I’m going on the record saying that “Instagram for Kids” might be the worst idea I’ve ever heard, and here’s why: a platform like that will have consequences. Facebook, as a company, makes very intentional decisions—and all the negative impacts from this decision are fairly easy to anticipate. I’ve even listed them out below. And, as surely as Instagram for Kids is a bad idea, Facebook will spin its inevitable issues as “unintended consequences.” Because I’m a parent and the founder of a tech company dedicated to improving technology for our children, the consequences feel obvious, not “unintended.”

A Platform Built on Comparison & Competition
Instagram is the poster child of striving for perfection. I’ve written before that social validation is the number one thing I worry about as a parent, especially in the context of rising depression and anxiety rates among youth. Unlike many, I don’t solely place the blame on smartphones or social media, and in general, I’m pretty pro-technology. We could argue correlation vs causation all day, but I’ve seen enough anecdotal evidence to change the way I view technology and how I parent. The fact is that likes and followers matter to kids, and many measure their self-worth this way. We’ve seen social validation mechanisms like this show up in apps for kids like PopJam, but Instagram takes that to a whole new level.

An Easy Target for Online Predators
This feels like stating the obvious, but a platform where children post pictures of themselves, their friends and their lives is ripe for online predation, and cases of children being groomed and abused via adult social media platforms are already well documented. A particularly disturbing documentary from Bark Technologies demonstrated how quickly it can happen. Their team collaborated with law enforcement to create fictional profiles of teens and tweens to see how quickly predators would reach out, and within one hour of posting a profile for a fake 15-year-old girl on Instagram, seven adult men attempted to contact her. After nine days, 92 potential predators had made contact. The team then launched an 11-year-old persona, and within minutes, multiple would-be abusers reached out. The dangers are real.

Usually, platforms designed for kids need to verify that an adult is an adult, but “Instagram for Kids” may pose the opposite. It could be difficult to prevent predators from posing as children to gain access and follow young users. The last thing I want to do is instill panic in parents, but the stats are grim: from January to September 2020, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received 30,236 reports of possible online enticement. And those are just the ones that were reported. I can’t help but feel that “Instagram for Kids” would be enticing to predators—and while that clearly isn’t Facebook’s intention, it’s certainly easy to predict.

The Trouble with Locking It down
Kids want to feel empowered. If Facebook severely limits what kids can do on “Instagram for Kids,” they’ll hate it. Just look at the example of YouTube. It’s the number one most-loved brand among kids—blowing YouTube Kids out of the water. Any parent will confirm that kids do NOT want to feel like babies. Adult platforms simply do not retrofit easily to serve kids. They’re built with specific goals and it’s very difficult to secure them in a way that’s appropriate for children. YouTube Kids had videos with sexual content and suicide instructions. Facebook Messenger Kids had a design flaw that allowed kids to connect with strangers. Retrofitting just doesn’t work.

Kidfluencers Version 2.0
Unless Instagram for Kids is a closed platform, I think we’ll see a rise of kidfluencers. Perhaps the most notable example of this phenomenon is Ryan Kaji, the kid behind the highest-earning YouTube channel in 2018 and 2019. As a platform for youth under 13, “Instagram for Kids” might restrict ads—but how will they manage influencing? These contracts are made outside of the platform, offering individuals compensation for featuring or mentioning certain products or services in videos, photos or comments. Even some adults can’t always tell when they are being sold to, and I suspect it will be all the more difficult for children. And there’s precedent for this kind of thing: Walmart, Staples and Mattel have bankrolled endorsement deals for kids and tweens in the past. While kids who star in television and movies are protected by legislation requiring that their earnings be placed in a trust, there is nothing to protect income generated by kidfluencers—leaving kids potentially exposed to exploitation.

