As the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) tells us, it’s not uncommon for women to experience feelings of sadness or even depression after giving birth, but how can you tell if what you’re going through is actually postpartum depression?

Let’s take a closer look at what so many women go through to help you better understand what you are experiencing, or may experience. And please, if you have any feelings of depression after giving birth, call your doctor right away so someone can monitor you and ensure your health and safety.

What Are “Baby Blues”?

The normal bouts of sadness that occur for 70–80% of women after giving birth are what the ACOG calls “baby blues.” The best way to think about this is to understand that your body and your way of life are both undergoing marked shifts during this period of time. This is all very normal, and very necessary.

Your body is adjusting physically (including hormonally) as you go from having your baby in the womb to caring for your baby out in the world. Growing a baby and lactating to feed a baby call on your body to perform different functions, so you can see that it is only natural that your body is undergoing some major changes.

This time after birth (and for as long as you are lactating) is certainly different from being pregnant, but it is also not back to your pre-pregnancy “normal”; it is its own new state of being, and you are adjusting to that.

During all this shifting and adjusting, it is natural for women to experience some initial sadness and difficulty caring for their newborn. According to the ACOG, these “baby blues” typically resolve on their own within a few weeks. However, if feelings of sadness or depression persist, you may be dealing with postpartum depression.

5 Signs You May Have Postpartum Depression

Many new mothers don’t even realize that they are depressed. That’s why it is a good idea to have a partner or other support person commit to checking in on you and watching for the signs of postpartum depression. If you do find that you are suffering from any of these signs or symptoms—particularly if you are several weeks past giving birth—seek medical attention as soon as possible. If you are unable to get an appointment with your physician, try your community hotlines for depression.

In the first year after birth, an estimated one in seven American women experience postpartum depression. As discussed above, “baby blues” affect up to 80% of women and can often last for a couple of weeks. If these feelings don’t resolve on their own, though, you may be facing postpartum depression. According to the ACOG, “baby blues” stretching out for 8–10 weeks after birth indicates the postpartum depression condition.

Here are some of the most common signs that you are likely suffering from postpartum depression:

1. Overwhelming feelings of sadness.
2. Feeling fatigued, like you can’t get anything done.
3. Feeling unmotivated to care for yourself or your baby.
4. Having trouble breastfeeding your baby.
5. Feelings of guilt for believing you’re not a good parent.

When postpartum depression is not addressed, new mothers sometimes deal with suicidal ideation and can become a very real suicide risk. Furthermore, when the depression continues to deepen from lack of treatment, the mother can enter the stage of postpartum psychosis. In this doubly dangerous state, the lives of both the mother and her children are at risk.

If you or someone you love shows signs of postpartum depression, contact their doctor right away to secure appropriate treatment. There is no shame in suffering from this condition. It is more common than you think. As common as it is, however, it must be attended to promptly so that mother, baby, and other children are safe.

If you are reading this prior to giving birth, touch base with your obstetrician now to establish a connection with their preferred psychiatric referral. If you have already given birth and are in need, call right away and be prepared to be connected with a counselor in case it takes some time to secure a psychiatric appointment.

The key here is twofold: awareness, then action. If pregnant women and their support people make themselves aware of the signs and necessary actions to address postpartum depression, mothers, fathers, and their children will be safe.

What You Need to Know about Postpartum
5 Ways Lockdown Is like Postpartum

Don’t Ignore These Signs of Postpartum Depression

Dr. Alan Lindemann
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

An obstetrician and maternal mortality expert, “Rural Doc” Alan Lindemann, M.D. teaches women and families how to create the outcomes they want for their own health and pregnancy. In nearly 40 years of practice, he has delivered around 6,000 babies and achieved a maternal mortality rate of zero! Visit

Authors’s Note: The following article is about miscarriage. Currently, many who suffer miscarriages suffer alone and those who do share their stories often aren’t met with the support they need. This is a PSA as a voice to help shift the societal norm of not talking about pregnancy loss as well as to offer tips for how others can support a grieving couple.  


