanding its home essentials line! Shoppers can now check out the Uniquely J baby line, a collection of hypoallergenic and dye-free baby essentials—and everything is under $15.

Uniquely J, a private label brand only available on Jet.com, has been around for some time now, offering groceries, cleaning, laundry, paper and plastic items at a great price. The new baby products, priced at $10 to $13 expand the existing line and provide gentle products for mom and baby.

Shoppers can find baby wipes, tear-free baby shampoo and body wash, lotion, bubble bath, baby dish and bottle soap and baby laundry pacs in the new line. Choose from fragrance-free or lightly scented products that are made without alcohol, parabens or sulfates.

Snag free shipping when you spend $35 or more on your order, and you can even save money by bundling products together! While you’re visiting Jet.com, don’t forget to check out their other products in electronics, fashion, beauty and home!

––Karly Wood

All photos courtesy of Jet.com



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Crawling, walking, touching and feeling. Your home is a hot bed for your child’s curiosity to abound, but it also means that keeping your household healthy and safe is extra important once your kids are on the move. Grove Collaborative shares your mission. They’re a customizable auto-shipment service, which delivers a wide array of sustainable household and personal care essentials that are great for you and your family, your home and the planet, too. Read on to discover why this is one collaboration you definitely want to join.

New customers who spend $20 get a FREE Home Essentials Kit, a $30 value.

What Grove Collaborative Is All About
From the hand soap we use to the lip balm we wear when we kiss our babes, it takes energy to ensure everything we use is safe, natural and, ideally, reasonably priced. Grove Collaborative’s Grove Standard shares these same principles. All of Grove’s products are healthy and effective, eco-friendly and affordable.

As a parent and consumer, you can rest assured that Grove has already checked every ingredient and tested each product in order to tell you how it aligns with their Grove Values—perhaps for being Non-GMO, Paraben-free or for using responsible packaging—and exactly what they love about it (shade-grown, solar-roasted coffee, anyone?). Translation: Grove did the research for you, which means you can use that energy to spend on actual homework.

How It Works
Shop the leading natural brands like Mrs. Meyer’s, Method and Zarbee’s and discover new ones like Counter Culture, Full Circle and Earth Mama Organics, to name a few. With customizable shipments, that healthy lifestyle we all strive for is accessible and effortless. Here are a few reasons why Grove Collaborative will make your life easier:

• You control refills, frequency of delivery (the default is monthly), and adjust what you receive as you go. They’ll even send you convenient monthly reminders to restock so you never run out.

• There is no requirement to order every month and you set the frequency of product shipments. For example, designate Method Laundry Detergent to arrive every two months, but ask for Seventh Generation Baby Wipes to ship every month.

• When your home care package arrives, it contains just what you need, when you need it. No surprises here and no last-minute trips to the store.

• Everyone in the family has been thought of, including dads and pets, too!

What’s Inside Your Box
Grove Collaborative isn’t just imagining a better world for our kids, but they’re creating a reality where every product we use can actually be good for the planet. That global philosophy is distilled into our homes whenever Grove’s healthy household essentials arrive at the door, such as cleaning products for the house, bath soap for baby, biodegradable bandages for the kids, or some Nourishing Coconut Skin Superfood by the Grove Collaborative brand just for you. Whether you’re already a seasoned natural products guru or looking to learn more about sustainability, Grove is an easy and enjoyable one-stop shop.

Other Perks of Going Green with Grove Collaborative
One way Grove offsets the carbon footprint that comes with shipping is by dedicating a portion of every shipment to the Arbor Day Foundation. Their goal is an impressive one—to plant one million new trees over the next three years. Grove’s packaging also prioritizes post-consumer materials and has helped to earn Grove Collaborative its Certified B Corporation status for doing good for people, animals, communities and the planet. And, the fact that your first order ships for free is a pretty sweet perk, too.

New customers who spend $20 get a FREE Home Essentials Kit, a $30 value.

— Jennifer Massoni Pardini

all photos courtesy of Grove Collaborative