Do you know that voice inside your head that says you “messed up,” or you “aren’t good enough?” Maybe it says other not-so-kind things, too. Most of us are familiar with the experience of having a voice inside that can be hard on us—this can be called “our inner critic.”

Adults and children alike can experience an internal battle with our inner critic. Sometimes our inner critics can get very loud, leading to feelings of anxiety, guilt or shame. Most of us don’t love feeling guilt or shame so we find strategies to avoid these feelings. One of these strategies is perfectionism. Perfectionism is when parts of us want things to be just right in order to avoid some type of negative outcome. Sometimes what we are trying to avoid is internal self-blame, other times it’s criticism or blame from others. Still, other times it’s because we are trying to avoid the disappointment of things not going as we had planned.

Perfectionism and anxiety go hand in hand. As we work to be perfect in an “imperfect” world, we are bound to hit some challenges along the way. Here are some signs of perfectionism:

  • Feeling badly about something unless over 100% effort is given

  • Difficulty starting tasks

  • Procrastination

  • Avoiding situations that could end in failure

  • Being highly critical of one’s self

  • Difficulty coping with making mistakes

  • Struggling with shame/embarrassment

  • Struggling with self-doubt

  • Struggling with appearing vulnerable

  • Focusing strongly on outcomes or end-results

The signs above can apply to both children and adults. Do you see any that you recognize? Sometimes it can be hard to pick up on perfectionistic tendencies in young children. Younger children may show perfectionism less verbally, and more in how they behave in certain situations. For instance:

  • Having frequent meltdowns when they make a mistake

  • Expressing embarrassment or shame when they get hurt

  • Working hard to avoid disappointing others

  • Struggling with making choices

  • Avoiding trying new things or starting tasks

  • Constantly asking for adult help for tasks they are able to do themselves.

To be clear these signs need to be taken into context as there are other reasons children may show these behaviors, but it can be helpful to begin to notice what is triggering to each child. If it seems like it may be along with the themes of “making mistakes” or having things be “just so,” perfectionism may be what you are seeing. If we notice these things early, we can start to support children to learn self-acceptance.

So what can you do if you notice a child struggling with perfectionism or their own inner-critic? Moving towards self-acceptance can help find ways of welcoming all parts of us, just the way they are. Try some of these ideas for supporting self-acceptance at home:

Here are some ideas for supporting perfectionist kiddos at home:

1. Celebrate strengths. Even perfectionism has its positive sides. Make sure your child understands that you appreciate them just the way they are.

2. Model positive self-talk. When you make a mistake, watch what you say to yourself. Model for your child how to be kind to yourself even when you mess up.

3. Welcome all feelings. When we welcome anger, sadness, happiness and everything in between we send the message that being human is okay! Sometimes we aren’t at our best or say things in anger, and we can work through those things.

4. Teach Repair. Sometimes shame and self-criticism can be strong for children because they don’t know “how to make it right.” Let your children know that there is always something we can try to do to make it right.

5. Try open-ended games and art. Try offering games, activities, and opportunities that don’t just have one right answer. This openness can take the pressure off and allow for more creativity, joy and relaxation throughout the day.

For even more support in tackling perfectionism, introduce Yak, a new Slumberkins creature whose story teaches the concepts of self-acceptance, perfectionism and perseverance by reminding little ones that they are enough, just as they are. Reading Yak’s book with your little one and practicing the self-acceptance affirmation can help your child take risks and understand that it’s okay to not be perfect at something the first time they try it.

This post originally appeared on
Kelly Oriard & Callie Christensen
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Kelly Oriard and Callie Christensen are co-founders of Slumberkins, a children's brand supporting social-emotional learning for children. Kelly has a dual master's degree in family therapy and school counseling, and Callie has a master's degree in teaching. Both are passionate about teaching children social-emotional skills to thrive in our modern world. 

