Physical activity is extremely important to the well-being of children. Regular outdoor play helps build strong bones and muscles, improves cardiopulmonary strength, controls weight and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety among children and adolescents. According to The World Health Organization, it is recommended for children aged between 5 and 17 years to participate in at least 60 minutes of physical activity every day.

Playgrounds are a great option to ensure physical activity for children, along with some fresh air. It also gives them the opportunity to use up their vast reserves of energy and socialize with others of their own age.

Although playgrounds are a great source of fun, they are also places where children are likely to get injured. However, most playground injuries tend to be just minor scrapes and cuts, which is an integral part of the growing anyway. But there also runs the risk of children suffering more serious injuries. According to data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 200,000 children aged 14 years and younger are treated by emergency departments across the US for playground-related injuries. And over 20,000 of these children are treated for traumatic brain injury. These statistics do not mean that you don’t allow your children to challenge themselves on the playground. It only means that all play should be under adult supervision and you need to choose a playground that ensures safety.

Here are some things to keep in mind while checking out the safety of a playground.

The Correct Surfacing: Almost 80% of all playground injuries are caused due to falling. This makes it imperative for you to ensure that there is enough shock-absorbing material used in the playground surfaces, such as wood chips, gravel, sand, mulch, or shredded rubber, according to It is recommended that there should be at least 12 inches of shock-absorbing material around playground equipment. Playgrounds that only have concrete, dirt, asphalt, or grassy surfaces are unable to absorb the impact of a fall and should be avoided.

Age Appropriate Equipment: Playground equipment is designed specifically for children of different age groups. When, children try to use equipment not meant for them, it can lead to injuries. The straps and rails of the equipment may not be able to secure a child who is lighter and smaller than the age group the equipment is designed for. It is important that you look for signs indicating the recommended age for using the equipment. Some playgrounds also have distinct play areas for children of different age groups.

Dress to Play: Before going to the playground, ensure that your child is dressed in clothes that keep them comfortable and safe. It is important that the clothes not have loose or flowing parts that run the risk of getting caught in the playground equipment. Children should also not wear anything around their necks, such as sweatshirts with drawstrings, bike helmets, and necklaces, as these could lead to a risk of strangulation. It is also best to avoid wearing sandals and flip flops, as they are not designed to protect the feet from injury. Instead, closed-toe shoes, with the laces tightly tied, should be chosen.

Beware of Sun Exposure: According to the National Program for Playground Safety, of all the playgrounds surveyed, only 3% had full shade protection, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., whereas there was partial shade in 30% of the playgrounds. The remaining playgrounds were completely exposed to the rays of the sun during the said period. It is advisable to limit sun exposure during times when the sun is shining the strongest. Playing in shaded areas at this time is advisable to avoid the harmful effect of exposure to UV rays, as well as the risk of overheating among children. In case the equipment is too hot to touch, do not allow your child to play on it since it can lead to burns.

Playgrounds are a great place for children to grow and develop multiple skills. The key is to ensure that they stay safe while having fun.

Rebecca Wallace is a mother of a 3 year old girl. Rebecca likes to share her experience and write on topics that would help other parents.

Photo: Common Sense Media

What do The Adventures of Huckleberry FinnThe Catcher in the RyeThe Great GatsbyNative SonTo Kill a MockingbirdFahrenheit 451, and The Adventures of Captain Underpants have in common? At one time or other, someone has tried to ban these books from classrooms and public or school libraries.

The American Library Association (ALA)—champions of free access to books and information—launched Banned Books Week in 1982 to celebrate the freedom to read. Libraries, bookstores, publishers, and teachers across the country use the week—this year it’s September 22-28—to highlight great books that people have banned and to spark a discussion about censorship. At Common Sense Media, we think reading banned books offers families a chance to celebrate reading and promote open access to ideas, both of which are keys to raising a lifelong reader.

