As a new mom, it can be flattering when your children only want you. No matter if it’s a scratched knee, a bedtime story, or that special way you put on their socks, kids gravitate toward Mom. It can make you feel loved, needed, and (after a while) like you can’t be away for more than a moment. Actually, not even a moment. They find you fast.

Children don’t mean to insult your partner by refusing assistance, and they don’t consciously intend to monopolize all your time. (Even though they often do both.) They simply seek comfort. At all times. And they are used to you.


What’s the best way to share parenting responsibilities?

There may not be an official best way that applies to all situations. There may be places where you want to be the go-to parent, and others you want to share. Even though your partner might already want to share in the duties, you might find you need to be the one to initiate communication. Often dads aren’t even aware of a problem unless we communicate our needs.

If you’re like most moms, the bulk of child interaction defaults to you. Plus, we sometimes overlook our need for space and time to ourselves. If we do recognize the need, we either feel guilty or dread the logistical challenges involved. (If you think, “What would I do anyway?” It’s is a clear sign that you need time to connect with yourself.) Remember, you are a better parent when you have time to recharge your own battery. If you’re in a spot where you want your partner to share the love AND have your kids running to both of you, try these three steps.


Step One: Communicate Your Needs

The first step is shining light on the issue. There’s a chance your spouse doesn’t even realize that you’re not in maternal bliss with your kids hanging on you 24/7. After all, that’s what moms do, right? You might need to let him know that you want a more balanced distribution of hang time (so to speak). Approach this conversation by recognizing the benefit of both parents and different parenting styles (even though hopefully you’ve discussed and decided on your overall parenting approach already). When you frame the conversation in terms of a win-win for everyone, especially the kids, you might get even more buy-in. Even if the issue deals more with your child’s behavior, having a conversation with your partner is always the place to start.


Step Two: Create Bonding Moments

No matter how upset your children get when you’re away, encourage your partner to develop his own way of playing and dealing with tough situations. Hopefully, there are already games and things that your partner and kids do together. You want them to be comfortable with each other when there’s not a crisis. That’s the place to start. Then, practice with the ‘crisis’ moments. If your child bursts into tears when you leave the room, have your partner come up with a game, story, or distraction to lessen that reaction and develop a stronger relationship. If you are the eternal boo-boo fixer, then let your husband craft his signature way of dealing with scraps and bruises. (And this could mean giving him the first aid kit and saying you really need to go to the bathroom, like, right now. Whatever works.)  Creating time when your kids play with your partner (especially if it doesn’t happen automatically) helps them develop a stronger relationship that will continue to grow as everyone matures. Sometimes you might be able to be home for these shenanigans, and sometimes you may need to physically remove yourself from their space.


Step Three: Remove Thyself

If you are always available, then your children will always want you. It’s good for you and your children to have some time away from each other. This cannot be overstated: It is good for you AND your kids to have time away from each other. Set a regular ‘mom’s out of the house’ time where your partner takes over. It doesn’t matter what you do with this time, but make sure you honor it. Keep to the schedule to give them time to grow and work out their own system. It’s ok for it to be awkward, for the kids to cry, and for your husband to find his own way of parenting without texting you constantly. That’s necessary for everyone’s comfort level. Note: Be wary of controlling what happens when your partner takes over. The benefit of different parenting styles is accurate, and even though it won’t be like you do it – whatever “it” is – everyone will be happier and healthier. And if the house is destroyed when you come home (thus, feeling like more work for you), revisit Step One and continue the conversation.

These three simple steps have endless variations and may need to be revisited as your relationships develop, your children mature, and your needs evolve. Don’t be afraid to have awkward conversations, speak up for what you need, and persist through any uncomfortable behavior from your child, spouse, or yourself. Changing up the expected dynamic is bound to push buttons and bring up emotion. Rest assured that when you can be away without crisis, you’ll be happier and your family will thrive no matter who’s got the snacks.


Cara Maclean, Wellness Coach & Writer, works with moms to undo what keeps them exhausted. We cultivate the calm, joyful energy needed to handle any challenge with humor and grace. Author of Just the Way It Is: A Look at Gifted/2e Families, Spring 2022, GHF Press. Learn more at

Naming your baby is one of the most exciting and stressful things for new parents, but it doesn’t have to be. A new survey from The Bump, a resource for real-life parenting, unveiled some key findings when it comes to naming your babe and making the process that much easier with the newly launched Baby Names hub.