Should We Create Kids Cigarettes While We’re at It?
For all the reasons listed above, “Instagram for Kids” is a “hard no” for me. But you often hear people argue that kids are using the platform anyhow, so why not create a separate platform with a few more parental controls? To me, this argument is fundamentally flawed. After all, kids are often attracted to things that aren’t safe or healthy for them. Many are intrigued by smoking, drinking and drugs, but there’s a reason we don’t just lower the drinking and smoking age. As a society, we’ve agreed that some things are best left until kids grow up a bit—and I think Instagram is one of them.

The answer to children using Instagram isn’t to put up a few guardrails. It doesn’t address the root problem at all. The effects of these platforms on youth are still largely unknown, but the anecdotal evidence points to the fact that they probably do more harm than good. Using our kids as guinea pigs in a real-life experiment isn’t the answer. Kids are the fastest-growing group of internet users and have unique needs that have to be protected—not exploited by Big Tech.

Sean Herman is the founder and CEO of Kinzoo, an exciting new company that helps parents turn screen time into family time. His first book, "Screen Captured," debuted at number one in Amazon's parenting category, and his writing separates technology fact from fiction for his fellow parents.

As COVID-19 began to sweep the world in March of 2020, educators, policymakers and parents had to pivot to distance-learning models and reimagine what educational access would look like for millions of kids across the country. As we know now, it wasn’t without its downfalls. Parents often had to choose between their jobs and being home to supervise during school hours. The country saw learning disparities increasing at an alarming rate and noticed that special needs kids were being cut off from their support systems. And just about everyone experienced zoom fatigue. But, there’s good news! With schools re-opening everywhere, parents and educators can work together to close the learning gaps. There are plenty of strategies and resources for kids who’ve struggled during this past year, and we’re sharing seven of the most important ones. 

1. Have your child assessed

Image by F. Muhammad from Pixabay

The first step to solving any problem is being able to accurately define the scope and scale of the problem. If you know or suspect that your child has suffered learning losses during the pandemic, you should seek to have them assessed, particularly in English Language Arts and Math—the two areas where researchers have identified the greatest gaps. Testing is often executed annually or semi-annually through state agencies in public education systems, but teachers often have access to several other platforms that can assess literacy, comprehension and math skills. Many tutoring agencies also offer cost-free assessments to students. These educational assessments are usually more specific than what is generally available to parents for free online. Depending on what behaviors you have observed in your child, you may want to also consider psychological assessments to screen for depression or anxiety. You can speak to a physician about options. Thorough assessments will give you clarity on exactly where and how your child is struggling.

2. Develop a constructive narrative

Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay

Once you understand the areas in which your student has fallen behind, you should develop a constructive narrative about the circumstances. Start with gratitude and focus first on the positive. Despite the range of educational outcomes, all children have exceeded expectations in terms of their adaptability. Acknowledge your children for their resilience and the autonomy they have displayed in the distance learning format. Reflect on the maturity they have shown during these unprecedented times. Let them know that the most important priority over the past year was the health and safety of your family and your community. Now that we are emerging from the pandemic, you are committed to supporting them in their educational process.

3. Take a triaged approach

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay

Taking a “triaged approach” means that you assign different degrees of urgency to decide the order of treatment. The priority is to make sure that all students have sufficient learning conditions, starting with secure housing, food and mental and emotional support. These are the most important factors in their “readiness to learn.” Even though many schools are gradually returning to in-person instruction, technology is still going to be an important component of the learning process, and students will continue to need access to computers and stable Wi-Fi as they are trying to catch up. There are institutional resources for parents and educators, such as the iDEAL Institute, focused on digital equity. Once those foundational pieces are in place, you can work with the teacher to develop a learning plan that addresses the greatest areas of vulnerability for your child. For example, if the greatest learning deficits are in math, you can put the most time and energy into that subject first. As they start to make progress in their weakest areas, you can gradually layer additional plans for other subject areas.

