Always ask permission as a sign of respect and consideration for the child’s experience and perspective.

Approach with a gentle stride and a calm demeanor. Place your hand on their back and sweetly ask, “May I check your diaper? Then wait for 7-to-10 seconds, giving them time to respond.

When a child says “no” and it is necessary to change it, honor the “no” by responding, “I hear you, you aren’t ready, I can come back in a few minutes and ask again.” When you return, the intent and verbiage should be different. “I am back. It is time to change your diaper now. Are you ready?”

If a child says no again: “You still aren’t ready, I understand, hmmm, I am worried if the pee or poop sit in your diaper, it may give you a rash, and I want to keep your skin and body safe, it is time now.” Then acknowledge the disruption by explaining how you will support them. “I see you are busy playing, so I will do it quickly so you can come right back to play.” More respect and acknowledgment of them and their perspective. You are building partnership and modeling respectful behavior in relationships.

Stick with respect and offer choices, so they feel like they are in control. “Would you like to walk to the diaper table, or would you like me to carry you?” This is a crucial moment for the child, you, your relationship, and future diaper changes because you are honoring the child’s experience and this detail is not going to be lost on them. In fact, they are taking it all in, making notes on what respect feels like. You are planting some serious and powerful seeds in these moments.

If they resist moving and plant their feet or throw their body down, say (and this is a gem that you will use often) “Ah, I heard you say you wanted to walk, but now you are choosing to stay still, you are telling me you want me to carry you, I would be happy to help.” Then bend down, still with love and kindness, pick up their body and carry them to the changing table.

The key in these moments is to avoid engaging in this resistant behavior. Your only job is to steady the course, no matter what attempt at distraction your little throws your way. This is a stellar opportunity to practice acceptance of all choices. Whatever the child does, accept it, take it in, and adapt but steady the course. This diaper change Is happening, buddy.

Children want us to be leaders because it permits them to be leaders in their own lives. Even though they are making it hard for you, they are testing your relationship.

When you steady the course and don’t let them pull you into their distraction, they feel loved by you. When you let them distract you or wear you down and/or abandon your mission, they question your commitment to them, and you become untrustworthy.

Here is another opportunity to model respect and ask, “May I pick you up?”

Typically, they will raise their little hands to say yes. Asking if you can pick allows them to prepare their body to be picked up. As soon as you ask the question, their brains communicate to their bodies to flex the necessary muscles to prepare to be picked up. This enables your child to feel strong and participate when you pick them up. Grabbing a child to pick them up without warning is shocking and scary. Asking and waiting until you have their attention and permission will support them physically, mentally, and will build more trust between you both.

Now that the child is in your arms, gently and lovingly lay them down, supporting their head and entire body until they are lying comfortably.

Once the child is lying comfortably, take a breath, lay your hand gently on their belly and look into their eyes. Smile sweetly and ask, “Are you ready?” Wait for them to respond and then begin the diaper change.

First: Ask them to help while you remove their bottoms. “Will you please lift your legs in the air so I can remove your bottoms?” then watch as they gleefully shoot their legs in the air.

Second: Tell them what you are doing next. “I am going to use this wipe to clean your body. It may be a little cold.” Then gently wipe them and, if necessary, hold their legs up with a gentle, respectful grip.

Third: Hold the new diaper and show it to them. “I am going to put this fresh diaper on you now. Will you please lift your legs again?” They are usually thrilled to assist you in this way, and their legs go flying in the air. “Thank you! That is so helpful.” Then slide the diaper under their bottom and ask them to please lower their legs back down.

This level of commitment to respectful interaction around diaper changes will create a beautiful relationship between you and the children you care for. They will rarely resist having a diaper change because the experience will be rich in connection, and connection leads to cooperation.

Avoid giving children electronics to distract them during a diaper change. You will be teaching them to check out when someone is touching them.

Avoid negative responses to how their poop smells or how much they pooped. It is embarrassing and disrespectful to make fun of how a child’s body creates smelly or gross things. They will interpret it to mean they are gross or smelly. Stay neutral, matter of fact, no big deal, all in a day’s work.

Stay present with your little one when changing a diaper. Stay off the phone and avoid interruption until the diaper change is complete. Make eye contact as much as possible and talk with them about the details. They love you. They trust you. This is a beautiful time to honor them, teach them, and model kindness.

