Christmas decorating spikes dopamine, which makes you feel good

The tree. The tinsel. The teeny tiny blinking lights that adorn your windows. Christmas decor is an annual reminder of the joy and excitement that jolly ol’ St. Nick brings.

Even though Halloween is still more than one month away, you’ve already got Christmas on the brain. If you find yourself sketching a green and red lighting design or dragging the plastic Santa’s out of storage, don’t worry—some experts say early decorating can actually make you happier.

“It does create that neurological shift that can produce happiness,” Psychologist Deborah Serani tells TODAY. “I think anything that takes us out of our normal habituation, the normal day in, day out … signals our senses, and then our senses measure if it’s pleasing or not.”

Paige Cody/Unsplash

Thank you, dopamine, a feel-good hormone that’s increased as you hang the colorful lights and sip hot cocoa. But it’s not just the sights and sounds, it’s the good memories that bring an extra level of happiness.

“Decorations are simply an anchor or pathway to those old childhood magical emotions of excitement,” Psychoanalyst Steve McKeown told British website Unilad. “So putting up those Christmas decorations early extend the excitement!”

Amy Morin, a psychotherapist and author, echoed this sentiment to Unilad. “The holiday season stirs up a sense of nostalgia. Nostalgia helps link people to their personal past and it helps people understand their identity. For many putting up Christmas decorations early is a way for them to reconnect with their childhoods.”

Matthew Henry/Burst

But do we decorate for more than just our own internal motivations? Or perhaps do we slap up the Santas and reindeer to get approval from others?

The Journal of Environmental Psychology looked into how people “may use holiday decorations on their home’s exterior to communicate friendliness and cohesiveness with neighbors.” Participants in a study responded to photos of decorated versus non-decorated homes and whether or not they had the appearance of a home with friendly residents.

Overall, researchers reported that respondents ranked decorated homes as having inhabitants that are more sociable and cohesive with the community, while homes without decor were thought of as nonsociable.

Regardless of your motivations, its definitely a fact that decorating puts you in a happy mood. So why not drag out that fake Christmas tree for a few extra months of joy?

In an increasingly global world, having the ability to connect across languages and cultures is a beautiful thing!

There is a belief that being bilingual can only be achieved if a child begins to speak two languages simultaneously. I disagree. It’s a myth that you can’t be bilingual past a certain age. Although the ideal is to start learning languages in parallel, you can be bilingual by learning later as well.

I’m a Hispanic-American mother who was born and raised bilingual in Spanish and English here in the United States, while my parents are South American natives who have been in this country for over 30 years. Over the years, I’ve learned that you can learn a language and be bilingual if you study it in the right way.

Any child can be bilingual. And bilingual people not only have the advantage of knowing how to speak in another language, with the benefits that will accrue to the professional level but psychologically as well. Bilingual children are more creative, develop their brains differently, and have higher self-esteem.

How to Learn to Be Bilingual in Spanish and English

A safe bet is a total immersion in the language. Courses spoken in Spanish make it easier for children to get used to listening to another language, phonetics, and expressions and associating it with people who always speak to them in that language.

Children don’t have to resist speaking in English. It Is normal if they wish to communicate in the language with which they feel more comfortable. Don’t pressure them. If children feel pressured, they’ll end up blocking the language, making it harder for them to enjoy learning. A common mistake parents make is to press without realizing it. The typical “Tell me something in Spanish” when they pick you up after school can potentially have a negative effect.

It bears repeating: if a child feels pressured, they’ll end up blocking the language, and it will be more difficult for them to enjoy learning and therefore to learn.

On the other hand, the brain needs time to be able to jump into speaking another language. It’s like math. A child can’t learn to add without knowing anything about numbers first. Trying to get him or her to speak a new language on the first day of class is like forcing a kid to do math with three-figure sums while they are still learning the basics of single digits numbers.

Parents need to understand that learning a language takes a while. The first six months to a year of a child’s life are “the period of silence,” a necessary time during which the child can’t speak any language, but his brain is working. One day, all of a sudden, they’ll start building sentences correctly! I was so excited when this first happened, but I digress!

Simple Things Parents Can Do to Introduce Spanish to Their Kids

  • Watch TV and movies in Spanish: Many stations such as ABC, Netflix, and Disney have Spanish language options. Just change the language in the audio settings or switch to the dedicated Spanish language station. Movie night in Spanish can be fun for the whole family.
  • Find bilingual books: We can instill a love of reading in another language using bilingual books adapted to their age. Some libraries also have audiobooks that can be listened to at home, in the car, or before bedtime.
  • Find simple and fun activities to help reinforce learning: For example, if the school focuses on learning nouns for colors in Spanish, ask your child to call out the colors of buildings and signs on the way home.
  • Download apps in another language that children can use: Always make sure they are age appropriate of course.
  • Teach at Certain Times: Alternate between speaking English and Spanish on different days. These help keep the languages fresh and strengthen their ability to switch between languages once they grow older.
  • Teach by Specific Themes: Use a certain language to talk about something in particular. For example, if there’s a favorite Spanish language series that has now been adopted, always discuss it in Spanish.