We all know how it is, kids outgrow their bikes in what seems like an instant and you are shopping for the next size. We wanted to spread the word to Bay Area parents about Community Bikes in Santa Rosa as they are currently inundated with kids bikes that need to go now. You can get a barely-used ride at a great price. Read on for the full scoop!

Community Bikes is a reuse and repair training program that takes donated bikes, tunes them up and sells them to parents like you. Because of the pandemic, parents have been donating lots of bikes when they went up in size. Community Bikes currently has an overstock of kids bikes from balance bikes all the way up to 20-inch big kid bikes (and adult sizes, too!).

If these bikes aren’t sold, they have to be donate for scrap to make room for new donations.

Their current stock includes brands like Trek, Schwinn, Navarro, Magna and Specialized. Prices range from $30-120 (with deals to be made!) so you can get a sweet deal on a sweet bike.

The shop is open Wednesday-Sunday, 1-5 p.m.

Community Bikes
4009 Sebastopol Rd.
Santa Rosa, CA

—Kate Loweth


25 Amazing Kid-Friendly Bicycle Trails & Bike Parks

The 28 Best Kids Bikes, Tricycles & Scooters for Every Age & Stage

Four-Wheeled Workouts: 22 Awesome Stroller Hikes

Get Your Hike On: 16 Hikes for Kids Under 5

It’s resolution time, parents! And although saving the planet is a tall order as far as resolutions are concerned, working toward a sustainable environment doesn’t have to be overwhelming. So if you’re looking for simple and easy solutions to support sustainability in 2021, you’ve come to the right place. From kits that help reduce food waste to how to recycle everyday plastic waste, we’ve got what you need to make your New Year a bit green-er.

photo: iStock

Skip the Landfill

We’re all doing our best to reduce, reuse and recycle. But if you find yourself puzzling over what to do with broken toys, plastic food wrap and clothes that have holes, you’re not alone. Check out these services and resources that help keep items out of the landfill.


Subscribe to Ridwell
When it comes to recycling, there’s only so much you can put in your big blue bin. That’s where Seattle-based Ridwell comes in. What started as a father-son quest to collect dead batteries for recycling has grown into an odds-and-ends recycle and reuse subscription service boasting over 15,000 customers in the Seattle area.

Ridwell collects everyday items like light bulbs, clothes, shoes and plastic film (think: cereal box liners, Ziploc baggies and that stack of Amazon bubble envelopes you’ve got sitting in garage) on a bi-monthly basis and delivers them to area recycling and reuse partners so you don’t have to. They also gather those really strange items you’re not quite sure what to do with, like eye glasses, pet items, Halloween candy and even Christmas lights—they designate one special item as their featured category each month. To date, Ridwell has collected more than one million pounds of trash that would have otherwise gone into landfills.


Allison Sutcliffe

Work the Web
What’s the old saying? One person’s junk is another’s treasure. Sometimes keeping things from the landfill is as easy as offering them up to others to use. Joining groups like Buy Nothing and Freecycle makes the reuse part of the three r’s a cinch. If you don’t have any takers, you can always see if local reuse art stores like Seattle ReCreative and Tinkertopia in Tacoma are collecting what you’re looking to offload. (Hint: they both love leftover art supplies, parents!)

Find a Fix-It Fair
Whether you’ve got a vacuum on the fritz, a chair that needs repair or you can’t darn a sock worth a darn, “fixers” at a Seattle or Tacoma area Fix-It-Fair can help. Simply bring small appliances, broken toys, tools, computers—you get the idea—and have a skilled “fixer” take a look. They’ll give it a once over, repair it if they can and offer helpful tips you can take home too. Although the pandemic has put these Fix-It-Fairs on hold, King County has plans to bring them back in some from or another in the near future. So don’t get rid of that broken blender just yet. Help is on the way!

