You wish you had the energy, patience and creative talent to produce daily photos of your baby napping in whimsical dream set-ups. In reality, you’d be happy to have beautiful monthly snaps of your baby to share on Instagram and treasure for eternity. Lulujo just launched a must-have kit for amazing first year photos that takes milestone stickers one step further by adding a backdrop blanket. Keep reading to find out why it’s a winner.

Why You Need This

While milestone sticker and cards sets are great, they don’t necessarily produce fool proof photos. You still need to style the shot, whether you’re propping your baby up on a chair or using your own blanket. You’ll quickly realize if you don’t have a clean backdrop, your photos aren’t going to pop the way the ones you’re always pinning do.

Lulujo’s blanket and card sets make creating aesthetically amazing pics pretty easy. All you need to do is dress your babe in a cute outfit (or make it easy and stick to a patterned diaper), and get the whole blanket in the frame.

What You’ll Get

Lulujo has created three gorgeous designs to choose from, each featuring a muslin blanket that acts as your instant photo backdrop — the girly “Isn’t She Lovely,” the gender neutral black and white “Loved Beyond Measure,” and the more masculine “I Will Move Mountains.” Each set also includes 14 coordinating milestone cards that state Baby’s age from day 1 to year 1.

Beyond the First Year

The bonus? Long beyond the first year, your baby can use and cherish this special blanket. Whether it’s used for cuddling, playing on, swaddling or hung on the nursery wall as an art piece, this is one photo prop you won’t toss after Baby turns one.

Baby’s First Year Blanket & Cards Set available for pre-order at, $19.99 (shipping mid-Nov).

How do you make your monthly baby photos special? Share your tips in a comment.

–Julie Seguss

Baby Merlin Company’s Magic Sleepsuit just won a Totally Awesome Award for “Most Snuggly Sleeping Saviour.” We recently spoke to the company about their experience as business owners, the best advice they’ve ever received and more. Hear what they have to say below!


Red Tricycle: Your community recently voted your Magic Sleepsuit “Most Snuggly Sleeping Saviour” – what do your customers value most about your business?
Baby Merlin Company: The answer to this question remains the most rewarding part of this business for me – parents love the Magic Sleepsuit because it helps their baby sleep better (so they can sleep too!). Parents value the help the Magic Sleepsuit provides, and tell other parents about it. This organic word of mouth marketing has been the main source of our growth which we are very proud of. We also pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. We are always here for our customers and want to make sure they are happy with their Magic Sleepsuit purchase. Our goal has been to create a community of support for parents so it is more than just the Magic Sleepsuit – it is parents helping other parents!

RT: What do you want people to know about your business that they don’t already know?
BMC: I’d like people to know that here at Baby Merlin Company, what we do is very personal to us. My staff are all moms that understand our customers and truly want to make their lives easier with their new little ones. We are all extremely passionate about the Magic Sleepsuit and about treating our customers like family.

RT: How did your business get started and what was the motivation?
BMC: I was a tired mom trying to get my first baby to sleep better. I noticed he slept very well in smaller, more contained environments like the car seat or stroller, but would wake after a short period of time in the crib. As a pediatric physical therapist, I understood why that cozy, contained feeling helped him sleep, so I created the first Magic Sleepsuit and it worked like “magic.” I had no intention of creating a product or business at that point, I was just trying to help my baby boy sleep better. I then had my first daughter and pulled out the Magic Sleepsuit and it worked like a charm again. I made some prototypes and shared them with friends and it worked time and time again. That’s when my husband and I did a lot of research and learned there was nothing like the Magic Sleepsuit out on the market. I was motivated as a mom to share this product with other parents since I knew the difference it made for me. So after many years of product and business development (and two more kids), the Magic Sleepsuit was launched. My motivation was at the beginning and remains to share the Magic Sleepsuit with other parents to provide them with a safe swaddle transition product in hopes that it will help their baby sleep better and make everyone happier!

RT: Tell us, what do you start your morning with: 1. coffee 2. tea 3. mimosa 4. water 5. all of the above.
BMC: Coffee and water. And the coffee starts out warm, but usually ends up iced by the time I get to it some mornings!

RT: What is the most awesome thing a customer has ever done for you?
BMC: I had a mom stop me in the grocery store and ask if I was the creator of the Magic Sleepsuit, and when I said yes she gave me the biggest hug and said “Thank you!” The “thank you” calls and emails and I get from customers are my favorite part of this business!

