Photo: Kristin Van de Water

Last week my totally innocent, six-year-old son greeted my four-year-old daughter with a cheerful, matter-of-fact greeting: “F*** Emily.” Except he didn’t abbreviate.

“What did you just say?” I asked, convinced I must have misheard amidst the noise of school pickup.

“F*** Emily.” Yep, there it was, plain and clear.

“That’s a really bad word. Were did you hear that?”

Apparently, he had used his new decoding abilities to read the obscenity written on the bathroom wall at school. While I’m normally thrilled to see my kids reading the world around them, this is obviously not what I had in mind.

“That’s not an appropriate word for you to say,” I said.

“Why, what does it mean?” he asked.

“You don’t need to know exactly what it means, but it’s a word some adults use when they are very angry. Let’s go home.”

The next morning, I overheard my son giggling as he announced that every day when he sees his sister he will say the same thing: F*** Emily.

“I thought I explained this to you yesterday,” I said, frustrated that this had become a thing. “That is not funny. It is mean, offensive and disgusting.”

“What is? What did he say?” chimed in his twin sister. Yeah, that was inevitable too.

“I’m not even going to repeat it. Let’s use kind words.”

Needless to say, I stopped by the school later that day to see what could be done about removing the graffiti. Thankfully, the staff took my concern seriously. My son came home that afternoon eager to share that the custodian had already erased the bad word.

So here I am, confronted with the graphic, derogatory way language around sex has creeped into our everyday lives and vernacular. From a language perspective alone, my kids can no longer live in a protective bubble—if that is even possible growing up in New York City. If they can read and they can overhear conversations, then they are going to find out about sex. I’d rather not have their first introduction to the subject be in the form of bathroom curse words or misinformed joking with schoolmates.

Aside from all this, my four-year-old daughter, who is apparently the romantic of our family, lights up when she sees my husband and I kiss or hug, asking, “Is that what married is? Do you love each other?”

Today she explained to me that two of her toy horses got married. “See they, have matching purple tails,” she said, holding up the magic marker that made that possible. I guess that’s compatibility? She continued, “When they get home, they go to their bedroom and go like this.” The horses touched noses and hooked necks. “Then they go like this.” She laid the horses down and matched up four hooves with four hooves. Not sure if that was her version of horse sex or just a high five. Maybe both. But she definitely gets the concept that spouses are made to fit together in a special way.

“Aww, how sweet. The horses love each other,” I said. “They are having a nice snuggle.”

Finally, add to the equation my two-year-old’s fascination with babies and my older kids’ bath-time questions about body parts and baby-making. At this point, they know that it takes a man and a woman to make a baby. The mommy has lots of tiny eggs inside her that can grow into babies when the daddy adds his half of the ingredients.

Now it’s on me to add layer upon layer of depth and detail to the beautiful picture of what sex is and what it’s designed for: oneness, pleasure and procreation within the safety and intimacy of a loving marriage.

I’m pretty sure when I was growing up this conversation didn’t happen until puberty forced it upon us. But with sexualized slang and curse words abounding, the countless weddings that get reenacted during pretend play in our apartment (PAW Patrol fans, Marshal just married Skye at our place), and the naturally inquisitive minds wondering how exactly the “daddy half” meets the “mommy half,” this conversation is about to get real.

Ready to talk to your young kids about sex? I’ve picked up several talking points from friends as well as a great resource called Birds & Bees. Keep these tips in mind.

Start by becoming students of seeds and eggs. Look inside apples, pumpkins and pods that fall from trees to see that inside every living thing is part of what it takes to make another living thing just like it.

Present yourself as an expert on the birth process. Use the actual, medical words for body parts in a matter-of-fact tone. Break out the photos of you together in the hospital. A pregnancy (yours or a friend’s) or a child’s birthday is a great lead-in for a conversation about the day he was born.

Rehearse your message. Come up with a go-to response such as, “That’s a great question!” to give yourself a moment to collect your thoughts when your child asks a tough question. Take the time now to think through what message you’d like to communicate to your child about sex and reproduction, so you won’t be fumbling for words when she pops the question. Make sure it aligns with your values and use it as an anchor point for future discussions. It could be something big-picture, if you’re religious: “Sex is a gift from God, intended for marriage” or more literal: “Sex is a way that adults use their bodies to show their love for each other”—or simply: “Sex is a special way babies are made.”

If your child asks how the baby got inside Mommy, here’s your chance to explain conception. If not, stage a preemptive strike and bring it up yourself: “Have you ever wondered how that baby got inside the mommy?” Start with the basics: “Sex is when a mommy and daddy fit together in a special way to make a baby.”

