Do you remember your Kindergarten teacher? Do you think your Kindergarten teacher remembers you? For Cory Hepola, he didn’t think his teacher would have remembered him after 27 years, but she did. His kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Schik, wrote his parents a letter after seeing Cory on television reporting the news. The letter read:

“Hi Diane & Terry.

It is with a great deal of pride that I am now watching my former Kindergarten student telecast the news on KARE 11. I can still picture him as a small dark haired child in his K-desk! I am also wondering if you can view that station in Perham?

In September 20, 2013 I moved to an Independent Senior Living Complex in St. Paul. It was a very difficult decision, a part of my heart will always be in Perham. My children and grand (& great) children are all in the Twin Cities. The time had come!

Greet Cory. Tell him his K-teacher is now 90 years old, enjoys seeing his newscast, and wishes him (and you, too) the VERY BEST!

-Mrs. Schik.”


Watch their 27 year reunion. (P.S. It made us cry.)

Photo and video courtesy via KARE


Who was your favorite teacher? Tell us in the comments below!


— Noelle Buckband


Come November, days get shorter and the holidays are in full force. In the blink of an eye Thanksgiving is over and before you can finish putting away your turkey leftovers, you find yourself frantically competing with your neighbors to get your holiday decor turned on first. But through all the chaos, some of our best holiday memories are born. Funny, scary or just flat-out disastrous, everything makes for a good story (in time)! Thanks to the many users on Reddit, we found a few to start our holidays with some cheer. Check them out!

1. “My grandmother was legally blind so when my brother opened his present on Christmas morning and it was a lime green dress he politely told her that she had made a mistake. She looked right at him and said, “Grandmas don’t make mistakes.”—platymage

2. “My brother received an extra large jar of Nutella for Christmas, and my dad received a framed picture of the family from me. My dad tried to hammer a nail into the wall (to hang the picture) with the can of nutella, which shattered the plastic jar, leaving a brown stain on the wall. He also dropped the picture frame and shattered the glass. This man is an orthopedic surgeon.” —source Reddit

3. “My father, to this day (we’re all out of the house now), still puts out ashes from our fireplace and puts footprints in them, and when we come down for the presents he shouts, “Look! Santa was here! He walked right here!” When I was a kid, I thought that was the coolest thing, like it was scientific proof of Santa’s existence.”—doughepm

4. “My mom left a turkey out to defrost the night before a Thanksgiving dinner/family reunion. Come sun up, it was covered in ants. She just washed it off, cooked it anyway and served it to the in-laws.” —source Reddit

5. “Where I grew up we didn’t have Santa, we had the Three Kings/Tres Reyes Magos. Apparently they come riding camels and leave you gifts on January 6 (instead of Dec 25). When I was little I SWORE I heard the camels come to my house on more than one occasion. It was pretty magical. It seems both cute and nuts now…”—source Reddit

6. “When I was 6 or 7 there was one present under the tree from Santa and it was for my sister and I to share. It was Candyland. That was peculiar since we already owned Candyland. Also there was an envelope and in the envelope was a letter from Santa. Santa wanted to let my sister and I know that even though he wanted to give us a lot of presents this year, he couldn’t because we had been so poorly behaved throughout the year.”—bubbo

Featured image courtesy Flickr user Dan Tentler

What are some of your favorite holiday memories? Comment to let us know!

—Francesca Katafias

In spite of bulging carry-ons and bags stocked with enough snacks to feed the entire passenger list, every parent knows that when traveling with children the only thing you can expect is the unexpected. While fear of a missing toothbrush or extra socks isn’t enough to keep you up at night, what if your kid lost their special little lovey? When the Steel family realized their baby girl had lost her “Ra Ra,” their vacation was re-routed from Toronto to Heartbreak City.

Thanks to the creative folks at the Toronto Pearson International Airport, Ra Ra’s temporary MIA status went viral among the employees and not only was she recovered, she embarked on an adventure all her own. Check out a few of the photos from the Toronto Pearson’s Facebook page, which documented Ra Ra on her adventure and eventual reunion with her beloved kid.

Photos Courtesy of Toronto Pearson International Airport

And, our favorite: Ra Ra safely returned to the arms of her loving companion.

Photo Courtesy of Facebook User: Jen Heuvelmans Steel 

Has your child lost their favorite toy?

—Francesca Katafias


Whether it’s your kryptonite or your mantra, Nutella is powerful stuff. Kids love it. Mom and Dad love it. It can spice up everything from a bake sale to your Family Movie Night to that holiday reunion. With magical powers like these, we thought it was only right to gather up some awesome recipes that feature Nutella in super tasty ways. Whether you’re craving cookies or a luscious breakfast, flip through our slideshow below and indulge in a little Nutella inspiration.

Nutella Cookie

Sweet, salty, and totally delish, this Nutella-stuffed cookie is great for bake sales or spirited parties with the family.
Get the recipe here

What’s your favorite Nutella-inspired recipe? Tell us below!

– Abigail Matsumoto

Even though miles and sometimes continents separate loved ones, the holidays are all about spanning those long distances for joyful reunions with your most cherished family and friends. There’s nothing like seeing a loved one for the first time in months and hugging, laughing, and gleefully reveling in each others company.

In the spirit of the season, we wanted to share this heart-warming video with you to show you an amazing example of pure unadulterated joy and happiness. Warning: you might want a box of tissues handy.

Share the love and tell us all about your most memorable reunion. Was it with a long lost family member? Were there tears of happiness? Did you react the same way as this little guy?

We couldn’t think of a better video to share on Veteran’s Day than this emotional surprise reunion between a daughter and her army sergeant dad. It’s hard to imagine the impact military deployment has on children. This little girl offers some insight.

Happy Veteran’s Day to all who serve and the families that support them!
