Editor’s note: Any medical advice presented here is expressly the views of the writer and Red Tricycle cannot verify any claims made. Please consult with your healthcare provider about what works best for you.

April showers MAY bring flowers, but along with those beautiful blooming flowers comes allergy season for many! As a South Florida native, where the pollination period is longer and stronger than the rest of the U.S., I have found there are some appropriate ways to get relief during this time of year. If you are a nursing mother who suffers from allergies, here are a few things to keep in mind while combating allergy season.

Medicinal Myths for Mothers
“Many mothers are inappropriately advised to discontinue breastfeeding or avoid taking essential medications because of fears of adverse effects on their infants,” according to a study by the Academy of American Pediatric (AAP).  This may be an overly cautious approach given that only a small proportion of medications are contraindicated in breastfeeding mothers or associated with adverse effects on their infants. However, it is important to not only take into consideration harmful side effects, but also how these medications may impact things like milk production, as some antihistamines might.  So, your first step before heading to your local pharmacy and taking any further action should be to contact your physician or baby’s pediatrician for additional information on which allergy medications are recommended and which are the few to definitely stay away from as a nursing mother.

If it turns out that you need to stay away from your normal allergy medicine, there are several over-the-counter options available for allergy sufferers that won’t hurt you, your baby, or require you to stop nursing. For example, saline nasal spray is usually considered to be a safe product for breastfeeding women. Either way, consulting with a doctor is how you can make better, well-informed decisions about your breastfeeding health this Spring and beyond!

Educate Yourself
It may seem silly, but another way to outsmart allergies is by quickly checking the day’s pollen count on any weather app already installed on your smartphone. I know what you’re thinking, but prevention is key for those mothers who may have asthma, eczema, or other hereditary conditions. If you’re willing to do the extra credit, quickly research the plants in your surroundings as you’ll discover which ones produce more pollen than others.

These tips will greatly minimize your exposure to pollen-related allergy symptoms like sneezing, wheezing, trouble sleeping and congestion– all of which are not fun to experience while breastfeeding or keeping a strict pumping schedule.

This post originally appeared on Imalac.
Rachael Sablotsky Kish
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Rachael Sablotsky Kish is the Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Imalac, a med-tech company which created Nurture, a hands-free breast massage system for nursing mothers that uses an attachable massage component to replicate hands-on pumping. Kish is a Certified Lactation Counselor (CLC), educating and training women on breastfeeding.

Photo: Courtesy of Oh Baby Consulting

Toddlers are fascinating, aren’t they? Watching them develop into thinking, creative, independent little people is such an intriguing time and one that parents often wish would last a little longer.

Of course, they usually wish that after their little one has grown out of the toddler stage, because along with that creativity and new-found intelligence, we usually see a lot of boundary-testing, which can be endlessly frustrating.

When I have my initial consultations with the parents of a toddler, there’s usually some kind of amusing story surrounding bedtime. They’ll tell me, sometimes a bit self-consciously, about how their little one gets three or four stories a night, sometimes five and then they usually ask for a glass of milk that they’ll only drink a few sips of, then they want to say goodnight in a very specific, drawn-out way and the parents will end up looking at each other wondering how on earth they got to this point.

It reminds me of the story: When You Give a Mouse a Cookie, because they’re always asking for just one more thing. And it always happens the same way… a little bit at a time.

Toddlers love to test boundaries and they know that the one thing you want from them at bedtime is for them to go to sleep, so they’ll use that to their advantage. I know it sounds a little diabolical, but it’s their way of seeing where your boundaries lie and how much authority they actually have.

So, one night they ask for a glass of milk and you may think, “What’s the harm?” The next night, they ask for a glass of milk and an extra story. A week later, they want a glass of milk, an extra story, four songs, three hugs and two goodnight kisses. Little by little, these crazy bedtime routines get established, all according to what the toddler wants.

I’m here to tell you that there’s a simple, two-step solution to this issue.

  1. Establish a short bedtime routine.
  2. Never deviate from it.

That’s it. It’s that simple.