Sarah is a child behavior & respectful child care expert. She has been coaching parents in effective respectful care strategy for over 10 years. She makes complex parenting issues simple to navigate and her methods are clear, effective and provide immediate relief for both parent and child.ehavior specialist and

How to Host a Stress-Free Summer BBQ

Barbecue, BBQ, cookout, picnic—whatever you call your backyard shindigs, they’re an essential part of each summer. While these get-togethers are meant to be laid back, we all know that hosting can be anything but relaxing. Luckily, with a few smart tricks, you can spend more time hanging out with friends and less time stressing about hosting duties. Keep reading for a few of our favorites:

Alpenrose grocery delivery makes party planning easy with fresh, local food delivered to your home. Learn more and use the code RedTricycle at checkout to save $30 on your first order!

Get the Kids Involved

It's always helpful to have an extra hand! If your little one is able to, have them help out with some of your party prep. Shucking corn for grilled sweet corn and assembling kabobs are perfect activities for tiny hands. 

Have Local Groceries Delivered

Cross one trip off of your to-do list by getting your groceries delivered right to your door. Alpenrose weekly grocery delivers fresh, local milk, dairy products, staples and local specialty groceries across the greater Portland area. If you’re a last-minute planner, you can even change your order up until 2pm the day before your scheduled delivery!

Learn more and use the code RedTricycle at checkout to save $30 on your first order!

Keep Food Cool with DIY Ice Trays

Hot summer days are perfect for backyard parties—except when you're trying to keep food cold. Make your own ice trays by taking a few aluminum serving trays, filling them with an inch of water and freezing them. Set food on top of the frozen trays for mess-free chilled food!

Lay It All Out

Hosting can sometimes feel like a game of 21 questions from guests. Make entertaining easier on yourself by laying out commonly forgotten items on a central table (think bug spray, sunblock and sunglasses) and by putting large trash and recycling bins somewhere they can be easily spotted. 

Simplify Meal Time with Labels

A few notecards and a marker can make self-serve meals much easier. Label each dish with the name and any common dietary restrictions—if it’s vegetarian, contains nuts or is gluten-free, for example. Put out additional notecards and markers for guests to do the same with the food they bring!

Alpenrose grocery delivery makes party planning easy with fresh, local food delivered to your home. Learn more and use the code RedTricycle at checkout to save $30 on your first order!


Explaining tough topics to young children can be difficult and nerve-wracking for parents. But laying a foundation by asking the right types of questions and exhibiting the right forms of behavior will help them start to understand real-world issues at a developmentally appropriate level.

One tough topic near and dear to our hearts at Kiddie Academy is family homelessness. In the United States today, one child out of six lives in poverty, and families with children make up 35% of the people who experience homelessness. That’s why we’ve partnered with Family Promise, a national nonprofit organization that helps families experiencing homelessness and low-income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.

Homelessness is a big topic for little minds, but it’s an important one to teach children about. Here are some tips for talking to your children about family homelessness (and other tough topics):

  • Remember that young children will take things literally, so use their developmental age to guide the conversation.
  • Ask open-ended questions based on what they already know, so you can reaffirm or correct wrong messaging.
  • Use literature to help with starting the conversation (see book list below).
  • Limit exposure to inappropriate subject matter.
  • Keep in mind that young children will react based on parents’ reactions—reassure them.
  • Be honest. 
  • Parents know their children best, use your best judgment on how far and deep to go.

Another way to make the topic of family homelessness more understandable is to demonstrate to your child your family can help other families and participate in events that spread awareness like Night Without a Bed:

Supporting Night Without a Bed is easy. Your family can participate by sleeping anywhere but in your beds: in a tent, car or even on your own living room floor. You can post photos with the hashtags #NightWithoutABed and #KiddieAcademyFamilyPromise and promote them on your social media feeds to drive awareness.

This relatable experience allows the powerful topic of homelessness to be more easily understood by young children. 

Reading Recommendations:

Still a Family: A Story about Homelessness by Brenda Reeves Sturgis illustrated by Jo-Shin Lee recommended ages 4-9 

A Place to Stay: A Shelter Story by Erin Gunti illustrated by Estelí Meza, recommended ages 3-7

Sam and the Lucky Money by Karen Chinn illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright & Ying Hwa Hu, recommended ages 5-9

A Chair for My Mother by Vera B Williams, recommended ages 4-8

Joy has over 20 years of experience in early childhood education. As Vice President of Education at Kiddie Academy Educational Child Care, she oversees all things curriculum, assessment, training and more. Joy earned a B.S. in Education from Salisbury University.

Photo: Jaime Ramos Via johnnysspiri

I use the word “obsessed” a lot, especially when it comes to my five-year-old autistic son, Johnny. He really gets into certain toys, songs, and shows. It annoys my husband that I use the word so much. “He’s not obsessed, he just likes it” and to his credit, the interest comes and goes often even though he does fixate for a short time. 

