Photo: Alexander Fernandez

Once you hear the full-throated laugh of your child, see them startle in surprise, or hear them squeal “again, again” when you finish a book passage, you’ll be hooked; you’ll know you’ve done it right, and you’ll have created a memory, a feeling, that will last a lifetime. 

I know you’re tired. You’ve been working all day. You’ve come home (or have been working in the home) have started (or continued with) the chores, made food, dealt with the bills, the PTA, the in-laws, the friends, the frenemies, politics (lower-case p), Politics (uppercase P), married life, single life, traffic, the boss, the employees, and every other thing that an adult has to deal with on a day-to-day basis. If you have more than one child, I’d set the multiplication factor exponentially at 12 per additional child. Life is hard. Dead stop. Yes, you can say it, think it, feel it. Life is hard. And now, this little human (they are little humans even when they behave like little monsters) wants to hear a bedtime story. I’m here to tell you: Yes. Do it. And, you should encourage them to want to hear a story.

But, how? How do you effectively read with a child?  Well, for starters the days of reading to, are over.

1. Be Present. If you think that I’m going to start with some New Age fangled stuff, you’re right. (Although at this point isn’t it really Old Age?) If you are rushing through the reading, looking at your watch, dreading every second of it, and thinking of what you’re going to be doing next, you should not be reading with your child. Stop. Don’t do it. Grab the iPad, the laptop, whatever and go to YouTube and find a story of somebody entertaining reading a book and let your child view that. You can go have a drink (your beverage of choice) and relax. You are in no condition to be reading a storybook. You are not invested. It is not that you are necessarily a bad caregiver. I’m not judging. I don’t know you. You are just not in the right frame of mind to complete the task at hand.

To read a storybook and actually connect with the book and the child, you need to be fully invested in the child and the story. There is no fooling a child. The second your mind starts to wander, the child will wander with you. Reading a storybook is work. And, it should be. The benefits that you read about in those articles I linked? You didn’t think those fell out of the sky, did you? Reading a storybook takes concentration, anticipation, joy, rhythm, and enthusiasm. You cannot do it if your mind is wandering all over the place. You have to fully commit.

If you want to establish a routine of regular reading with your child, you have to do just that: establish a regular routine. It has to be when you both set aside a place and time to be in your own little world–undisturbed from the world around you. You have to start by making the time available in your schedule, to be present. This is not something you can half-ass.

2. Do the Voices. If you are reading along and wondering if you need to do the voices of the various characters, the answer is a resounding, yes! And, by the way, the narrator has a voice. Kids love when each character has a different voice. It keeps up their attention, it sparks their interest, it engages their minds. I want you to stop for a moment and think of the story of The Three Little Pigs. Those of you that know the story, know the line: “Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll bloooooow, your house down!” OK, how many of you just heard that in the voice of the Big Bad Wolf? What about “Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin”? Did you hear that in the voice of a tiny, squealing little pig? Chances are you did.

Now I’m not going to kid you. Doing voices is hard work. And, I know that some of you are put off by this. But I have news for you: your child doesn’t care whether or not you are any good at doing the voices. They only care about your enthusiasm and that you try. So, here are some tricks of the trade. If voices are not your strong suit, do dynamic reading. Vary your rhythm. Speed things up. Slow them down. Take, dramatic, pauses. Stop. Continue. Talk Louder! Talk softer. The punctuation on the page is your friend. Use it as a guidepost. [By the way, even if your voices are good, you should be reading dynamically anyway.]

3. Your Reading Must Be Interactive. Anticipatory/interactive reading is key to not only building a life-long love of reading but to building the critical thinking and reasoning skills we all need to survive in the world.

As you read the story, ensure that your child explores the pictures on the page. Ask questions like: “What do we see in these pictures?” “What do you think this means?” “How is this character feeling?” “Is she happy? Sad?” “Have we seen this before?” “Is there something missing?” You can even ask your child to predict what might happen depending on what the pictures are showing. Every now and then, take pauses in the story and ask your child to review for you what has happened so far. This, is your check for understanding. With younger children, you may have to do a bit of leading. Once you’ve done a recap, ask your child to predict what’s going to happen next and why they think that’s going to happen. As your child gets older, the predictions will get better.

