There some studies that are truly eye-opening and thought-provoking. This is not one of them. New research shows that kids’ energy levels are greater than those of endurance athletes—now tell us something we didn’t know!

A recent study by the Université Clermont Auvergne in France found that kids have greater energy levels than professional endurance athletes. The research also found that kids’ recovery time is also higher, which explains why they can seem exhausted one second and ready to sprint a marathon a moment later.

photo: iStock

Let’s take this all with a grain of salt, too: the study involved 12 kids ages nine to 11, as well as 12 untrained men and 13 male endurance athletes who were national-level triathlon competitors or long-distance runners and cyclists—so, a pretty small sample size. All three groups each performed aerobic and anaerobic exercises while the researchers measured output. During the anaerobic test, the untrained adult’s power output fell by 51.8 percent and athletes by 41.8 percent. But those kids? Their output only decreased by 35.2 percent.

“We found the children used more of their aerobic metabolism and were therefore less tired during the high-intensity physical activities,” said Sebastien Ratel,  Associate Professor in Exercise Physiology. “They also recovered very quickly – even faster than the well-trained adult endurance athletes – as demonstrated by their faster heart-rate recovery and ability to remove blood lactate. This may explain why children seem to have the ability to play and play and play, long after adults have become tired.”

—Shahrzad Warkentin



Moms Should Basically Be Immortal, New Study Suggests

Is Screen Time That Harmful to Kids? (Yet Another) Study Weighs In

World’s Most Obvious Study Reveals Having More Kids Ages You Faster

You look tired lately and for good reason. It’s exhausting to give a damn isn’t it?

To be a person of compassion, in a time when compassion is in such great demand; to wake up every day in days like these and push back against predatory politicians and toxic systems and human rights atrocities and acts of treason and Twitter tantrums—the volume and the relentlessness of the threats can be wearying.

You may have noticed this stress and weariness in your body. You’ve likely felt the steady accumulation of stress that regularly resides in tensed your shoulders, your clenched jaw, your elevated heart rate and in the knot in your stomach, that returns every morning when you wake up and you check Twitter or turn on the news or step out into you community or walk into your kitchen—and you see how much feels wrong in the world.

When life feels chaotic and unstable, most of us make the mistake of looking for hope somewhere off in the distance; a politician or religious leader, a musician or social media celebrity. We’re all prone to waiting for someone extraordinary to appear on the horizon and save the day when things go sideways. But the truth is, if you’re looking for heroic stuff, you may want to check the mirror.

You’re already fully qualified and perfectly positioned to be exactly what this world needs and five seemingly elementary questions, can help you inventory your abilities and unearth a plan.

1. “What can I do?”

You have practical, tangible gifts; talents to create, write, cook, build, fix, develop, etc. Right now there are places those precise skills are in short supply and there are people who could benefit from them in countless ways. Find these places and these people and begin making your mark in the small and the close.

Within arm’s reach, there are people who can’t do (even with great effort) what comes naturally to you.

2. “How do I think?”

The ways you solve problems, resolve conflict and approach challenges, are all completely unique to you and to the never –to-be-repeated arrangement of gray matter inside your head. Your mind works very differently than that of anyone around you (or who has ever walked the planet for that matter) and for this reason you can generate ideas and refine systems and build relationships and respond creatively, in ways no one else is capable of.

Think about the way you think, because it’s a game-changer.

3. “What are my resources?”

You have access to a treasure trove of valuable raw material that you can leverage in the cause of goodness: financial capital, availability, buildings and gathering spaces, business partnerships and equity of trust in the community. Your time, money and influence are all capital you have access to.

How can you spend or share that very specific wealth to fill in the gaps you see in the world?

4. “How am I wired?”

Think about your personality; all the particular quirks and idiosyncrasies that make you who you are. Are you gregarious or thoughtful, bold or gentle, fearless or cautious? Do you naturally take the lead or thrive behind the scenes? Either way, these attributes uniquely qualify you to do what no one else on the planet can do. There is a need for crowd-gathering extroverts, deeply relational conversation starters and quiet shadow laborers.

You, in all your glorious differentness—are a perfect fit.

5. “What is my circle of influence?”

Your friendships, business networks, social media platforms and family relationships all form a unique imprint. If you could engage all of those people for a cause or a movement, what would it be? What would you ask of them, say to them, invite them to do? When you have an answer to that question—ask it, say it, invite them.

So, yes, you may look around at the state of the world or the state of your marriage or the condition of your family and feel as though the situation is dire. From where you’re standing it all might well appear to be a complete and unprecedented mess. But that fact isn’t worth dwelling on (unless, of course, you determine yourself capable of spinning the planet backward and undoing all the already-done stuff).

Ultimately, the only question worth entertaining when faced with the daily disasters and dumpster fires outside the window, on your news feed, in your home or in your head is, “What am I going to do about it?” 

Answering that question has destiny-shifting potential. Without any hyperbole whatsoever, whatever you decide to do has never before been done in quite the way you will do it, with your unique set of experiences, your particular set of tools and your specific amalgamation of gifts. However you choose to respond to everything that feels wrong out there, it will be a historic occasion.

So spend a little time today figuring out what burdens you, what you have to work with—and go save the world.


70 Simple Kindness Acts Kids Can Do Any Day
13 Fred Rogers Quotes about Kindness That We Need Now More Than Ever
I’m Raising My Kids to Be Upstanders because The World Needs More Kindness

John Pavlovitz is a writer, pastor and activist. His blog, Stuff That Needs To Be Said, has reached a worldwide audience of millions and he is regarded as a leading voice in progressive faith in America. He is the author of A Bigger Table (2017) and Hope and Other Superpowers (2018).