The one thing—not even my husband can den—is that Johnny is obsessed with my stomach. The kid loves it. It can drive me insane, but something about it fascinates and comforts him. Sometimes it is in a silly, squishing my flab, way; other times it is him resting his usually restless head on it, or hiding his face in it when he is anxious or nervous in public.

I’m sure it stems from the hours of skin to skin as a baby, the comfort of laying on mommy as a toddler, and all the encouragement to touch and love on it when it held his little sister. 

The older he gets the more we work on the appropriateness of it. He’s still little, but attempting to lift up my shirt at home or grab my tummy in public isn’t going to work. He has to learn to respect my space and body. The moment I lie down when he’s around he goes straight for it. You will hear “no belly” often, in our home.

The thing is, sometimes I look at my belly in the mirror after the shower and think I feel ashamed of it. My 30’s belly is much different than the almost flat stomach from my 20’s. My workouts come and go, as do my healthy eating habits. I try but I’m also a tired and exhausted mom who has been through many ups and downs. 

So, I won’t lie, he’s not catching rock hard abs there, It’s surely a comfortable and soft pillow. 

The neat thing is he doesn’t see it as fat, or unhealthy, or shame, he simply sees it as mom, comfort, and safety.

No judgment, just love. 

My son loves a part of me that I find hard to, and that changes the way I see it. Don’t worry I’m not using it as an excuse to stay unhealthy or out of shape, but it is a reminder of my son’s beautiful, unconditional acceptance and love.

So when I stand in the mirror looking at that belly, I can say it’s the way it is because I carried two beautiful children in it and because I’m a special needs mom who has had some really hard days. It’s not perfect because there is not time for perfection in my life right now, maybe there never will be. But I am doing my best and that’s okay. 

I’m loved and accepted no matter what, by my son.

Johnny is different. The amazing thing about him is that he does not judge. He doesn’t look for the flaws in others or make fun of others, instead, he seeks. Seeks what makes him happy, and what he loves. 

There is something undeniably beautiful in that and I’m grateful for that unconditional love and for someone who truly loves my flaws.

This post originally appeared on

Jaime Ramos, is a mom from Colorado. She's married to Isaac and has two kids, Amelie and Jesse. Jesse, her Johnny, is on the Autism Spectrum. She went to school to be a filmmaker, but now spends her days mainly as a stay at home mom.


Mama grief runs deep.

It creeps in late at night, when she can’t sleep—because she’s worried about every little detail from the day.

The time she lost her temper.

The show and tell item she forgot to pack.

Rather than believe we’ve succeeded, we question every move we made, how we spent every minute, every chore we didn’t get to.

And if grieving the day weren’t enough…Every winter, grief sneaks in like a looming storm cloud. Maybe it’s the holidays, maybe it’s the earlier sundown; all I know is every winter I spend my nights laying in bed, crying myself to sleep and doubting myself as a mother.

Are we doing enough in therapies?

Should we be adding new supplements?

Is the IEP good enough for meeting his needs? Should I be advocating harder for him? Do my other children get the time they need from me?

The list goes on and on. It’s a noisy spiral of information that I can’t turn off, and it makes me sad and nauseous and I lose hours of sleep—a loss I grieve deeply.

I’m nervous now, because I know it’s coming soon; like an envious green monster, jealous of my peace—it sneaks in during the wee hours of the night, and I can’t shake it off.

Last night, my son came into my room at 2:15. He grabbed my hand and asked me to come lay with him. He didn’t want to sleep alone—maybe it was a nightmare, maybe he was just restless—either way, he was awake.

But in those moments, where he comes to me, and then falls asleep holding my hand, sometimes with his head on my belly—that’s what I need to remember when I can’t shake the grief.

He wanted me.

He trusted me to make him feel safe.

We’ve built this amazing bond after years of fighting my way into his world, and now he’s pulling me into it. I laid there, and enjoyed the quiet—his calm breathing, the peace—and tried to remind myself, don’t forget these details; you’ll need the memory of this moment in a few weeks.

No matter how many wins we’ve had, no matter how many “nevers” he’s checked off the list we thought we were facing four years ago, grief sweeps in and overshadows all of that—even if only temporarily.

I’m actively working on remembering the strides he’s made so that when I feel grief grasping on, when I see that storm cloud forming, I have a list of my own, ready to flash in front of her to suppress her this winter.

The fact that you’re reading this and nodding your head means you’re already aware that she’s coming.