I won’t lie, sticking to the rules can be a challenge. Toddlers are going to ask, test and certainly complain, but if you stick to your guns, they’ll understand sooner rather than later that the bedtime routine is not up for debate. If your little one is really struggling, you can create a routine chart or a social story for them to help them get excited about follow along at bedtime.

This benefits both of you, although your little one might not agree. Toddlers actually take a great amount of comfort in knowing that you, the parent, are firmly in charge and are confident in your decisions; it gives them a sense of security. If you start allowing them to make the decisions, they begin to feel like they’re in charge, which can be very alarming to toddlers.

Additionally, a predictable, repetitive bedtime routine is greatly conducive to a good night’s sleep. It signals the brain to start secreting melatonin and signals the body to start relaxing muscles in preparation for a restful, restorative night of sleep.

But above all, you’ll never have to sheepishly admit to the babysitter or grandma that they must make your little one pancakes at 10 at night in order for him to go to bed.

Jamie is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and offers personalized sleep solutions to exhausted families nationwide. With a background in child development and infant mental health, keeps up to date on the latest evolutions in the field which allow her to blend technical knowledge with empathy and compassion to tailor her support.

The One Goal I Set That Changed My Entire Life

Photo: Pixabay

My name is Natasha Nurse and the goal that changed my life was choosing to be happy. This seems like an obvious goal that everyone should have, but sadly, it is not the case. So many people are unhappy in the United States (especially in New York).

It was December 2015, and I was told I was losing my job. When this happens to most people, the first thing they want to do is panic. For me, I saw an opportunity to live my life in a whole new way. I decided to live by the following six principles:

  1. Commit to my life motto: meet someone new and learn something new every day

  2. Be happy every single day

  3. Be daring and fearless, no matter what

  4. Accept there is no such thing as failure — only teachable lessons

  5. Live without regret (life is too short to live with regrets)

  6. Accept there is no such thing as no — only maybe not now or maybe with someone else

These principles helped keep me sane, focused and happy as I began my journey as an entrepreneur. This was the journey that not only gave me immense joy, but has led to opportunities in modeling, media, podcasting, radio broadcasting and journalism that I couldn’t have even imagined for myself.

The goal of being happy turned out to be the most important goal that I could have ever set for myself. Now, since living this way, I couldn’t imagine living any other way.

Now that you know my one goal that changed my life, I think it is important to focus on the practical steps I took to apply and stay committed to this goal. Here are my seven steps to success.

1. Get clear on your intention.

My one goal was happiness, because I was a person who focused on accomplishing many things in my life (starting at a very young age) but no one told me that I needed to make sure I was happy. Happiness was like an afterthought or completely irrelevant. I was groomed to be productive and accomplished. However, I soon realized accomplishments without a sense of happiness or joy was completely pointless, so I needed to make a change. I knew that if I shifted how I defined what success meant, then my entire life would change.

2. Create an action plan.

Goals are great. But if there isn’t an action plan in place, how likely are you to achieve that goal? Zero to None. For me to be happy, I needed to be very clear on identifying what made me happy. Luckily, I am fairly low maintenance, so the things on my happiness list include:

  • Reading everyday

  • Napping (when I really need it)

  • Dancing

  • Singing

  • Shopping (mostly on Vudu or Amazon)

  • Prioritizing my needs

  • Being creative (i.e. drawing, coloring, sketching, painting)

  • Creating and developing ideas with the hubby

  • Relaxing with the pets

  • Watching movies and television shows (no matter how many times I have watched them)

  • Working on my business (i.e. coaching, consulting, speaking at events, creating online content, etc.)

What was my action plan for happiness? It was simple. If I do at least one activity on this happiness list a day, then I was successful for the day. If I accomplish more than one activity, then I am a super star.

3. Eliminate distractors or deterrence.

Eliminating naysayers, haters and toxic people was a huge step for me to take to succeed. Why? Those individuals are drowning in their own misery so much, they can’t help but attempt to bring you down as well. For me, cutting these people out of my life was the only way  to have the freedom of time and mental capacity to focus on me, my business, and what I want to accomplish in this world. If you are determined to accomplish your goal, you will find yourself in the same boat (hint: this will be hard at first, but you will thank yourself repeatedly).