Miscarriage is unfair, terrible and painful.

It is one of those things that parents-to-be fear may happen to them. One of those things that unfortunately does occur to 1 in 4 women. And one of those things that is not talked about much, leading those going through it to feel mightily alone.

Miscarriage so often occurs that it is a common practice to avoid telling friends and loved ones about our pregnancies until after the 12-week mark, where the risk decreases significantly. The idea is that if we lose a baby in the early stages of pregnancy and have not told anyone yet, then we don’t have to go through the awkward and painful hassle of telling everyone that we are no longer pregnant. It sounds very practical. But, practical does not equal painless or healthy.

My concern about the common approach to pregnancy and pregnancy loss is that it has the potential to be even more painful. Often this grieving mama is left to suffer alone, retreating within, by not sharing about the miscarriage. There is this sense that sharing the news is “TMI” for others, too heavy, too personal, too negative. Or, if she does decide to share about it with her closest confidants, she is stressed about navigating how to broach the subject, which involves also telling them she was pregnant in the first place.

What’s more is that the accumulation of a society’s silent miscarriages leads many couples to feel alone in their loss. One of the best ways to process and heal from grief is to relate to others, feel their support and love, learn what helped them and express feelings. But, how can a mama find this from friends and family if she thinks she does not know anyone else who has gone through the same thing? The reality is, this mama most likely knows several women who have suffered, she just doesn’t know that she does.

This mama walks around, surrounded by others who have felt a similar pain, alone. She feels isolated in a sea of sisters. If only everyone had been open during their experience, she would have waves of support and love.

Another repercussion of the societal silence is that we aren’t practiced in how to offer help or support for a grieving mama. Don’t get me wrong, we try to do our best on the fly. We give sympathetic looks, we say “let me know if there anything I can do”, but we don’t know what to do and we move on, afraid of the uncomfortable conversation that is so often avoided.

In speaking with mom friends who have been there for a friend or who have suffered a miscarriage themselves, I have compiled a list of ways to support a grieving mama:

  1. Ask her how she’s doing and let her know that it’s okay to mourn.
  2. Don’t avoid the topic in fear of bringing up something that might make her sad. She already is sad. Show her you care. That said, if she doesn’t feel like talking after you’ve asked, respect that.
  3. Give her a hug—like a real hug. Hug her tight. Let her cry if she needs to.
  4. Make her something yummy to eat. It could be dinner, it could be dessert, it doesn’t matter. This not only shows love but saves her from having to plan and make food for herself when she might not have the drive to.
  5. If she is already a mom, offer to watch her kids. Give her a chance to grieve without having to tend to other little people. It will give her the rare opportunity to be able to put her needs and feelings first.
  6. If you feel close enough with the other parent or if your partner is, check in with them too. They may not have gone through the physical miscarriage, but they are still affected, hurt, sad and grieving too.
  7. If you have been through a miscarriage and feel comfortable sharing about it, relate with this mama. Let her know you’ve been there. Tell her what was helpful to you.
  8. Offer to do any of the above suggestions and see what resonates with her. Say “I want to help,” and tell her specifically the ways in which you can (such as the items above). Maybe she’ll pick what sounds best to her.
  9. If you don’t live near, send a card. Emily McDowell has several great cards for offering support.
  10. Lastly, if you are a friend or family member who is pregnant, please be thoughtful in the way you speak of your own pregnancy with or in front of this mama during this sensitive time.

I hope this societal norm shifts. I hope to see more families share about their pregnancy joys at the time that feels right to them and not just when miscarriage risk decreases. I hope the feelings of shame, embarrassment, isolation and fear that surround sharing about pregnancy loss fades. I hope mamas will look for and find solace and comfort in others should they need to.

And I hope we can learn how to be that solace and comfort in return.