Eat Locally

Rylea Foehl

Find Local Farms & Farmers
When it comes to our area’s sustainability, supporting local farms and farmers is a simple action that has a serious ripple effect on Mother Earth. Not only does it reduce the resources needed to grow, ship and prepare food, it puts good stuff back into the land (think nutrient dense soils and healthy waters) and the economy. Find everything you need for 2021 at the newly launched that features more than 1,700 sustainable and organic farms, farmers markets and food businesses around Washington state. The best part of this new resource is that it puts the tools families need to eat locally at their fingertips. This is one resolution you can keep!


Corinne Monaco

Join a CSA, shop the farmer's markets and visit farm stores
If you’re interested in joining a CSA, start planning now. Consider you family’s needs—do you want produce only? What about meat? Are you looking for farm pick up or home delivery? Then browse to find the perfect match for your fam.

A leisurely stroll at the local Farmer’s Market isn’t always an option for busy parents, especially during a pandemic. But one of COVID’s silver linings (if there is such a thing) is that our local farmer’s markets have pivoted to online shopping with curbside pick up that makes seasonal eating as easy as driving through your local fast food joint. Don’t forget home delivery options from local spots like Local Yokels, Pacific Coast Harvest and Milk Run.

Finally, throw in a visit to a farm store like Green Bow Farm in Ellensburg, Bellewood Farms in Lyden or Garden Treasures in Arlington on your next road trip. Enviro-adventures away!

Reduce Food Waste

Commission for Environmental Cooperation

Download the Food Matters Action Kit
Composting is the first line of defense in reducing food waste (great job, Seattle!). Cutting down on what you compost is second. When you think about it, wasting food wastes all the resources that went into producing it (growing, transporting and selling) and uses even more to process the waste. So if your family wants to shrink their food waste in 2021, the Food Matter Action Kit has everything you need. Plus it engages kids in the process. They get to do math, play detective and help save the planet. Sounds good to us!

Seattle mom, Terumi Pong, has been using the kit with her kids. She describes one of the lessons as “eye-opening” explaining her family didn’t realize “how much food waste we created and how some of the things we often waste can actually be eaten.” She goes on to say, “After reading through the toolkit and working through some of the lessons, my family is more aware of the choices we make with food and it didn't take a lot of time or effort. I'm thankful that in this time period where so many things feel out of our control, we can do a little bit to help ourselves and our community at home by reducing food waste.” You might be surprised by what you find, too.


—Allison Sutcliffe


Skip the Store: Seattle CSA’s Delivering Produce (& More)

50 Ways Families Can Save the Planet

The Best Eco-Friendly Clothing Companies for Kids

25 Black-Owned Family-Friendly Businesses We Love

Sink Your Teeth Into Seattle’s First Plant-Based Burger Joint

Photo: "Karissa"

Editor’s Note: Here at Red Tricycle, we respect and celebrate every mom’s feeding journey. Bottle? Boob? It doesn’t matter—we believe fed is best. Our Spoke Contributor Network is inclusive and open to all parenting journeys—yours, too!

For me, breastfeeding was one of the hardest challenges of the postpartum period. The first week in I had no idea if I’d be able to make it to my goal of three months.

You see, it turned out that for 12 solid weeks, my son had an undiagnosed tongue and lip tie. Yep, he had both. Well, why didn’t I seek help? Oh don’t worry, I did. I saw my pediatrician along with a lactation consultant for two weeks within my insurance network. Per their advice, everything was great and this was just a ‘learning curve’ of being a new mom.

Had I known anything about lip or tongue ties, I would have mentioned it. Sadly, I’d never even heard of it before. For 12 straight weeks, we went on struggling to latch every single day for every single feeding. He’d clamp down so hard on my breasts at times they even started to bruise.

I remember my breaking point vividly—I was cradling my son, desperately trying to get him to latch as tears pour down my cheek—I looked over to my husband and told him I didn’t think I could do this anymore. I failed. Our son hated me.

Before giving up, we decided to run one last option. I had been talking to another mom friend of mine that told me her daughter had difficulties latching due to having a lip tie. She told me that she had to use a lactation consultant outside of her network as nobody was able to diagnose the issue. So I decided to contact these lactation consultants and make an appointment.