Over 2,700 parents were polled in Jan. 2021 about finding the perfect baby name, middle name included. Keep scrolling to see all the results!

photo: Pixabay via Pexels

The survey found that:

  • 52 percent of parents would share their name picks before baby is born
  • 43 percent of first-time parents would share with their friends and only 33 percent would share with coworkers
  • First time pregnant or soon-to-be pregnant parents don’t believe middle names are essential
  • 44-53 percent of parents would remove a name from their favorites list if someone they know already has the name

When it comes to looking ahead for ultimate trends in 2021, gender neutral is the name of the game with 71 per of expecting parents opting for names that are great for boys or girls. Fifty nine percent of parents lean more towards traditional boy or girls name, and many parents are looking at a family name or one that celebrates their partner’s culture.

photo: iStock

Now the fun part: using The Bump’s Baby Names hub to find the perfect name! The new easy to use tool offers a widely inclusive lists of names (like modern, vintage, cultural), a playground popularity check feature and a “This or That” baby name game.

All features are easily shareable with your partner, family and friends and the hub is free to use at The Bump.

––Karly Wood



City Love: Baby Names That Show Your Regional Pride

Nameberry’s Most Popular Baby Names of 2020…So Far

What Are the Most Popular Gender-Neutral Baby Names Across the U.S.?

Are you counting down the days until your next road trip?  Playmobil just debuted their VW line and we can’t wait to get on the road again. The iconic toymaker announced in September that two legendary Volkswagen vehicles would be given the Playmobil treatment in 2021 – the Playmobil Volkswagen T1 Camper Van ($63) and the Playmobil Volkswagen Beetle ($51).

Volkswagen T1 Camping Bus

Playmobil T1 Camping Bus ($49.99): The iconic red and white-colored van is equipped with a mini-kitchen, fold-down seating that converts into a sleeping area, and plenty of storage space. Remove the roof to access the camper’s interior, seating figures at the table or behind the wheel. Open the two side doors to reveal shelves for your non-perishable foods and a fold-down vanity with mirror. When you are ready to continue your adventure, pack away supplies in the truck and stow your luggage securely under the straps on the roof rack. Set includes two figures, van, luggage, map, camera, food supplies, thermos, cups, and other accessories.

Volkswagen Beetle

Playmobil Volkswagen Beetle ($39.99): This classic compact car comfortably seats up to four figures. Use the roof rack to store your surfboard and beach bag, or remove the rack to access the car’s interior. The rear also opens for added fun. Set includes three figures, car, surfboard, cooler, beach umbrella and sand toys, and other accessories.

Both sets are currently out of stock on the Playmobil store, but you can request a notification for when they become available again.

Editor’s note: At the time of this writing, the vehicles had been released but are significantly less expensive on the Playmobil site than they are on Amazon so prices might not match right now. 

—Jennifer Swartvagher

All photos courtesy of Playmobil



Stitch Crashes Disney in New 2021 Collection

L.L. Bean’s Hand-Me-Down Trail Tag Is Pure Genius

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National Peanut Butter Lovers Day was Mar. 1 and Reese’s is celebrating! Along with bringing back a fan favorite, the brand also launched a limited edition product that unites all peanut butter lovers.

Get ready to sink your teeth into Reese’s Ultimate Peanut Butter Lovers Cups––the most intense version of Peanut Butter Cups in the 90-year history of the brand. To make sure you get to enjoy all the peanut buttery goodness, Reese’s is removing the chocolate and replacing it with a 100 percent peanut butter candy-flavored shell on the outside!

In a Hershey’s press release, Margo McIlvaineReese’s Brand Manager says “While launching a Reese’s Cup with absolutely no chocolate might come as a shock, we’re giving the truest peanut butter fans something to go wild about. The frenzy that comes with changing an icon like the Reese’s Cup is real – but you can still enjoy the classic plus get more peanut butter flavor with a new option that’s every peanut butter lover’s dream!”

Reese’s Ultimate Peanut Butter Lovers Cups will be rolled out in standard ($1.09), king size ($1.79) and miniatures ($4.09) at retailers nationwide beginning in early April for a limited time.