Christina Furnival
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

I am a mom to two young kids, a licensed psychotherapist, and a children's book author. My passion is to help and empower moms and children to understand themselves better, navigate challenge confidently, and live the life they want. Visit me at

I learned early on as a mom that kids LOVE their toys with a passion equal to how new moms love naps, coffee, and more than four hours of sleep at night. If you take it away from us, we will undoubtedly collapse into a pile of tears and sobbing. Which may explain why our kids do it!

And boy, could my kids throw a fit if they saw me throw anything away. Funny thing was that it actually didn’t matter if it was a really special toy or just some twirly thing they found out on the street at a parade. It could be stepped on, mashed up, dirty and not even work, but in the mind of a toddler or even a young child, it was the most precious thing in the world.

So I had this brilliant idea. I’ll just throw things away when they are not looking. 

Turned out, this was not such a good idea for two reasons. 

One, my kids seemed to have a certain specific memory for each and every toy they ever brought into our home. They gave each toy a name, home, and love like a child. If one of the toys went missing, they knew. 

Two, more than once, they saw the toy in the garbage and inevitably caught on to what I was doing. Still today, they hand me their belongings hesitantly, afraid I may turn around and toss it into the garbage!

I started to feel really guilty about throwing their things away, but how could we keep every piece of notebook paper scrap, beat up toy or ring they found in the dirt at the playground? 

I had to do something, becuase if I let it go, my house would become the next city dump, and I didn’t want that. So I came up with a new and improved system that hasn’t failed me yet.

This new and improved tactic for clearing out toy clutter without igniting tantrums uses the idea of “out of site, out of mind.”  Keep in mind, this is not a super quick fix, but it works to stop the excess toy messes from accumulating.

Step 1:

I always let them play with the things they “love” for the first few days…and most of the time it doesn’t even last that long.  A good hour or two and they are usually done. The wonder does wear off, it always does.

After those few days (or hours), it inevitably gets left somewhere…on the floor or the couch…and is no longer being played with. That is when I swoop in.  Whatever the toy is, I first place it on the countertop in the kitchen where they can see it every day. And I just let it stay there in their line of site for a few days. If it still has some good playtime and they are interested in it, they can grab it and play with it. If they don’t notice it at all, I move on to step 2.

Step 2:

If they don’t play with it for a few days, I move it to a not so visible location on the countertop in the kitchen. Like the very back of the counter or right behind something. It is still out. I can find it quickly if they ask for it. But odds are, they have already forgotten about it. So I move on to step 3. 

Step 3:

After another few days, if nobody has asked about the toy I want to get rid of, I place it in a designated cabinet. There is not much in this cabinet and I rarely use it, but I do get into it on occasion. The kids NEVER get into this cabinet, but again, if they ask for the toy, I know where to find it. 

This makes the toy completely “out of site, out of mind” for my kids. I can still access it, but more than likely, they are not going to ask for it by that time. I mean we are about a week into this toy now! Interest is definitely wearing off or possibly non-existent!

Step 4:

The next time I get into that cabinet, if the toy is still there, it gets pitched.

Make sure to remember to cover up the toy with the other garbage in the can. Then you don’t run the risk of them seeing it and looking at you with those accusatory eyes.

Believe it or not, I have been using this system for about 10 years. And guess what? It works for all kinds of things your kids bring home!

My daughter loves rocks. She would find them and bring them home when we would go for walks. Then one day she came home from kindergarten with her pants and coat pockets filled with gravel from the playground. 

She wouldn’t let me throw any of them away because they were so precious to her, so I kept a few, placed the rest in a resealable bag, and followed my steps from above.

It worked like magic and I have never turned back from this system.

I have never been a believer in making life’s journey harder than it has to be. For my kids or myself. If we can all find ways that work to keep everyone happy, we will be happier families.




A Stay at Home Mom turned Home Management Blogger. She currently helps moms declutter, get organized, and manage their homes better to free up time for family, friends and themselves.  She loves drinking wine, Harry Potter, and being outside.  She has a B.S. in Biology and does some freelance writing.