The key to interactive reading is to remember that you are not just a reader, you are actively acting as a parent, teacher, caregiver, instructor, and mentor. You are developing vocabulary, bridging synapses, strengthening concepts–in short, you are building a human building. All, under the guise of reading a storybook. 

Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Father, children's book critic, writer, judge, director, actor and amature photographer—together with his husband of 25 years—raising an energetic four-year old! "Parent is not just a noun, it's a verb.  If you're ever in doubt as to what to do, substitute the word caregiver.  It will steer you in the right direction."  

New research from Princeton University has found a connection between adults’ and infants’ brains during natural play.

The study, which was published in the December issue of the journal Psychological Science, looked at how an adult’s brain syncs up with a baby’s brain (and vice versa) during direct one-on-one play.

photo: Daria Shevtsova via Pexels

Instead of the typical functional MRI technology researchers use to study the brain’s behavior, this study used functional near-infrared spectroscopy or fNIRS. The fNIRS technology allowed the researchers to measure blood oxygenation as a proxy for neural activity.

So what did the study find? When an adult researcher talked, read or sung to a baby (who was seated on their parent’s lab), both the adult’s and the baby’s brains were synchronized. When the researcher turned away from the baby to talk, the synchronization stopped.

Elise Piazza, an associate research scholar in the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, said in a press statement, “Previous research has shown that adults’ brains sync up when they watch movies and listen to stories, but little is known about how this ‘neural synchrony’ develops in the first years of life.”

Piazza added, “While communicating, the adult and child seem to form a feedback loop. That is, the adult’s brain seemed to predict when the infants would smile, the infants’ brains anticipated when the adult would use more ‘baby talk,’ and both brains tracked joint eye contact and joint attention to toys. So, when a baby and adult play together, their brains influence each other in dynamic ways.”

—Erica Loop



Are You in Sync with Your Baby? Science Says Happiness Makes a Difference

Girls & Boys Can Develop Math Skills Equally, According to New Research

Babies May Cry in Different Languages, According to Science

Researchers from the Weizmann Institute of Science may have a way to predict a mother-to-be’s risk for gestational diabetes—and it’s all thanks to some serious math!

The study, which was published in the journal Nature Medicine, analyzed data on almost 600,000 pregnancies from Israel’s Clalit Health Services. Using a computer algorithm, the researchers were able to find nine parameters that could predict the risk for gestational diabetes.

photo: Nappy via Pexels

So what does this mean for you and other pregnant mamas? It’s possible with nine questions (the nine parameters) medical providers could accurately pinpoint risk for the disease well before the expectant mother shows signs of gestational diabetes.

Of the research, senior author Prof. Eran Segal of the Computer Science and Applied Mathematics and the Molecular Cell Biology Departments, said, “Our ultimate goal has been to help the health system take measures so as to prevent diabetes from occurring in pregnancy.”

—Erica Loop



New Study Finds the Brains of Babies & Adults Sync Up During Play-Time

Girls & Boys Can Develop Math Skills Equally, According to New Research

Babies May Cry in Different Languages, According to Science

Around the holidays, you tend to look for ways to slow down a little and spend quality time connecting with your kids. Reading with your children is a fun, easy and truly special way to accomplish this. There are so many benefits of cozying up and reading with your young ones during this joyful season. Here’s a few!

Reading with Your Kids Deepens Relationships

When you and your kids read together, you sit close to each other. Your children feel safe snuggling near you. They feel important with the focus just on them in that moment. No phone, no job, no chores are distracting you while you are reading together. It’s just 10 to 15 minutes with you and your children sharing a good story.

Reading with Your Kids Shares Your Values

Reading stories and then talking about them with your children shows them what your family values. You can discuss decisions that characters made and show what your family believes. These discussions could be about how to treat others, how to share and give or how to react when someone hurts you. You can share religious books to discuss what you believe and talk about your faith. Your kids can ask questions of you to learn what you believe and why. You can share how you would like them to behave. These are teachable moments establishing the roots that make up your family.

