Once upon a time, I lived in la-la land. I had magical dreams of a unicorn baby. A baby that slept through the night and never cried. A toddler that was a well-behaved angel. I dreamt of how easy it would be for a baby to nestle into my existing life as a career-driven woman. My dreams were just that, dreams.

The fairytale life I had envisioned quickly turned into a nightmare. My baby had colic, so not only did he not sleep through the night for months, but he cried all day and night, for months. I felt so alone. I felt betrayed by all my mom friends. No one told me how hard motherhood would be. Everyone let me believe that every moment was filled with glitter and rainbows.

My days were filled with darkness. There was no glitter. Unless you count my glistening tears. Every day, I counted down the hours until my husband came home from work. My favorite noise was hearing his key in the door. As much as I couldn’t wait for him to get home every day, I also resented him. I resented the fact that he got to go to work every days. For nine hours a day, he got to escape a crying, screaming, pooping baby. He got to be around adults and have more meaningful conversations than I was having. Although I don’t think goo goo ga ga qualifies as meaningful or a conversation.

I missed working my regular 7-8 hour days. I missed being creative. I missed setting and achieving big, audacious goals. I tried to work whenever the baby was sleeping (which was hardly ever). But I just couldn’t focus. My art wasn’t flowing. I was exhausted, had mommy brain and was always watching the clock. Counting down the minutes until the baby woke up from his nap.

And then, the villain of my fairytale appeared out of the shadows. Guilt. Relentless Guilt with his sharp claws digging into my heart. Guilt made me feel like a bad mother and wife. Guilt made me feel disgusting for wanting to spend more time working than with my baby. Guilt made me feel shameful for not loving and enjoying every moment I had with my newborn. Guilt made me feel like a horrible human being.

I started to spiral. Looking back now, I know I had a postpartum. But I didn’t realize it then. I just thought this is what motherhood is. None of the moms I knew talked about this stuff. And I felt ashamed that I was having these feelings. I put on a make-believe bright and happy face for the world. I was only posting the picture-perfect moments on social media. I was telling people that being a mom was so fun and fulfilling. But behind all the make-believe, I was having mental breakdowns and dreaming of running away.

I loved my baby, but I didn’t feel like myself. I missed my old life. I have always been a high achiever, setting out to be the best in everything I do. My career and art were such a huge part of who I was. I felt like I was losing all the parts of myself that I admired and loved. I didn’t feel like I was the best mom, wife or artist. I felt like an absolute failure.

Being a children’s book author and illustrator, I set out to inspire children and children inspire me. But motherhood left me uninspired. It was only when I confronted my guilt, that the darkness started to lift. I realized that in order for me to be a good mom and be the person I was meant to be, I had to work. My job sparked a twinkle in my eyes and lit purpose in my heart. It wasn’t motherhood that made me feel uninspired. It was too much guilt and too little of what sparked a light in me.

Just because I was now a mom, didn’t mean I was any less of an artist, a goal-oriented high achiever, a complete fantasy nerd, a big goofball and most importantly, my own person. All those things helped me be a better mom and being a mom helped me be a better person.

RELATED: The Real Reason Motherhood Is So Hard

Holly Hatam is the illustrator of the #1 New York Times bestselling Dear Girl and Dear Boy, as well as Unicorns Are RealMade by Maxine, and Jack (Not Jackie). She loves hugging trees, drinking tea, sniffing books, music, animations and most importantly, unicorns. She invites you to be transported into her magical world by visiting hollyhatam.com.  

I woke up this Sunday morning experiencing the all-too-common feeling of mom guilt. If you’re a mom, you know exactly what I’m talking about. It is a feeling many moms experience regularly, but it consumed me this particular morning. Despite the fact that my coffee was already brewing, and I had a lot to do, I remained in bed pulling the covers over my head, stuck in my own head, feeling tremendous amounts of mom guilt. I couldn’t help but think of a Sunday morning one fall when my kids were younger.

Like every Sunday morning, we were hurriedly making sure everyone was fed and dressed in their “Sunday best.” Despite our best efforts, we arrived a little late but walked into church with smiles on our faces. Before going into the service, my three kids and I climbed up the mauve-colored steps to drop them off in their Sunday school classrooms. I wasn’t sure what the sermon was going to be that day. To be honest, I’m not sure I cared; I was just looking forward to being in a room with adults for an hour. My hopes of being in an adult-only room quickly faded when my oldest daughter refused to go into her classroom. The teachers repeatedly tried to entice her into the colorful room full of interactive toys while catchy music played in the background. It didn’t matter what creative technique or bribe they used to get her to enter the room; she didn’t want to go.

I knew that if I forced her into the classroom, she would cry for the entire hour, and I would be called out of the sermon to come to pick her up. Either that or I wouldn’t be able to pay attention to the message because I would be so worried about her. That’s when voices from how I was raised filled my head.

“She’s manipulating you.”

“Don’t let her win.”

“Use tough love.”

“This will be good for her.”

“Be strong!”

At that moment, I felt guilty regardless of my choice. According to advice from the generation that raised me, if I let her come with me, that meant she would be getting her way. However, my heartstrings ached because I knew she was going through separation anxiety, and she wanted me close. At that moment, there was a mom guilt battle going on inside of me.

