Uncertainty. Will the kids actually go back to school? Once they are back, will they be able to stay in school? What will the flu season look like? Will working from home become our new normal? 

These questions and so many more have become a drumbeat in our lives–a constant thump that never really leaves us. We, adults, have all learned to live with it, perhaps normalizing or quieting it with the hectic balance of home-school, work, household, and community obligations.  But, for our small people, whose ears are more sensitive than ours, this drumbeat of uncertainty may feel like the whole percussion section.

So, what’s a parent to do? There really is no end in sight right now, and our kids need to silence those cymbals so that they can learn, grow, and thrive. I know for my family, when the pandemic hit, we suddenly had more screen time enter our lives than ever before. I’m pretty sure we’re not alone in that. And now, eight months into this crisis, I’d really like to return to a more normal balance, but my energy is fast becoming depleted.  

I don’t know any parent right now who has the bandwidth for a multi-day project recreating the Jurassic period by turning our bedroom into a prehistoric jungle-scape using all recycled and eco-friendly materials. But we can focus on what I like to think of as micro-moments of creativity—small engagements, maybe just once a day, that give us all a moment of connection and joy. Maybe we can sit with our kids for five minutes to glue some colored tissue paper into a lively collage. Maybe we can use breakfast time to make up a story together based on one of our favorite animals. Perhaps we can grab flashlights and have a mini-living room dance party for just one song per evening?

If we shift our focus from overwhelmed to just one micro-moment per day, how will that change our perspective? Our kids will have that moment of connection that grounds them. We will escape from the anxious buzz in our brains by focusing entirely on something different. And, hopefully, we will all fight uncertainty by bringing a tiny bit more laughter and imagination into our daily lives. 



This post originally appeared on Piedmont Post.

Nina Meehan is CEO and Founder Bay Area Children's Theatre and the host of the Creative Parenting Podcast. An internationally recognized expert in youth development through the arts, Nina nurtures innovation by fostering creative thinking. She is mom to Toby (13), Robby (10) and Meadow (5).  


Summertime is all about fun in the sun and time outdoors, but we can’t spend every day at the pool or the park. Whether you’re looking to escape the heat, the rain or the scorching sun, we have five fun-filled ways to spend a summer day indoors!

This article is presented by Google Kids Space, a new kids mode on select Android tablets that features apps, books and videos for your kids to explore, learn and have fun*. Learn more about Google Kids Space here!

Build an Obstacle Course

An at-home obstacle course is a DIY fort mixed with adrenaline! Rearrange the furniture and make your own obstacles out of household items: painter's tape is an easy way to create stepping stones and balance beams, a large cardboard box can easily be turned into a tunnel and a laundry basket and dryer balls work great for a mini game of hoops. See more obstacle course inspiration here.

Explore Their Interests with Google Kids Space

Your kids want screen time and you want to make sure it's quality screen time, with easily accessible content that’s age-appropriate, engaging and inspiring. Enter Google Kids Space, a new kids mode on select Android tablets that gives your little one a custom experience based on their age and interests and provides apps, books, and videos to spark their curiosity and discover off-screen activities*. There's even a section called Make that focuses on hands-on offline entertainment for kids, like learning to draw their favorite characters or silly science experiments they can do at home. Whether your kid is interested in dinosaurs or drawing, they’ll be able to find loads of entertaining and educational content—it's all included within Google Kids Space's library of content! Learn more about Google Kids Space here. 

Get Crafty with Paper

You don’t need a ton of craft supplies to get creative! Whether you have construction paper, computer paper or yesterday’s newspaper, you have everything you need for a fun hands-on project. Try out origami, see if you can make a paper airplane or make cute matching bracelets. Get instructions for 34 easy paper crafts here.

Make Your Own Band

Sure, guitar is cool, but have you played a DIY pan flute? Get crafty by making your own instruments out of common household items like cardboard boxes, rubber bands and empty toilet paper rolls. Once you have a little practice, your kids can team up to make their own band and play some of their favorite tunes! Get instructions for 26 DIY musical instruments here. 

Try an At-Home Science Experiment

DIY science experiments are the perfect combo of entertainment and education. When your kid is making their own slime or invisible ink, they’ll also be learning about polymers and oxidation! Things may get a little messy, which is why we’ve ranked our at-home science experiments on a scale of one to five sponges so you can be prepared. See 59 at-home science experiments here.