4. Hold yourself accountable.

When achieving a new goal, do you think it is important to have benchmarks along the way? Well, it is. In order to achieve a goal, you have to have tasks and steps along the way. You should attach deadlines to these to ensure your goal gets accomplished. As an overachiever, my goal is really a lifetime goal, so I needed to create a plan that required me to be accountable each day (aka Happiness Checklist). If you are working towards accomplishing a goal, how will you hold yourself accountable?

5. Be kind to yourself.

We can be our number one advocate or our very worst enemy. When we stumble or sometimes fall flat on our faces, it might seem natural to get down on ourselves. But I am here to tell you to stop it! This is neither helpful nor necessary for accomplishing your goal. Sometimes you are not going to hit the ball out of the park. Sometimes you will strike out. That is not only okay, it is a good thing. Stumbling or “failures” are a teachable moment where you can learn. Life is all about learning more about yourself and the world you live in.

If there are days where I don’t get to check something off my happiness list, I don’t tell myself that I failed. Instead, I accept that I didn’t take care of myself for the day. I identify what stood in the way of prioritizing my happiness, then make an action plan so that the next day I am back on target. Most of all, I am kind and understanding to myself. That is the only way to make sure I can start the next day with the best mindset and attitude possible.

6. Acknowledge every victory.

No victory is too small or too large to celebrate. By celebrating every victory, you are giving yourself motivation and confidence to keep pushing towards your goal. You can’t expect anyone to do this for you. Your goal will never be as important to anyone else as it is to you. So, smile and appreciate every victory along the way.

7. Document the process.

If you document your process (the good, the bad, and everything in between), then the following will happen:

  • You will have a record of the journey to look back and reflect on

  • You will see just how much blood, sweat, and tears went into achieving your goal

  • You will inspire others to pursue their dreams and to share their journey as well

  • You will publicly hold yourself accountable for what you are looking to achieve

It might not be easy to document the journey. When you achieve your goal however, you will be happy you took the time to document how you made your dream a reality!

—Natasha Nurse, for Fairygodboss
This post originally appeared on Fairygodboss.
Fairygodboss Georgene Huang & Romy Newman, Founders
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

As the largest career community for women, Fairygodboss provides millions of women with career connections, community advice and the hard-to-find intel about how companies treat women.

Photo: Oh Baby Consulting

If you’re struggling with sleep in your household your situation may drastically improve with one small, but critical change: an earlier bedtime.

Many of the parents I work with have children that are resisting bedtime, waking up frequently throughout the night and rising early in the morning. While my work with parents does a deep-dive into more than just schedule adjustments, ensuring that children are getting down to sleep at an appropriate time in the evening is an important piece of the puzzle.

So what time is bedtime, then? 99 percent of the time, it’s between 7 and 8 p.m in our house. While I fully agree that all children are different and some tend to sleep better with a slightly later bedtime, most children over the age of three months do best with a bedtime within this window. So, why is that?

Here are five benefits of an earlier bedtime.

1. It’s easier to put a child to bed before they become over-tired.

There is a natural dip in our circadian rhythm during this “after-dinner hour” and this is an optimal time to capitalize on the ease of putting children to bed before they get a “second wind”. Think about how tired you might feel early in the evening. You say to yourself, “I’m going to go to bed so early tonight!” But all of the sudden it’s 11 p.m. and you’re still on the couch scrolling through Instagram and watching reruns of Real Housewives and not really feeling all that tired. So, why is that?

It’s because you got your “second wind”—your body began to pump stimulating hormones into your system to keep you awake after you didn’t climb in bed after dinner. The same things happen with our children when we miss this optimal window. While it’s certainly easier to get children to fall asleep when these stimulating hormones aren’t running through out bodies, there are also several unattractive side-effects that overtired-ness brings: crankiness, tantrums, power struggles and behavior issues. Getting your child down before they reach this stage can help reduce bedtime stress enormously.

