I always check my phone first thing in the morning. I live multiple time zones away from my hometown, so there are usually a handful of texts and emails from friends and family waiting for me, as well as notifications from my social media accounts. Scrolling through the messages, posts, and memes usually brings a smile to my face, but yesterday morning was different.

My mind went numb, and I couldn’t comprehend a post I was reading. A teenager, my daughter’s age, from her former school, lost their life. I was heartbroken. My heart was heavy for their parents, their friends, and the community. As my head began to clear, I started connecting the dots. I realized the teenager was likely a close friend of my daughter. My heart sank, and I immediately ran to her bedroom. Tears filled her eyes as she confirmed my fears. Her dear friend, who had been at our house multiple times right before we moved and with whom she still regularly communicated, was gone.

I don’t know how long we sat on her bed holding each other, crying. All I know is that sorrow surrounded us like a thick blanket as we sat there in silence. There were no words that could bring comfort at that moment.

Yesterday was the first time in my parenting journey where I was at a complete loss. Nothing had prepared me to walk my daughter through something so devastating. I had never read a book or parenting guide on picking up the pieces of my daughter’s shattered heart, nor had I watched a how-to video on explaining suicide and death to a young teenager. I think when we’re young, we know in the back of our heads that older generations will inevitably pass on and, though difficult, come to accept it as part of life. But not this. This was a wonderful young teenager. Again, I was at a complete loss.

Not knowing what to do, I let the moment and my mama instincts take over. After we let go of our embrace, I decided to let go of our day’s expectations and schedule. I contacted her school counselor, teachers, and mentors. I made her favorite comfort foods. I sat with her when she wanted me to and gave her space when she needed me to. We spent the day grieving, and I wasn’t sure how to move us forward.

I may not have known how to inch forward, but I know I am not the only one that feels this way. The devastating news rocked our home community. Friends and loved ones have been shaken to their core, and each one of us is dealing with this differently. I wanted to make sure I was doing the best thing for my grieving daughter, so I spent the majority of the day researching how to help a teenager grieve properly. I want to share two helpful resources. For the sake of our children’s mental health, I highly recommend reading both.

The first one is by Madelynn Vickers called Teen Grief 101: Helping Teens Deal with Loss. My favorite quote from the article reminds me of how important comforting your teen is. It says,

“You should find out what comforts the teen. If it’s watching the deceased person’s favorite movie over and over again, that movie better be on repeat. There are so many ways to help teenagers cope with a loss; you just have to figure out which one works best.”

The second resource was sent to me by my daughters’ counselor. It’s called Talking to Children about a Suicide LossThe article talks about the importance of speaking truthfully to your child. It says, “It might be harder to truthfully talk about the death of a loved one following suicide without leaving some information out. But not being honest can mean they may fill in the gaps with their imagination or half-truths they hear from others, which can lead to bigger issues, like anxiety. Clear and honest communication reassures children that someone will take care of them physically and emotionally. It also creates a renewed sense of safety, security and trust.”

I expect my daughter to carry the heaviness of her friend’s death with her for a while, as is the norm when facing loss. In fact, I imagine all of us in this community will be under a blanket of sorrow for a while. I hope these resources help you as they helped me.

Please know I am not an expert; I am an imperfect mom at best. But I am also an advocate for children’s mental health. While we may not know what to do in heartbreaking situations like this, these situations are the opportune time to educate ourselves and connect with our children. In fact, it’s the perfect opportunity to check in on their mental health. Parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, teachers, youth leaders, tutors, and coaches…please check in with the children in your life! They carry more than we realize. They deal with loneliness, academic demands, social pressure, media influence, relationship stress, and much more.

Collectively and individually, these stressors can cause anxiety as well as depression, which can become too heavy of a burden to bear. Our children need us to reassuringly take their hands and allow them to catch their breath. They need us to walk with them through this life and let them know they are not alone. They need to be assured that while life is messy, we can all get through it together.