*Google Kids Space requires a Google Account for your child. Parental controls require the Family Link app on a supported Android, Chromebook, or iOS device. Books and video content not available in all regions. Video content subject to availability of YouTube Kids app. Books content requires the Google Play Books app. Availability of apps, books, and video content may change without notice. Google Assistant not available in Google Kids Space.


Photo: Habbi Habbi

Like many families, we are an English-speaking household trying to incorporate a second language (for us, Spanish) into our lives. Our boys get the majority of their Spanish exposure through immersion school. But I know that building on that and reinforcing it at home is critical too. As a Spanish beginner myself, I cannot practice popular methods like OPOL (one parent one language), so, I came up with 5 actionable things I could do at home. They’re not fancy or complicated; they’re short and approachable enough, so I can do them consistently, which is the most important thing!    

1. Speak: Add choiceful vocabulary into our everyday routine.

Time: n/a [Just replacing some English vocabulary we use]  

Since I’m a beginner too, I try to learn some new vocabulary words that I can easily use with my kids on a daily basis (e.g. using agua, leche, pan during mealtime instead of water, milk, bread) The two books we ‘go to’ most for this are our In My Home & Foodie Friends books. For example, they are really into brushing their teeth right now (thanks to a new flavor of toothpaste) so we’re adding words like el cepillo de dientes, la pasta de dientes, el hilo dental  (toothbrush, toothpaste, floss) to our daily rotation. These are words that get repeated multiple times a day.   

2. Sing: Spanish songs everyday on our walk to school.

Time: 5 minutes daily [as a fun habit, practice each morning at a specific habitual time]  

Each morning, we have a short walk to drop my boys off at school. I picked a few easy Spanish songs that have a lot of repetition, and I plan to sing those with my boys as we walk. For example, ¡Colores, colores! is fun for practicing colors and names of different jobs; the song traditionally just talks about Dad’s jobs, but we use papá or mamá. Sometimes, we switch it up by using different family members like abuelo, abuela, tío and tía!  Another song that’s fun, easy to repeat, and has great vocabulary is 10 Pececitos (10 little fish).  

3. Environment: Set up their spaces to encourage using Spanish instead of English, with Spanish books and labels.

Time: 5-15 minutes [set up the environment to replace English options with Spanish], more environmental to encourage them to pick up independently   

We have a great reading nook, and my kids love curling up with them in a big comfy chair for story time. We intentionally place our Habbi Habbi collection nearby—both the Spanish-English and Chinese-English, with a Wand for each child. We try to keep them in places that are visible and accessible to the kids (e.g. a low shelf), and encourage them to choose them for story time and independent play. We also rotate titles or display more prominently titles that we want to “lightly suggest” they look at.   

We have also decorated our home environment with Spanish signs and labels. Most recently, we used the Habbi Habbi “In My Home” Printable Flashcard Set to color, cut, and tape them to everyday household objects. It’s a fun activity… and will remind all of us – not only the kids but me and my husband as well—to use the Spanish names for certain objects throughout the house.   

4. Community: Engage and learn from Habbi Habbi Reading Club.

Time: 5 minutes daily [Overlaps with our independent reading time—and keeps me accountable to hear from other parents!]  

Continuing on the Habbi Habbi theme…we are also participating in the Habbi Habbi Reading Club (virtual, on Facebook). The boys already love playing with the Wands & books “freest‌yle” —tapping, making up games, dancing to the music. But I also want to increase their community of Spanish speakers (and/or learners!). So, we participate in the Reading Club, which is an intimate environment for me. It encourages me and the boys to use our Spanish everyday at home (and not just at school). I also love seeing how other families use the Wand and books; it has given us some new ideas (e.g. keeping a Wand and book in the car for a little Spanish when we are on the go—even if it’s just a 5-10 minute ride!). It’s a fairly low time commitment, and we can sprinkle it in throughout the day—e.g. before bed, around mealtimes—which makes it fun and manageable.   

5. Play: Utilize Printables for further tangible play and learning.

Time: Ad-hoc and great time filler [at a restaurant, when looking for an activity, etc!]   

My kids are at an age where they LOVE to color and draw (the chant at breakfast this morning was “¡Más arte!”). Printables are a great way to practice Spanish, not to mention reading, writing, math and more. We love them at home or on the go. When we take the kids out to eat, I like to bring a variety of printables and crayons to keep them occupied while we wait for our food. Some of our (free!) favorites come from this set. In particular—we love this interactive math printable (we use raisins to complete the math problems, which my kids adore).  