4. Find an ELA Intervention

Image by Vlad Vasnetsov from Pixabay

Preliminary data has shown significant learning loss for kids in some states compared to previous years for Grades 4-9. Students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and English language learners (ELLs) have experienced the greatest gaps in learning. If your student is struggling in reading, writing and comprehension, there are a range of options to intervene and help them get caught up. For example, there are great, affordable reading apps, such as Readability, that you can easily download to a phone or device that can assess and track student progress. Independent research has shown that conversational agents, such as the artificial intelligence in the Readability app or an Alexa or Google Home smart speaker, can simulate effective reading partners and promote language, comprehension and intelligibility. Seek out platforms and programs that are easy for your child to access on a daily basis that can measure student progress. Whether you are integrating technology or not, the key to improving in reading and language is consistency. 

5. Find a Math Intervention

Mathematics is a key area to seek out support for students who have fallen behind. Not only does the data show that “math frustration” is a significant barrier for young learners, but studies also show that many parents struggle with math anxiety when it comes to helping their kids. Fortunately, there are many well-vetted math tutoring options, such as Mathnasium, where students can get support online or in person. Many agencies are offering promotions and discounts to support students and families, but if the cost of a tutoring agency is still not feasible at this time, be resourceful. For example, you may be able to hire a math student from your local college who might have a little more flexibility in pricing.

6. Maintain consistent communication with instructors

Parent advocacy is extremely important during this time. Teachers, parents and other providers and mentors should maintain consistent communication. The adults and educators in the child’s life need to coordinate efforts to help the children catch up in areas they have suffered. Your engagement and involvement are key in a student-centered approach that focuses on strong trust and communication between family and school. Pre-schedule a few meetings with your child's teacher to check in. With the communication preset, it is not likely that anything will go under the radar.

7. Support your kids with encouraging accountability

No matter what plan you develop to help get your kids caught up, the most important factor is going to be consistency. You need to offer your kids support through discipline and incentives to keep them on track and motivated. Help them get organized with their schedule using time-blocking and prioritizing. Pick process-oriented goals over outcome-related goals. For example, focus on reading consistently for 30 minutes a day for 30 consecutive days rather than focusing on reaching a specific reading level. Help them set and track their progress towards their goals in a journal or on a calendar so that they can see their own improvement.

—Mimi Nartey



Dear Teachers

A Letter to Our Teachers: Thank You for Keeping Us Going

This New App Brings Top-Notch Education Right to Your Home

Photo: Little Dish

Feeding toddlers is not for the faint of heart. As parents, most of us have experienced the anxiety and frustration that often comes at meal time. Whether it’s a busy schedule or a toddler who refuses to eat, meals can be downright stressful. Yet, at the same time, we feel pressure to provide our kids with the important nutrients they need to grow and thrive. This means a diet that includes a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and dairy foods.

The biggest struggle often comes with two v-words: vegetables and variety. In fact, eight out of ten toddlers don’t eat enough vegetables. And the vegetables our toddlers eat typically lack variety. How many of us regularly throw a few raw baby carrots on our child’s plate because we know they’ll be eaten? In our busy world, it’s easy to fall into a feeding rut.

So, how do we support variety and vegetable consumption during the important toddler years? The key is having a few different tricks up our sleeves because toddlers are notorious for changing preferences overnight. One day they love broccoli, the next day they hate it. Here are some tried-and-true techniques designed to make veggie variety simple and give parents some peace of mind during those challenging phases.

Make Old Favorites in New Ways

One great way to increase the variety of vegetables in your family’s diet is by introducing favorite veggies in new ways. For example, if your child loves mashed potatoes, give mashed squash a try. If that goes well, try squash ravioli and then finally, roasted squash. Similarly, when introducing new vegetables, prepare them in a variety of textures—for example, roasted broccoli, cream of broccoli soup, broccoli & cheese scrambled eggs. This introduces the flavors in several ways and gives children a chance to develop their palettes and acceptance of the new taste.