Add on more detail as your kids ask follow-up questions either during that conversation or later, keeping everything age-appropriate. Work up to something like this: “Remember how I said that mommies and daddies fit together in a special way to make a baby? This is called sex. During sex, the daddy places his penis inside the mommy’s vagina so that the sperm that is deep inside the daddy can meet the egg that is deep inside the mommy. When the sperm and egg join together, those cells grow and grow into a baby.”

Keep it scientific and save the pleasures and dangers of sex for when your child hits puberty.

Set yourself up as the safe, approachable authority on the subject, not your child’s best friend whose older brother sneaks around with his girlfriend. If you start young, they will grow to see that their questions about sex are not dark secrets but part of a natural conversation with mom or dad.

Stop putting off “the talk” and dodging the questions. This is our chance to have foundational conversations about the value and purpose of sex and to lay the groundwork for healthy sexual relationships into adulthood.

Kristin Van de Water
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Kristin Van de Water is a former journalist and teacher who relies on humor, faith, and her mom crew to get her through the day. Raising four kids in a two-bedroom NYC apartment, Kristin is always on the lookout for life hacks to save time, space, money, and her sanity.

At one point or another, every parent must face the dreaded question: where do babies come from? For some lucky parents, avoiding the question is a little easier because their kids are already baby experts. Check out these hilarious quotes from real moms whose kids dropped some knowledge bombs on where babies come from.

Alternative choices.
“My 6 year old was fascinated to learn all about how babies grow. She took a very scientific view of the process, asking questions and seeking clarification. No emotions would interfere with her quest for knowledge. Until she discovered how the babies come out. Her response to that realization? ‘I think I’ll adopt.’”
—Jessica H.

They come in a 5 pack.
“My son asked if we could get him a baby girl. I asked him where he thought we could pick up a baby and he said Costco!”
—Katie S.

Don’t be silly, that’s not what vaginas are for!
“My son asked if all babies got “cut out” of mommies tummies. I explained that no, some women have c-sections and some babies come out another way. He asked how. I told him they come out through the mommy’s vagina….there was a long pause and then he burst out into hysterical laughter, ‘mommy that’s ridiculous!’”
—Justine F.

The student becomes the teacher.
“When my oldest was 6, I was pregnant and so we told him, in a kid version, how babies were made and all about pregnancy. We used the correct terms. Well, at school one day a little girl said something about how babies grew in the tummy. My son corrected her and the class ended up having a lesson/discussion about pregnancy.”
—Heather W.

Give it a few years.
“My husband is a doctor so with all the anatomy books laying about they know EXACTLY where babies come from. Finally told my 9 yr old how babies are made and his response was “that is gross”.
—Nicole T.

What’s for lunch?
“When I was pregnant, my daughter wondered how a baby got into my belly so she asked me if I ate the baby.”
—Diane W.

Just google it.
“My daughter knows exactly where babies come from. She googled it on her brain pop jr. app. Although, she is still quite confused how ‘the sperm cell just JUMPED from Daddy to Mommy’s uh-ter-us (uterus) and noooobody saw it….’ (we tell her it was a very small cell and probably happened at night when it was dark).”
—Alison D.

“My 6 year old thought you get married, kiss and then have a baby. We went to a friend’s wedding and awhile after she asked if they had a baby, I told her no and she said ‘but I saw them kiss!!!’”
—Sandra B.

Knock, knock. Who’s there? A baby!
“My older child knew babies were carried in a special place inside of a mommy, but hadn’t asked how they came out yet. One day, he asked me if he could look at my belly button. It was an odd request, but sure. It’s a belly button. He looked, thanked me, and made a kinda perplexed noise as he turned to walk off. Then I hear him mutter as he walked off, ‘…but there’s no door!’ It took me a second, then it hit me. He somehow had worked out in his head, without asking how babies came out, that women had a door in their bellies.”
—Jayme H.

Have your kids had the baby talk with you yet? Tell us what you learned in the comments.


Photo: Stat News

For those looking to conceive but without easy access to a fertility center, a new at-home sperm test will be hitting the market in just a few months. The Trak Male Fertility Test, which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration earlier this month, will be available for consumer use this Fall.

So how does it work?

Men use a dropper to deposit a sample of their semen into a small well in the device. Powered by a small motor, the Trak quickly spins the semen so that the sperm cells settle on the bottom. The device then gauges the level of sperm cells in the sample.

You can learn more about it on

Is this something you’d try, or would you rather talk to the doc? Tell us in the comments below!

H/T: Stat News