When hiring overnight care, references, background checks and gut feeling are the most important things to check off your list. Because newborns and new parents have very special needs, here are 4 questions you may not have thought to ask:

1. Do you have your flu shot and vaccinations?
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) calls the “mandatory immunization of all health care personnel an ‘ethical, just, and necessary’ means to improve patient safety.”  Babies cannot receive a flu shot before 6 months of age so they are especially vulnerable to influenza. Be sure you and your newborn care provider get the flu shot!Hepatitis B, MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) and TDaP (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis, also known as Whooping Cough) should all be current and documented in your child’s caregiver.  According to the Centers for Disease Control, TDaP  “is especially important for…anyone having close contact with a baby younger than 12 months.”  Even if an adult has had the TDaP vaccine as a child, whooping cough boosters are recommended for adults.

2. How will you support my feeding decisions?
While your doula or nurse is likely very experienced, you are the expert in what’s best for your family.  If breastfeeding is your goal, someone who can’t wait to cheer you on may be a priority for you. If formula is an option, you may want someone who’s also comfortable giving formula.

3. What kind of Experience, relevant Certifcates or Continuing Education do you have? 
At Let Mommy Sleep, we try to stay away from saying what parents and caregivers should or shouldn’t do, but the one exception to this is in safety. For babies 0-1 year old, caregivers need to demonstrate thorough knowledge of basic safety, carseat safety and reducing the risk of SIDS. The AAP offers a comprehensive, free online course, which issues a certificate after completion which we encourage all parents and caregivers to take. First Aid and CPR Certification should also be a given for every caregiver. Other continuing education courses such as lactation support or early childhood milestones offered by regulated agencies show a caregiver’s commitment to their profession and an understanding that recommendations for baby care can change over time. Experience is another excellent indicator of commitment though, and there are many wonderful night nannies and newborn care providers without formal training. Just because someone has taken a newborn care training class doesn’t mean they’ve ever held a real baby. On the same note, it may give you added peace of mind to know that your postpartum caregiver or night nurse is accountable to a state or other governing agency.  It’s important to note that only professionals who have completed Registered Nursing, Certified Nurse Midwife or other higher level Licensed Nursing degrees should be called “nurse” or “baby nurse.”  Without these licensures, is actually illegal to use the term “baby nurse” in many states.

4. How will you soothe my baby? 
Are you thinking you may be an attachment parent? Is sleep training important to you? Maybe a “wait and see” approach to newborn care feels more comfortable? Whatever your personal philosophy, you may wish to ask your night nurse or postpartum doula how s/he soothes baby.  Someone who can explain many safe ways to comfort babies is not only demonstrating experience, but also that they understand that each child and family has different needs.

Whatever you decide, we hope that these questions help make your transition home with baby a happy and healthy one for your family.

With twin girls and a boy born 17 months apart, I'm the owner of the world's most ironically named business, Let Mommy Sleep. Let Mommy Sleep provides nurturing postpartum care to newborns and evidence based education to parents by Registered Nurses and Newborn Care Providers.  

Don’t Forget to Take the Pictures!

newborn photo with mom and dad
Photo: Kendra Greenberg

The first 48 hours go by so fast. You’re basking in the glow of love. Take a few moments and capture those precious moments of bonding before you head home and the family arrives to see the new addition.

Because of COVID-19, hospitals aren’t allowing professional photographers into the hospitals to take any pictures. Most mother-baby stays are shorter than normal to ensure that mom, dad, and baby all stay healthy.

So what’s the best way to document the first memories of your baby’s life? Kendra Greenberg Photography has tips and tricks for taking professional-looking pictures that you will want to frame, put in an album, and use for your baby announcements all from your iPhone. You can absolutely create some lasting images from your time in the hospital.

Kendra is a maternity, newborn, and family photographer based in the Los Angeles area. She has photographed over 1200 newborns at the hospital in their first two days of life and also does posed newborn photography. To learn more about Kendra, visit her website at KendraGreenberg.com and on Instagram @kendraslife.

1. Make a Plan
Visual examples are your best friend. Check out this free PDF Kendra has included if you need some inspiration. Also, if you have time, you can create a Pinterest page of in-hospital baby pictures that you would like to recreate.