Reese’s is also bringing back the fan-favorite Reese’s Peanut Butter Lovers Cups for a double dose of peanut butter-flavored candy excitement so keep your eye out for this returning treat. If you can’t wait until April to get your PB cups, you’ll want to check out Hershey’s new Organic Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups which launched in February and can be found at national retailers.

––Karly Wood

All photos: Courtesy of Reese’s



Cold Stone Creamery & Lucky Charms Team Up with 2 New Magical Treats

Disney Just Dropped New Desserts Inspired by “Raya and the Last Dragon”

This Duncan Hines & PEEPS Baking Kit Is Easter in a Box


The kitchen can easily become cluttered, making it less efficient to do daily tasks like making the kids’ lunches. Here are our top five kitchen organization tricks to help organize your kitchen and simplify school lunch preparation.

1. Clean Out Your Pantry & Refrigerator 
Places like the pantry and fridge can quickly become disorganized. If you often catch yourself searching for certain foods or rummaging past miscellaneous items like pet food or cleaning supplies, take the time to clean out these spaces. Remove everything and set them on the counter or table. Sort through the items and toss anything that is expired, anything you know you won’t use, or anything that doesn’t belong.

While everything is out of the pantry or refrigerator, take a moment to wipe down the surfaces. Before you put anything back, create an organizational system that makes the most sense for you—such as sorting and storing items by type or priority for easier access. Bonus points if you repackage some items into clear storage bins for better visibility!

2. Optimize Your Storage Spaces 
While we wish everyone could have walk-in pantries and spacious cabinets, that’s not always the case. Regardless of the size of your kitchen, there are ways to maximize what you have and create a more optimized storage system. Use cabinet shelves to double or triple your shelf space or under-cabinet baskets to create additional storage. If you don’t already have a kitchen island, add a simple wire shelving unit with a wooden top. Not only will this increase your storage space, but it will also increase the amount of work surface you have.

For a weekend project, you can go a step further and renovate your pantry. Remove inefficient wood shelves and replace them with wire shelving. A small swap like this can make a world of a difference for everyday use.

3. Keep Frequently Used Items on a Cart 
Are you always pulling out the same items when making your kids’ lunch or running out of storage room? One of our favorite multi-purpose solutions for kitchen organization is a mobile wire utility cart. This rolling cart can act as moveable storage to hold frequently used snacks, containers, or cooking utensils. This can help streamline the lunch preparation—not only allowing you to pull out everything at once but giving you the ability to tuck it away quickly once done.

4. Designate a Lunch Box Home 
Never hunt for a lunch bag again by creating a designated lunch box storage spot. Streamline the process and add small coat hooks in your pantry or a J-hook onto wire shelving to hang lunch boxes near where you prepare the food. Alternatively, keep them along with their backpack, sports gear, or other school items to keep it all stored in one spot.

5. Make Lunch Prep Accessible to Your Kids 
When your kids feel like they’re part of the lunch-making process, they may be more encouraged to eat and enjoy the meal. Help get your kids involved by keeping items easily accessible. Organize your kitchen to give them some autonomy—store common lunch foods at their height, like in a lower drawer in the fridge or on a lower shelf in the pantry and ask them to pick out what type of fruit cup they want that day.

Store non-dangerous utensils like kid-safe knives, plastic cookie cutters, or rubber containers at their level to select and grab themselves. You can also stash a small stool nearby, so they can reach the counter and assist with food prep and lunch box assembly.

Hopefully these kitchen organization tips will help make packing the kids’ lunches more efficient and enjoyable for the whole family.

Streamline Healthy School Lunch Prep

30+ Unique Lunch Ideas to Try This Fall
22 Lunchbox Hacks That’ll Help You Survive the School Year

Photo: Ace Of Space Organization

This post originally appeared on Teuko Blog.

Teuko is the first platform that empowers families to simplify lunch packing. Using Teuko, they can find and share kid-approved lunchbox ideas, recipes, and tips, all in one place. Teuko is transforming the lunch packing experience by boosting inspiration and motivation week after week. 

Lisa Tschirlig Hoelzle’s two kids were only playing in the basement for 10 minutes when her son Noah came in with news. Abigail had “something stuck in her hair,” and that something turned out to be a mom’s worst nightmare.