If you can’t tell, I’m pretty stubborn when it comes to giving in. Not because I think formula feeding is bad, in fact, our son has had plenty of formula early on during these issues.

He also had nothing but formula when he was born. We didn’t necessarily have a traumatic birth, but it wasn’t very straightforward either. He ended up aspirating some meconium when he was born and ended up being taken straight to the NICU after birth so that they could monitor his breathing. On top of that, he had some slightly abnormal lab work that they needed to closely monitor. As I never got to have any skin to skin after birth or even hold him until the next day, it was that much more important to me that I be able to breastfeed him. Even if it meant it was only for three months.

Finally, the day came for our appointment with the new lactation consultant. And what do you know, he was diagnosed with BOTH a lip and tongue tie. How in the world both our pediatrician and other lactation consultant didn’t catch this for 12 weeks was beyond me. I spent 12 weeks in so much pain, nipple cream was actually painful to apply. 12 weeks of feeling like I failed. 12 weeks of wondering why he didn’t want my milk. 12 weeks of finally accepting defeat.

Now that we had a diagnosis, we had his ties repaired via laser. The repair and recovery were also brutal. You have to do these stretches to make sure the repair site doesn’t heal back the way it was before. Trying to hold a baby still while gently applying pressure to a minor surgical site it no fun. It was painful for him and emotionally heart wrenching for me.

After all was said and done, we finally were on a path to a successful breastfeeding journey! He began latching well and nursing consistently around the second week into his recovery. By the fourth week, he actually began to decline his bottles and only wanted to nurse! Again, I remember it all so vividly like it was yesterday.

I’m glad I didn’t give up. I know I easily could have and it probably would have turned out ok. He’d still be fed and I’d truthfully have more of a life (you know, since it wouldn’t have been all encompassed around breastfeeding).

Instead, I got to experience this incredible bond with my son. A special bond that only we will be able to have forever. The memories of him starring into my eyes as he gently ran my hair through his little hands. How sometimes, he’d fall asleep if it was close to bedtime and nuzzle his head into my chest.

He’s going on 11 months old now and our journey will soon be ending (on his terms, of course). He eats his solid food like a mad man and has slowly wanted to nurse less. I look back and remember that making it to three months felt impossible, but here we are heading into 11 months.

Although it is what I consider to be the hardest part of our postpartum period—it’s also been the most rewarding.


Karissa is a mom to two young boys and a blogger of Mom After Baby. Karissa believes ALL moms are capable of life beyond motherhood and is passionate about providing informative & educational content to new, expecting, and postpartum moms.

Photo: Slumberkins

The holidays can be a great time to practice conflict resolution skills. More people + more perspectives = more conflict. Whether it’s with partners, family members, or children, some of the same skills can work for us all. Try using the four C’s of Conflict Resolution: Calm, Curiosity, Collaboration and Connection when conflict emerges.

1. Calm: Try using positive self-talk or taking deep breaths to calm yourself when conflict emerges. Maybe say to yourself, “I can handle this conflict, I’ve got this.” We are much better able to navigate conflict when we have our body calm and regulated. This also helps those around us regulate too since emotions can be contagious.

2. Curiosity: Use curiosity to explore what the other person is trying to communicate. You don’t have to agree with them, but try reflecting back to them what you hear them say. “I see, you are thinking that pumpkin pie would be better than pecan this year.” This helps the other person feel heard and understood and helps you move into a place of understanding, from which you can problem solve.

3. Collaboration: Explore the possibilities of problem-solving the conflict. Take the time to express your own perspective and see if you can encourage the other person to engage with you in coming up with creative solutions. Even children can learn to do this. Is there a solution that could lead to everyone being happy? If not, what would be another creative option.