Make sure to pack the items that you want with you in the photos, for example, a nice robe, baby outfits/headbands, plus any make-up and hair styling tools you’ll need if you want a certain look.

2. Kendra’s Must-Have Shots

  • Mom with baby

  • Dad with Baby

  • Baby Portrait: Pictures of the baby by themselves

  • Tiny Pieces: Close-ups on the head, hands, and feet

  • Family Picture: Have the nurse take this one!

3. It’s All about the Lighting
First, turn off all artificial lights and get everyone by the window—trust me—turn them off. Natural light complements all skin tones the best. If you leave any other lights on in your room, your baby and the photo will look orange, regardless of your skin tone. Also, turn off your flash. The flash will ruin the natural shadows that we love in documentary-style photography. On your iPhone screen, tap on the part of the image where you want sharp focus. This will also correct the brightness of the image.

PRO TIP: Don’t photograph anyone with the window directly behind them. Most hospitals have a blackout curtain and a shade curtain. Use the shade curtain if it’s too bright. Make sure there is no harsh sunlight on anyone. Make sure the soft light from the window is lighting their faces. 

4. Frame It Up
Get close to your subject to make the photo look more artistic. With intense close-ups like these, you will naturally get a blurry background which will give the picture that professional effect. You’ll want to focus the image in the same way as you did for step four: on your iphone screen, tap on the part of the image where you want sharp focus. This will also correct the brightness of the image. This technique is especially nice for images of the head, hands, and feet.

PRO TIP: Physically move your body closer instead of using the in-phone zoom feature. If you zoom in digitally the image will pixelate and you won’t get good print quality.

5. Get in the Picture
Moms, Dads, get in the picture with your baby! Don’t worry about how you look! Years from now all you’ll see is the glow of love on your face. Those first 48 hour memories are priceless and you can’t recreate the moment when you get home.

For parents who would still really prefer not to be photographed: Consider using your hands under the baby’s head or cheek for an artistic shot. As the baby gets older, they will cherish the image of you and them together.

PRO TIP: Photographing a parent from above with his/her eyes closed and head leaning in close to the baby is a very artistic and flattering shot. Everyone looks good in this picture! Regardless of how much sleep they’ve gotten. Just make sure to get very close and tap the screen to focus on the baby’s face.

6. Choose the Right Moment
Babies are either sleeping, eating, pooping, or everything at the same time, lol! You want to take your pictures when the baby has a full belly and/or is drifting off to sleep. It’s very difficult to get pictures of a one-day-old baby when their eyes are open because that usually means that they’re uncomfortable for some reason.

A warm room will make the baby more comfortable, but don’t let it get too hot for too long. Remember, if you have any questions, consult the medical staff. A tight swaddle, gentle rocking, and shushing sounds mimic the conditions in mommy’s womb. The nurses are expert swaddlers and they love to help new parents.

Most of all, have fun with it! Your first 48 hours with your baby are magical. Enjoy every precious minute of it together and remember, don’t forget to take the pictures!

To learn more, visit Kendra Greenberg Photography and @kendraslife on Instagram.

Written by: Adrienne Sale for Kendra Greenberg Photography

I'm a mom to 3 crazy kids, wife and, photographer!  I’ve been a photographer for 20+ years. I have photographed over 1200 newborns in hospitals all across Los Angeles and it never gets old. I’ll never lose the awe and wonder at this journey of self discovery that is parenthood.

Many moons ago, I told you all about my love for mom jeans. They suck everything in. The bulges and pouches and stretch marks and that skin flap over my double c-section scar.

I still keep a pair of mom jeans in my drawer for a night out on the town, or more likely, casual Friday at the office or not having clean leggings.

I have upped my mom jean game by ten zillion points since I wrote about mom jeans the first time. That was probably four years ago.

Add another pregnancy to my list, and wait, drumroll please…I have added an elastic waistband in my high waisted mom jeans.

Is this what giving up feels like? Am I being scoffed at by every teenage girl I don’t see because we can’t go places anymore?

Am I the gross mom in high waisted jeans and a sorority sweatshirt from 2004 at Target, roaming the aisles with bags the size of laundry hampers under my eyes and a venti vanilla latte with an extra shot of espresso in my hand?

Hell yes I am. And I’m proud of it.