Make Veggies Easy

Vegetables can be a logistical challenge at times—they’re perishable and require washing, chopping, and cooking. Make them a little easier by finding some shortcuts that work for your family. For example, wash and chop some vegetables on Sunday to keep on-hand for snacks throughout the week. Keep frozen vegetables in your freezer for quick use. Identify some healthy, veggie-rich short-cuts for busy nights. One great example is Little Dish. These fresh, all-natural, refrigerated heat-and-serve toddler meals offer a full serving of veggies in each bowl. Little Dish is now available locally through Fresh Direct.

When All Else Fails, Hide Those Veggies

During those difficult times when your child is downright refusing new foods or eating only a few different foods—don’t stress! This is a phase and will pass. That said, sneaking in extra veggies during times like this will often give mom and dad some peace of mind. Some of my family’s favorite ideas include: 

  • Adding canned pureed pumpkin to our favorite chicken noodle soup recipe. It blends right in and adds a great kick of nutrients and fiber. 
  • Finely dice mushrooms and add them to chili or tacos. Their savory “umami” flavor is often completely masked by the spices. 
  • Add shredded zucchini into your meatloaf or meatball recipes! This trick also keeps the meat tender and moist because zucchini has a high water content.

Finally, remember it takes time for children to learn to love new foods. Just keep offering them and eventually, they’ll likely stop playing with their veggies and start eating them!

A research neuroscientist and expert in nutrition, diet and addiction. Dr. Avena is an Asst. Professor of Neuroscience at Mount Sinai Medical School in NYC. She is the author of several books, including Why Diets Fail, What to Eat When You’re Pregnant, and What to Feed Your Baby & Toddler.

The haiku is an uncomplicated form of poetry that kids will take to with natural skill. This traditional Japanese verse is just three lines. All you need is to remember that and the 5-7-5 rule. Read on for the how-to.

photo: cegoh via pixabay

Here’s the basic structure of the haiku:

1st line: 5 syllables
2nd line: 7 syllables
3rd line: 5 syllables

The biggest challenge is teaching them the difference between words and syllables and helping them count it out if they need it. Kids can count on their fingers as they try and figure out the perfect way to say it with words. Here’s an example:

1st verse:
It is ice cream time (5)

2nd verse:
Serve it in a cup or cone (7)

3rd verse:
Ice cream time is here (5) 

More examples:

Ride your tricycle
It is red and has a bell
Take it to the street

Mom is tired now
But soon she will rise again
No rest for mommy

—Amber Guetebier


Poetry Crafts for Kids 

How to Write a Limerick with Your Kids

Fill-in-the-Blank Poetry Fun 

Beyond Mother Goose: Best Poets for Kids 

Organizing a kid’s Valentine’s Day party but want it to be fun while infusing a bit of education? Check out these five must-try ideas below.

Love to Read

Read Valentine’s Day books that help foster children’s imagination and creativity. Some classic Valentine’s Day books with notable authors include: Franklin’s Valentines by Paulette Bourgeois, Little Critter: Happy Valentine’s Day, Little Critter! by Mercer Mayer, Amelia Bedelia’s First Valentine by Herman Parish, The Valentines Bears Gift Edition by Eve Bunting, Snowy Valentine by David Peterson and an all-time favorite, Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli.

1 + 1 = You

Create a candy heart pattern worksheet using conversation hearts. Each of the letters on the worksheet (A, B, C) will represent different colored candy hearts. For example, an ABA pattern, where A represents pink and B represents green would look like: pink, green, pink, pink, green, pink, pink, green, pink. Students are encouraged to decide the color and letter of the pattern. Afterwards they can snack on the conversation hearts!

Mad about You

Create Mad Libs with a Valentine’s Day theme. Children can personalize them for their friends and family members, and this gives them a project to take home and share with their loved ones.

Map Your Love

Students tend to struggle with geography so during your Valentine’s Day celebration, bring out a big map of the U.S. and let students take turns placing hearts on the states they know. If their answer is incorrect, take the opportunity to tell them the correct name of the state and provide some fun facts about the state to help them remember it. For example, if they get Illinois wrong, explain it’s the land of Abraham Lincoln—the16th president and home to Chicago, the third-largest city in the USA.

