It is well-known that having a baby is tough on a marriage. The time and responsibility that babies demand will inevitably leave less alone time for the couple, not to mention the financial and mental strains that it places on the relationship. But these challenges, if approached in the right way, can be used to strengthen the relationship rather than tear it apart. More importantly, there are so many positive things that the arrival of a baby brings.

We have to work together as a team.

There is a lot more to do on a daily basis than when it was just my husband and I. There are bottles to wash, bedtime routines to follow, diapers to change, and much more. In addition, we still have to keep the house clean, go grocery shopping, cook meals–all of the “adulting” we had to do before. These tasks can add up quickly, and because a baby requires supervision during all of his waking hours, there is a narrow window of time to get everything done.

In order to keep our household in functioning order, my husband and I must plan ahead and work together. We must be a constant communication about what needs to be done and what we need help with. We have to be more versatile (and less picky) about who does what. Long gone are the days when I was always the one who did laundry and my husband was always the one that took out the trash.

We appreciate each other’s strengths more.

When we have the opportunity to take care of a little one, we discover strengths about ourselves and about each other that we didn’t know were there. I didn’t realize how many things I could do one handed or how quickly I could find a lost pacifier in the middle of the night.

My husband is particularly skilled at making my son laugh. He can do impressions of animals, sing silly songs, and tickle him in just the right spot to get him going every time. Watching a grown man act ridiculous for the sake of a smile is heartwarming and priceless.

Our “alone time” is more precious.

Between diaper changes, nap times, feedings, and entertaining the baby, it can be hard for us to find time to be alone with each other. We have a few hours to ourselves every night, after our son goes to bed. Because this time is so limited, it becomes much more valuable, and we don’t take it for granted.

We use the time to have meaningful conversations, catch up on our favorite shows, and share meals together. It’s also one of the few opportunities that we have to connect in the bedroom, making it that much more passionate and exciting.

We celebrate new milestones together.

It is such a gift, being able to share in the triumphs of our baby boy and all of his firsts with my spouse. Seemingly mundane things that we, as adults, take for granted, are presented in a totally different perspective when a baby does it for the first time.

We were so proud the first time he waved at us, clapped his hands, slept through the night, learned how to crawl, and more recently, turning one! And the best part is that there are so many more to look forward to.

We became a family.

When my husband and I first got married and bought our own house, we started feeling like grown-ups for the first time. But it wasn’t until we had our son that we truly felt like a family. Within a marriage, it can be tough to always put the relationship first and us as individuals second, but when a baby comes into the picture, there is no doubt where the priorities lay. Having a common goal brings all of us closer together and automatically transforms the three of us into a family—and our house into a home.


Original: Hot & Sour
Featured Photo Courtesy: Pexels

I am a first generation Chinese-American wife, mother, scientist and writer. I started my blog, Hot & Sour, to create a space that is honest and relatable. I write about the reality of motherhood, a multicultural identity and all the things that define my life and who I am.

photo: Porsche Haynes/ Facebook

Birthdays are always a special occasion for families, but one young boy decided to make his day extra special by popping the question to his stepdad at his party. No, not that question. The heart-melting proposal Kalani Watson made to his mom’s husband was to ask if he would officially adopt him as his son. Grab some tissues and check out the video below to see if his birthday wish came true.

As the video shows, Kalani decided that his birthday party would be the perfect time to read his stepdad, Brandon Williamson, a tear-inducing letter. “Dad, I know today is supposed to be all about me, but today is really about us,” Kalani read out loud as his family and friends listened on. He retold stories of their relationship together, pausing only to ask Brandon if he thought he could live without him and his mother. Brandon, of course, replied no.

“So let’s stop playing and make it official.” Kalani continued. “Brandon Craig Williamson, will you do me the biggest favor in the world? Will you adopt me?” Brandon then opened the box Kalani handed him and found a blank adoption application letter inside.

Kalani had been planning the surprise with his mother for two months and had originally planned to pop the question on Father’s Day, but he just couldn’t wait. “I was thinking, ‘I earned this,’” Brandon told the Huffington Post. “Most parents automatically get their child’s love. I had to grind for this, I had to show him I’m not going anywhere. So since I have had to work hard for his love I don’t take it for granted. So it was a honor and one of the greatest moments of my life.” Clearly the this thoughtful father and son are a perfect match.

What special gestures has your family shared to solidify your bond? Share your experiences in the comments.