Children’s minds can absorb a great deal of information while they are young, and it’s the best time to teach them a new language. My husband speaks five languages, and I’m always jealous of his ability to connect to so many people and cultures in so many parts of the world. During increasingly polarized and divisive times, sharing culture and language can help bring us all closer together.

Im a new Hispanic mother in the United States here to offer tips for new parents about the best products for their little ones.

Forget YouTube. For kids who need all the answers (and need them now), try a podcast! Whatever piques their curiosity, you’ll be able to find a program that will not only educate but will also entertain your precocious humans. From NPR’s popular podcast to story-telling programs, here are our top picks for podcasts that are perfect for curious kids.

Wow in the World

Wow in the World is a popular podcast for kids

NPR’s popular show, hosted by Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz, will have you following along on adventures throughout the world and tackling topics like animals, science and technology. Throw in hilarious voices and silly humor, and you’ll be begging for the next episode as much as your littles. 

Ages 5+ 

Cost: Free

Get more info here and listen on multiple streaming platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

But Why, A Podcast for Curious Kids

It might just be the most dreaded question a kid can ask a parent, and this bi-weekly show could be your saving grace. The hosts take questions that have complex answers (think “Why is the sky blue?”) and break them down in a kid-friendly way. There are also kid-submitted questions, and experts explain with interesting, uncomplicated answers. 

Ages: All ages

Cost: Free

Get more info here and listen on multiple streaming platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Brains On

Brains On is a good podcast for kids who are curious.

This is a similar show to But Why, but this one tends to skew a bit older and has a different kid co-host every week. The experts still answer the kid-submitted science questions, but there’s a nice combo of silliness and insight, too.

Ages: 8 & up.

Cost: Free

Get more info here and listen on multiple streaming platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Greeking Out

Greeking Out is a podcast for kids

Is your kiddo interesting in Greek mythology? National Geographic's podcast for kids "Greeking Out" tells some of the greatest tales of heroes, Gods, and humans in this engaging series of stories adapted for little ears. Think Prometheus, Heracles, the Muses, and many more. 

Ages: 6 & up

Cost: Free

Find out more here, and subscribe here

Newsy Pooloozi

Newsy Paloozi is a fun podcast for kids

This podcast covers everything from tech and culture to arts, current events and science. And the correspondents are kids from all over the world, so listeners get information that's created just for them, presented by kids just like them. 

Ages: 7 & up

Cost: Free 

Learn more here and subscribe on your favorite platform including Apple, Spotify, Pandora and more. 

The Past & the Curious

It’ll remind you of Drunk History (minus the alcohol), as this podcast tells little-known stories from history with an emphasis on fun and humor. We love the fact that there’s also a quiz, so your curious kids will learn something new, too. 

Ages: 7 & up

Cost: Free

Get more info here and listen on multiple streaming platforms, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Purple Rocket Audio Adventures

This show tells a new story every episode, and there are nuggets of knowledge sprinkled throughout each one. Discover exactly how tricky it is to hatch a dinosaur egg, find out how far you can get into the universe on a Space Train and what happens when your grandpa's magic globe can transport you to other countries all over the world.

Ages: 5 & up

Cost: Free

Find out more here and subscribe via Apple Podcasts.


Apple Just Made It Easier to Find the Best Kids Podcasts
Rebel Girls Celebrate Black History with New Podcasts & an Epic New Book Announcement
The 5 Best Podcasts for Kids on Long Road Trips

Have you ever looked at your adorable baby and been so overwhelmed by the cuteness that you just want to give those chipmunk cheeks a good squeeze? Apparently there’s a name for that: cute aggression—and it’s how science answers the question, “Why do we want to pinch babies?”

The phenomenon of humans’ need to pinch cute things was first established in a 2015 Yale study, which defined “cute aggression” as the urge to squeeze, crush or bite cute things without any desire to cause harm. A study published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience then looked at how cute aggression affects brain activity and behavior.

The purpose of the study, which involved 54 adults ages 18 and 40 years old, was to build an understanding of the neural reaction behind cute aggression in the first place. Researchers measured subjects’ neural responses to different stimuli, including a varying range of cute human and animal babies. The study concluded that there is a significant connection between cute aggression and neural mechanisms of both emotional salience and reward processing.