Sweet Science

Do a conversation heart experiment. Let the students observe what happens when they dunk candy hearts into different liquids. Try salt with water, vinegar, honey or baking soda with water. Let the student’s hypothesis the experiments. Or begin a conversation about eco-conservation by handing out Yowie—a chocolate treat that comes with a leaflet picturing a real-life animal, the level of endangerment and fun facts. Kids can go around the room and read the fact sheets about each different type of animal and start a conversation about what they can do to help endangered species.

Organizing a children’s school holiday party and turning the experience into an educational one where they associate learning as fun, is quick and easy!

Cynthia Thayer is the Global Chief Marketing Officer of Yowie Group. She has over 25 years of marketing expertise in key areas including brand architecture development, market research, consumer packaged goods advertising across traditional and digital channels, retail and shopper marketing, licensing, toy design and new product development. 


Easter is just around the corner, and while parents are typically planning Easter egg hunts, family gatherings and other festivities surrounding the holiday, the sudden rise of Coronavirus has families across the nation altering their Easter plans and traditions this year. Celebrating a holiday during a pandemic is something that most have never experienced before, and as parents, how can we make sure Easter is fun and memorable for our children aside from the threats of COVID-19?

Despite the unforeseen circumstances, Easter 2020 can still be an exciting and memorable holiday for kids. With a few unique and creative twists on age-old Easter traditions, parents can turn this holiday into an exciting learning experience. Below are a few ideas for parents to make this holiday fun and educational for their children who are stuck in quarantine.

Get Crafty

Crafting is a fun way to spend some extra time with your children during the holidays, as well as a fantastic way to keep them busy and entertained. Websites and blogs like Yowie World are providing fun Easter craft ideas that will have inspired you to make something adorable with your little ones this year. For example, Easter-themed origami and Easter animal egg holders are simple crafts with directions, using things you most likely already have around the house.

Put an Educational Twist on Easter Baskets

As parents, we love to make learning fun. This year try creating a DIY, themed Easter basket filled with learning tools that help educate your children about a specific topic. For example, you can teach your kids about the wonders of the natural world by purchasing a reusable basket and filling it with educational books about nature, such as National Geographic for Kids, a DIY terrarium kit, animal puzzles and printable activity books. The best part about a themed gift basket is that they provide opportunities to bond and connect with your children, all while providing a fun and educational experience.

Throw an At-Home Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt

Get your children thinking with a unique take on the traditional Easter egg hunt. Instead of planting eggs in random places for kids to find, strategically place the eggs throughout the yard or home in a scavenger hunt st‌yle, with clues on where to find the next egg, ultimately leading to a prize, such as an Easter basket or assortment of treats.

Research Easter Traditions across the World

Do a quick internet search on Easter traditions across the globe and find one to replicate. For example, decorate your own Easter bonnet for a mini-parade, as practiced in Australia and the United Kingdom. Or, try making an enormous Easter omelet like the residents of Haux, France. Flying a kite is also a fun tradition in Bermuda to celebrate the Easter holiday.

Even though Easter gatherings with family and friends may be limited this year and schools are shut down to avoid the spread of Coronavirus, there are always ways to keep your children happy and engaged in learning during these uncertain times. With a little creativity and the ideas mentioned above, this Easter will be a unique and wonderful experience that your kids will remember for years to come.

Cynthia Thayer is the Global Chief Marketing Officer of Yowie Group. She has over 25 years of marketing expertise in key areas including brand architecture development, market research, consumer packaged goods advertising across traditional and digital channels, retail and shopper marketing, licensing, toy design and new product development. 


At Let Mommy Sleep we’ve counseled thousands of parents on sleep; sleep hacks, safe sleep, getting twins to sleep in the same room and of course sleeping through the night.  While we’ve been privileged to teach our families, we’ve learned from them as well. For example, in our culture there’s waaaay too much emphasis on sleep training techniques and not enough on all the small steps that lead up to independent sleep or what we’ve come to call “sleep helping.”