4. Connection: Whether you came up with a mutual solution, or ended with an “agree to disagree” scenario, we can almost always find a way to connect and repair with the ones we love. Letting a child know, “it’s okay to be sad about my decision” or letting a relative know, “I hear how disappointing it is to change plans this year. I feel sad about it too. I cannot wait to see you again next year.” can remind us that conflict is a natural part of relationships and we can get through these moments with love and connection.

There are many resources and tools available these days to support young children in learning these conflict resolution skills early on. Slumberkins Conflict Resolution Collection with Hammerhead Shark offers more tools and support for moving through these moments together.


Kelly Oriard & Callie Christensen
Tinybeans Voices Contributor

Kelly Oriard and Callie Christensen are co-founders of Slumberkins, a children's brand supporting social-emotional learning for children. Kelly has a dual master's degree in family therapy and school counseling, and Callie has a master's degree in teaching. Both are passionate about teaching children social-emotional skills to thrive in our modern world. 

Recently my friend sent me this great article, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Screen, by Linda Wilbrecht, PhD.” It helps frame some of the positive ways that screen time can support teens during the pandemic. When I received the article, I had already been reflecting on how much screen time my two teenage sons have had since the lockdown in March. Since the boys were young, we have always limited their screen time out of the fear of the negative side effects like screen addiction, social isolation, increased anxiety and depression and lack of in-person communication skills.

This past summer, without their regular summer activities, the boys were on the screens a whole lot more, and I know it was the same for most kids. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it wasn’t all bad and that even in my own home there are some really positive ways screen time is helping my kids through this crisis. So much of what my kids were choosing to do was actually helping foster many of the things that I had feared in the first place!

Instead of becoming addicted, they are actually finding their own screen balance, increasing social connection, sharpening their communication skills, and learning new things. One of their friends developed a server for Minecraft, the “world-building game.” Together, they go on adventures and build new worlds including a “Capture the Flag” arena where they actually play “Capture the Flag.” This past weekend, six kids got together to fight the Enderdragon and “win” the game. While they play, they talk and chat through Discord, a communication platform. But the great thing is that they organized this all themselves! From the other room, I hear them working together, being creative, working out conflict and collaborating in ways that they just can’t do right now in person. 

Both of my kids are exploring their interests and developing new skills using their screens. One is learning to draw his favorite anime characters while the other is teaching himself to repair and maintain his bicycle. They are also spending time diving mindlessly into the black hole of YouTube videos and there seems to be a place for that too.  

We have had conversations about different types of screen time because as Linda Wilbrecht writes in the article, “It may not be the amount of screen time that is important, but what we are doing with our screens.” She makes a good point and with this in mind it became my goal to help them to distinguish between active, productive screen time where they are building skills and passive screen time which is purely for entertainment. Encouraging them to balance active and passive screen activities made the difference between feeling good about their increased screen use and my worry that they are online too much. ​

My boys still don’t have free reign of their screen time. We talk about it daily, how much, what kind, and how it makes them feel. All screens are off by 9:30 p.m. We make time to connect as a family each evening. We make sure that they are getting enough exercise and sleep. So while I still can’t say that I love the screen, it isn’t scaring me as much as it used to. I am more at peace because I see its value for my sons during this time that they are cut off from their friends. I appreciate their giving me a new perspective, especially during these challenging times.


I'm Jenny Michaelson, Ph.D., PCI Certified Parent Coach®. I live in Oakland, California with my family. I love supporting parents through my practice, True North Parent Coaching. Together we uncover strengths and develop strategies to make transformational changes to overcome parenting challenges and bring more joy, ease and fun back to parenting. 

Photo: Tinkergarten

When the parenting headlines match what’s happening in our own homes, we know something’s afoot. And from Tinkergarten team members’ stories to the New York Times, one theme emerged: regression.

Why are our kids regressing, how can we muster the patience to help them through, and, worse yet, will these setbacks persist on the other side of this? I’ve read a handful of articles aimed to support on this front, and they have helped. But, it wasn’t until the other night when I was talking to treasured colleagues on Zoom that something fundamental clicked for me: We are all on a roller coaster, and our kids are strapped in with us.

