Dreaming of the first time your baby sleeps through the night? Wish you could get your little one to take longer naps? Wondering if crying it out or co-sleeping is right for you? Check out our top ten list of baby sleep books to find the perfect handbook for your situation and parenting style.

Best for Understanding Nap Schedules

Make no mistake, author Dr. Marc Weissbluth is a cry-it-out advocate and the solutions found inside his best-seller Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child make suggestions that follow that method. However, even if you're not willing to go that route, the advice on reading sleep cues and the age-by-age schedules for napping and bedtimes can really help you set up a sleep routine for your child.

Available at amazon.com, $7.77.

What sleep book if your go-to? Share your favorite in a comment.

–Julie Seguss

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