Let me save you a read of about 500 books by breaking down every sleep training method here:

Method #1: Visit your baby every few minutes while s/he cries.

Method #2: Stay in baby’s room while s/he cries.

Method #3: Stay in your own room while baby cries (curling up in fetal position, cursing self optional)

I’m sure you see a common theme here. The fact is that these are all variations of crying it out and while CIO doesn’t harm babies who are old enough to sleep through the night, it cuts right into our souls as parents making us clamor for another option.

So here’s another way-

Sleep training should not mean a stand-off between parent and child. It means that baby is fed properly, allowed to have stimulating activities and then a nice wind-down routine to switch gears from wakeful to sleepy every day. It also means being absolutely sure, by getting your pediatrician’s blessing, that your baby doesn’t need to feed for 6, 8 and eventually 12 hours. This understanding of baby’s physical needs is much more important than any technique, because when it is time for bed, baby will feel secure and receptive to sleep. (And you won’t keep asking yourself, “what if she’s hungry?”)

That’s nice, you might be saying, but I really need this kid to sleep through the night, so just tell me which method really works.

The answer is that they all work. And they all don’t work.  For example, a breastfed 6 month old will likely find a stay-in-the-room method very frustrating because Mom is RIGHT THERE and not breastfeeding. Twins sharing a room will most certainly find Ferber confusing. So the right method is the one you and your pediatrician agree on when baby is developmentally able to sleep through the night.

Maybe we can help ourselves stay sane and our little ones sleep through the night by shifting our thinking from “sleep training” to “sleep helping.”  Allowing baby to be as comfortable, secure and well fed as possible all day long is something you’ve been doing since your first day on the job so it shouldn’t surprise you that you don’t need a book to accomplish this!

With twin girls and a boy born 17 months apart, I'm the owner of the world's most ironically named business, Let Mommy Sleep. Let Mommy Sleep provides nurturing postpartum care to newborns and evidence based education to parents by Registered Nurses and Newborn Care Providers.  

Photo: Nathan Dumlao via Unsplash

Have you ever met someone who just radiates joy at even the simplest of things? Joy sometimes seems like a hard thing to explain. It’s a feeling that everyone experiences differently. Maybe you, as a parent, find joy in a clean house or when your kids are getting along. Maybe your kids find joy in going out for ice cream or playing with their best friends.

During this pandemic, everyone could use a little bit more joy, even your children. Schooling at home might be stressing them out, and not being able to see their friends and family could be bringing them down. However, there are so many other ways to cultivate joyfulness.

Here’s how to bring more joy to your child’s life.

1. Set an Example of Joy
Your child’s joy starts with you. If you aren’t setting an example of what joy looks or feels like, then your child can’t begin to cultivate joyfulness in their own life. Children look to their parents to teach them almost everything, including emotions, which means if you’re feeling stressed, your child is likely stressed as well.

If you’re having trouble finding joy in your life, take the time to get to the root of the problem. Is it your job? Is it a past insecurity? Is it a relationship in your life? Once you find the root cause, you can begin to change your life to find joy in situations.

2. Spend Time with Them
One of the simplest ways to bring more joy to your child’s life is by spending more time with them! Human connection is one of the most basic human needs and desires. Humans are meant to spend time with each other. Of course, jobs and other priorities—like getting groceries for your family—are important, but time with your child is just as important.

Make your child and family a priority in your life if they aren’t right now. You’ll notice an increase of joy and happiness in your children.

3. Head Outside
There’s nothing quite like the great outdoors. Stepping away from screens and getting a change of scenery is an easy way to cultivate joy in your child. Between the fresh air, sunshine, and open world of opportunity to run and play, your child will be sure to feel a sense of joy.

Nature offers beauty as well. You can show your child the sunset, a forest, and animals, and they’ll be delighted! Not to mention, they’ll be soaking in vitamin D and exercising, both of which also bring joy.