This wasn’t the only time I’ve been in the middle of a mom guilt battle. Other times haunt me as well. Like when we were late for grade school every day for two straight weeks. I will never forget the look on the secretary’s face each time we’d walk in late to the office. Her disappointing and judgmental look filled me with mom guilt after tough mornings.

Or what about the numerous times I’ve lost my cool, or let my kids have too much screen time because I needed a break, or walked away from my crying child because I was about to break down too? What about serving them yet another frozen pizza for dinner after they’ve already consumed way too many goldfish crackers? What about that one time when I decided to homeschool my kids, only to return to public school three years later. Or how about one of my biggest guilts—my heart sinks every time I think about all the times we’ve moved and uprooted the kids.

Ugh. Discouragement filled my heart just thinking about these moments. Then my mind went to what others thought. I knew that my mom and grandmother wouldn’t approve of some of my choices and the secretary’s look kept haunting me. Then I thought of my friends that were seemingly perfect moms. Oof, if I continued with that train of thought, I’d never get out of bed. That’s when I snapped back to reality and pulled the covers off. I got up and poured myself a cup of coffee that I had been smelling for the past several minutes. I was hoping it would snap me out of my “mom guilt” mood.

As coffee touched my lips and I looked out the kitchen window to the yard, I was reminded of the outcome and takeaways of the stories I was thinking about.

I knew leaving my daughter in a classroom, be it school or elsewhere, was an inevitable part of her growing up and that there were healthy ways to deal with separation anxiety. However, on that particular Sunday morning, my mom intuition kicked in, and I decided to keep my daughter with me. I remembered that we grabbed a donut at the church café, and I listened to the sermon in the hallway. Though my choice was frowned upon by some fellow churchgoers, I don’t regret that moment. Why? To this day, my daughter remembers how good those donuts were. My takeaway? My relationship with my daughter was far more important than any class.

As far as the disapproving look from the secretary? After a few stressful mornings of yelling, rushing, and tears, I realized I would rather be late and calm than on time and stressed. So that was my excuse every time we were late after that. The secretary would ask, “What is the reason why you are late today?” I’d reply, “Just another tough morning, and we would rather be late and calm than on time and stressed.” My takeaway? My children’s mental health was far too important to worry about being late to school.

Parents, if you’re feeling the same way this morning, grab your morning coffee and remember that your child was made for you. You know your child better than anyone else on this planet. So be you, trust your gut, and be proud of your parenting choices. Give yourself grace, and do not worry about what others think or say. Focus on the positive and learn from the mistakes. Take it from this coffee-loving, imperfect mother of 15 years and know it’ll all be okay.

RELATED: Ditch the Mom Guilt & Take a Day Off

This post originally appeared on www.jamieedelbrock.com.

Jamie is married to her high school sweetheart and has three beautiful daughters. Through years of experience working with children, and raising her own, she knows how difficult parenting can be. She is an advocate for children's mental health and is best known for her creativity, optimism, and kind heart.

Photo: Elham Raker

My firstborn just turned 14. A full-fledged teenager that now towers over me. Kids birthdays definitely make you nostalgic and think of their birth day. Especially the one that made you a mama! So I thought about how I had so many doubts and fears of being a new mom. Even as a pediatrician, I didn’t have a clue what I was doing! But I managed, just like every other new mom does, and figured it out. And with every new age, there’s a new stage to master. A new nap schedule, feeding schedule, a new skill they just acquired, and as they get older learning to navigate life without you.

There is no secret sauce to parenting, there is not a magic ingredient. There is not just one thing that we need to do. If there were, it would be a heck of a lot easier. As babies we need to attend to their every need, they are fully dependent on us and it’s mostly about survival mode. But as they get older we need to teach good habits, safety, routines, healthy choices, and discipline. Then you hope as they become more independent they have learned the lessons you’ve taught (like washing hands!!!) and do the right thing when you’re not there. At each stage of their lives, they need something different from us. They could need more one day and not at all the next. But something always remains consistent, they need us.

As my kids have gotten older, I’ve really struggled with raising independent adults vs being there for them and helping them (helicopter parent much?) It’s definitely a fine balance. On one hand, there’s so much more we know that we can just do for them and it would make our lives easier. On the other hand, if they don’t learn adulting skills then will they be living with us forever? I definitely struggle between the two. In some ways, I feel like doing things for them is showing them love and if I don’t do those things I’m being mean (mom guilt alert!)…BUT…not really. We know that kids need to do things on their own, gain independence, and feel confident! That’s huge! But is there such a thing as too independent?

When COVID started, I decided to give up working outside the home. I really felt it was important to be home with my kids and I was so fortunate to be able to do that. And truly the kids did need me. In the beginning, I felt like it was one issue after another and I just needed to be there. Could they have figured it out without me…possibly…probably… but it was great for them to know that I was just there. I’m not telling you that you should quit your job and be home 24/7. That’s not financially feasible and frankly, that may not be the best option for everyone regardless of your financial outlook. You may absolutely love what you do and you are a better person for doing it! But it’s not about physically always being there, it’s just about being available. There are certainly days that I wish I were more present even though I’m physically there. It’s about making quality dates with your kids to be together, not quantity. It’s about following the rhythm of your kid’s schedules and being there for a carpool chat, late-night chat, or a special outing. There are so many skills we need to have as parents, but I really think one of the most important is just being there. Yes, we need to listen but they don’t always talk. Sometimes what’s not said is just as important as what is said.