The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) has announced that TJX has recalled several styles of infant sleep bags due to suffocation risk.

The sleep bags are sized 0-6 months and sold under the brand names Dylan & Abby, First Wish, First Wish Organic, Harry & Me, Little Red Caboose, Piper & Posie, Sam & Jo, Sam & Jo Organic, Shabby Chic and Willow Blossom. Customers may have purchased the bags at T.J. Maxx, Marshalls or Sierra.

The size of the neck opening is too large for infants 0 to 6 months, which can allow an infant’s head to slip into and be covered by the sleep bag, posing a risk of suffocation. If you have one or more of these bags in your household, check the style number to see if it’s under recall:

  • Dylan & Abby: CL01073
  • First Wish: CL00824, CL00889, CL00911
  • First Wish Organic: CL00981, CL00985, CL01099
  • Harry & Me: CL01102
  • Little Red Caboose: CL00756, CL00882, CL00899, CL00904, CL00905, CL00921, CL00924, CL00986, CL00987
  • Piper & Posie: CL00819, CL00923, CL00982, CL01005, CL01006, CL01007
  • Sam & Jo: CL00871, CL00890, CL00903, CL00906, CL00983, CL00984
  • Sam & Jo Organic: CL01066
  • Shabby Chic: CL00980
  • Willow Blossom: CL00909, CL00913

About 3,600 bags are under recall in the U.S. Additionally, about 33,250 were sold in Canada.

Fortunately, no incidents have yet been reported. Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled infant sleep bags and contact TJX for instructions on how to participate in the recall. They’ll receive their choice of either a full refund or a store gift card.

––Sarah Shebek

One of Peloton’s most popular pieces of workout equipment is under voluntary recall. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC) made the announcement after Peloton received information the products have caused one death and multiple injury reports.

Two different models are involved: the Tread+ with model number T01 and the Tread with model number T02. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPC) advises that owners of either model immediately stop using the treadmills and contact Peloton for a full refund.

In the case of the Tread+, adult users, children, pets or objects can be pulled underneath the rear of the treadmill, potentially causing injury or death. A six-year-old child recently tragically died and Peloton has received 72 reports of incidents involving the unit. There are about 125,000 units under recall and the model number TR01 is printed on a black sticker located on the end cap in the front of the treadmill deck.

If you decide to keep your Tread+, move it to a room where children and pets cannot access it. In addition, Peloton is implementing software improvements to the product to automatically lock the Tread+ after each use and prevent unauthorized access by assigning a 4-digit passcode that will be required to unlock the Tread+.

Additionally, some Peloton Tread owners will be affected by another recall. The touchscreen on this treadmill can detach and fall, posing risk of injury to users. There have been reports of minor injuries in Canada and the United Kingdom. There are about 1,050 units under recall in the U.S. and 5,400 in Canada. The model number TR02 is printed on a black sticker located on the end cap in the front of the treadmill deck.

If you decide to keep a Tread under recall, Peloton is offering a free inspection and repair that will secure the touchscreen to the treadmill. The company has stopped sales and distribution of the Tread+ at this time.

—Sarah Shebek

Images courtesy of the Consumer Product Safety Commission



Recall Alert: Trader Joe’s Chips Recalled Due to Undeclared Allergens

Recall Alert: Target Recalls Cat & Jack Baby Rompers for Potential Choking Hazard

Recall Alert: Hostess SnoBalls Recalled for Undeclared Allergen


Editor’s Note: Here at Red Tricycle, we respect and celebrate every mom’s feeding journey. Bottle? Boob? It doesn’t matter—we believe fed is best. Our Spoke Contributor Network is inclusive and open to all parenting journeys—yours, too!

This really is quite a big question and one that does divide those that work with people who breastfeed. Should we do an assessment before or after the baby is born? Once they’ve got an issue or beforehand to prepare them? Personally, I think it’s best to be prepared as new motherhood can be such an overwhelming time so let’s minimize some of that worry but there are others who feel that breastfeeding support should be given as needed.