4. Redirect Their Negative Thoughts
Everyone has negative thoughts. It’s, unfortunately, part of the human brain and part of life. They can quickly lead to anxiety or stress, which can be dangerous for your child. When they have a negative thought, put a spin on it so it has a positive outcome.

For example, if your child is stressed about an upcoming exam, change those negative thoughts into something positive. If they study enough and learn the materials, their good grade will reflect their hard work.

5. Schedule Playtime into Their Day
Playtime is essential in a child’s development. It seems these days, children don’t play enough or are equating play with screen time. While some screen time can be playing, like a video game or learning activity, your child needs physical play, which will bring them so much joy.

Children can spend hours playing, even if all they have is a cardboard box. Initiate play with them, and spend a few moments in their world. You and your child will feel an overwhelming sense of joy and laughter as you play together.

6. Help Others
Have you ever helped someone and feel so happy afterward? The joy you feel when volunteering or helping a friend can be taught to your children as well. Set up a day to volunteer or help a grandparent with a task. When humans help others, a connection unlike any other is made, and you feel joyful when you see the smile on the face of the person you assisted.

Teaching your children to help others will bring more joy into their lives.

7. Offer Physical Affection
When was the last time you hugged your child or showed some sign of physical affection? As your children grow older, they probably won’t hug you as much as when they were young. Children need physical affection as it is one way that you show them you love them. Touch releases oxytocin, which is a feel-good chemical, leading to joy.

Whether you hug, snuggle or give them a kiss goodnight, these kinds of physical attention will bring them joy. They’ll also reduce stress and make your child feel safe and at home.

Kara Reynolds is the Editor-in-Chief and founder of Momish Magazine.  A mom of four and matriarch to her big blended family, Kara wants nothing more than to normalize differences in family structures.  She enjoys peeing alone, pancakes, and pinot noir - but not at the same time. 

It’s funny what kids can teach you. Recently, a good friend of mine told me a story about a problem his daughter was having with one of her friends. She told him how upset she was because her friend had said something mean to her, and the comment, according to his daughter, was unforgivable.

But then, my friend said, he watched as his daughter reflected about what she just said to him. She shook her head and said, “No, that’s not right. I still want to be friends with her.”

She proceeded to tell him she would forgive her friend in the end. His daughter said she could see herself making the same mistake her friend did. And besides, she noted, their friendship would become stronger because of what happened.

He told me how astonished he was watching the whole scene play out in front of him, and he wondered aloud how could a child show so much empathy?

Afterward, it got me to thinking the world would be a much better place if we all could show more empathy and forgiveness in our lives. And maybe, if we taught our children to be more forgiving, then maybe we could be more forgiving ourselves.

To Forgive Others, First Forgive Yourself

We are often our own worst critics, especially children. How often have you heard your child say to themselves, “I’m not good at this” or “this is too hard for me”?

Maybe the first step in teaching the value of forgiveness to is to teach our children to forgive themselves. If we’re angry with ourselves, then it shouldn’t come as a surprise when that anger and resentment comes pouring out at those around us.

The awesomeness of teaching your child to forgive themselves is that it instills in them a self-confidence that allows them to project a kindness onto others.

With young children (ages 4-6), it’s important we start to build this foundation early. We can do so by sitting and reading picture books with our child that demonstrate the value of love and understanding. Dr. Seuss’s Horton Hears a Who! is wonderful example of a story showing how every being brings value to this world.

Even with older children, the power of story is a valuable tool in teaching life lessons, including forgiveness. There are countless examples of stories with powerful messages. Encourage your child to read such stories.

Teach by Example

Like it or not, your child watches you carefully and takes cues from your behavior. What better way to teach forgiveness then to demonstrate it regularly with your spouse or the rest of your family. Openly ask for forgiveness from your spouse and be sure to extend it when your spouse asks for it.