Our kids need their independence, no doubt. But as they get older we need to be available as consultants. Only sharing our opinions when asked. And maybe guiding them when we know the path taken is not where they want to go. It’s a fine balance, a delicate dance, and definitely not easy to master. Ultimately, I want my kids to turn into adults I want to hang out with. That’s the parenting advice I consistently keep in the back of my head!

feature image via Bethany Beck on Unsplash 

 I'm a mom to 2 busy kids and a pediatrician. My blog is about all things mom, doctor and how the two come together. My goal is to help you find your voice while I find mine and help you become your best version while I become mine!

Are you walking into a new world of special needs parenting for the first time? Are you a few years in and finding things hard to manage right now? Or are you the parent who has walked this path and is now looking ahead at what services are there for your child’s future? Here are some gems of advice that I have received from others who have walked this path alongside me and before me—plus some of my own.

1. Advocacy can come in many forms.
If you are the loud and proud mama or papa bear walking into an IEP meeting or evaluation asking all the questions and expecting answers, that is the perfect way to do it. If you are the parent who is searching the internet looking for all the studies and best practices to be prepared to walk into each meeting with statistics and sites behind you, that is wonderful. If you are a quiet parent finding their voice behind the forms, appointments, and recommendations who reach out to others for support, it is just right to bring those voices with you.

What I have learned along the way from others is you can have a combination of these advocacy approaches at different times when different emotions are flowing. No matter how you lift yourself up and fight the good fight, that is what is right for today.

2. Talking about all the feelings that come with parenting is ok.
As parents, we often feel that speaking about the dark and hard is shameful. Others aren’t feeling the way you are because you haven’t had someone open up to you about it yet. We sit in feelings of guilt, sorrow, sadness, feelings of failure, and overwhelming tasks. These feelings do not overshadow the joy, love, happiness, and bliss that comes with parenting, so it is ok to talk about them.

Not only is parenting a challenge on some days, but special needs parenting comes with so many additional challenges. I never wanted to feel lost in the what-ifs, hows, or whys but it is natural to feel that way at certain points. The commercial idea of parenting found in parenting magazines can feel defeating and unrealistic. Please share your story with others because there for sure is a parent sitting behind a closed door waiting to hear that they are not alone.

3. Take in the wins, celebrate each accomplishment, and honor the hard work.
As special needs parents, we sit with therapists, teachers, and even family members as they highlight the perceived deficiencies in our children. We watch each minute of practice and hard work to hold a fork, brush teeth, recognize words, speak a sentence, communicate needs, and so much more. Our family circles in the celebration with each accomplishment to fight off the mountain of forms, saying that our children might be able to accomplish these things. We shout with joy because these are the true heartfelt moments of parenting magnified by time waited and hours practiced.

Not only do we honor the hard work, but we absorb it as our own accomplishment alongside our children, because what parent doesn’t feel pride when celebrating their child’s accomplishments. Autism has given us the ability to slow things down, to watch the accomplishments that others take for granted, and circle our children in celebration.

4. Have a “tap out” word or phrase.
When you are feeling at your brink, when the noise is too much, when the systems are too much, and when you can imagine your feelings pouring out of your body onto the floor in front of you, have a tap-out word. Ask for help sometimes; it’s ok to say today has been too much, I need to go to bed early, I need to take a walk, or I need to eat a mountain of cake alone in the dark in my pajamas (this may be directly from my own experience).

Special needs parents are human, we all have our moments where we need to just tap out. If you have a person who can do that for you in your life, don’t let the feelings of guilt come along with it. By taking a break, you are honoring not only yourself but your family, too. The fresh perspective you will come back to parenting with after a break might be just what you need to shift the energy around you.

5. Watch, learn, and grow.
From the one and only Busta Rhymes, “If you don’t know, now you know.” Every day we are learning from our experiences. What is behind us shapes where we are headed. Learn as much as you can from your children. Take them in as much as possible. Even if they are in a dumping stage and everything from a bowl or plate lands on the floor, rub it into the carpet with them sometimes. I knew nothing about autism before our children’s diagnoses. I didn’t know the correct terminology, what was offensive to others, or what therapy would work best for them. I am still learning all the ins and outs of this world, and I am grateful for all the information out there. I am growing as a person and I hope to take in as many perspectives as possible.

Tabitha Cabrera, lives in Arizona with her husband, and two beautiful children. She works as an Attorney and enjoys spending her time in a public service role. The family loves nature and ventures outdoors as much possible. Come check out her little nature babies

Photo: Ali Flynn

When life is filled with ups and downs, hang in there. The blessings of motherhood are within the difficult days, you just have to hold on tight.

When the kids are exhausted after a long day of school and saved all of their pent-up emotions for you, hang in there and find what fills them up and allows comfort to seep back in.

When the kitchen is a complete and utter disaster, with puffy little stars spilled all over the floor, hang in there and create a silly clean-up song, then pick up the mess together.

When the washing machine slows down due to being in overdrive each day, hang in there and take a break from the laundry for a day or two. Trust me, the laundry can wait.

When the day gets away from you and calls and texts not returned, hang in there and know tomorrow you can pick up the phone to reconnect.