Reading with Your Kids Develops a Love of Reading

Improving reading skills starts with the love of reading. Children learn to love reading when they associate it with good feelings and memories. When a parent models enjoyment of reading–and I mean reading an actual book, not on a phone or computer–children emulate that. When children love to read, they naturally improve their reading skills. They talk about what they have read, they picture what is going on in a text like a mental movie, they predict what could happen next and they think about what a character might be feeling. These are critical foundations for comprehension; all just from a simple and enjoyable experience with a book. 

Reading with Your Kids Slows You Down

Unfortunately, no matter what you do, the holidays are a hectic time. We want to focus on others and family, but we fill our schedules and “to-do” lists with so much that there seems to be little time to just enjoy. When you read with your child, time slows down. You relax, your child relaxes, you breathe more easily and deeply and you just get to be together. You get to read a story for pure enjoyment. This brings a calming effect to the entire season. It can truly be a “silent night” when “all is calm.”

No matter how you celebrate the holidays, make time to read great books with your children. Let them pick a few and you share some of your favorites as a child. Surprise them with a new book at the start of each week to enjoy together. Let reading become your holiday tradition. 

Before joining Village, Dana worked in public education for fourteen years as a Special Education Counselor, Autism Coordinator, Special Education Supervisor, and Assistant Director of Special Programs. Throughout her educational career, Dana assists students, parents, and staff with the social/emotional component of learning. She enjoys spending time with family, traveling, and shopping.

Isla, Olivia, Archie and Milo may have taken center stage in 2019—but these popular picks may not top the list next year. Nameberry recently announced its predictions for the top baby names 2020, and some of the winners might surprise you.

To predict the most popular picks of 2020, Nameberry factored in the biggest increases in name use so far this year and in comparison to last year’s selections. Along with interest increases, the site also chose names influenced by pop culture and celeb parents.

photo: Victoria Borodinova via Pexels

So what names made the top of the 2020 prediction list? For girls the 10 most possibly popular names are:

  1. Adah
  2. Reese
  3. Mika
  4. Paisley
  5. Amina
  6. Teagan
  7. Nova
  8. Aura
  9. Pearl
  10. Billie

The top 10 popular boys name for the 2020 prediction list are:

  1. Austin
  2. Alva
  3. Acacius
  4. Tate
  5. Diego
  6. Easton
  7. Lucius
  8. Cash
  9. Ash
  10. Luca

If you’re looking for a gender-neutral name, the top 10 unisex baby names are:

  1. Ellis
  2. Phoenix
  3. Remi/Remy
  4. Marlowe
  5. Shea
  6. Zephyr
  7. Darcy
  8. Rowan
  9. Quinn
  10. Emerson

Even though these are the top predictions for 2020, you won’t see an announcement about the real winners until May 2021.

—Erica Loop



21 Unique Baby Names Just for LA Parents

These Are the Top Baby Names of 2019 So Far

Can You Guess the Most Popular Baby Name of ALL TIME?

An expectant mom’s alcohol consumption during pregnancy has long been linked to developmental problems and congenital defects in babies, but new research suggests that dads-to-be should cut out alcohol as well before the baby is even conceived.

The new study published by the Journal of Preventive Cardiology found that dads who drank during the three months before conception were 44 percent more likely to have babies born with congenital heart disease than compared with non-drinkers. The amount of alcohol consumed was also significant to the findings that dads who were considered binge drinkers (five or more drinks per day) were 52 percent more likely to have a baby with a congenital heart defect.

photo: Natasha Kapur via Unsplash

Moms weren’t off the hook for their drinking prior to conception either. The study found that moms who drank or were binge drinkers prior to pregnancy were 16 percent more likely to give birth to a baby with congenital heart disease.

“Binge drinking by would-be parents is a high risk and dangerous behaviour that not only may increase the chance of their baby being born with a heart defect, but also greatly damages their own health,” study author Jiabi Qin, of Xiangya School of Public Health, Central South University, Changsha, China, said in a statement reported by CNN.

Since it’s impossible to exactly predict when conception might occur, Qin suggests that to be safe men should abstain from drinking at least six months prior to when they plan to conceive and women should hold off for a year.

The study was based on analysis of existing data so there was no evidence drawn to explain the causation. However, previous research has shown that alcohol changes the DNA in developing sperm and changes sperm activity.