A metaphor goes a long way.

In teaching both kids and parents, a simple metaphor can help make tricky concepts click—and this idea of a roller coaster has done that for me. Some of us can’t stand roller coasters. I love them, but only the ones I choose to get on and the ones that, I can tell, come to a clear end. COVID-19 fits neither of those criteria, and it is quite an intense ride.

I have kept so busy trying to do all of the quarantine parent/worker/person things, that I had not really stopped to recognize the intense emotional side of COVID-19 life—to see plainly what me, my kids and those I love are experiencing.

If we are feeling it, they are really feeling it.

Hearing and really recognizing that we have every reason to feel like a wreck can go a long way. And if I am a mess with an adult brain that is capable of rationalizing and regulating my emotions, then how can I possibly expect more of my child, who is not yet able to do either of those things? When kids are overwhelmed emotionally, they show a range of responses—from clinging to us more to acting out, tantruming or struggling with siblings. Just knowing that all of those reactions are totally normal and to be expected during a time like this can help.

Kids regress, especially during times of stress.

If you are worried at all about setbacks in your child’s behavior, check out NYTimes Parenting’s recent “Why is My Big Kid Acting Like a Toddler.” It reminds us that regression, the return to earlier stages of development, is actually a mechanism that kids use to protect themselves from the impact of strong emotions. It might not make the fifth tantrum of the day delightful to endure or make it easy for you to find space from a clingy kiddo who used to leave you alone. But knowing that regression is not only natural but also emotionally beneficial for our kiddos lessens both the worry and our struggle to prevent it—and that struggle was making my “tired” even bigger and bolder at the end of the day.

There are a few ways to smooth out the ride.

How can we smooth things out so the highs and lows are not so extreme?

“Thoughts come and go. Feelings come and go. Find out what it is that remains.” —Ramana Marhashi

Breathe deeply. When you are in a rough moment, alone or with your kids, give it some time. Repeat a mantra like, “This too shall pass.” Then, remember to notice how it really does. Even if it takes until your kiddo is fast asleep, see that kids do become sweet again—these moments come, and they go.

Get outside and move! When tough moments hit, step outside or just open a window and take in some fresh air. Natural settings reduce stress, and the switch of scenery and sensory input can help kids and grown-ups to calm and regulate our emotions. At the very least, it can redirect their attention a bit to help the moment pass. We end every day with a walk outside—and there have been some days in which the kids and I, quite literally, are all crying by 5:30 p.m. By the end of our walk, we are back, tired and worn, but ready for dinner and some sweet cuddling.

Cuddle or soothe. Do this in a way that works for your child. Attention, reassurance, and reminders that we are right here for them is what kids need most right now. And, one of the silver linings in all of this is that, for most of us, we are right there—all the time. Experts know that physical touch can enhance brain development and help regulate kids’ nervous systems. In other words, it’s exactly what they might need to break free of a negative cycle. If your child seeks and readily receives physical affection, give loads of extra hugs, squeezes, and touches. If kids will accept a hug when they are off the rails, hold and squeeze them through it. Or, wait until later and cuddle again before the day is through. Even add in extra squeezes as you move through the day.

Mindful “you time.” It is really, really hard to get time for ourselves in the middle of all of this, and you need moments of solo, meditative time to repair. So, even if it is just 10 daily minutes of meditation in bed before kids wake up, a 7-minute workout while they watch a show, or just taking a few moments in the bathroom for yourself, build it in and savor it.

This is a lot, it’s hard, and it’s extraordinary. I’ve realized that so much of the regression that kids and I are feeling is a reflection of this incredible situation. Humans are not meant to be or feel isolated. We contemplate the present and future and need to understand where we are going and have hope for better times. We are experiencing loss and anxiety. Our dreams are even impacted. This is real and big. But, this too shall pass. For now, we need to do whatever we and our kids need to get through until it’s finally time to get off this ride and stand on solid ground again.