When your cup of coffee has a few sips out of it and has been reheated numerous times, hang in there and make yourself a fresh cup.

When school work isn’t coming as easily for your child, hang in there and take some time to work together to find out what is needed to make the process more successful.

When friends don’t understand your exhaustion, hang in there and try to explain your deepest thoughts and what you are struggling with. A good friend will stick around wanting to help and arrive at the door with your favorite cup of coffee.

When making another meal feels like doomsday, hang in there and order take-out or make breakfast for dinner, always a crowd-pleaser.

When you haven’t had a good night’s sleep in days, hang in there and rest your eyes while the kiddos have some screen time and let go of the guilt around taking a break.

When the kids aren’t getting along and the world feels as if it is spinning all around you, hang in there and share with them your concerns and what needs to change.

When the dishes keep piling up all around you, hang in there and ask for an extra helping hand.

When your hair looks oddly good for not being washed for a few days, hang in there and embrace it while you can.

When you miss the carefree days before children, hang in there and relish in the past memories but then look around at the blessings gracing your home today.

When you feel crushed by emotions, hang in there and find the key to your happiness and what works for you to not feel overwhelmed.

When a simple gesture of love emerges and graces you with the gift of knowing you are doing a good job, hang in there and soak it all in.

When you don’t understand why another eye roll came your way, hang in there and know this too shall pass.

When doors are closed more than open and your teen only appears for food, hang in there and accept the hibernation phase will end and your beautiful teen will emerge.

When a smile appears, along with a giggle, after a hard day, hang in there and let it wash over you, filling you up.

When you feel alone, even though the house is full, hang in there and look for the ways you need to fill up your cup. You are the only one who can do this.

When life throws unannounced curveballs, hang in there and find the message and lesson within it to then move forward.

When hugs come your way at exactly the right moment, hang in there and hold on tight.

When you feel lost and need to be found again, hang in there and know life ebbs and flows but you will be found once again.

Hang in there mama…all of this comes and goes in fleeting moments.

We may feel these moments are taking over us, but with time they fade into memories.

Stay strong and know this motherhood gig is hard, really hard, but you are rockin’ it!

This post originally appeared on Hang in there mama by Ali Flynn.



Ali Flynn Is excited to share with you the joys and hardships of motherhood with an open heart, laughter and some tears. Ali is a monthly guest contributor for Westchester County Mom  and has been seen on Filter Free Parents, Grown and Flown, Today Parents and Her View From Home.

You don’t have to look very far (or for very long) before you see something on your news feed that amounts to mom-shaming. Yet, the more I read about mom-shaming posts going viral, the more I get a mix of emotions.

While I’m thankful there are people in the world who are reading between the lines and who urge others to stop judging parents, another part of me feels guilt and frustration because although I hate being mom-shamed, I do (shamefully and oftentimes unknowingly) partake in it myself. The more I read about mom-shaming, the more I remember that shamers are out there, “doin’ their thang.” And honestly, the less likely I am to share with other parents my stories, for fear of being perceived as THAT parent—a.k.a., the one who lacks proper judgment.

Mom shaming is not my problem, but a lack of esteem and community are. 

All parents will have preferences and many people with different preferences will take issue with any opinion on parenting that’s different from their opinion. My point isn’t to say mom-shaming is a good thing—but it exists and I’m not sure how effective “shaming the shamers” really is. How much can we combat mom shamers by telling them, “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all?”

I’d like to think this works, but if someone is mom-shaming me either through their words, their glares or they’re pretending I’m not there, I’m certainly not going to rebut by saying, “please play nice.” Because how effective is it to mom shame…the mom shamers? “Listen here mom or regular person, you should be ashamed for shaming another mom.”

What should we do to combat mom-shaming, other than trying to shut shamers up? In more and more of the positive self-help books I dig into, it’s clear that one of the secrets to being great is learning to tune out the noise, to empower ourselves—to accept criticism when it leads to self-improvement and to leave behind the comments that are degrading. In Jen Sincero’s book, You Are a Badass, she proclaims that:

“Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team for lack of skill. Steven Spielberg, a high school dropout, was rejected from film school three times. Thomas Edison, who was dubbed too stupid to learn anything by a teacher, tried more than nine thousand experiments before successfully creating the light bulb.”

We as parents would benefit a great deal by building our own confidence in a world of nay-sayers. We would do the world a disservice by listening to bad-talkers. The world needs our diversity, our amplified voices, and opinions and we need to repel negative comments directed at our parenting st‌yles in order to keep doing what we believe is best for our children.

We moms empower mom shamers by listening to them, prioritizing them, and by internalizing their negativity. So, while building our own sense of self can help us achieve a greater sense of clarity and esteem in our own parenting choices, how do we help build up other parents too, instead of shame them (back to basics here: two wrongs don’t make a right)?

Here are some ideas to build a community of confident parents who embrace their differences: invite other parents/kids for a tea and play-date. Be a community. Compliment and look for the good in them and help them shake off negative comments and articulate feedback in a way that is geared towards their betterment, not their destruction. Seems pretty simple, yet it takes perseverance and dedication.

To recap: “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” is a theme presented by many successful life coaches and urges people to stop letting others’ negative, harmful opinions influence us or prevent us from achieving greatness. As a parent, a parent-professional and a leader: we parents are leaders. Moms and dads need to embrace this, too. Taking the wisdom of author Brené Brown, a vulnerability and shame researcher: if you want to combat the negative effects of mom-shaming in others as well, allow others to be vulnerable with you and help them see their inner hero.