This post originally appeared on www.jamieedelbrock.com/blog.

Jamie is married to her high school sweetheart and has three beautiful daughters. Through years of experience working with children, and raising her own, she knows how difficult parenting can be. She is an advocate for children's mental health and is best known for her creativity, optimism, and kind heart.

Photo: Chicco via Website

As parents, it’s our number one priority to keep our children safe and kids spend a lot of time in the car from daycare drop-off to weekly errands. In fact, new Chicco research* commissioned ahead of Baby Safety Month this September found that 42% of children spend four or more hours in their car seats in a typical week. It’s important that parents take the time to find a car seat that provides optimal comfort and safety for little ones. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Here are 8 tips parents need to know when it comes to buying, installing and using a car seat properly:

1. Don’t purchase a car seat solely based on weight limits, it’s a balance of height, weight, and correct stage: When buying a car seat, it’s important to look at both the weight and height limits of the car seat. Usually, children outgrow height limits before weight, so it’s important to find a car seat that can grow taller with your child. Parents should primarily focus on ease of install, child fit, and comfort—all of these elements play a critical role in traveling safely every time.

2. Comfort plays a role in safety: Comfort is more important than some may think when it comes to car seat safety. A comfortable car seat means children are less likely to wiggle around and stay seated in the correct position in their car seat for the duration of each ride. In addition to contoured seat design, consider unique fabric innovations, such as the Adapt® line of car seats from Chicco that use fabrics with patented 37.5® Technology, which employs natural volcanic minerals to help keep children at the ideal relative humidity of 37.5%.

3. Perform this easy at-home test to make sure your car seat is installed securely: When it comes to car seat installation, 55% of parents do not know or are not sure what the ‘inch test’ is. It’s a simple at-home way to check if your child’s car seat is secure. After installing, grab the seat at the car seat belt path and pull side to side and front to back. If the car seat moves more than one inch in any direction, uninstall and start the process over until a secure fit is achieved and your installation can pass the ‘inch test.’

4. Know when it is the right time to turn your child forward-facing: Parents often want to turn their child forward-facing when baby’s legs touch the back of the vehicle seat. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics’ (AAP) recommendation is to maximize each car seat mode of use and wait until your child reaches the maximum weight or height limits of the rear-facing car seat.

5. Winter coat protocol: With the weather turning cooler in the coming months, it’s a good idea to clear up confusion about winter coats and car seats. 40% of parents say it is recommended for a child to wear a winter coat in a car seat with a five-point harness or they are unsure. However, best practice is to remove baby’s bulky coat before car rides as it can give a false sense of harness tightness. In a crash, down or poly fill compresses, which means, underneath all that fluff, you have a child in a harness that is too loose.

6. Understand the harness position on car seats: With car seats, it’s important to adjust the harness as your child grows. In rear-facing installations, make sure the harness strap is at or below the child’s shoulders. For forward-facing, make sure the harness strap is at or above the child’s shoulders.

7. Use available resources when you have a question: When installing a car seat, it’s extremely important to seek and use resources rather than winging installation. Use the car seat manual, QR codes and online resources to make sure you are installing your car seat securely, correctly, and safely.

8. Avoid hand-me-down car seats when you can: According to Chicco’s research, a surprising third (34%) of parents use an older sibling’s car seat, hand-me-down from a friend or family member, or purchase a used seat via sites such as Facebook Marketplace. While it’s not necessarily unsafe to re-use a car seat from a family member or friend, it is extremely important that you know the car seat’s history and check both the expiration date and any outstanding recalls. 

For parents looking for additional car seat safety information, ChiccoUSA offers a variety of resources from how to choose a car seat, car seat comparisons and step-by-step installation videos.

*Results based on Chicco survey of 1,004 parents in August 2021 

Joshua Dilts is an advocate for child passenger safety, serving as a certified Child Safety Technician and lead car seat product manager at Chicco. A father of three, Josh’s real-life experience provides inspiration and motivation for creating solutions that make it easier for families to travel safely with car seats.