Why do people ban books? Often it’s for religious or political reasons: An idea, a scene, or a character in the book offends their religion, sense of morality, or political view. Some folks feel they need to protect children from the cursing, morally offensive behavior, or racially insensitive language in a book. Or they think a book’s content is too violent or too sexual.

The Civil War novel The Red Badge of Courage has been banned for its graphic depictions of war. The edgy teen best-seller The Perks of Being a Wallflower (Stephen Chbosky) has been banned for its descriptions of sexual behavior and alcohol and drug use. Profanity and an explicit scene featuring oral sex got Looking for Alaska (John Green) on the banned list.

Who’s challenging these books? Parents, school board members, individuals, groups—yet what’s considered offensive may depend on the era or specific community. As the ALA argues, these challenges pose a threat to freedom of speech and choice—freedoms that Americans hold dear and are worth standing up for.

Here are five good reasons for kids to read banned books:

Today’s edgy is tomorrow’s classic. Original work pushes boundaries in topic, theme, plot, and structure. What’s shocking today may be assigned in English class five or 10 years from now if it has true literary merit. The Great Gatsby is high school staple today but was shocking when its gin-soaked pages were published in 1925.

There’s more to a book than the swear words in it. Many books have been banned for language that your kid has encountered before or will soon. Even potty humor (like in Captain Underpants) has caused people to call for a ban. A character’s language may add realism to the story, or it may seem gratuitous or distracting — your kid can evaluate.

Kids crave relatable books. Banned books often deal with subjects that are realistic, timely, and topical. Young people may find a character going through exactly what they are, which makes it a powerful reading experience and helps the reader sort out thorny issues like grief, divorce, sexual assault, bullying, prejudice, and sexual identity. The compelling teen rebels story The Outsiders has been banned, yet many middle schoolers cite it as the book that turned them into a reader.

Controversial books are a type of virtual reality. Exploring complex topics like sexuality, violence, substance abuse, suicide, and racism through well-drawn characters lets kids contemplate morality and vast aspects of the human condition, build empathy for people unlike themselves, and possibly discover a mirror of their own experience. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is an eye-opening story of an African American family facing racism in 1930s Mississippi, yet it’s been banned for having racial slurs.

They’ll kick off a conversation. What did people find so disturbing in a book that they wanted to ban it, and to what extent was it a product of its time or did it defy social norms of its era? For example, Harry Potter was banned by people who felt it promoted magic. Reading a challenged book is a learning experience and can help your kids define their own values and opinions of its content.

By Regan McMahon, Common Sense Media 

Common Sense Media
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

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Moving a family to a foreign country is no easy task. Traveling with kids is enough of a challenge as it is, let alone making the adventure a permanent change. Not only are there new cultures and languages you may have to adapt to, but there are also different laws and regulations that you must learn and follow. 

If you’re moving to a foreign country for work or any other reason, your mind is probably bogged down with endless to-do lists and worries. Luckily, you’re not the first person to take your family on a global experience, and you definitely won’t be the last. If you’re a parent currently considering moving abroad, make sure you do these things before you make the trek. Any parent knows how tough travel, alone, can be with kiddos—moving internationally is a whole other ballgame!

1. Secure an International Work Visa 

Chances are, you and/or your partner will want to secure a job in the place where you’re going. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as moving there and handing out resumes—you’ll need a visa. Obtaining a work visa is easier and quicker in some countries than others. Research the different work visa laws in some of the major countries across the globe to see what you and your family will need to do.

From interview and background check requirements to how long your visa will be valid, different countries have different processes and policies. You can expect to wait anywhere between 4 days to a full year before your visa is processed making you eligible to work abroad. This means you should look into applying for a visa as soon as you know you’ll need one so that nothing delays your departure. 