Hi, I'm Deanna. Mom and step-parent and I'm dedicated to positively contributing to the parenting community! 

Do you know that voice inside your head that says you “messed up,” or you “aren’t good enough?” Maybe it says other not-so-kind things, too. Most of us are familiar with the experience of having a voice inside that can be hard on us—this can be called “our inner critic.”

Adults and children alike can experience an internal battle with our inner critic. Sometimes our inner critics can get very loud, leading to feelings of anxiety, guilt or shame. Most of us don’t love feeling guilt or shame so we find strategies to avoid these feelings. One of these strategies is perfectionism. Perfectionism is when parts of us want things to be just right in order to avoid some type of negative outcome. Sometimes what we are trying to avoid is internal self-blame, other times it’s criticism or blame from others. Still, other times it’s because we are trying to avoid the disappointment of things not going as we had planned.

Perfectionism and anxiety go hand in hand. As we work to be perfect in an “imperfect” world, we are bound to hit some challenges along the way. Here are some signs of perfectionism:

  • Feeling badly about something unless over 100% effort is given

  • Difficulty starting tasks

  • Procrastination

  • Avoiding situations that could end in failure

  • Being highly critical of one’s self

  • Difficulty coping with making mistakes

  • Struggling with shame/embarrassment

  • Struggling with self-doubt

  • Struggling with appearing vulnerable

  • Focusing strongly on outcomes or end-results

The signs above can apply to both children and adults. Do you see any that you recognize? Sometimes it can be hard to pick up on perfectionistic tendencies in young children. Younger children may show perfectionism less verbally, and more in how they behave in certain situations. For instance:

  • Having frequent meltdowns when they make a mistake

  • Expressing embarrassment or shame when they get hurt

  • Working hard to avoid disappointing others

  • Struggling with making choices

  • Avoiding trying new things or starting tasks

  • Constantly asking for adult help for tasks they are able to do themselves.

To be clear these signs need to be taken into context as there are other reasons children may show these behaviors, but it can be helpful to begin to notice what is triggering to each child. If it seems like it may be along with the themes of “making mistakes” or having things be “just so,” perfectionism may be what you are seeing. If we notice these things early, we can start to support children to learn self-acceptance.

So what can you do if you notice a child struggling with perfectionism or their own inner-critic? Moving towards self-acceptance can help find ways of welcoming all parts of us, just the way they are. Try some of these ideas for supporting self-acceptance at home:

Here are some ideas for supporting perfectionist kiddos at home:

1. Celebrate strengths. Even perfectionism has its positive sides. Make sure your child understands that you appreciate them just the way they are.

2. Model positive self-talk. When you make a mistake, watch what you say to yourself. Model for your child how to be kind to yourself even when you mess up.

3. Welcome all feelings. When we welcome anger, sadness, happiness and everything in between we send the message that being human is okay! Sometimes we aren’t at our best or say things in anger, and we can work through those things.

4. Teach Repair. Sometimes shame and self-criticism can be strong for children because they don’t know “how to make it right.” Let your children know that there is always something we can try to do to make it right.

5. Try open-ended games and art. Try offering games, activities, and opportunities that don’t just have one right answer. This openness can take the pressure off and allow for more creativity, joy and relaxation throughout the day.

For even more support in tackling perfectionism, introduce Yak, a new Slumberkins creature whose story teaches the concepts of self-acceptance, perfectionism and perseverance by reminding little ones that they are enough, just as they are. Reading Yak’s book with your little one and practicing the self-acceptance affirmation can help your child take risks and understand that it’s okay to not be perfect at something the first time they try it.

This post originally appeared on www.slumberkins.com.
Kelly Oriard & Callie Christensen
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Kelly Oriard and Callie Christensen are co-founders of Slumberkins, a children's brand supporting social-emotional learning for children. Kelly has a dual master's degree in family therapy and school counseling, and Callie has a master's degree in teaching. Both are passionate about teaching children social-emotional skills to thrive in our modern world. 

“Just give the kids to their Dad. Why are you making things harder than they need to be?”

Sometimes I overthink things. I’m not alone in this, and I agree there are simple solutions to the ‘kids only want me’ issue. Namely, give the kids to their dad and walk away. Boom. Done. In practice, however, it’s not always that easy. Or it doesn’t seem that easy even if the action is a simple one. Why do moms limit themselves or over think actions that, on the surface, take two seconds?

I’ll take “Mommy Guilt” for $3000.

It’s the category that houses most of the issues in the ‘Why we make things harder for ourselves?’ Jeopardy game is the ever-present existence of Mommy Guilt. If you’re a mom, you know what I’m talking about. If you’re a dad, there may be a similar thing, but it’s likely a different beast and the subject of another article. It’s possible to ignore Mommy Guilt, and some are perhaps successful in doing so. (I’ve never met those people.) Everyone feels this guilt at some level. The guilt and expectations of motherhood and womanhood are all-encompassing and exhausting.