Whether you’re cuddling up on the couch for a mid-afternoon story or winding down at bedtime, a great book brings families together for quality time and important conversations. A must-have for your kiddo’s bookshelf is Stick and Stone: Best Friends Forever, a new adventure for beloved BFFs Stick and Stone.

In Beth Ferry’s latest book, beautifully illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld, Stick searches for his family tree (Is it an oak? A maple? Who are the other sticks he’ll get to meet?). As any wonderful wingman would do, Stone accompanies his pal on the journey to find his roots. Throughout their adventure, this sweet picture book delivers a big message about friendship and unconditional love. 

Stick and Stone: Best Friends Forever brings to life the idea that people who are not born into your family can fill spaces in your heart. From friends to neighbors, “family” takes many forms over a lifetime. A good friend brings comfort and support. They’re by our sides through happy times and sad times and especially when the world feels scary. (As any parent navigating the uncertainty of a pandemic knows, these special relationships are everything!) 

Clever illustrations visualize the playful rhymes in this relatable tale that resonates with kids and adults alike. Reading this heartwarming book with your children gives parents the opportunity to explore the importance of learning about where we came from, as well as the ability of “found family” to help us grow! 


Read the book and download the free activity kit!

-Jessica Solloway

American families have proven the urge to travel after being cooped up from home, with demand for accommodations higher than ever. And while vaccines may be more accessible in the U.S. than ever, the spread of new variants and lower vaccination rates in developing countries continue impact our ability to move freely through the world.

Which is why Expedia Group, the travel giant that includes brands like Expedia, Hotels.com, Vrbo and more, is working to make sure those who are traveling again are doing so safely and responsibly in a way that ultimately slows the spread of COVID.

5 Tips to Help Keep Your Family Safe while Traveling

1. Mask up while traveling. This one is obvious, as masks continue to remain one of the most simple and effective ways to limit the transmission of the virus, aside from the vaccine. Traveling requires being in close quarters, like planes, trains, in rideshares, etc. so it’s important to mask up to reduce the spread.

2. Travel for the greater good. Expedia Group recently announced an initiative to support UNICEF’s global COVID-19 response by donating of $10 million to vaccine efforts. To get involved, travelers can download any app from one of the Expedia Group brands, such as Expedia, Hotels.com, Travelocity and Vrbo, plan and purchase a trip through the platform and in turn, they can help get a vaccine to someone in the world who needs it.

3. Enjoy the great outdoors. Nature destinations have provided solitude for travelers over the last year, due to the ability to easily socially distance and, essentially, disconnect. This trend is here to stay, with beaches, mountains, lakes and national parks remaining the popular areas to visit, even as we head into the fall.

4. Don’t get left behind. More and more businesses, attractions and destinations are requiring people to show proof of vaccination. So, if you haven’t felt motivated to get your shot(s), know that you might not be able to have access to dining, entertainment or other activities during your next vacation without it.

5. Be a savvy traveler. Travelers are eager to get out there again, but with travel guidelines changing so frequently, it’s important to stay up to date with restrictions and policies around your travel bookings. Double check your accommodations’ cancellation policies, keep local advisories like curfews or closures in mind and be prepared to submit documentations like COVID test results or vaccine cards.

Of course, it’s up to each individual family to decide their comfort level for taking trips again, and all are encouraged to check and adhere to local and national health guidelines and travel restrictions. Travelers are known to be passionate about exploring the world and making connections, but now it’s time for each individual to do their part so the world can truly open again.

RELATED: Red Tricycle’s COVID Resource Guide 

Melanie Fish is Vrbo’s travel expert and speaks to journalists daily about the fastest growing segment in the travel industry – vacation home rentals. She has shared travel trends and tips at the New York Times Travel Show, in magazines including Glamour, and on regular #TravelTuesday TV segments.