We don’t always follow the directions on the page but that means we can use the same printable in lots of different ways. For example, this vehicle printable can be used for coloring, matching, “I spy”, or even a silly “Name that truck sound” game.  

—By Anne-Louise Nieto, Mom of 2 | Grew up in the US | Native English Speaker | Used to speak French | Non-Native Spanish speaker, learning Spanish with my kids in hopes of raising them bilingual!  


H&AL of Habbi Habbi
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Habbi Habbi Reading Wand & Bilingual Books is the easiest way to start kids on Chinese & Spanish. Just turn on and tap. Every inch is tappable, and our books are as intentional in content as they are beautiful - topics like kindness, emotions, and more. @BeHabbi | habbihabbi.com.


Alarm clocks are back in style, but getting back to school isn’t always easy. A survey of 2,000 American parents of school-aged kids revealed some common pressure points around new routines. The most stressful part of the day? School day mornings!

More than half of parents (58%) said the morning was the most challenging time and 59% said they struggle to wake up their kids in time for school. A whopping 87% have two or more alarms set to make sure the entire household is up and ready to roll.


Another substantial chunk of respondents (57%) said they’ve been late to work while trying to get their kids out the door. Parents reported that kids frequently forget to brush their teeth (39%), comb their hair (39%) or remember their homework (31%). And 60% of parents said they struggle to balance their kids’ morning routines with their own.

Despite these struggles, 81% of parents surveyed said they’re ready to have kids go back to the classroom. The survey was commissioned by Amazon Devices and conducted by OnePoll. Fortunately if you have an Amazon device with Alexa, you can assign reminders to your family to make getting out the door (slightly) easier!

––Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of Karolina Grabowska, Pexels



Amazon’s New Alexa Update Allows You to Assign Reminders to the Entire Family

With the current state of the world and the kids going back to school, the odds are you’re finding yourself a bit flustered while trying to keep a routine or get things done. We’ve created three free printable templates you can use to help track things and stay sane: for daily schedule, chores, and self-care.

(Just click on the links to open a new tab for the printables).

PS: We created them in B&W to use up less ink!

1. Daily Schedule Printable

This simple time chart will help you maintain some semblance of a routine as you navigate the days ahead.

Click here to get Daily Schedule printable


2. Weekly Chore Chart

Keeping on top of household maintenance with a household full of people is not without its challenges. Use this chart to get everyone to pitch in (this could be the start of something!)

Click here for the Weekly Chore Chart printable

3. Self-Care Checklist Printable 

Don't forget to take care of yourself during these trying times! This sheet will remind you to drink water, go for a short walk if you can, stretch, tell a joke or just give yourself a compliment. This is a great one to assign each kid as well, to teach them the value of their own well-being.

Click here to get Self-Care Checklist Printable 

––Amber Guetebier



10 Ways to Reward Your Kids That Aren’t Stickers 

Awesome Chore Charts for Kids 

How to Keep Your Routine When the Kids Are at Home 


“Alexa, remind me to…” You’re probably already using the robotic assistant’s reminder feature to stay on top of the daily grind. Now there’s a new life hack courtesy of Amazon: you can assign reminders to other members of your household!

All you have to do is make sure your family members have Alexa profiles set up. Once that’s done, ask Alexa to remind Timmy to take out the trash or Sarah to schedule a school meeting. The reminder will pop up as a push notification on a phone at an exact time you specify.

You can also create recurring reminders to assign to others, like “Remind Connor to feed the dog twice a day.” Finally, you can specify relationships in the Alexa App, like nicknames or family titles, so it’s even easier to personalize reminders. Any member of your house can use reminder assignments, so don’t be surprised if you see push notifications pop up on your phone, too!

For more Alexa goodness, check out another recent update that lets you add Shaq or Melissa McCarthy to your device. And if your kids are on the younger side, Amazon recently released a new feature that allows Alexa to read with them!

—Sarah Shebek

All images courtesy of Amazon



Alexa Will Read With Your Kids, Thanks to Amazon’s New Reading Sidekick

31 Alexa Skills You Might Not Know About

Now Your Amazon Echo & Alexa Guard Can Protect Your Home


Party of five! Model mom Ashley Graham announced in July that she was pregnant but the news just got a little bigger. She released a video today from an ultrasound that revealed she’s expecting twin boys!