To get a taste of mommy guilt (if you haven’t already), imagine you’re trying your best to do everything right, yet you have this haunting feeling that you should be doing more, better, or something entirely different every moment of the day. Comedian Jim Gaffigan’s joke about having four kids comes to mind: Pretend that you’re drowning, then someone tosses you a baby! If you work outside the home, you feel like you should’ve stayed home. If you stay home with the kids, you feel like you should be working. The kids’ lunches should be healthier, more creative, and each needs a personalized note. Your kids should be better dressed and smarter and well-behaved enough to succeed, but not so much that they follow others blindly. And you should have a rockin’ bod like the moms on Instagram, even though you feel guilty when you go to the gym because you should be with your family. No article could ever outline all the facets of Mommy Guilt, but I’d like to try. (At the risk of outing myself as a chronically anxious person!)

The Separation Anxiety.

In the early days, there’s the separation anxiety. When you manage to go somewhere alone, separation anxiety makes you feel like you shouldn’t have left your children. This is a normal process and can last a long time if you don’t practice trusting others. I remember my jaunts to TJMaxx (in the early days that’s where I ended up most of the time, if not at the grocery store), where after about 35 minutes, I got this super panicky feeling in my chest. Not quite a full blown panic attack, but definitely a looming sense of “Call them, text them, see if they’re ok’. I actively resisted that feeling, because I knew when I got home everyone would be fine. All the lights would be on and the place would be a mess, but everyone would be happy and alive. Plus, I wanted my husband to know that I trusted him.

The Work/Home Decision.

If you work outside the home, you feel guilty if you don’t want to spend time with your kids when you’re home. You’re a bad mother because you haven’t seen them all day, yet you’re now wanting to give them to your husband for some quiet time or space or workout. How selfish of you! Or at least that’s what we think to ourselves, and hear from well-meaning people who ask why we’re not with our kids. These are the people to avoid if possible. Also, if your husband works as well, you are encroaching on his relaxation time. So you feel guilty about that too. (Keep in mind, however, studies consistently show that moms do more work at home even when they work full time AND have supportive, involved husbands.)

If you don’t work outside the home, you might internalize that what you’re doing—even though it’s extremely valuable for your family, your spouse, and society at large—is not valuable. After all, there’s no monetary value associated with raising humans. You feel your husband needs his time to relax because he’s been working all day. As a stay at home mom myself, I felt I chose the “mom” job. If I sought time away from my job, then I wasn’t doing a very good job! The problem with this, of course, is that the mom job never ends. It’s 24/7, all the time, for the rest of your life. If you don’t learn to create some space for yourself and pursue your passions outside the family, then your life is going to feel like you actually aren’t in it anymore. And nobody wants that, least of all you. You’re lovely when you’re rested and fun and sparkling with the bits of life that light you up. But it’s a feeling that I know many stay at home moms have: that they should be doing it all because it’s now their J.O.B. Taking a break feels like they’re not doing enough, not holding up their end of the deal.

What was it I needed?

Sometimes moms forget what it is they need or want because they’ve been focused on other people’s needs for just long enough to forget their own. This makes it even harder to speak up because they’re not sure what to say. It feels silly to advocate for something when you can’t pinpoint what it is you’re advocating for. It sounds odd to say, “I need to reconnect with my inner sense of self” because what does that even mean? Cue the additional guilt associated with allowing your sense of self to disappear without even realizing what was happening.

The Guilt about Guilt

You might identify with these head games, or think it’s overanalyzed hogwash. Either way, it’s real for those who experience it. It can be embarrassing to admit your brain is overrun with guilt, especially when you’re normally a strong, smart, confident person. You feel guilty about feeling guilty, which leads to shame and a sense that you don’t want anyone to know you’re feeling this way. You suffer in silence. (I realize there are worse things in the world that people endure, which as luck would have it, also contributes to the guilt about feeling guilty! How can you complain about your situation when all these horrible things happen to others?) Your partner likely has no idea what’s going on in your head, so you need to talk about what’s going on for you. (As does he, of course. Ideally, this would be an ongoing conversation about how to keep everyone happy and healthy.) Everyone benefits when you take time for yourself.

Add Extra Challenging Kids.

Having challenging children creates another layer of Mom Guilt. Since you may intuitively understand your kids and their needs—or at least you’re committed to figuring them out—you feel you’re the best at soothing, understanding, managing, or doing an infinite number of tasks. You might get your kids better, be able to calm them, or do things just so. You may have done the research about what works for kids like yours, and so you feel you know best. And that might all be true.

You still need space and time to yourself. So this element of parenting must be another element of the conversation. Not that you can tell your spouse how to parent, but communication is essential. If you’re the only holder of this miraculous knowledge of things that work, you’re creating a bottleneck for yourself in addition to setting yourself up for more guilt AND setting your partner up for a less than stellar experience. They are his children too, and he needs to know what’s going on and at least have the information about what works best.

Once you’ve agreed on your overall parenting approach, embrace your individual parenting styles. When you have children with special needs, parenting methods need to be an ongoing conversation about what works, what doesn’t, and how to tackle things as they constantly change. This eliminates the need to teach your husband because you’re in it together, but it also requires that you let go of what things are supposed to look like.

The Burden Rests with Mom.