RT: What is your biggest pet peeve as a business owner?
BMC: My biggest pet peeve as a business owner is one of my biggest pet peeves in life, and that is when people are not kind. We need more kindness in this world.

RT: How do you keep your stress levels down?
BMC: This is always tricky as a business owner and mom, but the best thing to keep stress down is probably the hardest thing which is carving out time for myself. Whether it be going for a walk, going to the gym, or reading a good book (my daily devotional book helps me a lot), I always feel better when I take a little time for myself. My husband, Bob, is such a support and a huge part of helping me run our business and family, which helps my stress level tremendously.

RT: What’s your secret superhero power as a business owner?
BMC: I really wish I had a superhero power – that would sure come in hand most days! My secret superhero power is probably multi-tasking. Like many business owners, I wear many hats on any given day – running my business, running our household, driving my four kids around to their activities, going to games and meets, volunteering at school, etc., etc. It can be a bit hectic and crazy, but I wouldn’t change a thing!

RT: Tell us, what is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received (as a parent or business owner)?
BMC: The best piece of advice I ever received is a bit cliche but so true – enjoy every minute because sometimes the days drag on, but the years fly by. And, boy, is it true! My kids are growing way too fast and I’m trying to savor every minute!

RT: How about the worst piece of advice you’ve ever received?
BMC: We have many investors and businesses interested in working with us on a regular basis, and we often hear advice that we should be doing this, that, and the other thing to grow our business even more. We’ve believed in growing conservatively from the beginning, and have never been willing to compromise our mission of sharing the Magic Sleepsuit with other parents to provide them with a safe swaddle transition option for their babies. It has always been about the babies first, not our bottom line. I’ve learned that when you do something you truly believe in and you treat people well, it pays off in the long run.

RT: Is there a special offer you’d like to include for Red Tricycle readers?
BMC: RedTri15 – This discount code will give Red Tricycle readers 15% off their order.  Happy Shopping!


Check out their website here.


Photo credit: Baby Merlin Company

You’ve probably heard that “back is best” and bumpers are better left out of cribs. But according to a new study by the American Academy of Pediatrics, many parents don’t follow safe sleep recommendations — especially in the middle of the night. Even when advised of the risks and knowing they were being videotaped, parents put their children to sleep in a non-recommended way. We all want what’s best for our babies, but we’re also all exhausted. Here, we’ve got a reminder of the basics for safe baby sleep, and a couple of ideas for how to keep up your resolve when all you want is for the kid to sleep for five more minutes.

photo: Caitlin Regan via flickr

Back to Sleep
Place babies to sleep on their backs. Yes, you went to sleep on your stomach, and you survived (or so Mom tells you), but the best research we have available says back is best. Make sure any babysitters know to place your little one on their back to go to sleep. When baby can roll over by herself, put her on her back to start, and stop swaddling.

Clutter-free Crib
Babies should sleep on a flat, firm mattress. Cribs and other sleeping environments like bassinets should be kept free of stuffed toys, pillows, loose blankets and bumpers. Those bumpers that get handed down might be cute, but keep them for the doll crib. They aren’t safe. Sleep experts say that just because products are sold in stores doesn’t mean that they’re safe for your little one, surprisingly, and hand-me-downs may have been recalled or no longer recommended for use.

Sleeping with baby
Talk to your pediatrician if you’re planning on co-sleeping. In the AAP safe sleep study, bringing your baby to bed in the middle of the night was very common, and often done without letting the other parent know Baby is there, and without having a safe sleeping environment prepared.

Sleeping with baby on a couch is especially dangerous according to studies, so make a plan on how to stay awake during late-night feeding sessions (Netflix and nurse, anyone?). Yes, it’s cute when Baby and Dad fall asleep together, but give Dad a nudge to wake him up, or pick up your baby gently and put him down in a safe place.

photo: Pixabay

The takeaway? Parents are tired, and they want their babies to sleep. Parents are much more likely to put their children to sleep in their own beds, or on their stomachs, after getting up with the baby at least once. We get that! Sleep deprivation does not make for rational decision-making at 2 a.m. What can you do?