Noah had poured an entire container of “Bunchems” on Abigail’s hair––tiny velcro toys that are normally used to create shapes and animals. The little girl now had nearly 150 of the sticky toys tangled in her hair––a result of the kiddos trying to get them out before calling on mom. Lisa describes the coming ordeal as an “out of body experience” and we tend to agree.

Overall, it took 20 hours for Lisa to remove the tangly toys, using a combination of mineral oil, a comb and a whole lot of patience. Mom even shared with Red Tricycle that “The true miracle was that my Abigail was so amazing with it she was comforting my tears


Since the ordeal, Lisa shares that she has received countless photos from other families who’ve all dealt with the issue. She was even contacted by an elementary teacher who purchased them for indoor play and one Bunchem got stuck in a student’s hair. The teacher shared that it took the assistant principal and nurse an hour to get out one!

Lisa has filed a formal complain with Spin Master, the maker of Bunchems, especially pointing out the warning label that says “may get tangled in your hair” is not strong enough. She says that an additional warning should be included that addresses that the toys can can become matted in hair––and that including a shower cap would definitely help!

––Karly Wood



The Future Is Bright Thanks to Pandemic Babies, Survey Finds

Survey Says: *This* Is the Most Magical Time of the Year

This Little Girl’s “Leave Me Alone” Song Is Every Parent’s Anthem

Disney Villainous fans can look forward to a new expand-alone expansion of their fave game line. Acclaimed game-maker Ravensburger recently announced the debut of Despicable Plots.

Play the part of a Disney villain in this imaginative expansion addition. Disney Villainous: Despicable Plots features three new villains in the popular game pack pick: Gaston (Beauty and the Beast), Lady Tremaine (Cinderella), and The Horned King (The Black Cauldron).

disney game

To become a villainous victor, gamers must play the roles of each of the three characters. Gaston needs to make Belle believe he’s the perfect man for her by removing obstacles from his Realm, Lady Tremaine must convince the Prince to marry Anastasia or Drizella, and The Horned King must fill his Realm with the Cauldron Born.

disney game

Disney Villainous: Despicable Plots features three Realm Boards, three Villain Movers, 90 Villain Cards, 45 Fate Cards, 58 Tokens, three Reference Cards, three Villain Guides, and instructions. The game is intended for children and adults ages 10 and up. While two to three players can join in on the fun in Despicable Plots, you can add the game to other Disney Villainous boxes and include up to six players total.

The game retails for $24.99 and is currently available for pre-order and at Target. Target shoppers can snag a limited-edition, featuring a bronze Gaston game piece and special game sleeve. Look for Disney Villainous: Despicable Plots in stores nationally on Feb. 28, 2021.

—Erica Loop

Photos courtesy of Ravensburger



Disney Is about to Drop a Baby Yoda Streetwear Line & It’s Just for Adults

There’s a “New Diary of a Wimpy Kid” (But It’s Not What You Think)

Tiny Disney nuiMOs Are Coming to the U.S. & They’re Big on Style

If you’re lucky, you may have seen a welcome sign on your last Costco run. It appears that after a months-long hiatus, Costco is bringing back its fan favorite churros!

Instagram account @costcobuys spotted signage at a Huntington Beach, California Costco that shows a twisted churro “coming soon” with a new price tag of $1.49. Before you get too riled up about the $.50 price hike, the new cinnamon and sugar treat is actually bigger than its predecessor––and now has butter on it.

If you remember, Costco announced back in August 2020 that they would be testing out an updated Churro recipe and many warehouses saw the old version removed from the food court menu. There’s no official word yet on which locations will get the new treat, nor when.

Be sure to keep your eyes peeled on your next Costco run!

––Karly Wood

Feature photo: iStock



Enjoy Your Morning Coffee with The Pioneer Woman

M&M’s White Cheesecake Flavor Is Back Just in Time for Valentine’s Day

Flowers & Truffles Make a Classic Pair for Valentine’s Day

Check your freezer. Weis Markets has issued a recall of two different kinds of ice cream including more than 11,000 containers. The FDA posted an announcement over concerns the ice cream could contain extraneous material, specifically metal filling equipment parts.

Weis Ice Cream Recall

The ice cream included in the recall is 10,869 containers of Weis Quality Cookies and Cream Ice Cream and 502 bulk containers of Klein’s Vanilla Dairy Ice Cream.