It took a lot of hard work to look this haggardly. My hair hasn’t been washed in four or more days. This sweatshirt has dog hair on it. I’m making mental notes in my head about what I should be doing at home. I’m also calculating sales tax for my cart full of stuff I didn’t need but plan to purchase anyway.

And high five to the girl that told me my hair looked shiny when it was really just grease.

And look, in my mom jeans, I can grab something off the top shelf without worrying about my butt crack hanging out. Thanks mom jeans. You’re the real hero here.

This isn’t giving up ladies! High waisted jeans are in st‌yle! We are trendsetters and don’t you forget it!

This post originally appeared on Hashtag Mom Fail.

I am a full time working mom with two little boys, Henry and Simon. I write about real life and real life gets messy. Contributor for Motherly, HuffPost Parents, Scary Mommy, Today Parents, Love What Matters and Her View From Home. 

There are several things people seem to “know” right off the bat when it comes to family planning, conception, and infertility.

  1. It’s a women’s issue, certainly not for men to discuss
  2. Infertility is all about the woman
  3. Men are along for the ride—when the woman wants a child, the couple wants a child

First you date. Move-in together. Get married. Then you have kids. In that order. At every wedding—“You’re next, when are you putting a ring on it?” from some nosy person. Chill, bro. Don’t try to press me. Then whenever someone wants to know about your sex life, they ask, “When are you finally going to have a baby?” incessantly. I always wanted to ask if they were having unprotected intercourse. But I digress.

The First Steps

First comes the “I’m not trying, but I’m not trying not to” routine. Really, I think it’s just something us guys say because we don’t want to look too eager to get into the parenting thing. Especially for younger couples, it’s easier to say that than to hear, “You have your whole life” when you say you want kids now. But let’s face it, you want kids and you really are giving it the old college try.

Mood: Great. Sex all the time, no more worrying about birth control or any of that business. Just… fun.

Should It Take This Long?

“If you have sex, you will get her pregnant.” You totally expect it’ll be quick! Two or three months tops? Surely it’ll be happening soon. Like, really soon. Let’s give it a few months. What people don’t commonly know is that your odds of conception are only 20-25% each month for the healthiest of people.

Mood: Still pretty good. Because, sex, you know? But maybe we should try something different

Ok. Really, Let’s ACTUALLY Start Trying

This is where the research comes in. Basal body temps, special lubrication, cutting the booze, eating healthier, monitoring cycles. The list goes on. So after 7-8 months, you reach “let’s actually put a plan in place” status. We’re smart people, we can handle this.

Mood: Well, this is slightly annoying. Still, sex. But now it’s planned. And that’s not so exciting.

Infertility: The Dreaded Word

After 12 months of trying, you now get slapped with the infertility title, by medical definition. We knew it was headed that way, but it still sucks going to the Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) for the first time. For the wife, it was her feeling like a failure. This goes back to the beginning rule: infertility is a women’s issue.

For us guys, our experience is different. Doctors, nurses, insurance people, etc. all try their best to include the males, but at clinics, the woman is the patient. The woman gets the tests. She has to talk to insurance because the husband isn’t a patient. For me, that was the most frustrating part. Not being talked to as a patient but as the support. Give us your sample and you can go on your way.

Mood: This is such crap. But we’re taking charge, here. Bringing in the experts. As the guy, I might be ignored a bit, but it’s worth it. Also, if you ever posted a baby picture on Facebook, I hated you and probably hid you from my timeline. You’ve since been re-added and I’ve caught up on your awesome journey through parenthood.

On to the Treatments!

Monitoring. Blood tests. Shots. Lots and lots of shots. Have you ever been jealous of someone getting a shot or blood drawn or anything? It’s a very strange experience. If I could have taken my wife’s place as a human pin cushion, I would have. No doubt. It started out gradually with just oral medication and ultrasounds, but then we got into blood tests and a trigger shot (to induce ovulation). And after that, stimulating hormone shots.

Mood: Ok, for real. I am here. Maybe talk to me a bit?

Total side note: I got to be a damn fine shot giver. Like, so good. Me doing the shots, in a way, got me more involved in the process. I was less resentful of the whole thing because I actually felt like I had a role in creating my child. But that wasn’t until basically year four of our infertility journey. Years two and three were super shitty. One failed procedure after another, a canceled IVF cycle. It wears on you.

