Studies show that babies with October birthdays have strong minds and bodies
If your kiddo has an October birthday, they’re in great company. It should come as no surprise that people ranging from U.S. presidents to award-winning actors also have October birthdays because when it comes to sports and politics, health, and longevity, October babies seem to take first place no matter what they do. Wondering how you’ll celebrate your little pumpkin? Be inspired by 2023’s most popular birthday themes, party favors the kids will actually use, and unique birthday desserts you need to try.
They’re Presidential
More U.S. Presidents are born in October than any other month of the year. Maybe someday your own POTUS will take their seat in the Oval Office like their fellow October babies Presidents Adams, Eisenhower, Carter, and Theodore Roosevelt.
They’re Award Winners
Politicians aren’t the only famous faces who are born in the season of pumpkin spice and everything nice. With several award-winning actors, like Matt Damon, Julia Roberts, Kate Winslet, and Julie Andrews born in October, you might want to start planning that acceptance speech for your young thespian now.
They Have Two Birthstones
The October birthstones are Opal, which is a whiteish stone that reflects rainbow colors, and Tourmaline, which is a deep pink stone.
Batter up! One study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that babies born in October and November performed better than those born in other months on tests of strength, stamina, and cardiovascular fitness.
They Live the Longest
While October babies have the highest risk of disease among all birth months, they don’t let that stop them from living very long lives. According to a 2011 study of over 1,500 centenarians (or people who live to be 100), babies born between September and November live the longest.
They’re Taller
If their athletic ability leads to a basketball career, October babies are in luck. A study from Bristol University found that babies born in the autumn months, including October, were, on average, slightly taller than their peers.
People Born in October Are Either Libras or Scorpios
People whose birthdays fall between Oct. 1 - Oct. 22 fall under the sign of Libra, and those born Oct. 23-Oct. 31 fall under the sign of Scorpio. Libras are known for their obsession with balance and symmetry. They tend to thrive in creative roles since they are drawn to art and intellectualism and can thrive in almost any social situation. Scorpios tend to be incredibly intuitive. They hold their cards close to their chest, and when striving towards a goal, they're most likely three steps ahead of others.
A 2017 study from La Trobe University School of Psychology and Public Health in Melbourne found that babies who were in utero for an entire grass pollen season were at lower risk of developing allergies and allergic diseases, like asthma, later in life. In the United States, grass pollen season typically runs from May to August, which means October babies get a full season in the womb.
They’re Making History
October is a month of many history-making firsts. The tenth month of the year has seen the first sale of the Ford Model T, the swearing-in of the first African American Supreme Court Justice, the start of the space age with the launch of Sputnik, and of course, the birth of your future history-maker.
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