“Essentially, for people who tend to experience the feeling of ‘not being able to take how cute something is,’ cute aggression happens,” Stavropoulos said. “Our study seems to underscore the idea that cute aggression is the brain’s way of ‘bringing us back down’ by mediating our feelings of being overwhelmed.”

The research links this response to evolutionary adaptation. It’s like a natural mechanism to mediate the experience of being overwhelmed by positive feelings. This ensures that caretakers don’t get so overwhelmed by the cuteness that they become unable to care for their infants.

“For example, if you find yourself incapacitated by how cute a baby is—so much so that you simply can’t take care of it—that baby is going to starve,” Stavropoulos said. “Cute aggression may serve as a tempering mechanism that allows us to function and actually take care of something we might first perceive as overwhelmingly cute.”

How Much Sleep Do Kids Really Need? Study Offers New Guidelines
Parents Who Speak This “Secret” Language Raise More Verbal Babies, Study Finds
Babies Who Do This Grow Up to Be More Cooperative & Compassionate, Study Finds

Dear Mom Who Is Totally Screwing Up,

Today my six-year-old daughter screamed the whole way home because I would not buy her a pottery wheel. Today I lost my patience. I will lose my patience again tomorrow.

I sometimes clean up her messes, because I can’t deal with the potential meltdown or maintain the calm presence required to walk her through how to clean it on her own.

I let her watch kids’ shows with obnoxious characters who whine a lot and lack depth.

I tune her out after hours of nonstop talking. Lord knows what I have given her permission to do when answering with a vague, “Yeah, sure.”

Yesterday she informed me that she hates quesadillas, one of the five or so foods she has always willingly consumed. Eat chicken nuggets then. Whatever.

I catch myself whining at her in the same voice that enrages me when it comes from her mouth. I am failing by example.

I’ve read the articles; I know the current “rules” of being a great mother. I think most of those carefully curated “shoulds” were written by liars and people who have never been around children. At best, they are hopeful ideals.

I gave in to the tantrum because my brain was so loud, and it was the only way to filter out some of the noise.

I am not teaching her enough about empathy and equity and racism and compassion and feminism and and and…

I said it was time to go! Get your shoes on right now!

Kids need rules and structure and patience. Those things do not play well together. Probably because their mothers failed them.

I played on my phone. I played on my phone because I needed to escape, and if you just leave your kid at the park, people call CPS.

In a minute, I’m busy right now.

I’m busy not volunteering at school. Not reading enough books to her. Not not not.

Inside my head, there is a version of me sitting with my head between my knees and my hands over my ears. Inside my head, there’s a version of my kids tapping me on the shoulder, repeating, “Mommy, watch this. Mom. Mommy. Mom.” Because of course.

But I do know this. At the end of the day, she asks to cuddle. She shares her dinnertime candy with me because she “likes to do nice things for people.” She talks about the fun things I actually mustered up the energy to do, not as a way of saying how much better I could be, but as a way of saying how much “enough” I am. She sometimes mimics my worst but also mimics my best.

So maybe there is hope. Maybe it’s not so bad. Maybe there is always tomorrow.

Dear Mom Who Is Totally Screwing Up, I wish this could be one of those uplifting messages about how you’re really not. But maybe you are. How the hell would I know? All I have to offer you is solidarity and a glass of wine.

Maybe maybe will have to be enough.

Originally published Sept. 2016.

An Open Letter to the “Lazy” Mother in the Grocery Store
Why You Should Fight the Urge to Make a Happy Kid Happier
I Am a Pandemic Mother

Rhiannon Giles is an overwhelmed mother who only occasionally considers giving her children to the circus. She has a sarcasm problem and writes regularly at To keep up with new posts and see some of her favorites, join her on Facebook and Twitter.

It’s 7 a.m. on a school day, and I am dreading waking up my child. But of course, it must be done—so I tiptoe into his room and sit down on the side of his bed, allowing myself a moment before the day begins. He still looks like a little boy in these quiet moments—all rosy cheeks and tousled hair, his small body curled beneath a Lightning McQueen blanket, a raggedy stuffed dog flopped by his pillow.

I run my fingers softly through his hair and say, in my most gentle voice, “Good moooooorning, Alex*. Time to wake up.” And then, like always, my beloved nine-year-old son rolls his body away from me, his blue eyes shut tightly, and says, “SHUT UP.”

This is how our day begins.

This is me parenting my child with Oppositional Defiant Disorder, also known as ODD.