There has been one report of a customer who discovered an intact piece of metal equipment in the Weis Quality Cookies and Cream Ice Cream (48 oz). There is also concern of an additional piece of equipment present in the ice cream product(s) possibly presenting a choking hazard.

The Weis Quality Cookies and Cream Ice Cream product has been removed from sale. It was sold in 197 Weis Markets’ stores in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Delaware and West Virginia.

The Weis Quality Cookies and Cream ice cream is packaged in a 48 ounce container with a UPC of 041497-01253 and with a sell by date of 10/28/21. This was produced on 10/28/2020 and released for sale on 10/29/2020. The sell by date is located on the bottom of the container.

Customers who have purchased this product may return it for a full refund.

The Klein’s Vanilla bulk ice cream is packaged in 3 gallon containers with a code stamp of 0302 and are not for retail sale. This product was sold to one retail establishment in New York and has been removed from sale.

Additional ice cream products packaged on 10/28/2020 include:

Klein’s Cookies and Cream Dairy Bulk – 665 containers

Nelson’s Graham Slam Bulk – 286 containers

These items are packaged in 3-gallon bulk containers with a code stamp of 0302 and are not for retail sale. They were stored in a warehouse and have not been distributed.

Customers requiring additional information may contact Weis Customer Service at 1-866-999-9347 Monday through Friday 8am-5pm EST.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: FDA


Recall Alert! Dollar Tree’s Latest Recall Is a Fire Hazard

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Where to recycle your Christmas tree in the SF Bay Area

We put all this time and effort into selecting the right tree, setting it up in the perfect spot, and decorating it. But once Christmas has come and gone, then what? Before you kick it to the curb, make sure you know your options (and the rules) for Christmas Tree Recycling. Read on to find great solutions in your neck of the woods, and in some cases, contribute to a few good causes while you’re at it!

Remember: Remove all Christmas Tree Lights & Decorations

It's probably pretty obvious, but be sure you've removed all the decorations, lights, and tinsel from your tree before recycling. Most services so not accept flocked trees—those are the ones sprayed with white, artificial snow. If you are unsure, check with your district at the link provided.

San Francisco Christmas Tree Pick Up

Place clean, unflocked trees next to your bins on your regular service day during the first 2 weeks of January. Be sure to remove all tinsel, decorations, plastic bags, stands, and lights. If your tree measures more than 6 feet tall, please cut it in half. Typically, collection begins the Mon. after New Year's Day



Marin Christmas Tree Pick Up

Marin County: Place clean, unflocked trees next to your bins, not in them, on your regular service day starting Jan. 2 through Jan. 13. Be sure to remove all tinsel, decorations, plastic bags, stands, and lights. If your tree measures more than 6 feet tall, please cut it in half. Marin Sanitary customers can also drop off up to two Christmas trees for free at the Marin Resource Recovery Center at 565 Jacoby St., San Rafael. Apartment managers should schedule a pickup day for their apartment complex. After Jan. 31, pickup or drop-off will cost a small fee. You can also find a list of Christmas tree drop-off locations at Zero Waste Marin.


Mill Valley: Please put your trees out on the curb on any regular green Compost Cart day, beginning Jan. 2, 2023. We will not pick up trees left by garbage cans. Trees more than 5 feet tall must be cut in half. Put trees next to green cans. Homestead Valley customers without green cans can put their trees on the curb on a yard waste day.


Novato: Trees will be picked up from the first week of Jan. on regular collection days. Place next to curb or cut and fit inside yard waste container. Remove all lights, tinsel, ornaments and stands. Flocked trees will not be accepted.


East Bay Christmas Tree Pick Up

Berkeley & Albany: Place clean, unflocked trees next to your bins on your regular service day during the first 2 weeks of January. Be sure to remove all tinsel, decorations, plastic bags, stands, and lights. If your tree measures more than 5 feet tall, (6 feet tall in Albany) in  please cut it in half. After Jan. 31, trees will not be collected curbside, unless they are cut up and properly placed in your green waste cart. Call 311 if your tree is missed or if you have any questions.

Online: Berkeley, Albany

You can also drop your tree off at the Berkeley Transfer Station at no charge during the month of Jan. After Jan., you can cut up your tree to fit in your plant debris cart, or you can bring it to the Transfer Station for a compost fee.