Mood: Our second cycle of IVF was actually a great experience from my perspective. I had a role. A purpose. And everything she was doing wasn’t going to be a complete waste of time and money.

Looking Back at the Whole Infertility Experience

Obviously, I wouldn’t take it back. I have a daughter (who is now an energetic 4-year-old). Gosh, it sure was terrible at times. And other times it was just laughable. Let’s just say that our dignity took a hit between collecting samples and a million ultrasounds. 

There’s still a ton of stigma associated with infertility—and that’s the reason I am writing this today.

Yes, men can and do want families just as bad as their wives.

Yes, the woman is the patient. But I am still a willing and necessary part of the equation.

This post originally appeared on Bottles & Banter.
Brittany Stretchbery
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

I work for an airline, so our our family of 4 flies everywhere on standby. Meaning, we never know if we'll actually get there. It's like travel Hunger Games. We have young kids and were never sold on the belief that you can't travel with little ones.

Getting a holiday picture with Santa is a Christmas tradition, and while many families walk away with a picture-perfect shot, there are just as many who end up with a major Santa fail. Until they get older, tons of littles find the big man in red terrifying––and these photos prove it. From crying babies to getting Mrs. Claus in on the action, keep scrolling to see some hilarious Santa photo fails that’ll keep you laughing the entire holiday season.

1. The fingers tell it all.

2. If I contort myself, I just might get away.


3. Double NOPE.


4. The weather outside is frightful…


5. Hittin’ the ground running.

6. Not impressed with the cookies, Santa.




7. If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.


8. “Other duties as assigned.”


9. This Santa looks like he’s fresh off the set of Stranger Things


10. Little Suzie desperately tries to dab her way out of danger.



11. Everyone’s had it.


12. ‘Twas a holiday standoff, and all through the house…


13. It could almost be a Renaissance painting, if it wasn’t so funny.


14. “Get. Me. OUTTA HERE!”


15. 👀


16. It almost looks like they’re singing.


17. Dubious.



18. Older sis, living her best life.


19. “Come ON. If we don’t sit on his lap, we don’t get a TOY!”


20. An official tradition!


21. Little Timmy never liked the color purple.



22. Santa with that QB grip looking for his wide receiver.


23. Activate: meltdown mode.



24. There is no middle ground in the game of thrones.


25. “I think we’re done here.”



26. The eyes say it all…

Source: Laura Green for Red Tricycle

27. Who dis?!


28. Horrifying. We’d be scared too, little one!

29. Double your pleasure, double your fun.


30. Glo-oooo-ooooo-ria!


Happy holidays—and good luck out there, parents.

––Karly Wood

Feature photo: Beach House Photography via Instagram.



Trader Joe’s Chocolate Snowmen Are Back for the Holidays

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Leslie Odom Jr. and Nicolette Robinson

Congratulations are in order. Leslie Odom Jr. and his wife Nicolette Robinson recently announced they are expecting their second child. Odom Jr. shared the good news on Instagram with a photo of the couple and their daughter Lucille. 

Odom captioned the shot, “Lots of reasons to celebrate over here. Lots of reasons for hope too. Baby boy and mama are doing swell. Praying for him and all the little ones on the way! The new class!!🙏🏾🤟🏾 …We’ll make it right for you.”

Robinson also posted a photo on her account with the caption,“Sweet baby boy, we cannot wait to meet you❣️ More reasons to love, to live, to connect, to pave the way for you and other little ones arriving in this world…We love you. Arriving March 2021 💙”

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: Cubankite via Shutterstock


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If 2020 has already been scary enough for you, try one of these Atlanta-inspired Halloween costumes on for size, instead. From a classic peach to Stranger Thing—cast and shot in our own backyards—we’ve got a bushel of great ideas for a very Atlanta Halloween. Keep reading for inspiration, below.


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Priscilla the Pink Pig

Atlanta's strange but long standing tradition of taking our kids to ride on a pink pig during the holiday season can now be celebrated during Halloween, too! Nothing says "holidays" like a pink pig in Atlanta. 