For those of you who don’t know, ODD is a diagnosis given to kids who exhibit “chronic aggression.” To outsiders, they’re the “mean kids.” The “tough kids.” The “spirited” kids. Clinically speaking, they’re the kids who often defy requests or rules, who deliberately annoy people, who blame others for their own bad behavior and who “may seem to feel most comfortable in the midst of a conflict,” according to this article.

For me, having a kid with ODD means that every walk to school is fraught with insults (toward me or his two younger siblings). It means every car ride ends with at least one child crying. It means every day I try my hardest to have patience but, inevitably, don’t. Because how can you not lose your cool when your nine-year-old just told his little brother that he “wished he wasn’t born”—all because he wouldn’t let him play with his yo-yo.

It means all the parenting techniques my well-wishing friends give me won’t help a child who doesn’t think like other children. It means I fail on a daily basis to make my child happy. It means (and this is the part that is the hardest to say out loud) that while I love my child with everything I’ve got—there are times when he’s hard to like.

“Living with a child who has these emotional issues can make life at home astonishingly challenging,” writes psychologist Seth Meyers in Psychology Today. “Daily life can feel relentlessly frustrating, chaotic and draining. At home, this child at, say, age 6, 10, 12, refuses almost all parental demands. They refuse to take a bath; they refuse to do homework; and they refuse to do chores.”

“Witnesses might understandably wonder, ‘How could you let your child talk like that?'” Meyers adds.The reality, however, for parents with this type of child is that they are trying to manage something that feels impossible.”

Much of the time, Alex operates like he’s a spring-loaded trap ready to snap. One tiny mishap may ignite a fire of emotions. One thing that doesn’t go his way can set off a spiral of bad behavior that is only undone by turning on the TV and letting him get lost in it. Yesterday, for instance, he slipped into a puddle after school and then spent the next 20 minutes calling us “idiots” and noncommittally bopping his brother and sister on the head like one those mean cats who swats at you every time you walk by and accidentally ruffle its fur.

The good news? It’s not all his fault. Brain scans of kids diagnosed with ODD suggest that they have subtle differences in the part of the brain responsible for reasoning, judgment and impulse control. And, according to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, these kids may have trouble identifying and interpreting social cues and, consequently, “tend to see hostile intent in neutral situations.”

“These kids aren’t trying to be ‘brats’ or kids who ‘rule their parents’ lives,'” said author Whitney Cummings in this Psych Central article. “They’re just trying to cope with what their brain has given them as a priority. They feel the need to control their environments in order to feel safe.”

For Alex, it started early. Reeeeeallly early.

I remember going in for a 3D ultrasound when I was just 12 weeks pregnant. The kid hadn’t even been born yet and—I kid you not—he spent the whole ultrasound session tirelessly hitting his tiny hands against my uterine wall as if he were trying to punch his way out. At the time, I found this strangely adorable: Awww, look! How cute! He’s a fighter! But now I think that maybe he was restless from the beginning.

When he was born, he was colicky. He fought sleep and baths. He screamed during car and stroller rides. He didn’t like being held. He nursed fitfully. Around five months old, the colic went away, and we had year or so of relative normalcy: He smiled. He stood. He said “Mama” and “Dada.”

We cheered on his firsts. We delighted in his giggles. We loved his spirit. And then, just before he started walking, he started having these weird spasms where his whole body would shake in bursts. I rushed him to a neurologist, fearing the worst. After a thorough exam, the very kind doctor told me that it was just Alex’s temper. He “just doesn’t like being a baby.” The doctor wished me luck. Because, of course, the spasms went away, but the temper didn’t.

We took him to multiple therapists. We had weekly sessions where he drew pictures of his feelings and we talked about what was happening at home. And while he clearly loved being with us for that one-on-one time, it didn’t change the fact that he argued through every moment of every day. Conflict was simply his resting state.

We considered that he might be on the spectrum. We wondered if he was anxious or depressed. I even Googled “sociopathic symptoms in children,” because, I insisted, surely there was something wrong. Kids aren’t supposed to be this hard. Eight-year-olds aren’t supposed to wish their mommies were dead—their hands pulling pretend triggers in the air—all because they aren’t allowed a Laffy Taffy before dinner.

When finally a diagnosis came, I wasn’t sure what to feel. I had wanted an easy answer, a quick fix. Instead, I got a label that doesn’t really do much except say, “Yep, your kid is mean… and I know you’re exhausted… but now you’re going to have to work really hard to make this better.”

Because if ODD isn’t addressed when kids are young, it can evolve into “conduct disorder,” which is where the big troubles really start (these kids do things like set fires and commit crimes). Thankfully, intensive therapy and parent coaching can help turn kids around before they get there.