This post originally appeared on Tinkergarten.

After 18 years as an educator, curriculum developer and school leader, Meghan has her dream gig—an entrepreneur/educator/mom who helps families everywhere, including hers, learn outside. Today, Meghan serves as co-founder and Chief Learning Officer of Tinkergarten, the national leader in outdoor play-based learning. 

“Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.” Ravensburger is taking you back in time with their new game, Back to the Future: Dice Through Time. This collaborative dice game will be available exclusively at Target starting Jun. 21 just in time to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the first film. 

Back to the Future: Dice Through Time

According to the game’s description, “Biff stole the DeLorean and went on a joyride through time, disrupting events and scattering items throughout the wrong decades. Now,  you must help Doc and Marty repair the space-time continuum.” 

The game features fan-favorite events and moments from all three films in the beloved franchise. 

Back to the Future: Dice Through Time

Back to the Future: Dice Through Time is suitable for players ages 10 and up and retails for 29.99. You can preorder the game beginning Jun 7.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

All photos courtesy of Ravensburger


Free & Easy At-Home Scavenger Hunt Printables for Kids

17 Awesome Activities That Take 10 Minutes (or Less)

25 Fun Minute-to-Win-It Games for Kids

Check your swing sets now. There’s been a recall of the Swurfer brand Kiwi Baby and Toddler Swings. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the plastic stopper on the bottom of the swing rope that holds the swing seat in place can detach, posing a fall hazard to the swing’s occupant.

Swurfer swing recall

The plastic swing is sold in green, blue and pink and attaches to a swing set or a tree branch. The swing measures about 15 inches wide, by 10 inches deep and 20 inches high and weighs about 4 pounds. FlyBar, Inc. and Kiwi Swing SSW-0005 are printed on the underside of the swing. The manufacture date code of August 2019 is embossed on the back of the swing. 

Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled swings and contact the firm to receive instructions to repair the swings. Call Swurfer toll-free at 800-764-6784 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Mon. through Fri., email at or online at and click on Product Safety under the Quick Links section of the website.

There have been six reports of the rope end detaching. No injuries have been reported. 

The swings were sold online at Swurfer, FlyBar, Amazon, Walmart and at independent stores nationwide from October 2019 through March 2020 for about $80.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

Featured photo: U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission


Manhattan Toy Recalls Musical Lili Llama Due to Choking Hazard

Recall Alert: Baby Trend Tango Mini Strollers Recalled Due to Potential Fall Hazard

Recall Alert: Toysmith Light-Up Magic Wands Recalled Due to Possible Choking Hazard

Check your toy box. There’s been a recall of the Musical Lili Llama. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the screws used to attach the spinning flowers to the sides of the toy can become loose and fall off, posing a choking hazard for young children.

Musical Lili Llama
This recall involves Musical Lili Llama wooden activity toy.  The llama-shaped wood toy has a multi-colored metal xylophone on the top, two wood mallets, a detachable maraca tail on the back, four spinning squares on the front, two clacking panels on the sides and two spinning flowers on the sides.  Lot code 217120 IL is printed on the inside of the side panel below the company name and address.


Manhattan Toy has received seven reports of loose screws falling off the toy, including two reports of children putting the screws in their mouths.   

Consumers should immediately take the recalled toy away from children and contact Manhattan Toy for a free repair kit. Contact Manhattan Toy at 800-541-1345 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. CT Mon. through Thurs.and 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Fri.; email, or online at Manhattan Toy and click on ‘Recall Information’ for more information.

This toy was sold at toy stores nationwide and online at Manhattan Toy, Amazon  and other websites from October 2019 through February 2020 for about $50.

—Jennifer Swartvagher

All photos courtesy of U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission


Recall Alert: Baby Trend Tango Mini Strollers Recalled Due to Potential Fall Hazard

Recall Alert: Toysmith Light-Up Magic Wands Recalled Due to Possible Choking Hazard