Sometimes doing things yourself is easier than 1) teaching others or 2) letting go of the “right” way. It takes work to push past this path of least resistance, but it’s better for everyone in the long run. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the change starts with you. Your partner may not know or realize what’s going on in your head or the pressure you’re feeling from every direction. Communication is necessary. Even if they do realize what’s up, if you don’t communicate how you’re feeling, they’re likely going to assume all is well. That’s why it’s so important to talk about Mommy Guilt in whatever form you’re experiencing it. Your guilt may not match what I’ve discussed here, but there are a million versions of Mommy Guilt. Further, when we don’t share our worries and fears, they get bigger. They become easier to believe. 

When we communicate, we usually learn our assumptions aren’t the truth. Mommy Guilt is a snowball of social constructs that all converge in our heads to make us feel like we shouldn’t be allowed to have space or time to ourselves. Again, maybe men have an equivalent, maybe they don’t. But opening up the conversation helps get rid of Mommy Guilt and it gives your husband a window into why certain things can feel harder than they need to be. (You may even learn that he’s got his own version that you didn’t know about!)

Communication is Key.

Dealing with Mommy Guilt is part of the process of being a mom in today’s world, and it’s best to ditch most of it. You’re not a bad mother if you feel guilty or if you don’t. You’re not a bad mother if you take time for yourself or if you don’t. Your kids will be fine no matter what you do (assuming that you’re actively parenting in some fashion), though I’ll argue every day that they thrive more when you thrive too. It’s an opportunity to make sure that you are fine and fabulous as you weather this parenting journey, so you help eradicate the Mommy Guilt for yourself and others! Lots of moms have given themselves to their families only to have kids move away and their relationship fizzle. Then you’re finding yourself again after years of doing for others. Don’t listen to the guilt; stay connected with your self apart from your role as wife or mother.

You need space and time to be you without any other humans attached. Have hobbies, go for walks, do yoga, simply breathe air somewhere where no one needs anything from you. In order to be your best, you need this time. It benefits everyone when you feel recharged and excited about your family. You are their world, and you want them to know that you love them more than anything! And to do that well you need to also love yourself more than anything. There’s more love to go around when you love yourself, so that’s a bonus. Make yourself a priority and everything shifts.


Cara Maclean, Wellness Coach & Writer, works with moms to undo what keeps them exhausted. We cultivate the calm, joyful energy needed to handle any challenge with humor and grace. Author of Just the Way It Is: A Look at Gifted/2e Families, Spring 2022, GHF Press. Learn more at CaraMaclean.com

Miscarriage is quite common, yet regardless of that simple truth, it remains a challenging and emotionally complex experience for women to navigate. It is often something women deal with privately with their partner, but fortunately some women in the public spotlight have begun to share their experiences more openly.

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, recently opened up about her miscarriage last summer, paving the way for women everywhere to connect and feel less alone. She and Prince Harry also announced that they are expecting another child (a baby girl)—a great reminder that pregnancy is very possible after miscarriage.

Whether you are dealing with loss due to a miscarriage yourself, acting as a support person to someone who has experienced this loss, or simply wanting to educate yourself about this all-too-common occurrence, here is a Q&A to help you through this process.

Miscarriage: 7 Questions and Answers

1. What is a miscarriage? Miscarriage is defined as a pregnancy loss prior to 20 weeks. If the pregnancy lasts beyond 20 weeks but is unsuccessful, it is termed stillbirth.

2. Am I to blame for my baby’s death? Miscarriage is traumatic for all pregnant women and their partners. If you have had, are having, or will have a miscarriage, remember this: Miscarriage is NOT your fault.

Inherent in miscarriage is the experience of death, and often feelings of failure as well. This death is very real, and it is normal for women and partners to experience the five stages of grieving and guilt (described in Elizabeth Keebler Ross’s landmark research in “On Death and Dying”):

  • Denial (It didn’t happen.)
  • Anger (Why is this happening to me?)
  • Bargaining (Oh, please God, I’ll do anything to have a successful pregnancy.)
  • Depression (I must have done something wrong.)
  • Acceptance (I have to get on with life one way or another.)

Allowing yourself and your partner to go through this grieving process is the most important part of a miscarriage.

3. How soon can I get pregnant again after a miscarriage? I always suggest waiting for at least one regular period before getting pregnant again. It can then be determined with more accuracy when you are due. In addition, having a normal period signals your body is done with the miscarriage process.

4. Who is likely to miscarry? Anyone can miscarry. The most often quoted numbers say 10-to-20 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. When the miscarriage rate includes those fetuses lost before the missing of a period, the high-end rate increases up to 40 percent.

5. How do I tell a period from a miscarriage? There is cramping with miscarriage, often like a period, but sometimes more severe. Most of the time, bleeding will be heavier than a period, but seldom requiring a blood transfusion. 

6. What if my doctor can’t hear a heartbeat? With a Doppler, I can hear a heartbeat at about 11 or 12 weeks. It is easier to see the heartbeat with an ultrasound at seven to eight weeks. If I can’t see the heartbeat at seven or eight weeks, out of reverence and concern for the fetus, I recheck in one week. If I can’t hear a heartbeat, most women prefer to wait for a spontaneous miscarriage which usually follows after one or two weeks. If one or two weeks go by without a miscarriage, I recommended misoprostol (Cytotec) by mouth.

While it is possible to use misoprostol without waiting the two weeks for a spontaneous miscarriage, it would not be my first choice because aggressive treatment can interfere with the grieving process. I prefer to allow a wide margin around guilt, blame, and shame.

