Regular attendance at school is vital to ensure a student’s academic success, as well as their future health and yet more than 6.5 million U.S. kids miss more than 15 days of school each year. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) hopes to change that with new guidelines to prevent chronic absenteeism in schools.

According to the AAP, missing a lot of school not only leads to poor academic performance, but it can also increase the risk of unhealthy behaviors as teens and adults, such as smoking and substance use. This is why the AAP is recommending that preventative steps be taken in treating chronic absenteeism as a health risk.

photo: Element5 Digital via Unsplash

The new AAP report, “The Link Between School Attendance and Good Health,” highlights some effective steps to help improve attendance at schools, including proper hygiene and hand-washing, school-located vaccination programs and access to nurses and counselors. Some of the AAP recommendations to pediatricians are:

  • Stressing the importance of regular attendance starting in preschool by checking school absences with parents at well-visits;
  • Encouraging parents to make the school nurse aware of any health concerns;
  • Providing clear guidance on when kids should stay home due to illness and when it’s safe to go to school;
  • Avoiding writing medical excuses for absences when they are not necessary and encouraging parents to send kids back to school as soon as they are all enough.

Check out the full report for more recommendations here.

—Shahrzad Warkentin



Kids Who Identify as Trans “Know Their Gender,” AAP Says in Important New Guidelines

Every Teen Should Be Screened for Depression, AAP Says in New Guidelines

The AAP Wants Your Kids to Stay Healthy – in the Doctor’s Waiting Room

Most new moms are overwhelmed by all of the things that they have to do in a day. There are feedings and diaper changes, as well as all that housework. There is barely enough time to take a shower in a day, let alone get a few minutes for yourself. However, “me time” is very important—enough that you need to find a way to squeeze it into your routine.

Here are eight reasons that new moms need  “me time.”

1. It feels good to get away once in a while.

Every mom needs to get away from their baby. They need time to think and relax, not worrying constantly about every little thing. It can be really refreshing to just enjoy yourself even if you just take a walk around the block.

2. “Me time” will give you time to take care of yourself.

It is important to make sure that you are eating healthy and exercising enough so that you are able to take care of your family. Relaxing is also necessary for good health. You need to be mentally capable of taking care of your baby.

3. If your relatives are able to watch your baby, this gives them time to develop a bond.

It is important for grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives to be able to spend quality time with the baby. Asking them to watch the baby for an hour or so here and there will only delight them.

4. If you have to hire a babysitter, remember it’s healthy for your baby to have relationships with other adults they can trust.

As your baby grows, he or she is going to have to get along with plenty of adults. Adult time as a child helps them learn to interact with other adults, making transitions to daycare and school a little easier.

5. “Me time” allows you to recharge your batteries.

After some time away, you will come back to mothering refreshed and ready to take care of your baby again. Things that bothered you a few hours ago may seem insignificant.

6. Being away from your baby will make you miss him or her.

Missing your baby is a good thing! Most moms struggle with missing their children, which only makes them want to hurry back home. After time apart, you may long for some special time together so you will make sure that you have plenty of quality time together.

7. By spending time with other adults, your baby will grow up learning about different opinions.

You are going to want your child to learn how to think for him or herself. As your child grows, he or she will learn to be well-rounded and well-adjusted.

8. Though it is not “me time,” date nights are also important to help you reconnect with your partner.

Life as a parent is very difficult. Not having any time to relax and connect can make the parenting journey very lonely and frustrating.

Though it can be really hard to find time, “me time” is really important for moms. If your friends and relatives are able to watch your baby, not only will you get a break, it will also give them time to spend with your baby. It may also help the transition to daycare or school a little easier because he or she will be used to more than one person.

However, “me time” is mainly for you. It gives you a break and some time away. You might be surprised to find that, no matter how badly you wanted a quiet house, you might feel lost without your little one—you’d be amazed how much you miss him or her the second they’re away!

Featured Photo Courtesy: Alexis Chloe via Unsplash


Advice to New Moms from Moms Who’ve Been There

New Mom’s Guide to Getting Healthy in the New Year

A Week’s Worth of Ways to Pamper a New Mom


I'm a medical Doctor and proud father with passion for helping women know themselves and understand the importance of loving a baby while staying healthy.