It’s summertime, and that means finding plenty of activities to keep the kids busy. From bird watching from the comfort of your own home to exploring the backyard, we’ve rounded up plenty of free printable scavenger hunt ideas that will have your little explorers discovering in no time.

Sketching Scavenger Hunt

Not only will your kids be on the lookout for things they find outside, but this fun scavenger hunt from Buggy and Buddy has a twist—players have to draw what they see, too. It'll get some art into your day, plus, it'll make the hunt last longer! Grab the printable here

After Dark Scavenger Hunt

clickr Vector Free Images via Pixabay

The days are getting longer, which means there are more opportunities to be outside. We love these clever after-dark scavenger hunt ideas spotted over at Dating Divas

Insect Scavenger Hunt

Clkr Free Vector Images via Pixabay

This is the time to get outside before summer really sets in. This insect scavenger hunt will take you outdoors, but it'll also help kids move past the "ick" factor of bugs for kids. Grab the tutorial and the free printable from Better Lesson

Backyard Scavenger Hunt

Hey, Let's Make Stuff

No need to travel far with this fun printable. The backyard scavenger hunt takes kids on an adventure finding nature's jewels within the comfort of your own yard. Head to Hey, Let's Make Stuff to download for free!

Indoor Scavenger Hunt

Organized 31

If you can't leave the house, it's time for an indoor scavenger hunt! Send the kiddos on a search for household items and hopefully keep them busy for at least 20 minutes. Head to Organized 31 to download the free version with four different versions.

Find a Bird!

This one's perfect for the birdwatcher but works just as well right from the window. Click here to download our birdwatching printable.

Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt

The Savvy Sparrow

The Savvy Sparrow has you covered with two neighborhood scavenger hunts: one for kids and the other for tweens and teens! Explore your neighborhood with fresh eye with these easy and free printables. Head to The Savvy Sparrow to download.

Nature Scavenger Hunt

There's plenty of nature to be found in your own backyard or in your neighborhood! Check out this cool checklist for nature lovers and download our nature hike printable here.

Indoor Scavenger Hunt

The Pragmatic Parent

Pretty much the only thing you need to do is print out this adorable indoor scavenger hunt from The Pragmatic Parent and give the kiddos a crayon! The two-page printable can be laminated to use over and over is great for kids four to ten. Click here to download it for free.

Pantry Scavenger Hunt

Trying to keep the kiddos busy while you're trying to cook or just want to keep them busy period? Try this list of items to search for in your own pantry and click here to download our pantry essentials scavenger hunt.

––Amber Guetebier & Karly Wood


12 Pretend Play Ideas You Can Set Up in One Afternoon
20 Easy Play Ideas for Kids (Whether You Have 5, 15 or 30 Minutes)
Long-Term Play Projects to Keep Kids Busy at Home

Summer’s here! It’s time to get your outdoor enthusiast properly geared up for warm-weather adventures with a pair of water-friendly shoes that’ll take them from the pool to the park and back home again in style. Since we know it can be hard to figure out what they want, we searched high and low for tough footwear that isn’t afraid of a little H20, and that we know they’ll love. From Keen to Native Shoes, scroll down to see our favorite water shoes for kids.

Native Shoes Jefferson Bloom

This very popular shoe is not only comfy, but it can go just about everywhere, even in the pool! Offered in a dozen different colors, the Jefferson Bloom is a best bet for just about any kid. Super cool: they are made from repurposed algae! 

Buy them here, $40 & up.

Northside Cedar Rapids

Creek-jumping adventures await with this fun and comfortable shoe from Northside. No socks are needed and your kids can get them on and off with ease. They are super grippy on the sole and perfect for hikes and jumping off rocks. Bonus: they come in adult sizes too!

Buy them here, $40. 