These 8-year-old twins are a few dollars richer after Angelina Jolie stopped to buy a giant teddy bear from them. Brothers Allen and Brandon were on the side of the road in Toluca Lake, CA trying to sell “Big Bear,” an 8 1/2 foot tall teddy bear originally from Costco. After an hour, they had no takers. Fortunately for them, Angelina Jolie and her daughter Shiloh just happened to be driving by. According to TMZ, Angelina doubled the twin’s asking price and handed each of the boys $50 before spending a hilarious few minutes stuffing the bear in the trunk of the car.

Allen and Brandon’s dad said the boys had no idea Angelina was a celebrity, until he filled them in later with a “Kung Fu Panda” reference.

All Photos:  TMZ

Have you ever had a celeb sighting? Tell us in the comments!

Photo: Frank Somerville KTVU via Facebook

Tawny Nelson, a single mother of four, shared a touching story that will help restore your faith in humanity (Hallelujah!). She recently penned a message to Frank Somerville, about a 74-year-old man who came to her rescue in a time of despair. Here is what she wrote:

I am the single mother of four absolutely beautiful little girls.
[They] are 9, 5, 2, and 6 weeks.
And things have been particularly rough since my ex left.

My truck had a flat I constantly had to air up.
The driver side window motor died.
And I needed a new alternator belt.
The truck was a mess.
And we didn’t drive anywhere unless we had to.

Well the other day we desperately need to go to the store.
So we loaded up and drove to the Winn Dixie about 9 blocks away.

When we got out of the store it was far after dark.
And POURING rain.

I loaded my kids and groceries into the truck.
Tried to crank it…… Nothing.
No click.

One of my girls as accidentally left a light on.
My battery was dead.
My phone was also disconnected.
I have no family to speak of and was on my own.

I got out and opened my hood to be sure my battery hadn’t come loose.

I must have asked more than twenty people in the course of two hours for a jump.
They all ignored me.
Not even a no.
Just acted like i didn’t exist.

My 5 Year old was melting down.
My newborn SCREAMING, my two year old crying she was hungry, and my oldest desperately trying to help.

I was bawling and felt like the worst Mom ever.

Then I got a knock on the passenger window.
An older gentleman (he was 74) with a cane and a bad limp was on the other side of that knock.

I opened the door.
He handed me a plate of chicken strips and biscuits from the deli and bottles of water.

“Feed those babies and your self young lady.
I have a tow truck on the way and my wife will be here shortly to take y’all home.”

Sure enough she arrived followed by the tow truck.
Us and our truck were taken home.

The next morning the gentleman returned to my house with a mechanic who replaced my battery and alternator and fixed my window.

The elderly gentleman then left and did not return.
When I asked what I owed the mechanic and if I could make payments he smiled telling me the older man had paid for all of it.

He said that the only payment the older man wanted was for me to never give up and keep being an amazing mom.

I’ve never cried so hard in my life.
Things had been absolutely awful.
More so than I care to explain.

And without knowing us or our situation this kind man helped us in ways he will never know.

What he did revived my faith when I was falling apart.
But he wouldn’t even take a hug.

I’ll never be able to thank him.
But I certainly hope one day I can do what he did for me for someone else.

One generous and loving act can make a HUGE difference in someone’s life.

Have an inspiring story to that will touch our hearts? Share it in the comments below!


When you’re caught red-handed in a sticky situation, blame the Caped Crusader. If you happen to be an adorable two-year-old, it’ll work. Trust us. Scottish mother Laura Hopkins found her son Noel standing in front of a scribbled mirror. Like any mother would, she naturally asked “who drew on mummy’s mirror?” And Noel’s sweet response? “Batman.” Check out his quick quip to get out of trouble below.

Photo and video courtesy of Laura Hopkins‎ via Facebook

Have you caught your little one in a lie? Tell us in the comments below!

If only he were a little bit faster! A video submitted to AFV shows a toddler being busted after hiding Oreos under his bed sheets. Watch as this youngster is too smart for his own good.

Makes you wonder what your little one is secretly up to.

Video Courtesy of AFV Mobile via YouTube



Have you ever caught your kids red-handed? Tell us in the comments!

Everyone’s told you it’s the teenage years that you’re supposed to dread. But, for these twins, hiding from mom and getting caught red-handed started before they were even out of diapers. Watch the funny video to see what these babies do when they hear their mom’s voice.

Have your babies or kids every tried to trick you? Share a story below!

Got twins? Two under two? A toddler with a baby on the way? We’ve got a solution for every double stroller situation. From tandems to a ride along board, this is how we roll when we’ve gotta get siblings from here to there. Get ready to gear up by flipping through our finds.

Lightest Full-Featured Double Stroller

The Valco Baby Snap Duo Tailormade stroller wins the prize for being a lightweight. At 24 pounds, it's the lightest full-featured stroller on the market. Perfect for twins or young siblings, it also boasts a slim profile, flat seat recline for infants, full coverage canopies, car seat adaptors, and an easy one-handed fold, all with a trendy blue denim or grey marle fabric.