Finding snacks for kids with allergies used to be quite the challenge. But these days, there are whole shelves of products that everyone can enjoy. We did our research and found seven nut (and other common allergens)-free goodies you probably haven’t tried yet. From cheddar snacks to sweet-tasting chewy bars, keep reading to see them all.

1. Partake Mini Cookies
These cookies from new company Partake come in three flavors: a yummy (and slightly spiced) carrot oat, sweet potato millet and a wholesome sprouted grain chocolate chip. Thought up by a mom who struggled to find a tasty, allergen-free snack for her own kiddo, each box of cookies is filled with veggies, fruits, and grains, and is free of top allergens, including tree nuts, peanuts, eggs, wheat and more. Gluten free and Non-GMO Project verified, there’s nothing but goodness left in these sweet snacks.

Available at, $14.97 for three boxes.

2. Enjoy Life Baked Chewy Bars (New Flavors)
Enjoy Life is one of the most trustworthy brands for families with allergies and dietary sensitivities. Good news because their fan-favorite Baked Chewy Bars now come in three new flavors: Carrot Cake, Caramel Blondie and (our fave) Lemon Blueberry Poppy Seed. They are milk free, nut free, gluten free and soy free—in fact, all of Enjoy Life’s products are free of wheat, dairy, peanuts, tree nuts, egg, soy, fish and shellfish and are made without casein, potato, sesame, and sulfites. Our editor’s six-year-old son loved the Carrot Cake and the Caramel Blondie, but she insists the Lemon Blueberry Poppy Seed are where it’s at. Try them all and you decide.

Available at, $4.99 per box.

3. Good Health Veggie Pretzels
If you figure all pretzel sticks are created equal, we urge you to try Good Health’s new Veggie Pretzels. Not only are they yummy, they have lots of veggie power including broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, beets, spinach and more. Our editor road-tested these on a playdate with some seriously picky eaters and swears by these. If that doesn’t impress you, how about these figures? Each serving has 25% of daily Vitamin A, 20% of daily Vitamin B6 (that’s the equivalent of 7 cups of spinach) and 20% of daily Vitamin K—that’s all in just four pretzel sticks. They’re also made in a peanut and tree nut-free facility, with no artificial colors, no hydrogenated oils, and no trans fat!

Available at, $13.95 for two 8oz. bags.4. Somersault Seed Bites
Made from seeds instead of nuts (wheat and sesame seeds are included ingredients, so these aren’t for kids with severe allergies), these bites from Somersault pack a crunchy, slightly salty protein punch, and are also a good source of vitamin E and fiber. You can opt to keep snack time simple with sea salt or make it a sweet treat with the cinnamon or Dutch cocoa flavors (each serving has less than three grams of sugar!). And the best part? The tiny bite-sized pieces can easily fit into your kid’s new favorite bento box.

Available at, $12.95 for a six-pack.

5. COYO Coconut Yogurt
Made with nature’s superfood—coconut—this non-dairy, gluten-free, egg-free, vegan yogurt is also produced in a custom facility (coconuts are considered a fruit, and are not processed on-site), which means there’s no chance of wheat, nut or dairy cross contamination. It’ got a silky smooth texture, has a rich flavor and comes in yummy flavors like mixed berry, mango, and chocolate—all without any added sugar. COYO coconut yogurt is also filled with gut-healthy probiotics, and we especially love the small containers that you can toss into a lunchbox or bag for a midday sweet treat.

Available at Whole Foods, Sprouts and specialty markets across the country. You can find the nearest location by clicking here. $3.69 for 5.3 oz.

6. Good Health Eat Your Vegetables Sea Salt Chips
Okay, we’re just gonna say it: you are probably going to eat a lot of these yourself so buy two bags. That way, when the kids beg for more in their lunch or afterschool you don’t have to guiltily look away. Not only do they taste insanely good, they have eight veggies, including many your child may otherwise refuse to eat (carrots, sweet potatoes, kale, spinach, broccoli, beets, tomatoes and shiitake mushrooms). The company uses “good manufacturing practices to segregate ingredients” but the facility does process soy, wheat and dairy so severe allergies should probably avoid this one. They are non-GMO, and gluten and trans-fat free.

Available at, $11.95 for two 4oz. bags.