Adidas's Hydroterra Shandal Water Shoe

Ever heard of a shandal? Neither had we, but we think this water shoe from Adidas is pretty cool. It's a lightweight hiking shoe that can withstand wading in creeks or jumping in puddles. They have an easy on-off lace-free closure and a collapsible heel that makes it easy for little ones to manage. 

Buy them here, $60. 

UBFEN Water Socks 

These unique water shoes have rubber soles that are perfect for climbing and running and lightweight and quick drying. Plus, they come in dozens of different colors and prints. 

Buy them here, $19.99 & up.

Teva’s Hurricane Sandal

The original outdoor/water shoe is always a good choice. The velcro fastenings make it easy for kids to take on and off and the foam bed offers comfort all day long. 

Buy them here, $27.97 & up.

plae’s mimo Loafers

Stylish, made with water-friendly and quick-dry lightweight EVA, plae’s mimo loafers can go from the playground to dinner with ease. 

Buy them here, $27.56 & up. 

Northside Burke

This closed-toe option has a velcro back for easy on and off that kids can do themselves. A sturdy sole means they won't be slipping on rocks as you walk. 

Buy yours here, $35. 

KEEN’s Newport H2 Sandal

A classic water shoe that won’t fall apart, KEEN shoes are worth the price. The pull tab fastener holds the shoe tight on the foot and your kiddo can pick from tons of different colors and styles. 

Buy them here, $43.90 & up.

Stride Rite’s Made2Play Phibian

This fun shoe from Stride Rite is a perfect wet/dry shoe for toddlers. They are 100% washable, have a rubber outsole for traction and have Aegis™ and Biome™ lining that helps to reduce odor. 

Buy them here, $19.95.

hiitave Kids Water Shoes

Simple but effective, these non-slip water shoes are perfect for on-the-go or travel, as they easily fold up and the rubber sole means kids can walk on wet surfaces with ease. 

Buy them here, $12.99 & up.

World Wide Sportsman Eagle Peak Water Shoes

We can’t help but love the price of these water shoes! You won't be disappointed with this pick with toe bumpers and rugged outsoles for added protection and traction. 

Buy them here, $19.99.


Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash

They may be less than stylish for adults, but they are super comfortable and come in dozens of styles and character collections, which make them perfect for kids! You can even buy JIBBITZ charms and let the kids decorate in their own style. 

Buy them here, $34.99 & up. 

—Gabby Cullen

All images courtesy of retailers.

Featured image: Torsten Dederichs via Unsplash

At the time of publication, all items were available for purchase.


21 Durable Kids’ Shoes You Can Buy Online

Kiddo’s Having Trouble Tying Their Shoes? Try This!

Adidas & Disney Teamed Up on Monsters Inc. Shoes & They’re Even Earth-Friendly

For the first time in 20 years, the Daisies, Brownies and Junior Girl Scouts are getting new official apparel! The wardrobe will pay homage to ’90s style and feature eco-conscious touches—plus the Girl Scout uniforms will be upgraded with recycled materials.

If you’re shopping for your younger Scout, you’ll find a collection of fashionable oversized T-shirts, slim fit pants and fun accessories like scrunchies and headbands. All pair perfectly with the iconic sash or vest and allow girls to show off their style and personality. You can buy items starting in late August through the Girl Scout Shop.

The collection will range in price from $10-$39 and is designed with comfort and durability in mind. It’s color-coordinated by grade level and will offer both casual and formal options. Best of all, it offers inclusive sizing options ranging from XXS to PXXL..

Meanwhile, the updated Girl Scout uniforms will feature the same colors and designs, but be made of a fabric that includes 40% recycled material. The Girl Scouts will also begin an upcycling program to turn old uniforms into new materials, like aprons, pillows and totes. Starting in August you can purchase these items through the Girl Scout Shop and select council stores!

—Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of Sheila Herman/Flickr



Girl Scout Uniforms Get a Makeover for 2020

Give Back With Girl Scout Cookies: Here’s How to Donate to Everyday Heroes

It’s Girl Scout Cookie Season All Year Long with These Thin Mint Cones

Let your little one slip into something easy and stylish this back-to-school season. These lace-free options give even the smallest pre-schooler the independence to get ready on their own. Which means less work for you! From classic styles to collabs you’ll love, keep reading to see our top picks for shoes without laces.

Saucony Jazz Hook & Loop Sneaker


A longtime favorite, Saucony's classic sneaker features a hook and loop feature for easy on/off, a rubber outsole for traction and flexibility and the suede and nylon uppers are just as stylish as the adult version. Offered in six different colors, there's one for every kid in the family. 

Buy them here, $38

Stride-Rite's Washable Slip-On Sneaker

A washable sneaker that slips on and off with ease? Sounds like a match made in kid heaven. Stride Rite's topkick washable slip-on sneaker is exactly that, and it comes in both white and navy blue. With a fun red rubber overlay and the option of adding laces (if you dare!), this is a good slip-on shoe for little and big kids alike. 

Buy them here, $24.95. 

The Miles from Native Shoes

courtesy Native

Native Shoes's Miles is a play on their classic Jefferson shoe but comes with retroreflective spray in select areas on the shoe that's perfect for low-light conditions. It's got a wider fit than the Jefferson but still has a quick slip-on, slip-off feature that both parents and kids love. 

Buy them here, $20 & up. 

New Balance's Fresh Foam Slip-On Sneaker

Even velcro straps can be a challenge for toddlers, which is why we love these super slip-on sneakers from New Balance. We also love that an extra-thick foam sole offers extra comfort for on-the-go kiddos. 

Buy them here, $24.99.

Adidas Superstar x LEGO® Shoes

How awesome is this collab between LEGO and Adidas? Your kiddo will get the same comfort that a regular Adidas shoe offers, as well as the fun colors and playful touch of the brick-inspired shell toe. 

Buy them here, $65. 

SO® Alexaa Girls' Ankle Boots

For your mini fashionista, these black ankle boots are perfect! They come in five colors, have a cute side bow and a soft faux-suede upper. 

Buy them here, $39.99.

KEEN’s Newport H2 Sandal

A classic water shoe that won’t fall apart, KEEN shoes are worth the price. The pull tab fastener holds the shoe tight on the foot and your kiddo can pick from tons of different colors and styles. 

Buy them here, $43.90 & up.

Vans' Ascher Checker Slip-On

Who doesn't love a good Vans slip-on sneaker? This iconic shoe is gender neutral and makes a statement at any age. 

Buy them here, $39.99.

Mishansha's Athletic Hiking Shoes

A lace-free shoe that doubles as both a running and hiking shoe? It sounds ideal for a little outdoor enthusiast! With water-resistant uppers and a resistant rubber toe guard that protects little feet, this pick will take your kiddo from school to the playground and beyond. Plus, it's offered in more than a dozen of colors. 

Buy it here, $29 & up. 

—Gabby Cullen with Felissa Allard

Editor’s Note: At the time of publication, all items were available for purchase. 

All images courtesy of retailers. 



10 Water Shoes Perfect for Summer Adventures

21 Durable Kids’ Shoes You Can Buy Online

You Never Knew You Needed a Brick Sneaker Until Now, Thanks to LEGO

While most people are spending most of their time at home, it is important to practice self-care, especially when our normal routines have been upended–the little things that ground us in calm, peace, gratitude, and balance. Here are 9 self-care ideas for moms:

1. Get Dressed in the Morning
Being home all the time, it’s tempting to stay in t-shirts and leggings till bedtime. While comfort is important, wearing clothes that make you feel good really does contribute to boosting your mood. It doesn’t have to be a fancy dress (unless that’s your thing–then go for it!), but make your outfit choice a blend of comfort and st‌yle.