2. Start Adapting to a New Culture 

If you or your kids have only ever lived in one place, relocating can lead to serious culture shock. This, on top of missing home, can make for a very difficult adaptation process. Instead, do your research before you jet off and have conversations with your children so they know what to expect. Start introducing the new culture into your life, even if it’s as simple as introducing typical cuisine at meal time so that your kids are less overwhelmed with different menu options. With adequate preparation, your family will feel at home in your new country as soon as you land. 

3. Meet People on Similar Adventures 

Simply talking to someone who understands your situation can be extremely comforting. There is something soothing about talking face-to-face with someone who has been in your shoes and knowing that they survived. This alleviates some of the uncertainty of leaving your homeland that you know and love. 

It’s also a good idea to network with people who may be living close to you abroad so you feel less alone after your move. If you are moving for a job, try to build relationships with co-workers who are also making the move. This is especially beneficial for your children so they feel like they still have a strong group of friends and family in a new place. 

As a parent, taking your child from the place they’ve always known can seem like a very risky move. But it can also help them grow exponentially as a person, improving their cultural and adaptability skills. With the right preparation, moving abroad doesn’t have to be as stressful as it sounds!

Madeleine Nicholas
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

I'm a Los Angeles-based mom of two. I'm passionate about personal finance and love getting to know other parents! If you love dogs, you're a friend of mine (and and kids).

Dannette Giltz got the surprise of a lifetime. The South Dakota mom though kidney stones were the culprit behind sharp back pains, but as it turns out something much larger was the cause.

Giltz did what most of us would when she experienced unexplained pain—she went to the hospital. The mama expected to hear that she’d need surgery, telling KOTA News, “I started getting pains, I figured it was kidney stones because I’ve went through them before.”

When Giltz arrived at the hospital the doctors informed her that kidney stones weren’t the root of her problem. Instead, she was in labor—with twins!

As if the news of twins wasn’t a shock in itself, Giltz was about to get an even bigger surprise. The mom told KOTA News, of her labor and delivery, “It was quiet, we thought they were done. He’s over there, kind of like rocking like, thinking of the names and then she’s like well we need another blanket and his reaction is like excuse me, put it back, no, I was told I have twins, I’m not doing triplets. She’s like no, there’s three babies in here, there’s triplets.”

Not only did Giltz have no idea she was pregnant. The mama had naturally conceived triplets and carried them to 34 weeks. Giltz added, “Everyone’s like I can’t believe it, I’m like we’re still in shock, trust me, we know what you mean like I go to the doctor’s thinking I’ll have surgery for kidney stones and end up going into labor with a c-section that night. It’s crazy.”

Even though Giltz didn’t know she was pregnant, the triplets are thriving. According to her Facebook page, “Updated picture of the triplets they are 5 days old tonight doing good progression is perfect hopefully they keep it up and next couple of days they should be coming home.”

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Wish TV via YouTube



This Mom Celebrated the First Day of School By Going to Disney World… Alone

9 Nurses Who Work Together Just Had 9 Babies & the Pics Are Adorable

This Baby Celebrated Turning 2 Months with an Epic “Toy Story” Party

If you were already anxiously awaiting the return of the Pearson clan, then Mandy Moore’s hints about the new season of This Is Us are going to have you wishing summer was already over.

Speaking at a recent panel, Moore explained that This Is Us season four would be focusing on the beginning of Jack and Rebecca’s relationship. While the third season spent a good amount of time on the couple’s first date and impromptu road trip, there is clearly a great deal of history to cover before the arrival of the Big Three, including plenty of shocking twists.

“There is a big surprise in that first episode that people are not going to see coming. We get to live back in Jack and Rebecca’s early ’70s days after they come back to Pittsburgh from their road trip in California… It’s the land of hats and fun ’70s jewelry,” Moore told the crowd at the Popsugar panel.

Make sure you break out that tissue box when the show returns as there are still plenty of tear-jerking moments ahead, Moore promised. “I’ve learned that family can look any which way you want it to. I’ve learned a kind of strength and resilience I didn’t know was possible,” she said. “I’ve learned that grief can take any form. There’s a treasure trove of life advice packed into each episode, and I feel so lucky that we get to live out these experiences and these stories.”