7. What happens when someone has repeated miscarriages? Miscarriage, before there is a beating heart, is common, and is usually a chromosomal mutation. These are not preventable. However, once the heart is beating, several conditions can lead to a miscarriage. Many of these repeated miscarriages are preventable. If you have had more than two miscarriages, it’s time to look at the list of treatable conditions that are known to contribute to miscarriage in some women (i.e., Strep B or methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase—MTFHR).

The keys here are remembering that you are not alone in experiencing miscarriage, and that is normal and healthy to grieve your loss. In cases where repeated miscarriage occurs, your doctor may be able to help you isolate the condition that is causing it so you can go on to have a healthy pregnancy.

Dr. Alan Lindemann
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

An obstetrician and maternal mortality expert, “Rural Doc” Alan Lindemann, M.D. teaches women and families how to create the outcomes they want for their own health and pregnancy. In nearly 40 years of practice, he has delivered around 6,000 babies and achieved a maternal mortality rate of zero! Visit LindemannMD.com

Before my daughter was born, my husband and I wrote her a song called “Wise Teacher.” We knew she would teach us a lot by coming into our lives. It’s hard to remember her wisdom sometimes when she is picking her nose and handing it to me or when she is throwing an epic tantrum because I ran out of bananas and offered an apple instead.

But, there is no doubt that becoming the mother to this little being has totally transformed me. Here are some of the unexpected things I learned from her.

1. I have to prioritize caring for myself in order to care for her.

This girl is a high energy, high maintenance little force of nature. As sweet as she can be, caring for her every day gets exhausting. If I don’t deeply care for my physical, mental and emotional parts, I will burn out. I have to meditate. I have to get in nature. I have to journal and go to therapy. I have to eat well. I have to prioritize sleep. I have to take baths, feel my feelings and get out to have some fun on my own.

I have to do all that and more in order to be well-resourced and rested enough to be the best mom possible for her.

2. Meltdowns are not just for toddlers.

Even with all my self-care routines, sometimes it just gets to be too much for me. Running a business and raising a child is an epic juggling challenge. Sometimes I drop a ball or two and that can lead to an emotional meltdown for me. But, just like with toddlers, it’s not actually a big deal.

My emotional tantrums are a natural part of life, a release valve when the pressure gets too high. And, just like I love her through her big emotions, I too am lovable and worthy of support in my meltdowns. They don’t mean I am bad, wrong or crazy. They are a show of my vulnerable humanness and it’s ok.

3. It’s okay to need people.

Obviously my tiny daughter needs us. We dress her, feed her, comfort her, play with her, make sure she doesn’t die, etc. And obviously I needed my parents that much too. But somewhere along the way I decided it wasn’t ok or a good idea to need people. I tried to be so independent, to not care if I didn’t have someone there for me, to not rely on anyone.

Eventually that all backfired and I realized I am actually stronger with the support and connection of others. But, that realization is still landing fully in my body and life. Seeing my daughter receive our care and love and experiencing her needing us so fully helps me deeply remember and accept that I need people to help and care for me, too. And that’s okay. It’s actually great and really natural.

4. When I follow my passions, everyone wins.

When I first started this motherhood thing, I felt like I had to give up things I really loved doing and creating in order to be a good mom. But what I learned from raising my daughter, is that when I leave her in the care of someone else so I can do something I love, like write or give a healing session or create music, it is great for all.

My daughter gets a chance to be loved by and bond with another family or community member, the caregiver gets blessed with a really fun and nurturing time with my awesome kid and I get filled up inside with the glow of creative vitality that only comes from pursing my true passions and doing my creative work in the world.

Then, my relationship with my husband is better because my vitality is flowing, my daughter benefits because I am able to be more present and attentive to her when I am done and I get the absolute joy of feeling like I really can have it all without guilt, which also benefits my health and stress levels.

5. Running around naked is the best feeling ever.

Ok, bare with me on this one. Before or after bath time, if we let her, my daughter will streak up and down the halls of our house naked, laughing and shrieking with joy. She absolutely, unabashedly loves it. Yes, I like being naked too, but where I’m going with this is more metaphorical.

By baring my soul, by sharing my raw truth, by being nakedly vulnerable with my emotions and insides, life becomes a lot more thrilling and fun. Being transparent and authentic is the best feeling ever. Instead of hiding parts of myself or pretending to be something I’m not, I’ve gotten incredibly honest in my motherhood journey. I tell the truth, I share the hard parts and the real details of my journey. I let it all hang out.

And, just like my little naked daughter, people love me even more for it. I inspire others to get more naked in their truth and life is way more interesting, connective and fulfilling.

So, those are a few of the unexpected things I’ve learned from raising my daughter. I know this girl and this journey of motherhood will continue to teach and inspire me in ways I don’t even know yet. She’s only a toddler, after all.

We have a lot of growing and learning to do together in this life. But, through all the ages and stages, I commit to learning from her as much or more than I teach, to stay humble as a student of life and to receive all the wisdom I can from my little wise teacher.

Flow is an Author and Memoir Writing Coach for Womxn. Feeling the call to write your true life story into a book that inspires? Sign up to join a Free Memoir Writing Breakthrough Workshop through her website, and get the clarity and momentum you need to make it happen.