The Varsity Hot Dog

Home to the world's largest drive-in, Atlanta wouldn't be the same without The Varsity, and its army of car hops. So when the the kids start talking costumes, be the first to say "What'llyahave" and lock this iconic Atlanta-themed idea down, tight. We're digging this costume. 


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A Peanut

While not exactly an Atlanta phenomenon, peanuts are kind in the peach state. Georgia produces the most peanuts in the United States, followed by Florida and Alabama. And there's not much cuter than when your peanut dresses up like an actual peanut. 

A Peach

You knew this one was coming, right? The peach is about as close as we're going to get to stereotypical Atlanta. Easily whipped together with materials at home for a last-minute get-up, we also like this costume. 


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A Race Car Driver

Driving in Atlanta is a little bit frustrating, and a little bit thrilling. It helps to have some pro skills on the asphalt, and this Halloween costume is so cute it would make anyone swerve. 

Peachtree Road Race Runner

Forrest Gump may not have run through Atlanta (though maybe he did), but 60,000 runners certainly do during the annual 4th of July Peachtree Road Race—the world's largest 10K. Here's a great vintage Gump-esqe costume for inspiration, but we know nearly all Atlantans have a Peachtree Road Race t-shirt somewhere in our closets, making this an easy option to pull together without making any purchases. 


So maybe the tag on this Amazon costume indicates that it's actually an owlette and not a baby falcon, but we all know that if you say anything with authority, most of the time, no one will question it. Therefore, we present to you the falcon baby. And, in case you missed it, the Atlanta Falcons are our city's NFL team. Rise up!


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Atlanta's symbol is a phoenix, representing the city that rose from the ashes. In more modern times, it's become a symbol of a city that unites to overcome obstacles. It also makes a really cute Halloween costume. 

Eleven from Stranger Things

If you know her, you love her. The character Eleven from Stranger Things was practically written for trick-or-treaters everywhere, and we in Atlanta get extra pride of place because Stranger Things was shot right here in our own backyard. Check out this costume, which nails it—right down to her bloody nose. 

Zombies from The Walking Dead

Speaking of shows shot in Atlanta, The Walking Dead is another good one with roots in Atlanta that's filled with Halloween costume fodder. While your kids probably aren't watching it, there are some seriously delightful zombies in the casting call, like the one you can find here


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A Skyscraper

At one point, Atlanta's recent skyline showed over 20 cranes where buildings—tall buildings—were being built. We're not certain how many are going up right now, but you can always count on our ever-changing skyline as new skyscrapers are added. 

Atlanta Braves Player

Perfect for the kid who might be getting ready to age out of the super-fantasy costumes, this Freddie Freeman jersey can be worn on both Halloween night—and every night—for maximum purchasing value. Just add one of those unused pairs of baseball pants that you bought before his (or her) season was Covid-cancelled this year, and you're set for Halloween, Atlanta-style. 

Bobby Jones

Maybe you only know it for the new public course near Memorial Park, but Bobby Jones is an Atlanta golfing—actually, an international golfing—legend who hails from these parts. There might not be a cuter caddy than your kiddo in this get-up. We're practically guaranteeing all the King-Sized candy bars for this costume. 


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Marietta's Big Chicken

The Big Chicken is a KFC restaurant in Marietta, and features a 56-foot-tall steel-sided chicken statue that rises up from the top of the building. The beak opens and closes, and its eyes spin. You can see it at the intersection of Cobb Parkway and Roswell Road, or you can catch a glimpse as you're traveling northbound on I-75. 

—Shelley Massey

featured image: iStock



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Most SoCal kids are immersed in distance learning––so add some fun to their virtual classes (or play-dates!) with Zoom backgrounds that will show off their city spirit. From mama and baby hippo at the San Diego Zoo to a gorgeous bayside sunset, these playful screenscapes are sure to brighten up your student’s online school day.

USS Midway Museum

USS Midway Museum

Your kids can take a screengrab of this absolutely gorgeous shot of San Diego's own USS Midway Museum––the largest aircraft carrier in the world that you can tour––to wow their classmates. Bonus: Did you know kids can score free admission to the USS Midway Museum now through Dec. 15th? Check out the details here.

Kelp Tank at Birch Aquarium

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

'Kelp' yourself to this soothing background from The Birch Aquarium. The gorgeous colors and serene marine life make us want to dive right in! Find similar backgrounds here.

