Ready to lose the baby weight, but don’t have a gym membership or much time away from your little one? We hear you! Ease yourself back into the game and get moving at home with free online workout videos. We searched YouTube to find the best free fitness videos you can do with your baby in tow. Whether your newborn is just lying on a mat beside you, or if you’re holding your older baby close in a carrier, there’s a youtube workout for every mama trying to get back into shape. If you’ve got your clearance to workout from your doctor, try one of these workouts.

Baby & Me Yoga with Molly Sims

This professional-quality video was produced by Tom’s of Maine and Los Angeles’ Zooga Yoga and stars Molly Sims to keep you motivated. The 15-minute postnatal yoga session combines stretches and toning exercises. While most of the workout has your baby laying on your mat, the final few minutes features a few moves that your little one will love – being held, kissed and lifted up and down.

Cross Train With Your Baby

New mom, blogger and Youtube fitness trainer Sarah Fit, filmed this quick cross training routine with her baby. She’ll show you how to use your baby as a weight (it’s not as unloving as it sounds!). The video is only about 5 minutes long, but don’t worry, it’ll take you longer than that to complete the calorie-blasting workout. Sarah takes you through four exercise and includes the number of reps and sets you should do along with smart tips on technique and new mommy issues.

20-Minute Baby Wearing Workout

JessicaSmithTV takes on a mommy and me workout by having her postnatal client wear her baby in a carrier for the session. The low-impact cardio routine, will get your heart rate up and keeps you moving so you don’t have time to get bored. The carrier keeps your hands free, while your baby gets to enjoy the movement as you squat, march, do leg lifts, squat and more.

Squats, Lunges & Baby, Oh My!

Shayna Frasco Rose, a certified trainer and mama, created this quick full body workout incorporating your baby. Be sure that your little one can hold his head up on his own before trying it. In just 5 minutes you’ll complete lunges, squats, biceps curls and abs. The heavier your baby is, the harder the workout will be.

Mommy & Me Full Body Toner

Fitness trainer BekahFit, who offers more videos on her website for a monthly fee, shows you nine mom plus baby moves in this 6.5 minute video. While BekahFit talks you through each exercise, you’ll see her sister and niece demonstrating. You’ll do everything from mountain climbers to squats with an overhead (baby) press.

Weighting Game

If you have a set of free weights, or have a gym in your apartment building that you can take your baby to without getting dirty looks from other gym goers, this routine from Sterling Jackson is for you. You’ll wear your baby in a front carrier, so your hands are free to do biceps curls, triceps dips and more. At the end, you’ll take Baby out and place him on a mat so you can interact with him during a few core exercises. Note: if you weren’t into fitness pre-baby, this mommy and me workout will be too advanced.

Entertain Baby With a Cardio Blast

Watch this 2-minute video to learn a sequence of 6 baby weight-burning exercises along with recommended reps and sets. Don’t let the new mom’s near perfect bod deter you. You’ll start with burpees and with squats with lateral raises. You won’t hold your baby or get her in on the action of this workout, but the video does show you how to do these moves while your baby is watching, and hopefully entertained by your sweat session. Good luck!

Head to Toe Mama & Baby Session

Fitness pro Phyl London will instruct you through a 15-minute total body, mommy and baby workout. You’ll start with a few core exercises, work on push ups (which Baby will enjoy as you kiss her little head!), add the weight of baby to some sets of squats and lunges and more.

Do you have a favorite Youtube workout? Share it in the comments below.

–Julie Seguss

Between rearranging your life schedule for baby and taking care your new bundle of joy, fitness often gets kicked down low on your priority list…unless you’ve signed up for Fit4Mom. Started in 2012, this Marin fitness franchise works with moms (and families) who want to keep pre- and post-natal fitness on their fun radar. You can take your baby for a stroller jog, connect with other moms through Our Village and exchange sage advice, or just focus on building your strength and flexibility until it rivals your baby’s leg lifts. With Fit4Mom, working out just became hip, easy and fun again.

We sat down with Karin Collins, mompreneur of the Fit4Mom Marin franchise, to get an insider’s look on how she manages to stay fit all while being a full-time mom.

RT: What neighborhood/borough do you live in?

KC: Terra Linda

RT: What is your favorite “escape hatch” to get some “me” time and recharge?

KC: Years ago, I studied yoga and I try to sneak in a 30-minute session in the mornings before my 2 year old daughter wakes up. I also love to go on long runs or hikes by myself. It helps me clear my mind and I often come up with great ideas.

RT: What does the perfect Bay Area Sunday morning look like?

KC: Almost every Sunday is a perfect Sunday for me because I get to do what I love to do. Morning typically starts with morning snuggle with my family and then I teach a Stroller Strides class, which is a fitness class that moms can do with their Stroller aged children. Sundays is a special class for the whole family and so not only do I get to see my lovely mom’s but I also get to see many of the dad’s. Classes are twice the size and twice the fun! After class we walk over to the Civic Center farmer’s market to eat a yummy lunch and buy fresh fruits and veggies for the week.

RT: What is your latest obsession?

KC: On a recent trip to Sweden visiting my family and friends, I was connected with Sami Pharmacy. They offer a variety of organic super foods such as crowberries and wild blue berries. I am obsessed with their yummy products so much that now I’m going to be distributing their wonderful products here in the US.

RT: What’s your secret to balancing work and family life?

KC: The secret is that I have an amazing job, which allows me to integrate business, family, friends and fun all in one. I can bring my daughter when I teach my classes. She is my little workout buddy. My husband is also very supportive and appreciative of all the hard work I do in the home and for my company. Most importantly, I love what I do and so it really doesn’t feel like work.

RT: What is your proudest parenting moment so far?

KC: It is impossible to only mention one moment. There are so many little moments every day that make me so proud of my daughter. She shows a great deal of empathy towards other people, eats leafy green salads, helps me make lunches for her dad… the list goes on!

Have you checked out Fit4Mom? Follow them on Facebook for updates and Instagram for motivational pics!

Stroller Strides® is a stroller-based fitness program designed for moms with little ones. Each 60-minute, total body workout incorporates power walking, strength, toning, songs and activities. Certified fitness instructors offer a variety of fun class formats both indoors and outdoors. All locations also offer a free Plum Moms Club so moms can form lasting friendships with other moms through organized playdates, moms’ nights out, and activities for the whole family.