7. Snikiddy Cheddar Cheese Fries
These little crispers aren’t exactly packed with vitamins, but it’s what they don’t have that might sway you. They are gluten and wheat free, contain no MSG or cholesterol, are vegetarian (contains dairy) and are made with organic corn and sunflower oil. They are also kosher and made in a facility that does not manufacture peanuts or tree nuts. In short, if you are thinking about going for french fries or potato chips, go for these instead. They are better for you, and they taste better, too! We also love Snikiddy’s Grilled Cheese Puffs.

Available at, $2.49.

Will you try any of these nut-free snacks this school year? Share with us in a Comment below.

— Gabby Cullen & Amber Guetebier

Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching just won a Totally Awesome Award for Best Parenting Program in Southern California. We recently spoke to Joanna Clark, the founder of Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching, about her experience as a business owner, the best advice she’s ever received and more. Hear what she has to say below!

Red Tricycle: Your community recently voted you “Best Parenting Program” – what do your customers value most about your business?
Joanna Clark: Sleep is bliss. You may have known that before becoming a parent, but you really know it now. And, when you’ve had a bad night of broken sleep, you really, really know it. My clients often reach out to me when they’re overwhelmed and completely exhausted. No one in the house is sleeping, and parents feel hopeless and irritable. My expert guidance and “hold-your-hand” Gentle Sleep Coaching approach resolves families’ sleep challenges. Ultimately, I help parents reclaim peaceful nights, and doing so has a huge positive effect on the whole family. The whole family enjoys consolidated, restorative sleep and the dynamic completely changes. Sleep—for parents and for their children—is fundamental to good health and happiness. It’s a magic elixir for wellbeing. With less stress, less guilt, and more free time for themselves and as a couple, parents thrive. That’s why I say, “Sleep is bliss, let’s get you some more!”

RT: What do you want people to know about your business that they don’t already know?
JC: Going to sleep independently and peacefully—and staying asleep—is a learned skill. As parents, we sometimes assume that sleeping is a developmental milestone that comes naturally, yet healthy sleep habits and the ability to self-soothe is learned skill. Babies and children need the right coaching, the right circumstances, and the right environment for practice and mastery. In teaching and coaching your child how to self-soothe to sleep, you give a lifelong gift to your child. What makes Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching different is that I offer an alternative to “cry-it-out” approaches to sleep training. I am a trained and certified Gentle Sleep Coach. I offer a full-service, proven system and live support to promote a gentle, reassuring, gradual change that results in healthy sleep habits.

RT: How did your business get started and what was the motivation?
JC: When I was a new mom, my child did not sleep. I was exhausted and I found it infinitely harder to meet my child’s needs with the energy and enthusiasm of which I knew I was capable. Searching for answers in a sleep-deprived haze, I found Kim West and her book Good Night Sleep Tight. This gentle and accessible methodology was my lifeline out of my own most-challenging time. From that point forward, “all things sleep” became my passion. I knew I had the skills and empathy to help other tired parents out of their own most-challenging times. In July 2011, I became one of the first 50 graduates of her Gentle Sleep Coach℠ Program, which is currently the most comprehensive and professional infant and child sleep coaching certification program available. As a pediatric sleep expert and certified Gentle Sleep Coach℠, I have helped over 500 families across North America. With all clients, I develop and implement a customized sleep plan to help the child to independently fall asleep and stay asleep. I offer an alternative to “cry it out” methodology. As a result, parents benefit from reassuring, parentally supported, gradual change that results in improved sleep habits and a well-rested family

RT: Tell us, what do you start your morning with: 1. coffee 2. tea 3. mimosa 4. water 5. all of the above.
JC: I start my morning with a freshly brewed pot of loose-leaf oolong tea.

RT: What is the most awesome thing a customer has ever done for you?
JC: A grateful client once bought me the most beautiful bud vase with a single rose. I was deeply touched and thrilled. My client didn’t know it, but I put fresh flowers on my desk and dining room table every week as a ritual to keep me grounded in beauty and the wonder of nature. So every week, I add a new flower bud to this vase. Doing so, lets me appreciate nature while simultaneously reminding me of the kindness of a client and how important my work is to families. It’s my mission to help families reclaim peaceful nights.