—Shahrzad Warkentin



New Study Finds Link Between Exercise During Pregnancy & Infant Motor Development

What’s the Right Age to Have a Kid? New Study May Have Answers

New Study Sheds Light On How Toddler’s Develop Language Skills

New research may have just disproved the idea that women are better at multitasking than men. The study, published in PLOS One, looked at the potential influence of gender in the ability to multitask—and they didn’t find a significant difference.

The researchers tested a total of 96 participants (half men and half women) in sequential and concurrent multitasking activities. That means the males and the females engaged in tasks that switched (sequential) or were done at the same time (dual or concurrent tasks).

photo: Rawpixel via Pexels

So what did the researchers find? Dispelling the idea that women are better at juggling more than one activity at a time, the researchers found that gender didn’t influence multitasking abilities. This was also true when the researchers controlled for differences in processing speeds and spatial abilities.

While the study can’t completely predict how gender may influence other types of multitasking activities, the researchers do note, “Considering the good power of the present study to detect even medium-to-large gender differences, the present findings strongly suggest that there are no substantial gender differences in multitasking performance across task-switching and dual-task paradigms, which predominantly measure cognitive control mechanisms such as working memory updating, the engagement and disengagement of task sets, and inhibition.”

—Erica Loop




Your Baby’s Babbling May Shape Your Own Speech, Science Says

One Third of Parents Have Faked Sleeping to Avoid Changing Diapers, Study Says

New Study Finds Link Between Exercise During Pregnancy & Infant Motor Development

Early detection is critical when it comes to fighting cancer. A new tool developed by MIT can anticipate the development of breast cancer in women up to five years in advance.

In a recent blog post, MIT announced the collaboration between MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab and Massachusetts General Hospital. The team has worked together to develop a new deep-learning model that can predict from a mammogram if a patient is likely to develop breast cancer as many as five years in the future.

This new diagnostic tool is based on over 60,000 patients’ mammograms and known outcomes, discovering subtle patterns in breast tissue that are precursors to malignant tumors. It has already placed 31 percent of cancer patients in the high-risk category, compared to 18 percent from traditional modes of diagnosing.

Because this tool is based on actual hard data, rather than suggestive behaviors, it allows for a more comprehensive approach that is free of bias. This means that it is equally successful in predicting a diagnosis in women of color as in caucasian women—and it is also risk-based and not age-based as in previous models.

MIT and MGH hope that this new tool can lead to accurate, early detection of breast cancer for more women and that it might be applied to other types of diseases that face similar detection hurdles.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: DarkoStojanovic via Pixabay



This Free Program Can Help Prevent Your Kids from Turning into Couch Potatoes

Chrissy Teigen Is Using Her Voice to Raise Awareness About This Important Topic

New Study Asks: Can Robot Pediatricians Do a Better Job Than Real Doctors?

Editor’s note: Any medical advice presented here is expressly the views of the writer and Red Tricycle cannot verify any claims made. Please consult with your healthcare provider about what works best for you.

There are lots of ways to predict ovulation—from temperature trackers to cervical mucus monitoring to ovulation predictor kits (OPKs) that measure luteinizing hormone. These methods are great for answering the question “If I’m trying to conceive, when should I have intercourse?” Timing intercourse correctly is critical for conceiving and these tools are very important when trying to get pregnant. The good news is, there’s a lot of information already out there on predicting ovulation!

But what about confirming ovulation? A key point of distinction of “ovulation kits” or “ovulation predictors” is that they are only predictive of ovulation. Similar to predicting the weather, we only know if the prediction is right when we see what happens. The weatherman can predict that it’s going to rain tomorrow, but until tomorrow comes, we won’t know if the prediction is correct. It’s similar in that way to ovulation prediction methods, many of which fall short of actually allowing us to see that ovulation has happened.

So how do we make this critical observation? After all, problems with ovulation are the number one cause of infertility. Making sure the body is ovulating properly and the right level of hormones are present to support conception is another critical piece of the puzzle. There are a couple of ways to confirm that ovulation has happened and, as you might suspect, they all lead back to the super hormone, progesterone.