Dublin: Place your holiday tree at the curb by 5:30 a.m. on your regular service day the week after Christmas. A truck exclusively for recycling holiday trees will collect the trees. Only clean trees will be taken (no flocking or tinsel). Cut trees down to 4-feet or less in heigh and remove bases or stand. After that, trees will not be collected curbside, unless they are cut up and properly placed in your green waste cart.

Have a Non-Recyclable Flocked Tree or Trees with Tinsel?
Amador Valley Industries can pick up your non-recyclable holiday tree. Call 925-479-9545 to arrange for disposal of your flocked or tinseled tree. An additional fee may apply, unless you use one of the three Large Item Collections available to you per year at no cost.

Good to Know: Boy Scouts of America – Tree Recycling Fundraiser
For a donation of $10 donation per tree, local Boy Scout Troop 905 will pick up holiday trees from Dublin residents on Sun., Jan. 1, 2023. Reservations are required. To make a reservation, please visit after December 1, 2022. Reservations will be accepted through 3 p.m. on Dec. 31, 2022. Only clean trees will be accepted. No flocking or tinsel allowed. Please remove the tree base or stand.


Emeryville: Trees are collected curbside on regular collection days during the first two weeks of Jan. Place your tree at the curb next to your green waste, recycling and trash carts on your regular pickup day. Trees taller than 5 feet must be cut into lengths of 5 feet or smaller. Remove all tinsel, ornaments, nails and tree stands. Green trees only. Flocked trees will not be accepted.


Fremont: Remove all decorations, tinsel, lights, nails and tree stands prior to pickup or dropoff. Trees that have any of these items are not compostable. Trees that contain fire retardant or flocking are also not compostable. Curbside trees will be picked up the first two weeks of Jan. on your scheduled yard waste collection day. For trees taller than 6 feet, please cut in half. 


Hayward:All properties are eligible for free pickup of holiday trees during the first two weeks of January. Only clean trees will be picked up; no flocked trees, stands or decorations. Trees must be cut to less than five feet.


Oakland: Place clean, unflocked trees next to your bins on your regular service day during the first two weeks of January. Be sure to remove all tinsel, decorations, plastic bags, stands, and lights. If your tree measures more than 5 feet tall, in  please cut it in half. Later in the month, trees will not be collected curbside, unless they are cut up and properly placed in your green waste cart.


San Leandro: Place your Christmas tree curbside on your regularly scheduled collection day during the first two weeks in Jan. Remember to remove all tinsel and ornaments, cut your tree down if it is larger than 6 feet and set it out on the curb with your yard trimmings cart for collection. Trees will be recycled into mulch for use in landscaping applications.


How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree on the Peninsula

San Mateo County: Place trees curbside on normal day of your yard waste pickup during the month of Jan. Tree length maximum sizes vary depending on the recycling company. Most of the recycling companies do not accept flocked trees. Residents without regular trash pickup can drop off their trees at several locations.


How to Recycle Your Christmas Tree in the South Bay

Campbell & Los Gatos: West Valley Collection and Recycling will pick up trees on the curb during regular service until mid-Jan. Trees must be less than 5 feet tall and placed at least 1 foot from carts.


Unincorporated Cupertino: Place clean, unflocked trees next to your bins on your regular service day during the month of January. Be sure to remove all tinsel, decorations, plastic bags, stands, and lights. If your tree measures more than 6 feet tall, please cut it in half. Leave by the curb, or in the green bin if the lid can close.


Los Altos: Place clean, unflocked trees next to your bins on your regular service day during the month of Jan. Be sure to remove all tinsel, decorations, plastic bags, stands, and lights. If your tree measures more than 6 feet tall, please cut it in half. Leave by the curb, or in the green bin if the lid can close. Apartment residents should place all trees in a central location and call to arrange a pickup.


San Jose: Recycle your holiday tree on your regular collection day starting after Christmas throughout the month of Jan. Trees should then be cut into 5-foot lengths and placed in the street one foot from the curb and 5 feet from your garbage and recycling carts and parked vehicles. Natural and flocked trees accepted. If you live in an apartment, townhouse or condo, ask your property manager if special arrangements have been made for recycling holiday trees on-site.