RT: What is your biggest pet peeve as a business owner?
JC: It’s time! I wish I had more of it. As a female-operated small business owner, as well as a mother and wife, I wish I could “expand” time so that I could not only help more clients each day, but also get “back to the mat”…yes, sadly my yoga mat sits rolled and dormant.

RT: How do you keep your stress levels down?
JC: In order to monitor my stress and tame the relentless “to-do” list scrolling through my mind, I always brew a fresh pot of Oolong tea every morning. I sit quietly in my yard, whether it is hot or cold, mosquitos or mist, and I sip my tea and I listen to the birds. I absorb a moment of gratitude and stillness before the bustle of the day. I am joined in this ritual each and every day by my fluffy, always loving, and always happy standard poodle, Hansi.

RT: What’s your secret superhero power as a business owner?
JC: I believe my superhero power is being incredibly perceptive while at the same time being an active and empathetic listener. These superhero powers allow me to masterfully guide parents to the right next steps to get them to where we all want to be: well-rested.

RT: Tell us, what is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received (as a parent or business owner)?
JC: As a business owner, the best piece of advice I’ve ever received is to consistently offer exquisite customer service and responsiveness. As a parent, the best piece of advice I’ve received is to make healthy sleep habits a priority for each and every family member. We model for our children what we want for them to incorporate in their own lives when they grow up.

RT: How about the worst piece of advice you’ve ever received?
JC: I am deeply dismayed by our cultural sentiment that time spent sleeping is “time wasted.” Sleep is critical to our health and wellbeing. As humans, we need consolidated sleep to recharge, refresh, and perform to our true potential each and every day. Sleep is just as important to health as good nutrition, physical activity, and wearing your seat belt.

RT: Is there a special offer you’d like to include for Red Tricycle readers?
JC: I’m offering Red Tricycle readers the chance to win a 45-minute consultation or a $50 discount on a full sleep coaching package. In order to enter the weekly drawing, readers must complete the following two tasks between now and 12/31/16: Task One: Go to and download the Free Gift & Tips titled “Was your Child Awake Last Night?” Task Two: Go to Facebook and LIKE: Blissful Baby Sleep ( By completing these two tasks, readers will be entered into a weekly drawing. All winners will be notified by email and Facebook messenger.


Check out their website here.


Photo credit: Leah Valentine Photography

Angelenos have waited 21 loooong years for this moment and it’s finally arrived: the LA Rams have come home.  To get families ready for the season, we’ve got the playbook on where to get the best Rams gear, who the players are, how to meet them, and if you’re lucky enough to snag those coveted tickets—what kid-friendly activities you can check out come game time at LA Memorial Coliseum.

photo: Jennifer O’Brien

The Rams’ LA History
The LA Rams have always been a storied part of LA’s sports landscape, serving as our hometown NFL team from 1946 through 1994 when the franchise moved to St. Louis and became the St. Louis Rams. But in 2016, they’re back where they belong, baby! Playing right here in the City of Angels at LA’s Memorial Coliseum (while their new state of the art stadium is under construction), fans have welcomed them home with open blue and gold painted arms. And if their preseason record is any indication so far, (ahem, 2-0), we’re in for a thrilling football season ahead.

photo: LA Rams via Facebook

LA Memorial Coliseum Game Day: What to Know
The Rams regular season home opener is scheduled for Sunday, September 18, against the Seattle Seahawks. If you’re one of the lucky families who scored tickets to this game or any upcoming home game for the season, here are a few things to know about bringing kids to the LA Memorial Coliseum.

Pint-sized football fans who are two years old and under are admitted to the game free as long as they are held in a family member’s lap and do not interfere with other attendee’s view of the event. Strollers of any kind are totally prohibited.

photo: LA Rams via Facebook

To ensure public safety and help move fans through security checkpoints much faster, LA Memorial Coliseum has instituted a strict clear bag policy that limits the size and type of bags you can bring into the game. To avoid any problems, be sure to visit the Coliseum website for specific details before you arrive. For families with tots who are not yet potty trained, diapers and wipes may be carried into the stadium in a clear bag. Each family member (including kiddos) is allowed to carry one approved bag. Additionally, there are convenient baby changing areas located in all restrooms. Also, because the noise level tends to “get loud” during the game, it’s highly recommended that parents bring some sort of ear protection for kiddos.

