When most parents think about babies and rashes, it is usually diaper rashes that come to mind. However, there is another skin problem that you will often have to deal with: the drool rash.  While this problem can be distressing for you and uncomfortable for your baby, there are some quick and easy ways you can deal with this problem and get your baby’s skin back to normal.

What is a Drool Rash?

If you have never seen a drool rash before, when you first see the small red marks appearing around your baby’s mouth and chin (and also possibly on the chin and chest), your first reaction might be to panic! But don’t worry.  Particularly when your baby begins to teethe, you will notice that the amount that he drools will greatly increase – and that sometimes he will drool in his sleep and lie on this during the night.  However, the constant moisture that this causes can irritate the skin and cause a raised, red rash to develop. It can also surprise you by how quickly it develops – your baby can be fine one day, then wake up the next morning with this rash.  The good news?  There are some simple steps you can take to make this go away.

Keep the Skin Clean and Dry

One of the most important things you can do when your baby comes down with a drool rash is to keep the area dry and clean.  This might sound like it is impossible, but it can be done: just make sure to use a clean, soft cloth for this purpose and dab your baby’s chin, neck and chest as needed to keep it dry.  You can also wash it gently with warm water as needed and pat that dry as well in order to keep it clean. Avoid rubbing the cloth on the skin, however, as this can only irritate the skin further.  Also, it is best to not use any soap or other cleansers, even if they are baby-friendly, because this can further irritate your baby’s skin.

Apply a Protective Cream

Apart from keeping your baby’s chin, neck and chest clean and dry, using a protective barrier cream on the affected area is also a great way to help treat this problem.  Make sure to use a product that is hypoallergenic and baby-friendly – and does not contain any dyes, fragrances or other ingredients that might irritate your baby’s skin.  Products which contain lanolin are a good bet and just plain Vaseline is often popular, too.  Be sure, however, to apply it in a very thin layer on the affected area so that your baby will not ingest it. This creams will form a protective barrier on your baby’s skin that will keep the drool from causing any problems.

Understand Prevention

If you are worried about the problem of baby drool rash, the good news is that there are a few simple tricks to help prevent the issue from happening to begin with. One easy way to help prevent your baby from sleeping in drool overnight is to put a towel or other absorbent material under your baby’s blanket in order to help absorb the drool when they sleep so it will not pool against the skin and cause irritation.  Also, if you notice that your baby is drooling more than normal, it is also ok to apply a thin layer of protective cream on the chin, neck and chest.  This will help to protect the skin from the excess moisture before it even has a chance to develop in the first place.

Know When to Call the Doctor

In most cases, a baby drool rash can be taken care of at home with the measures mentioned above and it does not require any further treatment. However, it is also important to know that there are cases when the doctor should be notified.  If the rash does not appear to be getting any better even if you are keeping it clean and dry and using a protective ointment or if the rash appears to be itchy or painful for your baby, a doctor’s visit will likely be needed. Something these problems can indicate another issue such as a bacterial or fungal infection of the skin or another, more chronic issue like eczema  — and this can require a higher degree of medical treatment.

In short, a baby drool rash can look pretty bad at first – and be particularly disturbing for first-time patients if they have never seen this phenomenon before. The good news is, though, that keeping the area clean and dry and using protective ointments will help in most cases – and after the baby’s teething finally ends and a baby’s amount of drool goes down, the underlying cause of the problem will resolve itself.  In the meantime, these simple home measures should keep your baby comfortable – and you less anxious – as you get through this next parenting challenge.


Brian Wu, PhD is a current medical student at the Keck School of Medicine and a proud parent. He founded Health Stories For Kids to educate and entertain kids and their families about different health topics. Check out more at www.healthstoriesforkids.com

You know that smile that goes hand in hand with smelling a fresh batch of cookies from the oven? It’s science! Sort of. It’s because good smells make you happier, which explains why new babies make us grin from ear to ear. Want to know other fun facts about smell and scent? Read our list below!

1. Smell is the first sense babies use after they are born.

2. Until the age of 4, all smells are never gross, only interesting. Well that explains the fascination with a certain type of gas…

3. Smells can help with memories! For example: Crayons tend to trigger childhood memories. With this fact in mind, you now have the power to provoke your future-teenager’s memory at will.

4. We can detect at least 10,000 distinct smells. But… let’s skip the counting lesson this time around.

5. Each person has their own distinct smell, kind of like a fingerprint. We have an inkling your little one will get the giggles calling it a “smellprint.”

6. Good smells make you happier. That explains why we always smile after a load of clean laundry, doesn’t it?

7. Our ability to smell actually turns off when we are in deep sleep.

8. We can actually smell the best during the spring and summer due to extra moisture in the air.

9.  Anosmia is the inability to smell, which is unfortunate for those who have it because 75-95% of taste relies on smell. Try plugging your nose next time to see how well you can taste your food.

10. It’s not just a turn of phrase: You can smell fear! Do what you wish with this fun fact… like telling your kiddo you can smell when they are lying.

photo: Philippe Put via flickr

Was there a surprising fact that your kid loved? Tell us in the Comments below!

Like your very own emoji, stamps can be funny, tell people how you feel, or just make something plain look a little more pretty. These easy stamp crafts range from super simple to more involved, but all will allow your little to make his or her mark.


A Humble Potato Stamp

The craft mavens at Brit+Co can make even a lowly tuber look totally cool. Follow these super simple instructions, but be sure to click over to their post for some major design inspiration.