Make it easy on yourself and baby. Consider keeping a safe sleep environment in your bedroom where you can feed, change and check on your bundle as needed during the night without too much fuss and hassle.

Get as much rest as possible. If you take naps during the day, you’re less likely to be exhausted at night. We roll our eyes sometimes at “sleep when the baby sleeps,” especially when you have older kids, but instituting a personal naptime is not out of line.

Don’t be afraid to move baby after they’ve fallen asleep somewhere unsafe. If they fall asleep on the couch, move them. Yes, they might wake up, which seems like the worst possible outcome at the time, but trust that they’ll make up for it later.

Ask your pediatrician before trying something new. Dr. Google suggests a sleep positioner, or sleeping on a wedge, and you just want the reflux (screaming) to get better. We’re been there. But make a quick call or email to your doctor or nurse on call before trying something beyond the recommended firm, flat sleeping surface.

Ask for help if you need it. Being exhausted and barely able to function isn’t something you should have to suck up and push through. Sleep when you can, and if you’re breastfeeding, consider asking a partner to bottle-feed during the night if you’re having trouble making it through. Even if you had planned to breastfeed exclusively, you can feel proud of making the best choice for your baby.

What’s your favorite baby sleep advice? Let us know in the comments!

—Kelley Gardiner

Whether you’re a first-time mom of a night owl newborn, or a third time mom of a baby who takes 28-minute naps, you can probably agree that sleep deprivation is one of the cruelest parts of parenting. Since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all sleep solution for babies (wouldn’t that be nice?) it often takes trial and error to determine how to get your baby to fall asleep and stay asleep. Start with these suggestions, and make sure to leave us a comment about which one ends up working for you.

photo credit: Simi Dimitric via Flickr

1. Protect the morning nap.
Naps are really important for babies, but generally speaking the morning nap is the most restorative because it’s easier for babies to fall back into deep, non-REM sleep. If you have older kids or a lifestyle that makes it hard to stay home for naps, at the very least consider prioritizing the morning nap. Do whatever it takes to insure a good nap during the first hours of the day, even if it means wearing the baby in a sling or putting them in a swing. You know your baby better than anyone else. If they have a preferred way or place to sleep, make sure you give them access to that during the morning hours.

2. Invest in a travel sized white noise machine.
Many babies are light sleepers or have trouble staying settled through sleep transitions. For on-the-go families, a travel size white noise machine can help keep babies stay asleep at soccer games, noisy playgrounds or restaurants. If you have a baby who wakes up every time the car stops, try a machine that attaches to your car seat. The consistency of sound may be enough to help them ignore a change in movement.

Photo credit: Oscar Pulido via Flickr

3. Move them to their own room.
Babies can be loud even when they’re asleep. If your child grunts, moves and fusses long before they fully wake up, it may be easier for everyone to transition him to his own room. By putting him in his own space, you’ll be able to sleep through all of his odd sounds instead of laying awake worried or analyzing whether or not he’s hungry or waking up. Some babies will actually sleep better when they’re not as close to mom’s smell. You, of course, will know what’s best for your child.

4. Try “the pause.”
Parenting book Bringing Up Bebe: One American Mother Discovers the Keys to French Parenting praises a baby sleep technique “le pause.” What is it? Essentially, it’s resisting the urge (and parenting instinct) to run to your baby at the first sound of stirring. A little grunt, a minute or two of crying (we’re not talking cry it out here), a few moments of flailing around in his crib are all a part of your baby waking and resettling himself. If you run to him immediately, you’re robbing him of this opportunity to learn to put himself back to sleep. Start le pause right away and you may see some results.

5. Try a sleep app to help analyze napping patterns.
Attention parents of cat nappers! Your baby’s 28-minute sleep cycle is totally a thing. Unlike adults, some little ones struggle with the transition between non-REM and REM sleep. The nap app Baby Connect helps parents track sleep cycles and analyze patterns such as when baby likes to sleep, and for how long. Using the information, parents can better determine when a nap is necessary, or when to be on standby to help your baby through the non-REM/REM sleep transition.

6. Put baby to sleep before they are fussy.
Babies each have their own way of communicating tiredness, and crying is usually a sign you’ve missed the optimum window. Young infants are often ready to nap again within 60-90 minutes of waking and 2 hours is a good mark for older babies, so start looking for sleep signs earlier than you may think. Eye rubbing, yawning and blank stares are all classic sleepy signs that indicate it’s time to start your bedtime or nap routine. If you catch your baby before he or she gets worked up, it will be much easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep.