2. Earlier bedtimes help reduce night wake-ups and early-rising.

Being overtired can also lead to frequent night-waking and early rising. With more adrenaline and cortisol (stimulating hormones) and less melatonin (the sleepy hormone) pumping through your body, it is harder to not only fall asleep but also to stay asleep through the night. If your little one is up several times a night or rises before the sun, take a look at bedtime.

3. Early bedtimes provide more restorative sleep.

The most restorative period of sleep occurs before midnight. Humans sleep in cycles ranging from a lighter REM stage to deeper non-REM stages. The stuff we’re after, the really restorative sleep, comes during the non-REM stages. It is during these phases where our brains are replacing vital cells, repairing muscles and releasing growth hormones. Non-REM sleep occurs only at certain parts of the night regardless of what time we get into bed.

While kids who have schedules that are pushed later may still get the same number of hours as a child who goes to bed at 7:15 p.m., they’ll be getting much less of that wonderfully delicious, non-REM sleep than their early-to-bed counterparts. Putting your little one down earlier in the evening will ensure they get as much of that rich, good-quality sleep as possible.

4. Early bedtimes will help ensure you are meeting your child’s sleep needs.

Most children from infancy through adolescence need about 10t o12 hours of sleep per night. Oftentimes, children who go to bed later don’t actually sleep in much later than 7 to 8 a.m. simply due to circadian rhythm patterns. The ability to “sleep in” does not actually develop until later in childhood. Therefore, an early bedtime between 7 and 8 p.m. will ensure that your little one has all the time he needs to get plenty of quality sleep before they need to be up the next morning.

5. Early bedtimes mean a more relaxing and peaceful evening for you!

When you get your child to bed before 8 p.m., the night is yours! Catch up on your favorite TV show with your partner, take a relaxing bath or head to bed early yourself! Not only will your child be more well-rested, you will be too!

Jamie is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and offers personalized sleep solutions to exhausted families nationwide. With a background in child development and infant mental health, keeps up to date on the latest evolutions in the field which allow her to blend technical knowledge with empathy and compassion to tailor her support.

I was set to fly to Sierra Leone, Senegal and Kenya for work when I discovered I was pregnant. When I told my boss, he said, “Well, then you can’t go to Sierra Leone. My brother had to be HVAC-ed out of there twice.” We considered switching my trip to the Philippines, but learned that the required vaccinations were too risky in my first trimester. I was grounded.

Before having children, I loved my work, especially the travel. Traveling to impoverished areas to start programs was my chance to work with and listen to people from where they were. The trips were invigorating and exhausting at the same time, because in-country I tried to squeeze out every minute I could with the locals, living, learning, and listening—but sometimes burning out.

My work demanded everything out of me—my time, my talents, and my passions. I was certainly driven—driven by my faith that I felt called me to work with those who need help, driven by my love for the countries and the people I visited, and driven by the satisfaction of seeing ideas for programs come to life in ways that I thought truly helped people.

Motherhood put a screeching halt to that drive. As a first time mother, my identity shifted dramatically, and it was jarring. Instead of being out there saving the world, I was at home keeping one tiny human alive, a tiny human that astounded me by how fiercely I loved him. In those first few months, I felt grateful to have that time just to bond with him, establish nursing and read him stories. Still, restlessness plagued me, and soon enough I felt the itch to work again, to use the parts of my self that had laid dormant for those few months adjusting to my new and seemingly all-encompassing role.

First, I tried jumping back into my jet-setting line of work. I flew to Jordan with my mother and my still nursing nine-month old in tow. I delivered training in the conference room, then ran to nurse my son on breaks in the hotel room. It was a memorable experience, but impossible to repeat when I had my second and third child. Traveling for vacation with children is hard enough; traveling overseas with an infant for work can be even more stressful—and costly.

I stepped away from work that required travel. In fact, for a short time I stepped away from work altogether.

And that was the best thing to happen to my career.