In Partnership with Disney Junior

Your mom resume reads: cheerleader, boo-boo healer, lunch packer and support system. Inspiring your kids to be their best is just a part of who you’ve become. If you need some inspo to continue encouraging your kids to be their best and adopt a healthy lifestyle read the below five tips. You’ll be surprised how fun and simple it really is to make healthy living a part of your regular routine.

Start Your Day Off Right!
Part of being your best every day is taking care of your body from the moment you wake up. Start your day off right by fueling up on a healthy breakfast, which will give you enough energy to take on whatever the day brings. Here are 11 great breakfast recipes to get you started.

Get moving by getting your heart rate up, even if it’s just for a short period each day. Good news: You don’t need fancy sporting equipment or even a gym membership (here’s looking at you, Mom and Dad!) to get a workout in. Check out these easy and fun workouts you can do at home with your kids.

Stay Hydrated!
Plenty of water is necessary to sustain any active kiddo. The amount of recommended water depends on your kid’s age, weight and gender. For a handy chart for the recommended amount of H20 click here. And, for you parents, The Institute of Medicine recommends roughly 13 cups of water daily for men, and about nine cups daily for women.

Build Up Your Strength!
Bolster their strength, speed and balance by encouraging play! Get started with these 15 ideas for outdoor play.

Get Enough Sleep!
Bedtime may not be Junior’s favorite time of day, but getting enough zzzz’s is important for any growing child. If bedtime is a constant battle, here are some tips and tricks directly from our editors.

For more inspiration on how your cosmic explorer can be their best just like Miles From Tomorrowland, check out the video below!


How do you inspire your kids to be their best every day? What healthy habits does your family follow?


Who would’ve known a FitBit, the wearable health and fitness device, can detect pregnancy symptoms too? David, aka YoungPTone, took to Reddit to ask a technical question about his wife’s unusual FitBit reading. Her FitBit device showed she had a consistently high heart rate, even at times of rest. While David wondered if this was a sensory problem, a community member asked if she was pregnant. An accelerated heart rate is a common symptom. Since pregnancy was a possibility, the couple took a test and (drumroll) she was!

Screenshot courtesy of


The lucky couple is expecting the little one to be born in October 2016.


What was your first symptom when you were preggo? Tell us in the comments below!


— Noelle Buckband


Getting outside to exercise can be hard enough, but throw in a few kids, stroller, and a Razr Scooter and it can sound like a task too daunting to even start. We know how tough it can be pushing the double stroller up a steep incline with the baby strapped to your chest. Luckily you don’t have to struggle anymore. We put together the best running (or walking) trails for families to use with ease (think flat land). Click through the slideshow to hit up these trails that will get your heart rate up and tire out your little ones at the same time.

Lake Miramar

Located in the heart of the San Diego 'burbs, this is the perfect place to burn calories with the kiddos in tow. Whether it's a morning run with fellow moms or an after work with the kids, you're sure to enjoy this trail. The five-mile loop around the lake is completely paved and pretty flat with a few gentle hills, making pushing a stroller or running next to a your little cyclist a breeze. Depending on the time of day, it can be pretty busy. So if you plan to let your mini-me ride their bike or scooter, make sure to keep an eye out for the bigger cyclists or marathon trainers. The views of the lake and the ocean are sure to be a distraction when you start to break a sweat. Don't forget to bring a snack to enjoy on the picnic tables after your run. Or better yet, bring a snack for your kids to feed the ducks.

Miramar Water Treatment Plant
Scripps Lake Dr.
San Diego, Ca 92131

Photo Credit: Jenelle Aris

What’s your favorite San Diego spot to run or walk with the family?

— Shannon Reed

Remember the first time you heard your baby’s heartbeat? The sweet swooshing coming from your OB’s ultrasound machine was enough to make you forget the horrible morning sickness (almost). But what if you could listen to that pitter-patter whenever you wanted through a technology that fits in the palm of your hand? Yep, there’s now an app for that.

The new Bellabeat device is a handheld baby heart rate monitor that attaches to your smartphone. Installing it is as easy as inserting headphones into your phone — you just plug it in. A cord connects Bellabeat to your phone, and you hold it in the palm of your hand and place it on your belly. Information from your womb is then sent to the corresponding Bellabeat app. Within seconds, you’ll hear your baby’s heartbeat through the speakers of your own phone. Through the app, you can record the heartbeat and share it with family and friends.

The app itself is designed to organize all the info that comes along with being pregnant, including doctor’s appointments, weight gain, health records, trimester milestones and more. The interface is sleek and easy to navigate, plus it’s nice to have everything in one place. The illustrations and high quality recordings of baby’s heartbeat make sharing a must. In fact, the app also acts as a social platform though which users can interact with other expecting moms.

This is the tech age, where we can learn and do just about anything from our smartphone. And it’s good to see expecting parents get help and encouragement as they go through this big time in their lives. The question has to be asked, though: Will this new app create more anxiety than excitement? And, does it take away from the joy of hearing those little heartbeats at the doctor’s office?

Get more info and decide if you think Bellabeat is a must-have gadget online at It retails for $129 (the app is free) and can be purchased here.

Would you use this new device? Tell us in the Comments section below.

— Christina Fiedler