If you are bringing littles to the game, be sure to stop by the Cedars-Sinai Kids’ Zone, open four hours prior to kickoff until an hour past kickoff.  Here, tykes can romp around to their heart’s content on Rams inflatables and munch on kid-friendly concession options. The Kids’ Zone is located directly outside the peristyle entrance of the Coliseum.

There are numerous parking lots available around the Coliseum, but we think your best bet (and a much more fun option for young ones) is taking the Metro Expo Line that drops you off right near the Coliseum.

photo: LA Rams via Facebook

Where to Gear Up
If your family is looking to stock up on tons of Rams tees, hats, footballs and the like, there are plenty of options to snag some cool gear. If you’re attending one of the home games at LA Memorial Coliseum, there are lots of youth retail options at the Rams Fans Fest, located directly east of the peristyle entrance to the stadium, as well as merchandise at the team store located at Gate 28. There are intermittent retail locations sprinkled throughout the Coliseum too that may be closer to where you’re seated. For kiddos who can’t make it to a game in person, but still want to show off their pint-sized pride, LA Rams gear is available online through the fan shop.

photo: LA Rams via Facebook

The Players & How to Meet Them
The Los Angeles Rams are gearing up for a victorious season under the leadership of Head Coach, Jeff Fisher and new rookie quarterback, Jared Goff. But who are the rest of the players? Brush up on the team roster and get to know your Rams before game time!

If your pee-wee players are hoping to meet some of their hometown heroes in person, Rams players often will often hang around after the game to sign autographs, so be prepared to jump at the chance should the opportunity arise.

Being involved with and giving back to the LA community is a top priority of the Rams. In addition to player appearances and charity events throughout the season and off-season, the LA Rams are actively involved with the NFL’s Play60 initiative. Play60 is geared toward ensuring children get at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day to maintain good health. If LA parents are interested in trying to bring this program to their kid’s school, visit the Play60 site for more information. For all other upcoming fan events, stay tuned to the Rams Facebook page or follow them on Twitter.

What excites you most about the Rams’ return to LA? Give us a shout in the comments below!

–Jennifer O’Brien

Summer fun is going to end very soon with the awesome memories. We all had a great family time with vacations and outing. But now it is the time to say a goodbye to carefree days and flexible everyday routine. “Back to school” season is  just ahead of us. We all are nervously excited for beginning of the new academic year.

Most of the parents had a mixed feeling about it. Definitely, it is always nice to get back into an established settled weekly routine but at the same time thought of fixed timing, PTO meetings, long lanes of carpools, sports, assignments may make a little nervous and anxious us.

Of course, we all are busy in shopping of routine “back to school” supplies. Backpack, lunchboxes, stationaries….and had a fun while doing this. But apart from these routine back to school supplies, I want to enrich my kids with some unique “back to school” supplies that will help them throughout the next academic year.

A sense of self- discipline

Kids are the innocent learner, they are impulsive by nature. I think “self-discipline” has tremendous positive effect in any person’s life. It is all about being able to regulate yourself. A person armed with good self-discipline definitely has a better perspective in his life and can solve his life challenges more easily. Obviously, kids have the shorter attention span and lack of self-control. But a little effort can make them more efficient. Self-regulation skills play a vital role in academic achievement. They need to follow directions, pay attention to studies and behaviour during their academic year. Studies suggested that kids those who have better self-discipline at the early age develop better academic skills over the time.

So, this is the first unique character that will help them throughout the year. And it can be done at home by doing some simple steps, such as set a fixed time for all routine chores, take their help in minor household tasks and always motivate them for acquiring good habits.

Constant desire to learn new things with courage

We lived in a high-tech world and kids had a strong influence of this latest technology on their personality development. Sometimes, this overexposure may affect their learning capability and courage to try new things. They may get stuck on electronic gadgets and had a negative effect on their physical and mental status. So, I want to break this latest trend. Build a constant desire to learn new things are a great personality trait that is the must for an overall personality development. They should have the courage to try any new thing; it may be guitar, soccer or creative writing. This habit will help them not only in academic studies but also make them an independent and strong individual in the future as well.

