Talking to your baby and even singing are some of the ways expectant parents communicate with their babies while they are still in the womb. The new tampon-shaped speaker Babypod kicks that early introduction to music up a notch.

The Babypod is a tiny speaker that is inserted the same way you use a tampon. The speaker has an audio cord which can be connected into a smartphone or other music enabled device. Then all you have to do is queue up that playlist and let the party begin.

The makers of Babypod cited their own research into the benefits of music exposure in the womb. The device is intended for use up to 20 minutes per day after the 16th week of pregnancy. The company explained that the device was found safe to use in clinical trials of over 1,000 patients.  “The intensity of the sound that Babypod emits is similar to a conversation in low tone and has a control system so that it does not exceed this level, which can not damage the fetal ear,” the company said in an email to INSIDER.

While Babypod is FDA approved it’s always important to check with your health care provider before using any type of new device that can come in close contact with the womb and your baby.

“We don’t know if there is a sound or decibel level too high for a fetus. Maybe there’s a reason our bodies don’t come equipped with vaginal speakers,” Dr. Donnica Moore, a gynecologist, told INSIDER. “Anything that you may want to insert in your vagina during pregnancy should be cleared by your doctor first.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Suhyeon Choi via Unsplash



New Dietary Guidelines For Babies & Pregnant Women Are Long Overdue

Here’s How a Very Pregnant Amy Schumer Puts on Her Socks & Yes, It’s Hilarious

CDC Downgraded Its Zika Virus Warning, Which Is Good News for Pregnant Women

Photo: Brian Ainsley Horn

My son Jackson was born with Down syndrome.

He’s been an unbelievable blessing to everyone whose life he touches and he has taught me more about life than any other person on the planet. However, when he was first diagnosed, I did not see it as a blessing… Far from it.

But I soon realized that I couldn’t let it control my life and that I could not only handle it, but use it to improve my life and happiness. My understanding of this concept helped me move from a state of despair to a state where I loved and appreciated the thing I once saw as an unbeatable problem.

So, I did what any rational person would do.

I got a tattoo.

I wanted it to be special and communicate my journey with Jackson. The tattoo tells the story of our journey through the chrysalis of a butterfly (the butterfly is also the international symbol for Down syndrome). Here is what the journey looked like for me.

Stage 1: Despair

This stage is like being wrapped up in a cocoon, wanting to live in total isolation and darkness. Dissociating from the rest of the world completely and preparing yourself for the upcoming changes.

This can range from the death of a loved one, the end of a marriage, being fired from your job, a collapse of a business—or in my case, finding out my newborn son had Down syndrome.

“Despair” is the first stage you go through after being dealt a problem that you can’t fix. You will want to hide from the world and often feel that you are the only person that this has happened to EVER.

Being miserable at this point is totally normal and actually means you have a healthy spirit and mind.

When I was dealing with the news about Jackson, I was at the lowest point in my life by a mile. We’re talking fetal position on the floor sobbing uncontrollably, drinking heavily every night just to be able to fall asleep.

I cried for the thought of what he would have to go through later in life, for the loss of my “perfect” son I had always dreamed about, for my wife losing her “happy every after.” Then on top of all that, there was unbearable guilt for feeling anything but joy over this beautiful and amazing soul that was just brought into the world.

But the “Despair” stage passes and I moved into…

Stage 2: Acceptance

At this stage, you have accepted the “problem” and are starting to emerge like a butterfly from the cocoon.

You are still not free yet, but you start to reenter the world again. But because you aren’t done, you still have to work at clawing your way out of the cocoon.

This would be where you come to terms with the death of a loved one or the end of a marriage, start to build a new business to replace the one you lost, start interviewing for a new job… in my case, simply process that your child will be a little different than what you had initially planned for.

You see, I was able to accept that he had Down syndrome, but I still wasn’t where I wanted to be.

So, I joined the Board of Directors for Houston’s Down Syndrome Association, wrote about Jackson in my second book, blogged about my experiences with him, reached out to the IM community and raised a lot of money for a DS Charity and much more.

I had accepted Jackson’s diagnosis and was ready to take it head on and make it work for me and my family.