7. Try a special swaddle.
There are plenty of various swaddles, jackets, blankets and sacks on the market but the Zen Swaddle is becoming particularly popular with new parents who love how the product can fit baby from zero to six months without having to purchase various sizes. What makes the Zen Swaddle even more appealing is how it mimics a parent’s touch with two weighted pressure points, proven to stabilize heart rates and promote socio-emotional health.

8. Hire a sleep coach.
When all else fails, or you’ve simply reached the end of your rope, consider hiring a sleep coach. There are a variety of services; from local providers who can come to your house to online consultants who will e-mail you a personalized plan. The Baby Sleep Site is one such company that’s helped over 200,000 families worldwide and offers a variety of plans depending on your budget and needs. The site promises to never offer a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather works with parents to understand their child’s unique personality, and their families sleep goals.

What’s your biggest sleep struggle? Share your stories in the comments.

—Lesley Miller

If you’re wanting a DIY costume for your little goblin this Halloween, but when it comes to using the sewing machine it feels like you have eight arms (none of which know how to use a said sewing machine) then we have the perfect, unbelievably easy costume for you. Turn your tike into a spectacular sea creature by following these simple instructions.

What You’ll Need

  1. A onsie. Long-sleeves, short sleeves—it doesn’t matter.
  2. 4 pairs of knee socks. We went to the dollar store and found these spotted beauties—it’s like they were made to be tentacles! (And the whole purchase set us back less than $4)
  3. 4 Safety pins.
  4. Extra fabric for stuffing. Light weight fabric is best. We used muslin swaddling blankets and a few scarves.

How to Do It

Stuff 4 of the socks with fabric or other stuffing. Use the safety pins to attach 4 tentacles to the onsie, 2 to the front, 2 to the back. Slip the remaining 4 socks over their arms and legs and, poof! Octopus! If you are handy with the needle and thread, feel free to sew the tentacles on for a more sturdy costume.

Do you have any ideas for super easy Halloween costumes? Tell us in the comments below! 

–Erin Feher

Swaddling works wonders for soothing and boosting baby sleep – until it doesn’t. Suddenly your little Houdini is breaking one hand out, and two and before you know it every limb is flailing about in the crib. What’s next? Start with a swaddle wrap that keeps arms in thanks to snaps or Velcro and then transition to a wearable blanket or sleep sack. Here are 9 of our favorites. Sleep well!

Swaddling for Newbies

If all those pretty swaddling blankets you received at your shower left you feeling frustrated, get the HALO SleepSack Swaddle now. There's nothing easier for wrapping your babe for bedtime than this. Zip him into the SleepSack and wrap his arms up, securing with Velcro. When he gets older, you can continue using this wearable blanket wrapping him up with his arms out as shown here.

Available at, $28.95.

What sleep sack helps your baby sleep? Tell us in a Comment.

–Julie Seguss

There’s a brand new baby brand in the US that you’re going to love. Singapore import Oribel brings two new launches to the kiddie arena that boast both beauty and brains in their design and functionality. Keep reading to learn about the adorable and multi-functional Peripop stroller blankets and the PortaPlay Convertible Activity Center. We bet you’ll put both on your baby’s wish list!

The Cutest & Coolest New Stroller Blanket

Bottom line: Oribel’s Peripops are absolutely adorable. You can choose from four animal designs – Foxey, Beary, Tiggy and Pandy – each one is solid colored on one side, and when flipped has a brightly colored pattern to show off. They’re great as an accent in the nursery or playroom and offer a sweet little spot for your baby to practice his tummy time.

What makes it special? As you can see, this isn’t your average square or rectangular shaped blanket. The animal shape not only give it a cute overload draw, but the head of the animal can fold over your stroller’s child bar to keep it in place on cool days. Even cooler? You can stuff these genius little blankets with your baby’s outgrown clothes, no longer used swaddling blankets or old, stained burp clothes. Now, filled with your unwanted stuff, it becomes a soft cushion your kiddo will enjoy well into his toddler years.

Peripops are available on, $69.