Being ambitious in life but had a sense of contentment in life

Definitely, it is great to be ambitious in your life. You should have a strong desire to achieve your goal. Hard work with passion and ambition always help in success in all field of life. And for being excel in academics it is equally important. I want to make my kids ambitious with a strong desire to achieve their goals…but at the same time learn to be content and happy with their achievement is also necessary for happiness.  We lived in a highly competitive world. Everyone wants to achieve everything and sometimes this over ambition may cause unhappiness and frustration. So, develop a sense of self- satisfaction and contentment are very important from the childhood. This is the third personality trait that will help them throughout their academic year and in their whole life too.

Healthy body and healthy mind

It is true that “Health is wealth,” and for parents who care for their kids, their complete health (mental, physical and social) is always a matter of concern for them. During an academic year, they had a tight schedule for everything from studies to art, music and sports will keep them busy all the time. But a healthy body is the must for their better performance in each field. So as a parent it is our duty to serve them a healthy meal and keep them physically active. We can limit their screen time and plan family physical activities for their good health. Having a Good mental and physical health would be a great pre-preparation that will help them succeeding in their upcoming academic year.

A sense of humour and fun

Life is a beautiful journey, but at the same time, it is challenging too. We had lots of expectation from our kids. Too much academic pressure may cause anxiety, depression and psychological disorders in kids. It may affect their happiness. So, it is best to develop a sense of humour in them. Laughter is a wonderful way to relieve stress and anxiety. Having some fun family time is the easiest way to connect together.

The sense of humour is a quality that can be developed in kids. And make them healthier and smarter. If they are being able to find fun in the difficult situation, they would be able to cope with challenges in future.

Apart from routine “BTS (back to school shopping)”; this is my pre-preparation for kids for upcoming academic year. I believe that these “unique back to school supplies” will help them throughout the year. It will make their academic and life journey a little smoother. What are your thoughts? How are you preparing your kids for next year? Please share with us. Until then happy parenting!

Dr. Surbhi Prapanna
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

I am a homeopathic physician and mom of two lovely daughters. I love reading, writing, crafting and spending quality time with my kids.Although I had 5 years of clinical and teaching experience in homeopathy, but the most indelible experience of my life is being a mom of two cute dolls.

After witnessing her Mom’s struggle with breast cancer at a young age, Keely—a fitness and wellness specialist and owner of Be Grand Fitness—turned that experience into a mission of healthy food, appropriate exercise and a balanced life.

We’re teaming up with Blue Shield of California to celebrate local Bay Area moms who have inspired us to seek healthy, balanced lives.  First up: Keely Grand of Be Grand Fitness.

Red Tricycle:  You’re part of a group of moms that are on a serious mission.  What’s yours?
Keely Grand: My main mission is to combat childhood obesity. I believe that the majority of the work and responsibility lies with the parents. I love working with different types of people with all types of abilities, but families are at the top of my list.

RT:  What inspired you to pursue health, fitness and fighting childhood obesity?
KG:  It was a combination of things: my mom getting breast cancer, my dad being a runner himself, my mom’s constant efforts to feed us the healthiest food, seeing unfit people get diseases that can be prevented with good health and going through my master’s program – health communication.

RT:  I take it your kids are a big part of what you do?
KG: My kids work with me. My oldest has been my exercise buddy since he was a baby. He’s come to classes with me from 3 months old and up until he went to preschool. My little guy is just 7 months old, and seems to enjoy it all too. Food is another aspect of my passion and my son is right there with me. We make kale smoothies together and go shopping for healthy food.

RT:  I bet your preschooler has said some pretty funny things as your exercise buddy, right?
KG: One time we were doing squat jumps and I was counting backwards and he yelled “Blast off!” when I got to 1. It stuck. Three years later, every time we do a jumping exercise with a backwards countdown we all yell “Blast off!”

RT:  What advice would you give to families that a more healthy lifestyle?
KG: Participate in any activity you can with your child. The joy in their entire being is priceless. Even if its 10 minutes of chase, dribble or bike riding after school or work, show your children that exercise can be fun and that you enjoy fitness with them.

Be Like Keely!  Blue Shield of California’s Wellness Challenge:
Purchase a resistance band if you want to work your muscles, a stroller if you want to walk or run with your child, chalk if you want to play hopscotch with your preschooler, the list is endless. You can burn a ton of calories by just playing chase and they’ll love every second of it!

Blue Shield of California is an independent member of the Blue Shield of California.