2. Take a Walk in the Fresh Air
Exercise is of paramount importance, especially when our usual routines and outings have been drastically reduced. Living a more sedentary lifestyle helps no one, and science has proven the positive psychological effects of both physical movement and spending time outdoors. Even a short 15-minute daily walk around the neighborhood will help you feel better, both physically and mentally and ready to face the day.

3. Take a Shower Every Day
It can be easy to skip showering once in a while, especially when we aren’t really going out. But sometimes, some of our best ideas can come while standing under a cascade of water. At the very least, you will feel more relaxed afterward, and of course, clean!

4. Set Aside at Least 30 Minutes Every Day for ‘Me Time’
This can be a tough one. With more people working from home, or parents taking on additional responsibilities of children and their homeschooling, or simply trying to find more innovative ways to entertain them during summer vacation, carving out ‘Me Time’ can seem impossible. If 30 minutes seems too difficult, try 10 minutes to start. Or maybe the amount of time per day will vary, which is okay too. Maybe it means you will have to wake up earlier or go to bed a little later. Find what works for you, because, as they say, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

5. Indulge in Your Basic Beauty Routine
While more people are wearing less makeup nowadays, it’s important to not neglect your beauty routine, at least at a basic level. This could range from doing your nails to occasionally wearing a body spray you like. It could also mean styling your hair and even trying new looks while being at home. If you make an effort with your looks, even those small efforts will make you feel better about yourself.

6. Cook or Bake Your Comfort Foods
As important as it is to eat as clean and healthy as possible, it just feels good to indulge in our cravings once in a while. Cook or bake foods that not only taste good but may even be connected to happy times with loved ones. This is also a great time to try your hand at new recipes that may later become family favorites!

7. Get Lost In a Book
As a parent, reading a novel may be lower on your list of priorities, simply because you may not have the time, energy, or quiet space to do it. But if you are able, give it a try. Getting lost in another world of characters may be just the distraction you need to get out of your personal bubble without even leaving home.

8. Listen to a Podcast, Ted Talk, or Anything That Aims to Teach
As unusual as quarantine is, when was the last time you had the opportunity to learn a new skill or hear a talk on an interesting topic? Learning something new, hearing a new perspective, and keeping your brain fit and active, are all so important, especially now.

9. Meditate & Practice Deep Breathing
Finally, if you are having one of those days where you can’t seem to catch your breath, meditation and deep breathing are everything. Try to hear your inner voice, even journaling your thoughts if necessary. Remember to practice gratitude, even if it means being grateful to take your next deep breath.

Remember, we are all in this together!

Prioritizing Self Care as a Mom
Simple Things to Do Every Day That Actually Help You Stay Healthy
Making Mom’s Self Care a Priority

This post originally appeared on The Haute Mommy Handbook.

Jen Kathrina-Anne is a blogger, freelance writer, and graphic designer. When she’s not writing or designing, she enjoys spending time outdoors in the California Bay Area where she resides with her husband and two fearless daughters. Find her at www.hautemommyhandbook.com.


More Disney magic is (almost) back! Disney announced today that fireworks spectaculars will be returning to the parks in July, just in time for Independence Day weekend. If you have an upcoming trip planned to the Happiest Place on Earth, you’re in luck!

Walt Disney World will start the performances on July 1 at Magic Kingdom and EPCOT. Post up near the Cinderella Castle for lights, projections and pyrotechnics, or head to the World Showcase Lagoon for fireworks, music and lighting effects.

And at Disneyland, get ready for the show starting July 4 with “Mickey’s Mix Magic.” It will turn Main Street U.S.A., the Sleeping Beauty Castle and the “It’s a Small World” facade into fantastic party featuring projections, show lights and lasers.

Can’t make it to the parks? You can watch a virtual “Happily Ever After” fireworks show from the comfort of your couch. If your bags are packed, just remember to ensure you have a valid reservation for each park you want to visit and that it’s linked to your account. Enjoy the shows once more!

—Sarah Shebek

Featured image courtesy of Disney