In the video, Graham asks “is that twins?” before sitting straight up when she finds out they’re both boys. They’ll join son Isaac, who was born at the start of 2020 and her husband, Justin Ervin. Looks like the boys will have the upper hand in the family household!


After breaking out as the first plus-sized supermodel to grace the covers of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition and Vogue, plus a judging stint on America’s Next Top Model, Graham is a super-popular champion of body positivity. She runs a YouTube channel with 22 million views, which includes a sweet video chronicling her son Isaac’s first year. She’s also given a TED Talk advocating self-acceptance and her Instagram account has a whopping 13 million followers.

In 2009, she met her husband, a videographer, with marriage the following year. Graham praised him in a separate Instagram post, “Getting to witness you be a father is the greatest gift.” We’re excited to watch their family grow by two!

—Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of lev radin / Shutterstock.com



Wonder-ful! Gal Gadot Announces Birth of Third Daughter, Daniella

It’s a Boy! Ewan McGregor and Mary Elizabeth Winstead Welcome First Child Together

Cardi B Announces Baby Number Two Is on the Way

Sometimes the only moment of peace and relaxation in a parent’s life is the brief time we get to enjoy a cookie or two––unless it’s interrupted. Luckily for us, OREO wants to give parents back their much-needed treat time.

OREO is launching the OREO THINS Protection Program so that parents can be inspired to get creative and hide their goodies. They’ve paired up with Green Giant, Ford, Hanes and Better Homes & Gardens on a special collection only a parent can love.

The specially designed camouflaged packs mean you can hide your cookie stash out in the open. Each one resembles a common household item or product like a drivers manual, cookbook and more.

The genius packs won’t be available to shop in store but OREO THINS is giving fans the chance to win them! Share your sneaky efforts on how you hide your treats on OREO’s social channels starting today, Wed. Jul. 14 for a chance to win the camo packs and a grand prize of $25,000!

Use your personal Twitter or Instagram account to enter between now and Jul. 23. Official rules can be found here.

––Karly Wood

All photos: Courtesy of OREO



Oreo is Releasing an Apple Cider Donut Flavor & Fall Can’t Come Soon Enough

Pass the OREO’s, We Need S’more of This Summer Flavor!

We’ve Got the Scoop on America’s Favorite Ice Cream Flavors

Heads up if you have a peanut allergy in your household: Trader Joe’s is recalling its Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups (2-Pack) because it may contain peanut protein. The company made the announcement after reports of allergic reaction.

If you have a stash in your home, take a look at the date code to be safe. The following codes are affected:

  • SELL BY APR 05 2022
  • SELL BY APR 06 2022
  • SELL BY APR 07 2022


You can find the date code on the back of the package below the nutrition facts. If you have any affected package, you can return it to Trader Joe’s for a full refund. Contact the Customer Relations department for more information.

—Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of Trader Joe’s



Recall Alert: IKEA Recalls Dinnerware Due to Burn Hazard

Recall Alert: K&M Slap Watches Recalled Due to Choking Hazard

Recall Alert: Kidde Recalls Several Smoke & Combo Alarms Due to Alert Failures

When you’re keeping a family going, it can feel like you’re constantly restocking on household goods. Do you have enough paper towels? What about diapers? And who could forget all of the laundry detergent? Thanks to a limited-time program from P&G at Sam’s Club, you can save money on the essentials that keep you, your family and your household running while giving back.

To help you get ready for summer, P&G is offering more than $35 in Instant Savings on your go-to items at Sam’s Club: Tide Pods with Oxi for deep cleaning after summer fun, Pampers Swaddlers Diapers for a happy baby or Olay Regenerist Microsculpting Cream for a little self-care!

P&G isn’t just saving families money—they’re also giving back to charities including Operation Homefront, United Way and Feeding America. All you have to do is scan your Sam’s Club receipt containing at least one P&G item at PGGoodEveryday.com, pick your charity and P&G does the rest.

With the help of P&G Good Everyday, P&G has already donated 238,307 baths to oil-covered birds, 131,896 educational packets to United Way and planted over 13,000 trees through the Arbor Day Foundation! 

Now when you shop for everyday items you love, you can save money and do good. Load up on your favorite products at your local Sam’s Club or samsclub.com before June 13, pick a charity and scan your receipt at PGGoodEveryday.com!

Sponsored by P&G at Sam’s Club