1. Cut the potatoes in half.

2. Place each half face down on a towel or paper towel to reduce the moisture.

3. Draw a design on the face of your potato.

4. Trace the design using your Exacto knife, cutting approximately a 1/4 inch deep.

5. Using the chef’s knife, cut a 1/4 inch around the rim of the potato making sure not to cut through the designed area.

6. Remove the cut section.

7. Apply paint to the design.

8. Push firmly to stamp your craft paper.

A Pro Rubber Stamp
Unlike their potato counterparts, these sturdy creations will last forever, so make sure your design is extra special. For guaranteed good results, go with this super cool Carve-a-Stamp-Kit from San Francisco’s Yellow Owl Workshop. It comes with easy-to-follow instructions and every thing you need from blades to templates to ink pads.

A Pretty Button-and-Cork Stamp
This simple method requires no knives, cutting or even designing. Just dig through a pretty button collection to find a few with lovely three-dimensional designs. Use a hot glue gun to stick em to the end of a wine cork and start stamping! 

Do you have other DIY stamp ideas? Let us know in the comments below! 


Music and dancing makes kids feel alive. Combine this with stories and instruments and you have a recipe for success. But where can you find all this and more? The coolest, newest and hippest music studio on the block, Three Little Birds. With a new location opening in Tacoma and one set to open in Seattle this winter, this new music studio is a must-see and hear.

Meet the Birds
Tara Howard, Shannon Eileen, and Kate Perkins have been best friends since high school and the experience, knowledge, and love of music between the three of them is out of this world! The trio wanted to take what they know and create a special place for music lovers to unite… hence the idea for Three Little Birds was born. Since the trio believe that music is an important part of a child’s development and no age is too young to gain a love of the arts, you will find that their personalities and energy are electric and inviting. And once you step through the door, you will instantly feel like you have known them a long time. Feel free to pull up a chair and stay awhile!

The Story Behind the Name
Three Little Birds was named after one of the trio’s favorite songs by Bob Marley. Be prepared to learn the lyrics and sing along. Once you hear the catchy tune and listen as Shannon plays along with her ukulele, you’ll feel happy, relaxed and realize, “every little thing is gonna be alright.” Not familiar with the song? No worries. You will get introduced quickly as the Birds end each class with it. So, sit back and don’t worry ’bout a thing.

Take a Musical Journey
Who knew you could visit such exotic places without leaving our awesome state. At Three Little Birds, you can take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to take a journey through all seven continents. Feel the heat of the tropics and the moisture of the rainforests, see palm trees, and even pick coconuts. Each class begins with a welcome song where every kiddo is mentioned by name and each will even have their own spot on the magic rug. Personalized and fun, a win-win in our book!

Classes Offered
Three classes are offered for newborns to 5-year-olds. Songbird Babytime is designed for parents and wee ones (birth to age 2) as an introduction to music and rhythm. Songbird Boogietime, for 2-5-year-olds, takes kids on a musical journey all over the world. This interactive, hands-on class is a great way to introduce your little adventurer to different species, locations, and music. Also for 2-5-year-olds, Songbird Storytime introduces tots to music through reading. Each class centers around a book that focuses on the theme of the week. No matter what class you choose, giggles and smiles are guaranteed. And don’t be surprised if you find yourself dancing and singing along, the Birds’ humor is contagious!

Rates and Schedule
Classes meet three times per week, Mon., Wed., and Fri., for 45 minutes. Songbird Babytime starts at 9 a.m. followed by Songbird Boogietime at 10 a.m., and Songbird Storytime at 11 a.m. Classes are $12 each or you can purchase a 5-class package for $54; a 10-class package for $102; or a monthly unlimited pass for $120. Sibling discounts are offered at half-price when you enroll siblings in the same class and purchase a package.

Good to Know
Mark your calendars! The first class starts on September 22, 2014 and registration has begun. Three Little Birds has taken the guesswork out of registration by making it super easy to do online. You’re only one click away from taking your little songbirds on a magical journey. Psst… the Birds are planning on expanding and will be opening locations in Seattle this winter and Gig Harbor next spring, so stay tuned!

Three Little Birds
728 Pacific Ave., Suite 220
Tacoma, Wa 98402
Online: 3littlebirdsmusic.com
Email: info@3littlebirdsmusic.com
Facebook: facebook.com/3LittleBirdsMusicClasses

Do you have a music lover in the family? Will you be checking out Three Little Birds? Tell us about your experience in a comment below.

-Allison Rasmussen, words and photos

Beet Chips

Potato chips may be every snacker’s best friend, but there’s nothing slightly healthy about this greasy and fatty eat. Next time you’re at the market resist the urge to venture down the chip aisle and instead, change up your snack routine with this healthy version of the classic potato chip that uses beats instead of potatoes and a baking method instead of deep frying. A special thanks to Best Cleanse Recipes for this great beet chip idea.

4 medium beets
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon seas salt

1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spray two baking sheets with cooking spray. Peel beets and thinly slice (1/16-inch) with a mandolin.

2. Toss beet slices in a large bowl with olive oil and salt. If using a combo of red beets and golden beets, place them in separate bowls. The red beets will discolor the golden beets.

3. Lay beets on baking sheet. They can be touching but not overlapping.

4. Bake for 30-40 minutes. Bake just a touch too long and they will burn around the edges, but you want to bake them long enough for them to lose most of their moisture. They crisp up as they cool.

Tell us how your beet chips turned out in the comment section below. Is there anything you would change or adapt in this recipe?

Recipe and photo courtesy of Best Cleanse Recipes. For more awesome recipes visit bestcleanserecipes.com.