Available at, $579.99.

How do you transport your kids? Tell us about your favorite double stroller in a Comment.

–Julie Seguss

Before digital cameras were the norm, you’d sit for your school portraits after primping your hair with a disposable plastic comb and desperately hope that you didn’t blink when the flashbulbs went off. Three weeks later when the teacher handed out those big white envelopes you’d either sigh in relief or shrink away in embarrassment. Scroll down to remember fondly some of your best (or maybe worst) school pictures.

1. “That funny face you’re making is NOT going to work, mister.”

Photo credit: mmmmpudding via imgur

2. Just add poodle shirt and disco lights and — blammo! — you have an instant party. 

Photo credit: blamdin via reddit

3. Something stinks in suburbia. 

Photo credit: cuttymoefreebush via reddit

4. The classic I-know-something-you-don’t face. 

Photo credit: melbel15 via reddit

5. “What do I want to be when I grow up?” <<Whips out wallet photo>> “What do you think I want to be when I grow up?” 

Photo credit: bojoke via reddit

6. Just add lasagna. 

Photo credit: NightsPlutonianShores via imgur

7. Results after thrift shopping with Macklemore. 

Photo credit: BubblegumRhino via imgur

8. Guess what’s on his mind. 

Photo sourced via reddit

9. “Oh, wait … you mean today ISN’T pajama day?”

Photo credit: KillerKenyan via reddit

10. Future hipster.

Photo sourced via reddit

11. Found: Origin of “Hey, girl, hey!” 

Photo credit: iChangeMyUsernameDaily via imgur

12. Proof your kids sleep in school. 

Photo credit: Enesex via reddit

13. Good morning, bright eyes!

 Got any funny back to school photos to share? Send them to! with “Picture Day Funnies” in the subject line!

— Christal Yuen

A former San Francisco mom, Kaui Hart Hemmings is the acclaimed author of The Descendants and a short story collection House of Thieves. She contributed an essay about her relationship with her daughter to Because I Love Her:  34 Women Writer’s Reflect on the Mother-Daughter Bond. She has a new addition to her family as they recently adopted her son Leo from Ethiopia. The new film The Descendants, based on her novel, is getting rave reviews. Kaui took a few minutes out of her crazy week of interviews for the Los Angeles premiere to speak with Red Tricycle.

Nicki Richesin: Congratulations on the success of The Descendants. Your brilliant novel (made into a film directed by Alexander Payne and starring George Clooney) just opened. What was it like being on the set with the cast and crew?

Kaui Hart Hemmings: This cast and crew was absolutely top notch. Everyone has their unique jobs, yet it’s all in service of the same goal. There was a lot of fun on and off the set. Parties, dancing, softball, and going to Kauai was quite the experience for all of us.

NR: Most of Alexander Payne’s films (Election, About Schmidt, Sideways) are hilarious and yet sweetly vulnerable and compelling. How did you enjoy working with him on The Descendants?

KHH: I got to see a master at work. I enjoyed his joy, his curiosity. He’s exacting, patient and observant. And a big ball of fun.

NR: You lived in San Francisco when your daughter Eleanor was born. When you return to the bay area, do you have favorite places and parks where you like to hang out with your family?

KHH: The Bay Area Discovery Museum, Golden Gate Park, the Presidio; I have such beautiful memories of those old haunts. It’s such a child-friendly city (until your child reaches a certain age).

NR: You returned to Hawaii, where you grew up, to live with your family. It must be such an inspiring place to live and work. What’s inspiring you the most right now?

KHH: Well lately I’ve been seeing the place I’ve inhabited up on a big screen with actors spewing out words that I wrote. That’s kind of inspiring me to try that again, to capture places and people never seen before and yet resonate somehow.

NR: What are some of your favorite things to do when you spend time with Eleanor and Leo?

KHH: Eleanor is 7. My son, Leo, is 15 months.  That’s an age gap, but I find that the beach accommodates age gaps. My perfect Sunday is at Kailua Beach. My daughter and my dog, Bob, boogie board. Fearless Leo charges the water. Friends, food, good sandy fun.

NR: Could you tell us a little bit about what you’re working on now?

KHH: I’m working on a book set in a ski resort town in Colorado. Another family light-handed drama set in an idyllic place.

NR: Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me and best of luck to you with your next novel.

Nicki Richesin is the editor of four literary anthologies, The May Queen, Because I Love Her, What I Would Tell Her and Crush. She lives in the San Francisco bay area with her husband and daughter. You can find more about her work on her website.