Dreaming of the first time your baby sleeps through the night? Wish you could get your little one to take longer naps? Wondering if crying it out or co-sleeping is right for you? Check out our top ten list of baby sleep books to find the perfect handbook for your situation and parenting style.

Best for Navigating Cosleeping, Safely

Your instinct (or extreme exhaustion) may tell you that keeping Baby close to you, will help both you and your little one sleep better. If you want to try co-sleeping, this manageable 90-page, go-to guide by James McKenna, an authority on the subject is an important read. In Sleeping with Your Baby, A Parent's Guide to Cosleeping, you'll learn what research says about co-sleeping, many different sleeping options and safety tips.

Available at amazon.com, $13.18.

What sleep book if your go-to? Share your favorite in a comment.

–Julie Seguss

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