Before the Baby Is Here

If you wonder/worry about any of the following:

  • PCOS: Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome can result in lowered milk production so you can struggle to begin with.  The good news is that your milk supply will increase the more babies you have but it’s still worth getting information on how to manage.
  • Previous breast surgery: Whether it’s due to a medical issue or cosmetic surgery, medical interventions can result in damage to the delicate tissues contained within so again it’s good to get some resources ready so you can spot any potential issues.
  • IVF: Now it all depends on why you had it and to be honest there isn’t a whole heap of research on this but it is believed that it can cause issues with breastfeeding for some—so again be prepared!
  • If you’re worried you just can’t: Now a lot of babies (the vast majority in all honesty!) will latch with no issues and minimal intervention but again it’s worth having a chat with a professional who can give you lots of little tips to avoid you stressing when you don’t need to. C-section, induction, vaginal birth, medication in labor can all have an impact. Flat nipples, small nipples. inverted, big, uneven nipple size, big breasts, small breasts, one side bigger than the other—we’ve seen them all (it’s our job!) and we are trained to advise you on how to feed your baby.
  • Do you need all that stuff that comes with breastfeeding? Do you really need a pump? Manual, electric, silicone, one you wear, a double or single—which one will work best for you? A pillow? Shields or shells? Isn’t a Hakka something they do in New Zealand? Confused as you just thought you needed your boobs and a baby? Then ask a breastfeeding counselor!

After the Baby Is Here 

If you have any of the following:

  • Pain: Honestly I cannot stress enough—pain in breastfeeding indicates a problem and needs to be addressed. You should not suffer when you feed your child. It doesn’t matter where that pain is in your breast or nipple or stomach or neck and shoulders, having discomfort indicates an issue somewhere. If your emotions are being impacted by your feeding choices/routine that is considered pain as well—ask for help.
  • Questions: So you’ve had the baby and received brilliant help from the breastfeeding counselor in the hospital however you still have lots of questions and she has lots of other patients to see. A one-on-one session with a breastfeeding counselor will give you the time to fire away all those little ‘does this look right to you?’ worries.
  • If you are worried about supply: Not producing much when you pump? Does the baby seem to feed a lot? Breasts suddenly don’t seem as full? Will one bottle of formula a day make a difference? All of these are questions that breastfeeding counselors are trained to answer and can reassure you as we are trained to get to know you first before making any comments.
  • If you have concerns: How often should your baby poo? How will you know that they are full? How will you know that they are hungry? How will you know if they’re full? Feed on demand or to a schedule? Should their poo look like that? Why do they want to eat all the time? Your sister says that [….] shouldn’t happen—is she right? Are you going to spoil your baby by doing too much skin-to-skin? You know what I’m going to say about this don’t you?
  • If you want to stop: It is believed that our ancestors may have breastfed their young until the age of 7. The natural age of weaning is thought to be between 2 and 4 years of age. Now there are a whole host of reasons why we want to stop breastfeeding and seeing a breastfeeding counselor can make sure that you are doing it in a safe way as sudden cessation could result in mastitis, engorgement, and other complications for you.

But does seeing a breastfeeding counselor actually make any difference? In a study in 2019, participants in a breastfeeding support program were “on average 66% less risk of cessation of any breastfeeding and on average 54% less risk of cessation of exclusive breastfeeding at any point in time.” A significant decrease in women still breastfeeding after ten days postpartum was noticed if they did not receive support is shown in a study from 2015.

The facts are that getting breastfeeding support doesn’t mean you’ve failed or you’re not doing it right—it just means that you want to do it well or better. You shouldn’t be judged for asking a question (believe me I’ve been on the receiving end of judgmental breastfeeding support and that was one of the main reasons my oldest was formula fed!) Seeing someone trained in breastfeeding means you will get support and understanding, from a person who can acknowledge how important, frustrating and wonderful this journey is.