It’s going to be a long road. But we’ll be there for him every step of the way because we love him. And when it comes down to it, all we want is for him to be happy.

One of our therapists told us once that our children choose us for a reason. I think about that a lot. I think maybe Alex chose us so he could teach us patience. Understanding. Unconditional love. I know that somewhere inside all that defiance is a little boy who needs us. Who loves us. Who wants to be good. We just have to help him get out.

*Not his real name

Originally published Dec 2021.

To the Mom Parenting a Child with Aggression Issues
The Truth About Parenting a Child with Severe Anxiety
My Child with ADHD Needs Kinder—Not Tougher—Parenting

Mia is a freelance writer and mother of three. She writes about her journey parenting children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder and other related conditions because she wants other parents to know they are NOT ALONE.

Looking at life from a different perspective can be a challenging lesson to teach young children. But this is how you can help your child shift their mindset from being focused on the center of self, to an observer of the world around them. This can be done through play and invites the possibility to engage others, objects, and landscapes in a creative way. Playing with perspective supports the notion that we are not limited to seeing things from one viewpoint. We can go beyond our limitations of what we see by using the inventiveness of our imagination.

Looking through a different lens can also help to shift a negative state of mind as it interrupts the way we see our surroundings in the immediate moment. Think of different perspectives as a cognitive brain exercise, in order to see things from a different aspect, we have to look outside the box and help shift attention from self to others. It is a social and emotional skill that requires empathy and understanding.

This activity can also be used as a tangible emotional self-regulation tool, pick up the butterfly and go for a walk when emotions are heightened, to take a look at life from a different angle.

Materials You Need to Craft Your Own Butterfly Perspective Lens: 

  • Recycled box

  • Black Marker

  • Box cutter

Directions to Make the Butterfly Perspective Lens: 

1. Cut out one side of the box

2. Draw the shape of a large butterfly

3. Cut out the wings of the butterfly

4. Take your butterfly on a walk, discover the world through a different perspective

5. What do you see?

Check out the easy-to-follow video here!

Do you have a story you’d like to share with our readers? We’d love to hear it! Sign up to contribute your story on our Voices Network.

Hi! I am an author, founder and educator. I have a Bachelor of Media Communications, Bachelor of Elementary Education Degrees as well as an Early Childhood Montessori Certification and in the process of completing a Master of Education. I live between New York and Byron Bay. I'm the mama of Grace, Theodore and Little Dude! 

Discover new ways to enjoy the outdoors! The National Park Service’s Junior Ranger motto is “Explore. Learn. Protect.” And that is exactly what your 4 to 13-year-olds get to do! Explore national parks in the Bay Area; Learn about the park’s natural wildlife, landscape and history; and Protect those parks so we can trek through them for years to come! After completing a series of activities (like counting rings on a fallen tree, word games and deciphering secret codes), kiddos can earn an official Junior Ranger patch and a Junior Ranger certificate. Keep reading to find out exactly which parks offer this cool program. And we’ve included a few virtual options as well!

How it Works

It’s simple! Go to one of the parks listed below. Pick up the Junior Park Ranger book at the visitor center (or sometimes you can download and print from home). Have fun doing all the activities and then turn in your completed book to a park ranger and get your badge and/or certificate. And the best part is that it’s FREE  and available year-round.

Where to Go!

Muir Woods National Monument

Spend time in the forest! Follow the directions in your book and then chat with a ranger about your time in the park. Discuss what you learned and what you’re still curious about. And then Wala! Your kiddo gets a badge and a certificate and you are now the proud parent of a Junior Park Ranger! Get the book here!
Best for Ages: 4-11+
Website: Muir Woods National Monument

Marin Headlands

Travel just north of the Golden Gate Bridge and explore the wonders of nature in the Marin Headlands. Learn about ocean ecology, the history of the inhabitants of years past and how to study animal scat! Get the book here!
Best for Ages: 6-12
Website: Marin Headlands Visitor’s Center

photo by Alcatraz Cruises

Alcatraz Island

Explore one of the most iconic prisons in the United States. Dive into the mystery and unique history of this national park. Are you ready to become an Alcatraz Jr. Ranger? Get the book here! Follow the map and complete the exercises along the way! Books are also available on Alcatraz Island at the Dock Information Station. And if you can’t make it to Alcatraz, don’t worry. You can visit virtually using the Jr. Ranger Photo Gallery and an Alcatraz Ranger will send your little one a badge!
Best for Ages: 4-12
Website: Alcatraz Island