You’re doing a great job, mama.

I see you putting in the work. So does your child.

Remember your successes. Break loose of her grip, celebrate your wins, and shove her aside.

We’ve got successes to celebrate.

This post originally appeared on Jackson's Journey, Jackson's Voice.

Amanda is a mom of two and lives in Ohio. Her son is on the autism spectrum and is who inspired her to begin her journey through advocacy. In her free time she enjoys teaching dance , hosting the MommingAutism podcast, and writing for her page Jackson’s Journey, Jackson’s Voice.

Change up the rules of your day by laying down a few fun laws. Have each member of the family contribute 1 or 2 laws and then take turns enforcing them. For added bonus, make a list and post it in a prominent place (like the fridge) for all to see.

lego justice league judges for law day
photo: Maia Weinstock via flickr

1. The Rule of Fun
If at any time, any person is not having fun at their appointed task or role, all others in the vicinity need to stop and come to the aid of the not-having-funner. A joke must be told in order to create laughter. This must be repeated until each person is laughing in tandem. Here are a few cheesy jokes to help you out.

2. Eat Your Veggies
Any persons who have finished the vegetables on their plate in entirety may choose one all-in, after-meal activity. If more than one person finishes their veg, each person will take turns, starting with the first person done. All persons at table must participate in the after-meal activity and said activity should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.

3. Dance ‘Til Yawn
During the course of the day each member of the household can randomly declare it dance time, crank the music, and require all members of the household to dance until the song is over.

4. Backward Behavior
At a time unknown to the younger members of the household, parent or guardian or appointed “adult” should leave the room and come back with one or more items of clothing on backward. Anyone who notices gets a thumbs up and a wink.

5. Every Rose Has Its Thorn
At dinnertime each member of the family shares their favorite happy moment of the day (the rose) and their least favorite moment (the thorn). No action is required, but discussion is encouraged. Parents are allowed to enact The Rule of Fun if an argument ensues.

Want a few more laughs? Read up on some real laws that are totally weird-but-true.

What kinds of laws do you have in your house? 

—Amber Guetebier

Parents are trying to come up with fun new activities for their kids to enjoy. Melissa Temerowski, a mom of two from Greenville, MI, has been keeping her daughters, 4 year-old Adalyn and 1-year-old Skylar, busy while her family is social distancing. Last week she shared a photo to her Facebook page of them painting nails at their DIY nail salon. 

DIY Nail Salon

“I am constantly trying to think of a fun activity for my girls to do and bring some normalcy in the house,” Temerowski said. “My girls love it when I paint their nails for them. On this particular day my oldest painted my nails for me and still wanted to paint nails. The day before we made a fort from cardboard boxes so I had extra laying around in the garage. I have a bunch of old nail polishes, so I thought why not! Adalynn traced my hands as well as her and her sister’s. They had a blast!”

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Melissa Temerowski


Watch This Grandpa Have a Socially Distant Dance-Off With His Granddaughter

Kristen Bell Hosts Nickelodeon Coronavirus Special for Kids

Check Out These Learning Resources Amid Coronavirus School Closures

LC’s newest addition made his first family Christmas card debut recently—and the nine-week-old is every bit as adorable as you’d imagine.

Former reality star/current designer Lauren Conrad announced the birth of baby boy Charlie Wolf Tell back in October, with a sweet Instagram painting pic post. Now the mama to two (Conrad and husband William Tell also have a two-year-old son, Liam James), is sharing the family of four’s “joyous” holiday card.

Even though the family may look picture-perfect in the IG post, Conrad’s caption says something very different—and very real. Along with the pic, the mommy to two writes, “Happy Holidays!! Time to pin down your children to brush their hair and keep them clean in the outfits you spent hours shopping for, cleaning and laying so you can take 1000 photos all to get one usable option that says “We’ve got it together! We always wear this much white and no one in this photo has spit up in their hair.”.”

Conrad continues, “And then once the cards arrive you get up at 6 AM to stuff envelopes because you meant to send them out days ago only to realize that the special holiday stamps you ordered were accidentally thrown out… and at this point your just hoping they are delivered before the new year.”

As if that’s not enough reality from the former reality star, Conrad comically adds, “Anyone who manages to get their pets into family photos deserves a medal.”

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Lauren Conrad via Instagram 



Lauren Conrad Welcomes New Baby with Sweet Instagram Post

Lauren Conrad’s Amazon Baby Registry Has All Your Must-Haves

Mama-to-Be Lauren Conrad Is the Picture of Pregnancy Chic