This post originally appeared on

I'm certified as a doula, breastfeeding counselor and Lamaze childbirth educator.  I'm British, living in Bahrain in the Middle East for the last 14 years. I have three daughters and I just want to show them that it doesn't matter your age, dreams can be followed. 

In a year of many ups and downs—both for my family and so many others around the world—I have learned to answer the question “How are you?” very honestly. Why waste time with the niceties of replying with the default answer of “I’m good” when I may not be feeling that good inside? My preference is to be open and honest when I am asked “How are you?” because what I have discovered is that the people in my life who truly care about me will want to hear my real answer, which is “I’m okay.” Yes, just okay. From my perspective, this pandemic seems to have brought out both the worst and the best in people. You learn who unconditionally has your back and whose love was perhaps only conditional. 

My family has been on high alert since the pandemic began over a year ago, and with good reason. I’ve always had the ability to work from home, as my job as a Marketing Communications Manager for a global dairy company allowed for it. My challenge is that I am diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease, an autoimmune disorder that puts me in the at-risk part of the population. My husband, Brent, works outside of the home as a contractor, so he’s needed to be extra cautious during the past year. 

We have two amazing children, Noah and Amelia (Mia). Noah recently graduated from eighth grade without all the fanfare and celebration that typically comes with such an event. To start high school, he opted to stay home because there had been COVID cases at his school and he didn’t want to put his family at risk. Noah is also a competitive swimmer at the club and high school levels. Thank god he has an outlet to keep him active, grounded, and safely social. The other swim moms and I have made every effort to keep the kids connected and in the pool as much as possible over the last year; we help each other in the process. 

Amelia is our angel with special needs. When she was three weeks old, she suffered a massive seizure that led to acute ischemic stroke. The doctors discovered that she has a complex vein of Galen malformation, quadriplegic cerebral palsy, and acute complex brain injury, which means a high level of care is needed in case of seizures. Amelia is nine years old now and needs constant attention and care. She is non-verbal and on a specialized diet. She’s e-learning for a few hours a day with the help of a nanny that works with her three days a week while I handle the other two. A few months ago, she started randomly vomiting and her doctors haven’t been able to figure out the cause of the issue. She’s been in and out of the hospital with my husband by her side for the most part. It’s scary, and I just want my husband and daughter home for the long term.

Needless to say, the past year has been both mentally and emotionally challenging for me, and I look for ways to maintain grace and balance each day. My workouts on the Peloton have been an outlet where I can find a release and ugly-cry if the mood strikes. I’ve taken care of my physical self, however, my emotional self might need some work still. Yet, I’m learning that perhaps I have more strength and resilience in me than I thought I did. 

What’s been perhaps the most joyous and heart-breaking symptom of our situation is that it’s enabled me to clearly see who matters most in my space—who my true friends are. It’s been both eye-opening and cathartic. There have been moments when you need someone and they aren’t there. I acknowledge that everyone is going through different levels of crisis—and my family has to be extremely careful 24/7—but it’s difficult to watch friendships that I thought were so strong suddenly disappear. It’s nothing that I did, and I have no idea what they are going through, but there’s a feeling of loss and grief as a result of this. Even in the midst of all this, we still have so much to be grateful for. We’re still here, we are together, and we are taking the necessary precautions for our family. 

Peeking through the clouds of lost friendships are some new ones. Strong communities of people have emerged in my life. I have bonded with some incredibly supportive people from the Peloton community and I’ve never even met them in person. Some of those folks also have children with special needs, and it’s that kind of supportive community that I never knew I needed. My very best friends whom I have known since grade school are my constants and I am beyond grateful for these women. The moms from my son’s swim team have become a second family to me, as we all try to support our children during this time. I can still see family members and my best friends over Facetime or Zoom, and I’ve even reconnected with people during all of this. I now have these unique and caring support networks that keep me going, but there is still a sense of loss in all of it. 