Fort Point National Historic Site

Explore the fort. Learn about its incredible history. And protect the fort’s beauty and environment so that generations can enjoy it for years to come! Try a scavenger hunt, interview a ranger and learn about the day in a life of a soldier (Fort Point defended the Bay after the Gold Rush and through World War II). Get the book here!
Best for Ages: 4-11+
Website: Fort Point National Historic Site

Photo: annie-spratt via unsplash

China Camp

This Junior Ranger program searches for birds that live and visit China Camp’s shorelines and oak woodlands. You might find hummingbirds, raptors, shorebirds and waterfowl. Kiddos will also get an up-close peek at nests and feathers. Don’t forget your camera! The program will be guided by naturalists/educators Suzanne Mirviss and Paula O’Connell. And good news! All kids must be accompanied by an adult—so you can join in on the fun as well! Register Here
Best for Ages: 7-9
Date: April 9, 2022
Time: 10 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Location: China Camp Ranger Station
Website: China Camp
*Pro-tip: Weather can be temperamental—layers work best! Snacks are welcome and water is encouraged.

San Francisco Maritime Park

Pick up your Junior Ranger activity book at one of three locations. Learn about a fleet of historic vessels and visit the maritime museum. At the same time, complete the activities and then find a park ranger who can review your kiddos hard work and award them with a well-earned Junior Ranger badge. Books are also available for download here for 5-8 yeard olds and 9-12 year olds.
Best for Ages: 5-12
Hyde Street Pier, Foot of Hyde Street/2905 Hyde Street
Municipal Pier (Aquatic Park Pier)
Aquatic Park Bathhouse Building (Maritime Museum), Foot of Polk Street/900 Beach Street
Website: San Francisco Maritime Park

Photo: toki-doki via creative commons

Point Reyes Junior Ranger

Come to Point Reyes and pick up your Junior Ranger book at one of the park’s visitor centers. Explore the history of the Coast Miwok (people who call this area home) and learn about marine life (especially elephant seals and gray whales). When you finish your Junior Ranger book, return it to one of the visitor centers to get sworn in as an official Junior Park Ranger and receive your Junior Ranger patch. Too much time exploring to finish the book while you are in the park? Complete it later and mail it here: Bear Valley Visitor Center, Point Reyes National Seashore, 1 Bear Valley Road, Point Reyes Station, CA, 94956.
A ranger will check your work and mail the book back to you with a patch! Can’t make the trip to Point Reyes? Become a Virtual Junior Ranger!
Best for Ages: 5-12+
Website: Point Reyes National Seashore


Virtual Opportunities

Dual Language

Initiated in the summer of 2020, close to 10,000 people participated in Virtual Junior Ranger Programs. Because they were so successful, the staff decided to continue the programs. And now—a dual language Junior Ranger program is available online. Check it out for yourself! And click here to access six different modules to complete at your own pace.

Beach Buddies Junior Ranger Book

The Beach Buddies Jr. Ranger book features Petey Plover, a cute little bird with a brown Ranger hat. Petey guides you through fun activities that teach you how to keep your beaches clean and safe in fun and easy ways.  Get the book here!
Best for Ages: 6-10+

Virtual Junior Ranger Railroad Explorer

Ready to become a railroad explorer? Learn more about the transcontinental railroad, which helped link the United States from coast to coast! Complete this book, check your work and complete the pledge in the back of the book.

Junior Ranger Sounds Explorer

Meet Lucy, the listening owl. Follow her as you explore the sounds of the park, learn the science behind those sounds and appreciate why we need to protect those sounds. Complete this book, check your answers with this key, have a parent sign the certificate to become a Junior Ranger Sounds Explorer. To find out more about natural sounds and why sounds matter, check this out!
Best for Ages 5-10+

Junior Ranger in Space

Co-designed with NASA, click here to access the Spaceflight Explorer Jr. Ranger book. Complete with math and matching puzzles, thinking questions, spot the difference photos, scrambled words and anagrams, children will learn about the Moon, space vehicles and national parks. Take the pledge, make your own badge, and show off your certificate proudly!
Best for Ages: 5-8

Junior Ranger Angler

Let’s go fishing! Get your booklet here! Learn about fishing, aquatic life and safety while you meet fish, learn about different types of fishing and get to know the gear. Parents, check their work and then scroll to the bottom of this page to print a badge.
Best for Ages: 5-12+

Junior Ranger Scientist

Explore magnificent caves, learn what cave scientists actually do and start protecting our natural environments and the things that make caves special! Complete this booklet and send it to this address: Jr. Cave Scientist, GRD-Academy Place, PO BOX 25287, Denver, CO 80225. Via mail, you will receive your booklet, a badge and a personal letter to your little explorer.
Best for Ages: 5-12+

Junior Ranger Night Explorer

Here’s the booklet! Try the “exploring with your Senses” and the “Take a Planet Walk” sections. Complete as much of the book as you can. Sign the book and take a look at your well-deserved virtual high-five.
Best for Age: 5-12+

— Nicole Findlay and Garrick Ramirez


Island Time: Insider’s Guide to Alcatraz and Angel Island
National Parks That Bay Area Kids Love (& Awesome Cabins Nearby)
Hidden Giants: Redwood Hikes to Take with Your Kids

I am a pandemic mother.

