The team here at Red Tricycle is putting our money where our mouth is.  We’re getting in on Blue Shield of California’s We Shield Moms program in an effort to inspire our readers that we too, are up for the challenge on achieving healthy, balanced and active lives.

For the next 8 weeks, Keely Grand of Be Grand Fitness (and part of our “Moms Who Make a Difference” program) will be whipping our staff into shape, despite the holiday temptations that lurk behind every trick or treat bag and supermarket aisle.

Week 1:  The Assessment

With varying degrees of fitness within our group, we started off with a written assessment of our current physical fitness, followed by Keely taking down our measurements (height, weight, inches, gulp) so that we can keep track of our progress.

The Red Tricycle Team (Rebecca, Scott, Rebecca and Tina) with Keely’s son 11-month old Miles, gets ready to get moving for our morning workout.

We then hit the studio to get started on a basic physical assessment of strength, coordination and agility. Moves included several minutes of cardio – jumping jacks and high knees; toning – plank positions, push-ups and bridges; and coordination – squat kicks and shoulder presses with resistance bands.

While the team was successful in strength by holding plank and lifting medicine balls, a few missteps during squat kicks (ummm… two people kicked each other!) told us we could work on our coordination.

Week 1 Wellness Challenge:
Our assignment – to walk, hike, jog or run twice this week for a minimum of 30 minutes.


Drum roll please… Here are the finalists of the Daddy & Me Photo contest! Warning: These pictures will crack you up and will warm your heart. Now it’s time to vote for your favorite submission!

Send an email to with city name along with the finalist’s number. Example: “San Francisco 18″. The picture with the most votes wins!

Finalist #9

This is a favorite photo of me with my daughter, taken just a few weeks after her birth. It reflects our home life, bathed in afternoon shadows in our San Francisco flat. She’s wearing a cute outfit, particularly her hat (I think), and a gaze as fixed on me as mine is on her. Her connection with me also has portended her awareness she’s shown her entire young life, lifting her head with her strong neck and looking at people and everything all around her.  Martin Witte

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Women have done it for centuries: full time care giving, that is. It’s a fact we sometimes assume, associating running errands, juggling Junior, and kissing boo-boos with Mom Work. Now, with Father’s Day approaching, I would like to recognize a friend of mine, James, who is a stay-at-home dad. He takes care of his children Johannes (5 years old) and Anna (2 years old), and his days are filled with what most moms’ days are filled with: mundane tasks, loads of laundry, smiles, a few tears, meltdowns, meal-making routines, and lots of love.

Some time ago, I met James and children at Shilshole Beach in Seattle. Somehow, I had the perfect prop in my car for a photo of dad and kids: a weightlifting barbell. We took it to the beach and James started lifting weights while Johannes hung from it. “As a parent I feel like the mythical Atlas a lot, holding the Earth on my shoulders,” said James. “Now, I feel it literally!” James is a terrific full time father: understanding, thoughtful, positive, patient, forgiving, and loving.  I admire his commitment to his kids and willingness to boldly go where many moms have gone before. Happy Father’s Day James!

This is a story from our friend, photographer Anita Nowacka. You can find others like it, plus all of her fabulous photos, on her blog.