Season four of This Is Us premieres Sep. 24 on NBC.

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Mandy Moore via Instagram



This Is When You’ll See the Pearsons Again on “This Is Us”

“This Is Us” Fans Share Powerful Stories of Their Preemies After This Week’s Episode

“This Is Us” Is Coming to an End. Here’s What We Know So Far

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recently announced a recall for nearly 90,000 heyday three-foot lightning USB charging cables sold at Target stores nationwide between June 2018 and January 2019. Representatives from Target did not immediately respond to Red Tricycle’s request for comment.

If you think you may have this charging cable, read on for more information on the recall.

Recalled Product Description: heyday USB Charging Cable

The current recall includes heyday brand USB lightning charging cables. The three-foot cables come in three color choices—purple, green and blue iridescent. Each cable has the brand’s name “heyday” printed on the connector.

The cables were sold at Target stores and at for $15.

Why the Cable Was Recalled

The charging cables pose a shock and fire hazard. As of now Target has received 14 reports of sparking, igniting or smoking cables. Along with sparking and smoking, two consumer reports include injuries.

How to Tell If Your Cable Was Recalled

Along with looking for the word “heyday” on the cable’s connector, check the model number printed on the product’s packaging. The recalled product model number is 080 08 8261.

What Consumers Can Do

If you have the affected product stop using the product immediately. Return the cable to Target for a refund. Consumers with questions can contact Target 800-440-0680 between 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. CT daily or visit and click on the “product recalls” tab.

—Erica Loop

All photos: Courtesy of the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission



Recall Alert: Baker’s Corner All Purpose Flour Sold at ALDI Recalled for E. coli Risk

Recall Alert: Beaba Babycook Neo Steam Cookers/Blenders

Recall Alert: South Shore Furniture Chest of Drawers Recalled Over Tipping Hazard

The Today family is growing—again! Following on the heals of Hoda Kotb’s adoption announcement, brand-new fourth-hour co-anchor (and former first daughter) Jenna Bush Hager, announced that she’s having baby number three.

Bush Hager is already mom to daughters Mila, 6, and Poppy, 3. After years of raising girls it looks like the five-and-a-half-months pregnant mama is about to experience what it’s like to raise a son! During an on-air reveal, Bush Hager told the world that she’s having a boy.

The co-anchor opened up on Today about her fertility struggles, saying, “We weren’t really trying to get pregnant. We had some fertility issues with Poppy.” She went on to add, “It’s a little bit of a shock, but it’s such great news.”

Along with sharing her baby news, Bush Hager also spoke openly about a prior ectopic pregnancy (prior to getting pregnant with now-six-year-old Mila). The soon-to-be mama of three told Today’s Meredith Vieira, “I was so excited … I got to the doctor’s office and she said, ‘Yeah, you’re pregnant, but we can’t find the baby.” After being told that her pregnancy was ectopic (developing outside of the uterus), Bush Hager had emergency surgery to remove the pregnancy and one fallopian tube.

So why did the Today co-anchor choose to wait until well into her second trimester to share her news? While she didn’t exactly say why she waited, Bush Hager did dish on why she felt she needed to tell right now, “And I’m only telling because Mila and Poppy found out yesterday in their Easter baskets. (Then) they told the man behind me on the airplane; they told the people at church. So …”

Congrats to Bush Hager and her whole family on her baby boy joy!

—Erica Loop

Featured photo: Jenna Bush Hager via Instagram 



“Today” Co-Host Hoda Kotb Adopts Her Second Baby Girl

The Bush Twins Are Writing a Kids Book & It’s for All the Sisters Out There

Celebs Reveal Their Favorite Books on Jenna Bush Hager’s New Video Series

Baby fever seems to have struck all over the country right now: these viral baby boom photos are proof there really must be something in the water at these workplaces, because everyone is pregnant!

