Dads have the magic touch. They turn roughhousing into an art form, have an unending arsenal of silly faces and can make tears dry with a single smooch. Chicago is full of cool dads and we want you to meet a few. Get to know a trend-setting store owner, longtime improv actor, restaurant and bar tastemaker, baby-business entrepreneur and other fellows that do their families — and Chicago — proud.
Scott Anderson
As Scott's Mario Bros. getup indicates, he's a pretty super dad. The Portage Park resident has two kids: daughter Campbell (7, pictured here) and son Jackson (8). Scott is an independent creative director and brand ambassador who founded (with Brooks Watson) Kids Fire Department, a heroic apparel company for kids. His days are filled generating and designing ideas for clients, and his kids help spark his energy and creativity. Every Friday night is movie night (usually a full-on, 3-D IMAX flick) and they also love to hit the beach. Scott indicates that the best part about being a dad is the enlightenment and love he gets from his kids. "I thought I had already learned all the 'big' lessons in life. I was way wrong," he says.
Do you know a Chicago Cool Dad? Let us know about him! Leave your nomination in the Comments section below, or email
— Story by Kelly Aiglon