Ovulation Confirmation Method 1: Basal Body Temperature or BBT tracking

During the first part of your cycle, your basal body temperature (BBT), or your body’s lowest resting temperature, usually ranges between 97.0 and 97.7 °F. Before your ovary releases an egg, your BBT will dip a little. The day after ovulation, your BBT will generally increase at least 0.2 °F over the previous 6 days’ temperatures, and then stay high for a few days or more. The second half of the cycle, the luteal phase, typically sees temperatures in the range of 97.7 and 98.3 °F. Note that these numbers are just examples and every woman’s body is different.

This spike in temperature is driven by the underlying rise in progesterone that happens after ovulation. See, the empty follicle, or corpus luteum, produces progesterone and progesterone causes the temperature spike. If no egg is released, there won’t be an empty follicle to produce progesterone.  As such, a spike in temperature, caused by progesterone, indicates that ovulation has occurred.

Ovulation Confirmation Method 2: Progesterone Monitoring

As explained above, the spike in temperature that confirms ovulation using the BBT tracking method is a direct result of progesterone rising in the body after ovulation occurs. Monitoring progesterone itself is therefore another way to confirm ovulation. Without that empty follicle or corpus luteum, there won’t be a rise in progesterone. So, no rise in progesterone = no ovulation.

But do you need both methods?

The simple answer is YES—especially when it comes to trying to conceive. Based on how your temperature and hormone levels change throughout your cycle, it might seem like you only need to measure one thing. But, the most complete picture comes from using both tracking methods.

BBT tracking is most powerful when used to track the cycle over time. By confirming ovulation using temperature tracking, BBT can be used to accurately calculate the timing of the next fertile window.

While basal body temperature tracking can be used to measure the slight increase in body temperature caused when progesterone rises and can, therefore, be used to confirm ovulation, it falls short of telling you if you have sufficient progesterone to conceive. As mentioned before, basal body temperature typically rises 0.5 to 1-degree Fahrenheit after ovulation from the presence of progesterone. But the temperature spike does not correlate with the amount of progesterone present. So, getting a spike of 0.5-degrees does not necessarily mean you have low progesterone and getting a spike of 1-degree also does not mean you are good to go.

To determine if you have enough progesterone to confirm sufficient ovulation, meaning you are not only ovulating, but also have enough progesterone to support implantation and early pregnancy, you need to test base progesterone levels.

To truly maximize your chances of getting pregnant during the fertile window, you should not only know IF you’ve ovulated but also know if your progesterone levels are where they need to be.

Amy Beckley is the founder and CEO of Proov, the first at-home rapid response urine progesterone test, a hormone critical to fertility and general wellness. Proov was developed from Beckley’s personal infertility experience. Using her PhD in Pharmacology and passion for helping others, Proov empowers women with the knowledge to better understand their bodies.

What if you could prevent pregnancy without having to take a daily pill, get a shot or use some type of intrauterine device? According to recent research published in the journal European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Healthcare, the Dot fertility app could make having to take hormonal birth control a thing of the past.

Dot is a fertility app that uses an algorithm to predict pregnancy risk. It adapts or “learns” over time, personalizing high and low fertility times for the user. The first-of-its-kind study, conducted by researchers from the Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University Medical Center, followed over 200 participants for 13 menstrual cycles. The results showed a five percent “typical-use” failure rate and a one percent “perfect-use” failure rate.

photo: FirmBee via Pixabay

The study (which was conducted online via surveys and instant messages) revealed that out of the hundreds of women participating, there were only 25 pregnancies. Twenty-four of the pregnancies resulted from incorrect use and one occurred during a cycle when the Dot user reportedly used the app correctly.

Victoria Jennings, PhD, principal investigator of the study and director of the IRH at Georgetown, said, “Women must be able to base their app choice on solid evidence about how well the method works and what’s involved in using it. That’s why it was so important that an app like Dot undergo a rigorous effectiveness trial conducted according to established study guidelines used to study other methods.”

Jennings also noted, “This is a particularly important finding because it suggests that Dot can be appropriate for a wide range of women.”

Even though this study could usher in a major breakthrough when it comes to pregnancy prevention, always consult your medical provider before starting, stopping or changing your current method of birth control.

—Erica Loop



Science Says 50 Is the New 40 (When It Comes to Safely Having Babies, That Is)

When Does the Male Birth Control Pill Come Out? Science Gets Closer

Do Fertility Diets Really Work? New Science Offers Answers