Privileged enough to be able to rely (with some budgeting) on my husband’s full time work and health insurance coverage, being home with my children and away from the overtime demands of my career gave me time to reflect. Instead of more demanding jobs, I began to work on short-term consultancies, mostly from home, until the opportunity arose to teach academic writing at a nearby community college.

This new challenge excited me, and I jumped into it with the same fervor I did my international development work. I then continued to adjunct work at four-year college, also teaching writing. As I balanced this with my consultancies, I also started to see a new identity emerge, an aspect of my personal interests that my whirlwind career had hidden—I started to see myself as a writer.

For years my writing had been limited to grant proposals, handbooks, training manuals, and case studies. Only occasionally did I delve out into essays and journal articles. With the time to step back from the relentless needs and priorities of my previous career, I could now come back to writing, something I always enjoyed doing.

Not only did I rediscover my love for writing, the young motherhood stage of my life allowed me to find my writing niche. I started blogging, trying out different themes and topics until a purpose to my writing emerged: helping people restore and build personal connections and relationships with one another. That purpose put together all the pieces of my life together thus far—the work with people in communities all over the world, the isolation I felt staying home with my children, the advocacy training I did with human rights advocates around the world, the conversations I was having on social media, the service I was doing at my local church—I could write about this with passion, authenticity, and credibility. And I would not have found this voice if not for my children.

My time with my young children is busy, and like it is for most mothers, physically and emotionally draining. Yet somehow this time also gave me the mental space my prior full-time career did not. As I reflected on what my kids were doing, saying, or teaching me, I thought about how my inner world connected to the outside world, and realized how much I had to share.

I have also increased my writing for my international work, consulting regularly for different organizations, glad to use my writing to make a difference in people’s lives. The passion I threw into my career before children paid dividends in my being able to construct my own consulting, teaching and writing career now. I’ve even been able to do some travel again, but on my own terms.

The stress of trying to balance attention to my family, work, and writing remains. Yet this transition has already bred new and exciting ideas about where I might go from here, as my children get older and I get more time to pursue my writing, my work and my interests. I have ideas bubbling in my head, a book slated for publication, and other projects simmering. These, along with my children’s chubby faces, are what drive me now.

Despite the prevailing narrative that motherhood can stall or even ruin careers, I know I am not the only mom who has seen motherhood enhance her career. I know many mothers whose transition to parenthood also led them away from soul-crushing jobs to exciting entrepreneurial endeavors or new and more meaningful career paths. Children are not a challenge to overcome as we advance in our careers. My story proves they can be the best thing to happen to our careers—and our lives.


Phoebe Farag Mikhail
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Phoebe Farag Mikhail is an author, educator, and international development consultant. She has lived in New York, Washington, D.C., the United Kingdom and Egypt and she and her husband love traveling with their three kids. She blogs at Being in Community and is the author of Putting Joy into Practice: Seven Essential Ways, forthcoming from Paraclete Press.

Another day with nothing to wear? You’re not alone. Lots of us parents have put feedings and fairy tales before fashion. That’s why we want to introduce you to Julia Miles-Davis. This Howard University grad is a self-described “balance of brains and Balenciaga” that loves to help people find their most stylish selves through closet editing, personal shopping, and more. Keep reading as Julia, who lives in her Northeast, D.C. with her husband and kiddos, Dillon and Jagger, gives us a scoop of some of her style savvy and family favorites.

Your business offers image consulting as well as fashion editing services. What does the typical “edit” look like?
Imagine a spring cleaning on steroids. During the editing process, I’ve had many clients say “I’m going to need a glass of wine for this.” So, I started bringing a bottle of wine along to edits because it definitely helps the client let go of items easier. All joking aside, our company is called The EDITORS because we come into your closet and we get rid of items that are no longer needed in your wardrobe. Everything from undergarments to accessories is fair game. Then, we create different piles which consist of items that you are going to donate, sell (we can help here, too), or have altered. After we’ve completed this process, we organize your closet to make it look like your personal boutique.