Balboa Park


Stop classmates in their tracks with this magnificent shot of Balboa Park. And, if you're a Star Wars fan, you have to check out this galaxy of work. May the force, and the zoom background, be with you!

Petco Park

San Diego Padres via Twitter

Stadium seats may be empty this year, but you can still root, root, root for the home team with this gorgeous shot of Petco Park. Just save the image to your computer and upload it as a "virtual background" to your chat. We're calling this a home run! 

Lux Art Institute

Lux Art Institute

Strike a creative chord with one of these artsy and beautiful backgrounds from Lux Art Institute in North County. We know all the mini-Monets out there will love this one. 

Feeding San Diego

Feeding San Diego

Want a super cool background that also spreads awareness for a very important San Diego cause? Try one of these Feeding San Diego branded zoom backgrounds. We can't think of a better way to show kindness and support a local movement than showing off one of these virtual backgrounds to the class. 

Torrey Pines

San Diego Tourism

Add some San Diego warmth to your online day with these picturesque backgrounds. These iconic shots from Torrey Pines and Windansea Beach bring a strong dose of joy to any zoom call. 

San Diego Convention Center

Visit San Diego

Transform your room into a virtual reality by tapping into Visit San Diego's library of images. This one will have your little one wanting to take a stroll by the bay before dinner. 

San Diego Zoo

San Diego Zoo

In this Zoom background, baby hippo Amahle is exploring her Lost Forest home with her attentive mother Funani. Animal lovers of all ages will go wild for these backgrounds from San Diego Zoo. Kids can choose from a wide array of creatures to grace their screen including giraffes, koalas, elephants, polar bears, rhinos and more.

Go Aztecs


Because every kid wants to show off their (or their parents') favorite college sports teams, San Diego State University offers tons of Aztec spirit.  

Scripps Pier

UC San Diego

A shot of Scripps Pier at sunset is quintessential San Diego. The glistening Pacific Ocean and golden skies will make any virtual class feel a little more manageable. UC San Diego has plenty of gorgeous images of our shining city to download here. 

––Aimee Della Bitta


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If summer weather has to end, at least we can look forward to some fun in the snow. FUNBOY changed the game when it comes to pool inflatables, now they are taking winter sports to the next level. A retro-inspired, après chic collection of essential snow accessories recently launched. 


The winter collection was created to inspire families to safely get outdoors this holiday season and make memories to last a lifetime. These products were created for the perfect snow day experience. These lightweight and portable snow sleds come in a variety of retro prints and classic shapes to elicit memories of nostalgic snow play. 

FUNBOY Alpine Winter Snow Sleigh

FUNBOY Alpine Winter Snow Sleigh

The FUNBOY Alpine Winter Snow Sleigh ($99) is made for two with dual handles for easy downhill grip.

FUNBOY Retro Plaid Snow Toboggan Sled

FUNBOY Retro Plaid Snow Toboggan Sled

The FUNBOY Retro Plaid Snow Toboggan Sled ($59) is designed for up to 1 adult and 1 child.

FUNBOY Winter Bloom Snow Toboggan Sled

FUNBOY Winter Bloom Snow Toboggan Sled

The FUNBOY Winter Bloom Snow Toboggan Sled ($59) features rapid inflate and deflate valve, dual handles for easy downhill grip, hand pull rope included.

FUNBOY Snowflake Snow Tube

FUNBOY Snowflake Snow Tube

The FUNBOY Snowflake Snow Tube ($49) holds up to 1 rider or 150 pounds.

FUNBOY Retro Plaid Snow Tube

FUNBOY Retro Plaid Snow Tube

The FUNBOY Retro Plaid Snow Tube ($49) has a reinforced rubber base with directional grooves helps keep the sled going straight downhill for endless fun.

FUNBOY Snowmobile Snow Sled

FUNBOY Snowmobile Snow Sled

The FUNBOY Snowmobile Snow Sled ($99) is made for two & can hold up to 250 pounds.

FUNBOY Shotski 2-pack

FUNBOY Shotski 2-pack

The FUNBOY Shotski 2-pack ($38) includes shot glasses.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

All photos courtesy of FUNBOY


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