A Better Activity Center

Once your baby is about 5 months or so, an activity center can give you a few key moments of independent play. Orible’s version the PortaPlay Convertible Activity Center gets our seal of approval for a few reasons.

Bottom line: First, it’s more pleasant to look at than some of your other options – and let it be known that this will take up residence in your living room for awhile. Your little guy can work on strengthening his leg muscles as he bounces in the seat and he’ll develop fine motor skills, grasping skills and hand eye coordination as he explores all of the moving, rattling and chewable parts.

How it grows with your child: We love baby gear that has a long life and multiple uses. This activity center won’t get tossed into your storage area after your baby’s first birthday. Remove the toys and seat, fill the hole with a wooden top and you have a perfect play table for all those toddler activities that lie ahead – think Playdough, coloring and tea parties.

PortaPlay Convertible Activity Center is available on, $149.

What Oribel Peripop would fit in your baby’s nursery? Tell us in a Comment.

–Julie Seguss

Swaddle master. Band-aid supplier. Bear hug pro. Keeping your kids safe and happy is your number one priority and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Good news: Nest shares your vision. Their three state-of-the-art products–Nest Learning Thermostat, Nest Protect and Nest Cam–are all about making your family’s home a safe and enjoyable place. Read on to get the scoop on Nest and how their devices are making parenting easier.

Nest Cam

You cherish quality time with your family, but as a busy parent, it’s impossible to be with them 24/7. When you’re away from home and wonder “Did I remember to put the leftovers away?”, “Is the baby awake?”, “What’s the dog getting into?”. Nest Cam is the reliable and easy way to know what’s happening at home, no matter where you are.

How It Works
Once you’ve installed the Nest Cam, download the Nest app and you’ll be able to see a live video on your phone within minutes. The live video feed is always in high-definition with the ability to zoom in and a 130 degree angle of whichever room your Cam is located in. Since you won’t always be looking at your video feed, Nest Cam listens for sound and detects motion and can send you alerts on your phone when something happens. But, Nest Cam just doesn’t stop at high-def visuals; the device also features a mic and speaker, meaning you can hear what’s going on and talk back using the Nest app.

Parent Perks
The Nest Cam is much more than a way to check out what's going on at home when you're away. Its Nest Aware subscription service allows you to continuously record up to 30 days of video and save clips to share with your friends and family. So if you’re away on a business trip or get held up at a parent-teacher conference, you’ll still be able to relish and share in those special family moments. The Nest Aware and Video History service subscriptions start at just $10/month for 10 days of history.

New & Noteworthy
The new Nest Cam stand is easy to mount and is versatile enough to allow you to place the camera in places previously inaccessible. The Cam also includes a night vision LED sensors so you’ll be able to see the room in pitch black darkness.

Available at for $199

Are you a Nest user? Tell us about your experience! If you’re not, which device best suits your family? 

We are lucky to be bringing up babies at a time when there’s always a new innovation, promising to make childrearing easier and Kickstarter is available to help fund these newbie projects. What’s up and coming in the world of products for new parents? From swaddles made from a NASA-space suit material to a shirt that fights back against spit up stains, here are four projects, currently on Kickstarter, that we hope get funded.

A NASA-Inspired Swaddle

Who would have guessed that material originally designed for NASA space suits would be perfect for keeping babies and toddlers cozy while they sleep? Little Lotus swaddles, sleep sacks and cozy blankets are made from this material (which is also soft for baby), to keep tots at an optimal temperature by storing and releasing heat as needed to maintain a steady temperature. Wrap your baby up in a Little Lotus at bedtime and you won’t have to guess whether she’s too hot, too cold, or just right.

What we really love though, is how this project helps babies in developing countries. For every swaddle, sleep sack and cozy blanket purchased, Little Lotus will help a baby in need with an Embrace infant warmer. The portable and inexpensive incubator alternative is made from the same material and designed to keep premature infants warm in countries where incubators aren’t an option.

Learn more about Little Lotus on Kickstarter.

A Vibrating Sound Machine

Getting a newborn to sleep isn’t always (or ever?) easy. All that rocking, swaying, shushing, strolling, singing and sneaking out of the nursery inspired Lullafi. The innovative little gadget, about the size of a garage door opener, is a sound machine and vibration-creator all in one. Attach it to the crib, car seat or bassinet to recreate the low frequencies that babies hear in the womb along with gentle vibrations.