These lessons can apply to spouses, between you and your kids, and between siblings. I’m not sure about you, but my kids bicker regularly, which provides countless opportunities to practice the principles of forgiveness.

An important key is to ensure the forgiveness is genuine. Our children are more insightful than you would think. Forgiveness shouldn’t be forced. Allow time for everyone to cool off if it’s necessary. If days are required, then days are what it takes. Nothing will be resolved if forgiveness is forced.

And through your actions, teach that forgiveness is not conditional. Teach that forgiveness does not have to be reciprocated. Yes, for reconciliation to occur, two people must come together. But at the very least, teach that it’s ok to forgive even if the other person does not.

When the fight is between siblings, it’s the perfect opportunity to teach the value of understanding the other person’s point of view. Discuss each person’s perspective openly to build understanding. Allow your child to witness how it’s easier to resolve disagreements when you know the other’s side of the story. These opportunities are an excellent time to teach the importance of treating others as we wish to be treated ourselves.

Finally, use family gatherings periodically—like during a mealtime once a week, for example—to discuss the matter, including how easy or hard it is to forgive, how it feels, and what it means.

Mistakes Are a Part of Life

Everyone makes mistakes. It’s important that kids understand that. Children make mistakes. Mom and Dad make mistakes. We are human. Making a mistake is a part of life, but a mistake does not define who you are. Forgiveness reinforces that idea.

Conflict is inevitable, especially among families, so teaching and learning these lessons early are crucial to raising children who respect the value of peace, compassion, and civility. But every journey begins with a single step. Teach by example. Practice forgiveness in your own life. Share those moments. Let your children watch and learn. It’s not an overstatement to believe these small steps can lead to a more peaceful and productive society.

Chris Parsons grew up in Flatrock, Newfoundland. After many years of telling his stories, he published his first book "A Little Spark" in October 2020. The book is a fully illustrated chapter book - complete with a Soundtrack and Audiobook. The book recently received the Mom's Choice Gold Medal. He resides in Dallas.

I registered my oldest child for kindergarten recently. The process brought up all kinds of questions, like “How is she growing up so fast?” and “What are we having for breakfast?” Despite an accounting degree and years of related experience, the scariest question I had was “What if I have to help with her math homework?” 

Quiz shows like “Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?” remind us that we’ve forgotten much of what we learned in school. With a desire to show my daughter that Mommy Knows Best, I’ve come up with five real-life examples below that help illustrate some textbook math definitions. Don’t worry, I won’t tell you about any trains speeding towards each other. 

1. Repeating Decimals
Definition: a decimal representation of a number whose digits repeat their values at regular intervals and the repeated portion is not zero.

Example: “Brush your teeth. Put on your shoes. Brush your teeth. Put on your shoes.” Shouldn’t this come with a recording device?

2. Isosceles Triangle
Definition: A triangle in which two equal sides are joined by an odd side.

Example:  When I have to convince my children they have the exact same number of intricately cut vegetable shapes while eating the leftover scraps myself.

3. Inverse Proportions
Definition: When one value decreases at the same rate that the other increases.

Example: The more effort I put into making a meal or planning an outing, the less my children will enjoy it. The reverse is also true. Pasta with cheese for dinner, anyone?

4. Mode
Definition: The number which appears most often in a data set.

Example: 5. This is the number of minutes my daughter needs before she can finish her block tower, put away playdough or put on her shoes.

5. Constant
Definition: A number whose value is fixed by an unambiguous definition. 

Example: The amount of love I have for my children, no matter how much they hate the boeuf bourguignon with extra mushrooms I made for dinner. 

So you see, despite new methods of teaching, we parents already have tricks up our sleeves to help our kids learn about math. If you need a bonus suggestion, remember that pi is also a mathematical constant. Would you prefer apple or cherry?

I'm a Seattle transplant originally from California via stints in Massachusetts and France. My husband and I love showing our two young children the Pacific Northwest's natural beauty and toting them around the world for the occasional escape.