But it’s not just us—everyone is going through their own personal journey during this time. It’s a global issue. I’ve learned that I have a voice and I’m learning how to use it, too. Writing and speaking are helping me build confidence while also being vulnerable. I’ve learned to answer the “How are you?” question honestly, and I’ve found it helps me relate to other people and build connections with them. People who make the effort during this time are people who truly have your back. As I’ve learned through this challenging time, the one thing that truly is what perspective you have and how you choose to use it.

Megan Malagoli Patterson
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

My husband Brent and I have two children - Noah and Amelia, also known as “Miracle Mia”. I can often be found reading a book, running, or sweating it out at my local OrangeTheory. I also enjoy traveling and have a deep passion for raising funds and volunteering.

The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission is recalling two infant teethers due to choking hazards. Both products contain items that can become dislodged and pose a risk to small children.

Keep reading to see all the details.

PlayGro Clip Clop Infant Activity Rattles

Playgro is recalling its Clip Clop Infant Activity Rattles because the abacus ring on the horses back can come off and release the small beads, posing a choking hazard to small children.

To see if your teether is part of the recall, the affected products contain batch code number 010053 or 010082 printed on the back of the sewn-in seam label. The product package will contain UPC code 9321104011459. Currently no reports have been received of choking.

The teethers were sold at Walmart stores and online at from Nov. 2020 through Jan. 2021 for $5.

If you have an affected product, stop using and contact Playgro for a free placement. The company can be reached at 855-775-2947 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PT Mon. through Fri., email at, or online at and click on the Safety Recall link located at the top of the page or to register on-line for a free replacement or for more information. 

B. toys Firefly Frank Infant Teethers

Battat is voluntarily recalling its B. toys Firefly Frank Infant Teethers. It's been found that the plastic wings can detach from the body of the teether, posing a choking hazard to young children.

The teethers were sold exclusively at Target and from Jul. 2019 through Feb. 2021 for $6 to $10.

The company has received 14 reports of the wings pulling off or pieces breaking, and one report of a child choking on a part of a broken wing. If you have one of the teethers, immediately take away fro children and return to a Target store for a full refund. Consumers can also contact Battat to return by mail for a full refund.

Call Battat toll-free at 844-963-2479 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST Mon. through Fri., email at or online at and click on “Recalls” located at the bottom of the page for more information. 

––Karly Wood

All photos: Courtesy of U.S. CPSC



Recall Alert: Trader Joe’s Chips Recalled Due to Undeclared Allergens

Recall Alert: Target Recalls Cat & Jack Baby Rompers for Potential Choking Hazard

Recall Alert: Foldable Bath Seats Sold on Amazon Recalled

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently announced a voluntary recall for Hostess SnoBalls due to an undeclared coconut allergen risk.

According to the FDA, the affected Hostess SnoBalls were inadvertently placed in the packaging for Hostess Chocolate CupCakes. This packaging does not list coconut as an ingredient.

photo courtesy of the U.S. FDA

Anyone who’s a fan of the sweet treats knows these delish desserts are frosted cream-filled cake with a thick layer of shredded coconut. This makes the undeclared allergen a potential danger to anyone who can’t eat coconut or coconut-containing products.

The affected products include single-serve Hostess SnoBalls with the item UPC 888109010096, batch number I031221000, and best by date of May 27, 2021. These SnoBalls were sold to dollar stores, convenience stores, and other distributors nationwide.

There are currently no injuries or illnesses reported due to the recalled product. If you have the recalled Hostess SnoBalls do not eat the product. Contact the place or purchase for more information on returning the recalled SnoBalls and how to get a full refund. Visit or call the company at 1-800-483-7253 for answers to your recall-related questions.

—Erica Loop



Recall Alert: Sabra Classic Hummus Recalled Over Salmonella Concern

Recall Alert: RH Children’s Bath Wraps Due to Flammability Issues

Recall Alert: Foldable Bath Seats Sold on Amazon Recalled