Does your newborn conk out the minute you strap him in the car seat and go for a drive? The Lullafi promises to mimic that experience and magically help your baby sleep. We have our fingers crossed for this efficacy of this product!

Learn more about Lullafi on Kickstarter.

A Fashion Staple That Fights Back Against Spit Up & Spills

The sure sign of a new mom? A spit up-stained shirt. No matter how hard you try, when you’re in the trenches of new motherhood (or even many years in) you’re bound to get spattered with spit up, baby food, poo, wine, sweat and pretty much anything you could imagine. That’s why we love The Unstainable White Shirt from Elizabeth & Clarke.

This classic silk white blouse employs the magical power of nanotechnology to repel just about any water-base or oil-based spill including sweat. Dare to get dressed for work before feeding your kids breakfast or get ready for a night out before putting your kids to bed. This shirt can handle it!

Learn more about The Unstainable White Shirt on Kickstarter.

An At-Home BPA Test Kit

Babies put everything in their mouths. Everything. You spend tons of time researching which bottles, pacifiers, teethers and toys are safe for your munchkin to gum. But then, there are the items you didn’t plan on becoming chew toys. What is that music class maraca really made of? Are those toys from your toddler’s birthday party goodie bag okay? Does that receipt she just grabbed out of your hand have BPA in it? Find out with the BPA Scout.

This easy-peasy home test kit contains single-use swabs that’ll detect BPA instantly on anything you want to check.

Learn more about BPA Scout on Kickstarter.

Which of these projects would you like to see get funded? Tell us why in a Comment.

–Julie Seguss

Let’s be real. Whoever coined the phrase “sleeping like a baby” never spent any time around our babies. Maybe it’s the heat. Maybe it’s the humidity. But here in Hotlanta, our wee ones like to party all night. Whether it is for a colicky newborn or a toddler known for their bedtime coups, the following sleep trainers can get your night owl on a sanity-saving sleep schedule. Trust us—it can be the difference between night and day.

Healthy Happy Sleep
This operation is run by two mothers with backgrounds in education and pediatric nutrition, and they offer a range of services from a simple phone consultation with a certified child sleep specialist to an in-home sleep training sleepover, with various other service options in between. Not sure you’re ready for a sleep consultation but want to see how your nights compare to the norm for your kiddo’s age? Check out their online sleep guides for useful information and a general framework of sleeping habits at different stages. 

Atlanta’s Sleep Coach
If you’re looking for a kinder, gentler sleep coach, Kate Gardes is your gal. A mother of two herself, and also a trained Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Kate spent the first year of her daughter’s life sleep deprived because she wasn’t comfortable with the “cry it out” model for sleep training. With various packages that all include a phone consultation, a personalized sleep plan, and follow-up calls, you’ll be sleeping like a baby in no time.

Dream Team Baby
Dream Team is major league in the infant sleep arena. Based in New York, they offer telephone “teach me” packages, out of town “stay with me” packages, and individual hourly telephone consultations that all begin with an intensive sleep assessment and ends with customized coaching and follow-up. With testimonials that claim that the Dream Team “changed our lives,” “got my toddler to go to sleep willingly,” and “performed a miracle,” you can bet you’ll get what you pay for.

Moms on Call
If you’ve had a baby in Atlanta during the last ten years, you’ve heard of them. Moms on Call is the local authority on infant care and sleep, and they’ve now grown to include toddlers in their repertoire. Founded by two pediatric nurses, Moms on Call provides each client with an in-home visit where they show you the ropes of infant care (how to properly suction a nose, and how to properly swaddle a baby, among other things), and by the time they leave, you’ve got a peacefully napping baby and an arsenal of tricks up your sleeve for taking care of that screamer. Not sure you’ll remember everything they tell you? No worries. The consultation comes with your own copy of the Moms on Call book, and they also have a nifty app you can download to your computer or smartphone. Or, if you want to bypass the in-home visit, you can also take one of their online courses.


Need a no-strings-attached one night stand (of sleeping)? Check out these awesome Atlanta area night nurses.

—Shelley Massey

Photos courtesy of CarbonNYC via Flickr Creative Commons, t r e v y via Flickr Creative Commons,  tokyosucks via Flickr Creative Commons, pmeidinger and footloosiety via Flickr Creative Commons