Nearly half of the 15 teachers at Oak Street Elementary School in Goddard, Kansas are expecting. Two of the seven teachers just welcomed their babies this week and there are five more on the way. That’s certainly a lot of substitutes in the future for the students of Oak Street.

“I was very excited, obviously, because this is great news,” Ashley Miller, the school’s principal told ABC News. “After the third one I was a little in shock, the fourth one I was really in shock, the fifth one I didn’t know what to say and by the seventh one I had to remember to congratulate her because my first words were, ‘Are you kidding me?’”

Oak Street Elementary isn’t the only place experiencing a baby boom. Seven nurses all working in the same unit at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Michigan are pregnant at the same time. Of the 18 nurses in the neurology unit, seven nurses are expecting, with three due this month and two others who just had babies earlier this year.

Not to be outdone, nine nurses at Maine Medical Center in Portland—in the labor and delivery unit no less—are pregnant! All the expectant moms are due between April and July.

“It is really nice coming to work and seeing other people who are just as pregnant watching their bellies pop and just talking about these experiences that we are going through together,” nurse Amanda Spear told WMTW. At least they all know what to expect!

—Shahrzad Warkentin

Featured photo: Suhyeon Choi via Unsplash



Why April Babies Are More Positive (According to Studies)

Science Says 50 Is the New 40 (When It Comes to Safely Having Babies, That Is)

How Long Do Parents Lose Sleep After Having a Kid? You Should Probably Sit Down

Move over Cherry Coke, the new soda in town is Orange Vanilla Coca-Cola and it’s just as delicious as it sounds. If you love the refreshing taste of an orange creamsicle, don’t miss out on this new take on the classic Coke.

Not only is the fresh flavor unlike any current Coca-Cola product, but the iconic can got a bit of a makeover, too. Instead of a solid red design, the brand opted for a bright shock of orange that definitely has us thinking about all things citrus.

According to the @mnmtwinz on Instagram, the new flavor (which comes in both regular and Coke Zero Sugar versions) will be sold in 12 oz. cans and 20 oz. bottles wherever you already buy your fave Coke products. You’ll also find Orange Vanilla at Coca-Cola Freestyle dispensers only at Wendy’s through the end of the NCAA March Madness Tournament, after which it’ll be distributed nationwide.

Be sure to check out the Coca-Cola website to find where you can purchase the new Orange Vanilla Coke flavor near you.

––Karly Wood



Want to Eat Healthier? Science Says Go Ahead & Have Dessert—First

Can’t Get Your Kids to Eat When They Have a Cold? Here’s What to Feed Them

This Is the Most Popular Item at Trader Joe’s & It’s Not What You’d Expect

A toddler girl who is deaf just inspired an entire town in an amazingly beautiful way. Instead of simply smiling or walking away, residents on Islington Road in Newton, Massachusetts learned sign language to communicate with two-year-old Samantha Savitz.

When she’s out and about in her neighborhood, Samantha is seriously into socializing. Her father, Raphael, told the CBS Evening News, “She’s super engaging. She wants to chat-up with anybody.”

Even though a cutely conversational tot rarely presents a problem to passersby, communication with a such a young child who is deaf isn’t always easy. When her neighbors couldn’t answer the little girl or even ask her about her day, they decided to make a change—in themselves.

The two-year-old’s neighbors hired an American Sign Language (ASL) instructor and got to work, learning how to communicate with the toddler. Now the tot’s new neighborhood friends can stop and chat with the little girl, brightening her day and theirs.

Samantha’s mother Glenda told CBS Evening News, “Yeah, it’s really shocking and beautiful.” We totally agree!

If this isn’t a more perfect example of “Won’t you be my neighbor?”—we don’t know what is.

—Erica Loop

Featured Photo: CBS Evening News via YouTube



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