Photo: New York Post

You hear it all the time from the dentist: Floss daily to prevent gum disease and cavities, right? Except a recent investigation by the Associated Press reveals the benefits of dental floss are largely unproven. The AP looked at the most rigorous research conducted over the past decade, focusing on 25 studies that generally compared the use of a toothbrush with the combination of toothbrushes and floss. The findings? The evidence for flossing is “weak, very unreliable,” of “very low” quality, and carries “a moderate to large potential for bias.”

The Associated Press also found that manufacturers of dental floss are struggling to provide convincing evidence. Johnson & Johnson declined to comment the new research. Also, Procter & Gamble’s “proof” that flossing fights plaque and gingivitis, was deemed irrelevant in 2011 during a research review.

To read more on the topic, click here.

Do you floss? Tell us in the comments below!

H/T: Associate Press

The stinking rose, aka garlic, is more than just the secret to your awesome sauce. Garlic can heal and even ward off pests (not to mention vampires). Read on for some facts about your favorite bulb.

photo: Lotte Grønkjær via flickr

Garlic has been used for centuries all around the world to treat many conditions. It has antibacterial properties and is used to treat infections, stave off colds and flus, lower cholesterol, promote heart health and more.

It is a member of the Lily family.

Garlic bulbs are full of Vitamin C, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc and more. It also has 17 amino acids.

Of all the garlic grown in the United States, 90% is grown in California. China produces more than 60% of the world’s garlic.

Gilroy, California is the site of the world famous Gilroy Garlic Festival. Held each year at the end of July, it’s one of the biggest food festivals in the US and features delicies such as garlic fries and garlic ice cream. If you, don’t forget your toothbrush!

Gilroy is also home to an amusement park, Gilroy Gardens, which includes a spinning-garlic ride.

Garlic has historically been used to treat snakebites and bug bites, and it is said if you eat enough garlic mosquitos will leave you alone (perhaps that’s why it’s believed bloodsucking vampires will be kept at bay?).

Add garlic to your pet’s diet to help repel fleas and ticks.

Rub marshmallows in garlic powder to make fish bait.

Garlic can be used as a natural pest repellent in the garden, especially to get rid of aphids, foe to many roses, flowers and herbs. Check out this recipe.

If you crush the cloves enough you will produce a sticky substance that you can use as glue. (Weirdly and randomly, a hand covered in garlic will attract leeches faster. Coincidence? We think not.)

Chicago gets its name from garlic. The word “Chicago” is derived from the French version, “chicagaoua,”of a Native word. In the Miami-Illinois (Algonquin) language wild leek or wild garlic was called “shikaakwa” which grew abundantly in the area now known as Chicago.

Know any cool facts about garlic? Tell us in the comments below! 

—Amber Guetebier

In spite of bulging carry-ons and bags stocked with enough snacks to feed the entire passenger list, every parent knows that when traveling with children the only thing you can expect is the unexpected. While fear of a missing toothbrush or extra socks isn’t enough to keep you up at night, what if your kid lost their special little lovey? When the Steel family realized their baby girl had lost her “Ra Ra,” their vacation was re-routed from Toronto to Heartbreak City.

Thanks to the creative folks at the Toronto Pearson International Airport, Ra Ra’s temporary MIA status went viral among the employees and not only was she recovered, she embarked on an adventure all her own. Check out a few of the photos from the Toronto Pearson’s Facebook page, which documented Ra Ra on her adventure and eventual reunion with her beloved kid.

Photos Courtesy of Toronto Pearson International Airport

And, our favorite: Ra Ra safely returned to the arms of her loving companion.

Photo Courtesy of Facebook User: Jen Heuvelmans Steel 

Has your child lost their favorite toy?

—Francesca Katafias


Loosing a tooth is a major milestone for kids. There’s always the excitement of leaving it under the pillow for the tooth fairy. How much will she leave? When will my new teeth come in? Will I catch a glimpse of her? Plus there’s the adorable toothless grin that comes with it all. Here are six apps that will help you celebrate the loss of a tooth, and work towards better oral hygiene for your child’s new adult teeth.

The Tooth Fairy Was Here
For those children who couldn’t keep their eyes open long enough to meet the tooth fairy, this app will give them what they want. Proof! Snap a picture of your snoozing child, and super impose an image of a cute, illustrated tooth fairy. Choose from six different spritely fairies – all magical in their own way. Share with friends and family via social media with just a few clicks.

Available for the iPhone and iPad, free

Download here.

Tooth Fairy Calculator
Okay, this one might be more for the parents than the kids but it’s so worth it. As kids, the tooth fairy left us change. Today, children are getting actual paper money. If you’ve ever wondered what the going rate for a tooth is, this calculator will help. Just enter all the appropriate information and it will give you the value of the tooth lost. Of course its all just fun and games, but a good laugh nevertheless.

Available for the iPhone and iPad, free.
Download here.

Disney Magic Timer App, by Oral B
This newly released app is used in conjunction with Oral B or Crest Pro Health Stages toothbrush – for ages 4 months and up. Simply scan your child’s toothbrush and watch Disney characters come to life. Timed brushing sessions reveal hidden games and activities once completed. Good for multiple teeth brushers.

Available for the iPhone, iPad, and Android, free
Download here.

Tooth Fairy Voicemail
Need to report a wobbly tooth? Want to request a toothpick up? Need to get in touch with the tooth fairy to ask her a few questions? This app makes it possible for kids to communicate in the best way they know how – through a smart phone. Parents can record their own voices for all responses needed.

Available for the Android, free.
Download here.

Aquafresh Time to Brush
Sometimes getting the kids to the bathroom to brush is half the battle, but this app makes kids actually look forward to the task. A funny, animated blob of toothpaste dances, tells jokes, sings, but most importantly helps your child brush correctly and for the right amount of time.

Available for the iPhone, Free
Download here.

Colgate Tooth Fairy Game and Diary
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to protect your teeth from invading bacteria. This easy to navigate video game helps kids realize the importance of brushing and the dangers of a dirty mouth. Also included is a fun tooth diary where you can record specifics about baby and adult teeth, plus pictures of your child’s toothless grin. Apps for the Android and iPhone differ slightly in design but serve the same purpose and amount of fun.

Available for the iPhone and Android, free.

Moms, what do you think about bringing the tooth fairy into the digital age of smart phones? Tell us in the comments below.

— Christina Fielder

featured photo courtesy of Jenn Durfey via flickr