I stand in the kitchen.

I have just cooked an egg for one child.

The other is off at school already.

The egg child refuses to eat. His yolk is goopy and unacceptable to him.

I can’t. I break.

Because I am already broken.

I am shattered by this pandemic. By the worry, and the constant change, and the school’s “off and on” button that yanks my life around at a moment’s notice like a little microcosm of the greater uncertainty of life and death staring me in the face daily right now.

I am tired from two births and also climate change.

I am exhausted from too much family and not enough friends.

I am depleted from too much Zoom and too little nature.

I am worried about my older son’s propensity to all things digital.

By his lack of understanding that the last few years are not normal.

They are his normal. I am in grief that they have become mine.

But I also have lived long enough that I have memories.

Wisps from my own childhood of hours and days spent with friends that were screenless.

Wandering through drizzling rain and escapades up back stairwells.

I wonder if these are better or if they are simply older.

I struggle to see the beauty in the green building blocks and the mods of Minecraft, and I feel myself being left behind like some salmon that can’t swim upstream anymore because the drought has changed the landscape.

Old spawning patterns interrupted by new realities.

Will they be ok, my children? Will we all?

These are the thoughts swimming in my brain, searing into my heart as I stand there, soaking in my younger son’s refusal to eat the yolky egg.

I want to yell “Do you know how many things I want to refuse??”

But I can’t.

I am voiceless. My refusal meaningless as the days unfold around me. I am one of many pandemic mothers, invisible in this crisis and yet so deeply affected on so many levels. I simply break down into hot gulping tears that make me feel like a madwoman.

My husband thinks I am crying about the egg.

I wish.

This post originally appeared on on my IG feed.
Photo: Pixabay
Abigail Wald is a lifeline for spirited kids and their sometimes dispirited parents. Her podcasts have had more than a million downloads, and her mentorship project has shepherded hundreds of families to the other side of struggles that previously seemed insurmountable. Visit to learn more.

The most consistent finding in peak performance literature is the direct, positive relationship between confidence and success. Research doesn’t say success causes confidence, but it clearly tells us that outstanding performers are confident.

Confidence is all about believing in ourselves. It’s having realistic faith that we can make anything happen, fulfill our dream, and reach our goal. Society teaches us we need to have successful results to become confident and it’s natural to pass that belief on to our kids and youth sport team members. But what if I said confidence can be created through an intentional process and doesn’t have to be solely based on winning the game, match, or tournament?

Brain science tells us that confidence is a choice. Helping kids choose to create their confidence doesn’t guarantee they’ll always play great, but it does give them the best opportunity to perform closer to their potential (and have more fun).

Here are seven tips for creating confidence in kids:

1. Reinforce & Reward Effort
Sometimes it’s easier to reinforce effort during practice than during competition when we naturally tend to focus more on outcomes, like making a goal in soccer. By creating a plan to emphasize effort during competition and reward effort after competition, you will increase levels of motivation and fun.

  • Pre-determine regular intervals—like the end of a quarter or half-time—to check in with kids and ask them to rate their effort.
  • Develop a system to reward effort, like a hustle award, and not just outcomes, such as stickers for making touchdowns.
  • On the car ride home, ask younger kids if they tried their hardest and ask older kids to rate their effort on a scale of 1-10.

2. Focus on Self-improvement
One of the top three reasons kids play sports is to improve. To help kids improve, we need to create a mastery-oriented environment where they feel successful when they learn something new or experience skills improvement. A mastery-oriented environment is about “me vs. myself” rather than “me compared to others.”

When kids improve skills, they also build their confidence. We can help kids accomplish both by creating optimal levels of challenge—or opportunities requiring them to stretch one level beyond their current skill or aptitude. We can model what we do after the video game industry, which gradually increases levels of challenge to keep kids engaged and builds skills and confidence in the process.

  • Track and celebrate progression by charting and sharing important statistics in your sport.
  • Ask kids to set up a practice activity, or game, to create their own level-up challenge.
  • Record videos of kids swinging, throwing, shooting, etc. to show them visible skill-improvement over time.