The “acceptance” phase is where the hard work takes place. If you don’t put in the work during this phase, you won’t make it to the next phase…

Stage 3: Appreciation

At this stage, you’ve moved past the “problem” and see that it was really a blessing from God all along and far more beautiful that anything you ever imagined—just like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.

This would be where you are at peace with the death of a loved one and feel nothing but joy because of the time you had with them, start to date again and feel blessed for the person you grew into during the ending of your marriage. You actually cherish the failing of your business or job loss because of what you learned from it.

In my case, I now really see the beauty in Down syndrome. The almond eyes, rounder face, protruding tongue, etc.

I have evolved to a place where I see it completely different than I did before Jackson—and not just with DS anymore, either. It has transformed how I see ALL people.

You may have also noticed a Bible verse on a scroll underneath the butterfly, Jeremiah 1:5: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” This means that Jackson is not a mistake. No human being is less than any other. They all have a place in the world and something special that sets them apart.

Every person on this planet was at one point a baby being held by someone who loved them as much as I loved my son. He has taught me more deeply than I ever thought possible that all life is precious… every person should be loved and valued.

Things that seem ugly and are totally out of your control will only be that way long-term if you allow them to be. Challenges are what make your life unique and they are your main opportunity to distinguish your life from everyone else’s.

This post originally appeared on Huffington Post.

Doting Dad and Digital Entrepreneur. In my '40s and still think farts are funny.

All parents-to-be have two big wishes: a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. Now experts are saying there is one thing you can do to help lower health risks for both babies and moms. According to a new study, women should wait a year between pregnancies.

New research published in JAMA Internal Medicine found that pregnancies with shorter intervals less than 18 months apart were at increased risk for adverse fetal and infant outcomes, as well as higher risk of maternal mortality and severe morbidity. The study included 123,122 women of various ages and 148,544 pregnancies.

photo: KathrinPie via Pixabay

For women 35 and older, the risk of maternal mortality was 0.62 percent when there were only six months between pregnancies (between the birth of one and the conception of another), versus only 0.26 percent with an 18 month interval. For younger moms (those 20 to 34) the increase in maternal mortality was not as significant, however those moms had a higher risk of spontaneous preterm delivery, 5.3 percent at a six month interval versus 3.2 percent at 18 months, and adverse fetal and infant outcomes, 2.0 percent at six months, compared with 1.4 percent at 18 months.

“My main takeaway is that this association between short interpregnancy interval and poor pregnancy outcome is well-known, but this shows that it’s for all maternal ages. It doesn’t matter if you’re 20 or you’re 40,” said Dr. Laura Riley, chair of obstetrics and gynecology at Weill Cornell Medicine and New York-Presbyterian, who was not involved in the study.

—Shahrzad Warkentin



Study Finds Breastfeeding Is Better Than Pumping, But Only for This Reason

If Your Child Has Asthma, They Were Probably Born During This Month, Study Finds

Exposure to Pollution During Pregnancy Can Affect Your Kids, New Study Finds

If you’re wondering whether your baby will grow up to be right- or left-handed, the answer could be in the way infants are fed. New research has linked hand preference to whether or not babies are breastfed or bottle-fed.

The study, conducted by researchers at the University of Washington, found that bottle-fed babies are more likely to be left-handed. The study looked at data from about 60,000 infant and mom pairs and found that left-handedness was lower among breastfed babies than bottle-fed babies.

Photo: Nelly Aran via Pexels

“We think breastfeeding optimizes the process the brain undergoes when solidifying handedness,” said Philippe Hujoel, the study’s author, a professor at the UW’s School of Dentistry and adjunct professor of epidemiology at the School of Public Health. “That’s important because it provides an independent line of evidence that breastfeeding may need to last six to nine months.”

It’s important to note that the study does not show that breastfeeding leads to right-handedness, only that breastfeeding might optimize a process called brain lateralization, which determines when the region of the brain that controls handedness localizes to one side of the brain. Hand preference is set early in fetal life and is at least partially determined by genetics, Hujoel explained.

—Shahrzad Warkentin



Parents Who Speak This “Secret” Language Raise More Verbal Babies, Study Finds

Babies Who Do This Grow Up to Be More Cooperative & Compassionate, Study Finds

Study Finds Breastfeeding Is Better Than Pumping, But Only for This Reason