“Fashion” and “parenthood” are two words you don’t often hear in the same sentence. How can parents keep up with their kid-related responsibilities while staying stylish?
Basically, you have to look at the items that are trending each season and then find a way to wear them in a way that’s comfortable for you and your lifestyle.Here are a couple of tips I’ve picked up along the way:

1. Each season, there are key items that allow you to stay fashionable and on-trend while taking care of your tots. Take the thigh-high boot. Yes, it looks great with a 4-inch heel on it, but there are kid-friendly alternatives. For example, Stuart Weitzman came out with a great over-the-knee flat boot.

2. Make affordable, but stylish, denim a wardrobe staple. Rather than indulging in a $300 pair of jeans, buy something that you can throw in the washing machine over and over again. You can go to Zara and buy a $39 pair of jeans that look just as good as a more expensive pair, and you don’t care as much about getting ice cream on them.

What go-to piece should every parent have in their closet?
Basic pieces that parents should have in their closets include a great fitting pair of jeans, a basic tee, a pair of cool sneakers like the Stan Smith Adidas or Golden Goose, and a great slide for the summer. A fashionable backpack or crossbody purse can also be used for your diaper bag to keep  your hands-free. As we are approaching the summer months, you could use a fedora and pair of shades when going outside with the kids. I know you asked for one thing, but I could go on all day about what to add to your wardrobe.

Enough with the grown-ups. What’s your favorite local place to find kiddie couture?
I absolutely adore Little Birdies Boutique in Georgetown. It’s the cutest store for kids.

What’s your favorite restaurant for family dinners?
Cactus Cantina in Upper NW has great food and is super family-friendly. The tortilla machine is amazing to kids!

What’s the best thing about being a parent in the DMV?
I love being a parent in D.C. because there are so many opportunities to expose my children to different cultures and ideas. The museums always have new exhibits and doesn’t hurt that many of them are free!

Do you know a cool mom or dad that everyone in the District should know, too? Tell us about them in the comments below. 

—Sarah Vogel

Thanks to all the mom bloggers who share their motherhood journey with such

humor and honesty. Isn’t it great to read about other mom’s adventures, joys, wisdom and struggles from around the world?

At Red Tricycle we adore the LA mom’s online community and have put together a list of our favorite Mom Blogs from around Los Angeles that you should be following!

Perfectly Disheveled Jennifer Brandt’s humorous blog about her “mommyhood” adventures will give you a good laugh! Jennifer is also the managing Editor of Momversation, Parents Ask, and Good Bite.

The Silver Whining is a great blog from a brave mom Jackie Morgan MacDougal! Jackie is sharing her honest thoughts and her heart warming story. There is sure a lot to learn from her adventures as a mom or as a woman.

Girls Gone Child Rebecca Woolf, a hipster LA mom,  tells her adventure not just in words but with stunning pictures. Rebecca writes about everything from cool recipes to style and  she  also blogs at Momversation, (you can find some of her Momversation videos on her blog also), Her Channel and Portraits of an Economy

Jessica Gottlieb You might have seen Jessica on Dr. Phil or on other TV shows, she is also a panelist at Momversation and you will enjoy her stories about motherhood, family life or even professional consulting.

Be the Smart Wife is a blog by Carin Goldstein who is a wife, a mother, and a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Carin’s mission to re-educate wives so that ultimately, women are making “smarter” choices. She also a contributing expert for ParentAsk.

Bedtimes are for Suckers Andrea Levin’s blog is written by her 4-years-old daughter Lily’s perspective. It is always good to try to see thing from the other side.

The 818 Thanks to those New Year’s resolutions, Morgan Shanalan starts writing about her personal life and her interests in here. If you like art, design and Pop Culture you might want to check out her blog!

Savvy Sassy Moms is an online destination for all things fashionable and fun for moms, babies and kids by Jenna and Lisa.

Short Fat Dictator this is a hilarious blog by Margaret Ables! You’ll love reading her family adventures, big laugh is guaranteed;)

My Mommy Bites a funny humorous mom observations by Dorothea Coelho.

Did we miss your favorite local blogger? Tell us about them in the comments below!