3. Celebrate the Good & the Great
Emotions are like a highlighter on the brain. We best recall experiences attached to strong emotions, whether positive or negative. The more we help kids store positive memories by celebrating the good and great, the more they’ll be able to recall those positive memories the next time they need them. Keep in mind that celebrating may be visible “on the outside” in the form of a high-five or fist-bump, but it also happens “on the inside” through positive self-talk and imagery.

  • Ask kids how they plan to celebrate the good and great. Have them show you how they plan to visibly celebrate and, for older kids, help them determine what they plan to imagine or say to themselves to help store positive memories.
  • ​​​​​​​At the start of each practice, have team members show you how they’ll celebrate the good and great.

During practice, or throughout the day, catch kids doing something right.​​​​​​​

4. Model & Develop a Growth Mindset
Dr. Carol Dweck coined the phrase and wrote a book about the growth mindset, which is seen in kids who believe new skills can be developed through practice, embrace challenges as opportunities to learn, and think effort is essential. On the contrary, kids with a fixed mindset think skills are something you’re born with, avoid challenges out of fear of failure, and believe effort is something you do when you’re not good enough. Her research shows young people with a growth mindset continually outperform young people who have a fixed mindset.

  • Be intentional about modeling the use of the phrases “YET” and “not YET.” Teach kids to use these phrases as they’re developing skills. For example: “I’m on the right track, but I’m not there YET.” “I may not be good at biking YET. But I will keep improving with practice.”

5. Practice Confident Body Posture
Research tells us our physiology can affect our psychology. That is, how we sit and stand, as well as our facial expressions, can trigger chemicals in our body which affect how we think and feel. For example: sitting up straight in a chair gives us more confidence in our thoughts; two minutes of power poses a day can boost feelings of confidence; and choosing to smile can help us feel happier.

  • Have your child create their own “power pose”—a physical position they stand in when they feel confident. Challenge them to use their power pose throughout practice or their school day.
  • ​​​​​​​Lead an activity where kids experiment with different facial expressions. Ask them to notice how they feel. Encourage them to incorporate a facial expression into their power pose.
  • Develop and practice a confident walk. Ask them to think about a performer in their sport or activity who is confident—and then not confident—and walk around the room like they are that person.

6. Give Specific, Skill-based Feedback
Coaches tend to give a different type and frequency of feedback to players they perceive to have different levels of ability. When we have expectations that a young person is good or has the potential to be a high performer, we tend to give improvement focused feedback more often. On the flip side, when we believe a young person is not very good or doesn’t have potential, we give less feedback and it’s usually “good job” feedback that doesn’t help them improve. How we give feedback can contribute to a self-fulfilling prophecy where good performers get better, and poor performers don’t.

  • Be intentional about giving specific, skill-based feedback in similar doses to each of your kids. Increase your awareness of how you give feedback by asking your spouse/significant other/coaching colleagues what they notice. Also, if you’re a coach, videotape yourself coaching in practice
  • ​​​​​​​At the end of a class or practice, take five minutes to get feedback from students. Ask what they learned today and what feedback you gave them that will help them improve. Listen to what they say and provide specific, skill-based feedback, if needed.
  • Based on the day’s objectives, create a coaching/teaching cue card to carry in your pocket. Look at the card as a reminder to provide specific, skill-based feedback to each kid, or team member, regardless of their current skill level.

7. Re-frame Mistakes, or Losing, as Learning
There are countless stories about great performers who have failed, messed up, or lost hundreds or thousands of times. They’ve been coached, or learned on their own, that failures and setbacks are essential for growth and development. The more we can support kids as they make mistakes and help them reframe losing as learning versus losing as failing, the more they’ll persist and improve. Helping kids separate who they are from how they perform can increase their motivation and retention.

  • Share examples of well-known athletes, artists, or musicians who “failed” before they become highly successful. For example, Hall of Famer, Michael Jordan, was cut from his high school basketball team; Thomas Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb; and Oprah Winfrey was once demoted from co-anchor to a writing and reporting position.
  • ​​​​​​​Challenge kids to think about other sports or areas of life they’re currently good or great at. Ask them to share how good they were when they first started and what they’ve done to improve. Make the connection between effort, practice, and skill development.
  • After every performance, tell your kids how much you enjoyed watching them play, regardless of the outcome.

Getting confidence from winning games, or hearing positive statements from others, is great when it happens. However, it’s almost always outside of our circle of control. By intentionally and consistently applying these seven tips for creating confidence, you can help your kids create confidence today rather than wait to get confidence that may never arrive.

Beth Brown, Ph.D., is a life-long educator on a mission to inspire families and kids to have fun, become more active and learn life lessons through sports in her children’s book series Adventures with Divot & Swish.